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Jan McDonald Phillipa C. McCormack Michael Dunlop David Farrier Jess Feehely Louise Gilfedder Alistair J. Hobday April E. Reside 《Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change》2019,10(1)
Globally, biodiversity is under increasing pressure from human activities despite protective measures in conservation laws. Climate change will exacerbate those pressures and the effects of habitat loss and species decline. Current approaches to conservation law in most countries focus on establishing protected areas and limiting activities outside reserves that might affect priority species, habitats, and ecological communities. These measures have had mixed success depending on scale and implementation, but are likely to perform poorly under conditions of future change. To prepare for the future, we consider how conservation law and policy needs to anticipate and manage for future change; widen its scope beyond species and ecological communities that are currently threatened; and support adaptive management of priority areas and species. Using Australian conservation law as a case study, we outline three possible routes by which this shift could occur. The first involves enhancing the adaptiveness of conservation law, the second expands the focus of conservation law from protected areas and listed species to include ecosystems and ecosystem services, while the third attempts to do both simultaneously. We examine the legal mechanisms needed to implement each route, examples of their use in practice, and barriers that must be overcome for successful implementation. This article is categorized under:
- Climate, Ecology, and Conservation > Conservation Strategies
Alexis Nutz Ola Kwiecien Sebastian F. M. Breitenbach Yanjun Cai Giovanna Della Porta Jan Danisch Lahcen Kabiri Stphane Bodin 《The Depositional Record》2019,5(2):362-387
Mountainous depocentres are often the single available archives in intracontinental areas. As such, the investigation of their sedimentary dynamics is the only way to reconstruct palaeoenvironmental evolution in these peculiar regions. Here, the basin‐scale sedimentary dynamics of the Agadir‐Tissint Feija (i.e. feija is the local name for lowlands) are discussed together with new palaeoenvironmental information on the late Quaternary in the north‐western Sahara margin. The succession consists of up to ca 40 m thick fluvio‐lacustrine deposits subdivided into three depositional sequences (S1–S3) that were deposited between ca 75 ka and ca 10 ka. S1 and S2 reflect the evolution of a palaeolake intercalated by carbonate‐rich palustrine to alluvial plain environments, while S3 shows the transition to an entirely clastic alluvial plain environment. The three sequences are genetically associated with three pulses of tufa buildups at the outlet of the depocentre. Each pulse of tufa buildup is attributed to wet conditions, while each interruption is associated with drier conditions. The wet–dry alternation at the origin of S1 fits with summer insolation fluctuation suggesting that precession parameters may have paced long‐term climate variability in the area. Superimposed on wet–dry cycles, submillennial‐scale (750–900 year) shorter‐term lake fluctuations are identified in S1 and S2; their origins may be related to North Atlantic Oscillation mechanisms. Furthermore, the sudden increase in clastic sediment supply in S3 evidences a change in sediment production in the catchment area attributed to lower temperatures established during the last glacial period. Finally, this newly identified continental archive is unique at the northern Sahara margin; it enables reconstructions of the local and regional hydrological conditions during the last glacial cycle. Even if a more systematic investigation of palaeoclimate forcing is still necessary, the Agadir‐Tissint Feija will potentially bring important information to understand past and anticipate future regional climate change. 相似文献
To assess the potential of small telescopes for high temporal resolution astrophysics, we observed the field of FRB 121102 repeating source of fast radio bursts (FRBs) on a 50‐cm D50 telescope of Ondřejov observatory, equipped with a fast frame rate electron‐multiplying charge coupling device (EMCCD) detector. In three nights of observations, we did not detect any optical flares from the source, which allows us to place an upper limit of 10 mJy for brightness of possible fast optical events on a time scale of 10 ms. We also characterize the apparent brightness stability of field stars on the same time scale in order to investigate the potential of such telescopes for detecting faint optical variability on a subsecond time scale. 相似文献
The asymptotic distribution of the coefficient of cross-association between two sequences of nominal data is investigated under the assumption of independent random sampling from a multinomial distribution slightly modified to suit geological applications. This modification is due to merging consecutive strata of the same rock type into one lithological unit, and can be described by a simple Markov chain. A distinction is made between the case in which the theoretical frequencies are known, and the situation where these have to be estimated from the observed data. 相似文献
Sébastien Gac Ritske S. Huismans Nina S. C. Simon Yuri Y. Podladchikov Jan Inge Faleide 《地学学报》2013,25(6):459-464
The origin of large subsidence in intracratonic basins is still under debate. We propose a new and self‐consistent model for the formation of those basins, where lithospheric shortening/buckling triggers metamorphism and densification of crustal mafic heterogeneities. We use a forward thermo‐mechanical finite element technique to evaluate this mechanism for the typical example of the East Barents Sea basin (EBB) where a very large and compensated subsidence, accommodating an up to 20‐km‐thick sediment succession, is observed. The lower crust in the dynamic model is modelled with petrologic‐consistent densities for a wet mafic gabbroic composition that depend on pressure and temperature taking into account dehydration at high PT conditions. The model successfully explains the main characteristics of the EBB, notably the large anomalous and fast subsidence during the Late Permian–Early Triassic, its present‐day geometry and the absence of a significant gravity anomaly. 相似文献
The main purpose of this paper is comparison of two different approaches of solution to the Simple Molodensky’s Problem, the
Molodensky’s Approach and the Analytical Continuation Approach, based on numerical computation. Although these approaches
have been described theoretically by several authors, e.g. Molodensky et al. (1960), Heiskanen and Moritz (1967), Vaníček
(1974), Moritz (1980) and Holota (1991, unpublished results) and theoretical proof of equivalence was given by Heiskanen and
Moritz (1967), Moritz (1971), Ecker (1971) and Pellinen (1972, unpublished results), only very few practical experiences about
the differences between particular solutions and computational efficiency exist. In this paper we compare the above two mentioned
approaches in terms of the G1-effect on quasigeoid. Both quasigeoid solutions are tested by the independent GPS/levelling approach and are also compared
with the previous quasigeoid model of Slovakia where the G1-term has been approximated using the classical terrain correction. The effect of the G2-term is also numerically estimated, revealing that it might be significant for the precise quasigeoid determination. Some
practical comments and recommendations are given at the end of the paper. 相似文献
Northwestern California is prone to regional, high magnitude winter rainstorms, which repeatedly produce catastrophic floods in the basins of the northern Coast Ranges. Major floods on the Eel River in 1955 and 1964 resulted in substantial geomorphic changes to the channel, adjacent terraces, and tributaries. This study evaluated the changes and the effects of a moderate flood in 1997 through field observations and examination of aerial photographs that spanned from 1954 to 1996. The purpose was to document the nature and magnitude of geomorphic responses to these three floods and assess the rates and controls on the recovery of the Eel River and its tributaries. Channel widening from extensive bank erosion was the dominant geomorphic change along the lower Eel River during major floods. As a result of the 1964 flood, the largest amount of widening was 195 m and represented an 80% change in channel width. Channel narrowing characterized the periods after the 1955 and 1964 floods. More than 30 years after the 1964 flood, however, the river had not returned to pre-flood width, which suggests that channel recovery required decades to complete. A long recovery time is unusual given that the Eel River is located in an area with a “superhumid” climate and has an exceptionally high sediment yield. This long recovery time may reflect highly seasonal precipitation and runoff, which are concentrated in 3–5 months each winter. In contrast to the main stem of the Eel River, the dominant effects of floods on the tributaries of the Eel River were rapid aggradation of channel bed and valley floor followed by immediate downcutting. Dendrogeomorphic data, aerial photographs, and field observations indicate that thick wedges of gravel, derived largely from hillslope failures in upper reaches of the tributaries, are deposited at and immediately upstream of the mouths of tributaries as the stage of the Eel River exceeded that of the tributaries during major floods. In the waning stages of the flood, the tributaries cut through the gravel at a rate equal to the lowering of the Eel and generated unpaired terraces and nickpoints. The complete process of deposition and incision can occur within a few days of peak discharge. Although reworking of some sediment on the valley floor may continue for years after large floods, channel morphology in the tributaries appears to be a product of infrequent, high magnitude events. The morphology of the tributary channel also appears to be greatly influenced by the frequency and magnitude of mass wasting in headwater areas of small basins. 相似文献
Gerard W. Hazeu Arnold K. Bregt Allard J.W. de Wit Jan G.P.W. Clevers 《International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation》2011
Land cover and land use are important information sources for environmental issues. One of the most important changes at the Earth's surface concerns land cover and land use. Knowledge about the location and type of these changes is essential for environmental modeling and management. Remote sensing data in combination with additional spatial data are recognized as an important source of information to detect these land cover and land use changes. 相似文献
Hailemariam Meaza Diress Tsegaye Jan Nyssen 《Norsk geografisk tidsskrift. Norwegian journal of geography》2016,70(1):1-12
In the northern highlands of Ethiopia degraded hillsides have been allocated to landless farmers for tree planting since the mid-1990s. The authors assessed the effect of hillside plantations on the livelihoods of landless farmers in the eastern part of the Tigray Region by using transect walks, focus group discussions, and pretested questionnaires. A matched-pairs design was used to compare crop yields, livestock holdings per household, and household incomes to test the differences before and eight years after the intervention. In addition, regression analysis was used to capture variables influencing hillside management. The findings revealed that the plantations significantly increased crop yields, livestock holdings, and the household incomes of all beneficiaries. In addition, tree planting on degraded hillsides had a positive impact on the livelihoods of formerly landless farmers. However, moisture stress and free-ranging livestock were crucial problems. The findings are highly relevant in a conservation context because many existing or planned hillside allocations to landless farmers are located on degraded steep slopes that are unsuitable for crop production. Thus, replicating the practice to other areas with similar environment and problems would be worthwhile, although the management should focus on careful planning to avoid conflicts of interest between beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries. 相似文献