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地下冰作为多年冻土区别于其他土体的显著特征,对寒区水文、生态环境和工程建设等都有深刻影响。为准确估算多年冻土层地下冰储量,基于黄河源区地貌及其成因类型,结合岩性组成、含水率等105个钻孔的野外实测数据,估算了黄河源区多年冻土层3.0~10.0 m深度范围内地下冰储量,并讨论了浅层地下冰的空间分布特征。研究结果表明:黄河源区多年冻土层3.0~10.0 m深度范围内地下冰总储量为(49.62±17.95) km3,平均单位体积含冰量为(0.293±0.107) m3/m3;在水平方向上,湖积湖沼平原、冰缘作用丘陵等地貌单元含冰量较高,而侵蚀剥蚀台地、冲洪积平原等地貌单元含冰量较低;在垂向上,多年冻土上限附近含冰量较高,并随深度呈减小的趋势。  相似文献   
姚彤宝  周兢  李生红 《探矿工程》2010,37(10):22-25
天然气水合物在一定温度压力条件下能以固体形式存在,但由于其特殊的热物理力学性质,难以像开采其它固体矿产资源的"矿山"型式来开发。在现有技术条件下,钻探技术是解决开采天然气水合物的技术、经济可行和避免可能由开采带来的环境问题的关键。鉴于通过钻探手段将天然气水合物在地下转化为可控的资源而后开采的现实,提出了采用化学浆液注入和降压相结合的开采模式。  相似文献   
The Xiuwenghala gold deposit is located in the Beishan Orogen of the southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt. The vein/lenticular gold orebodies are controlled by Northeast‐trending faults and are hosted mainly in the brecciated/altered tuff and rhyolite porphyry of the Lower Carboniferous Baishan Formation. Metallic minerals include mainly pyrite and minor chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite, galena, and sphalerite, whilst nonmetallic minerals include quartz, chalcedony, sericite, chlorite, and calcite. Hydrothermal alterations consist of silicic, sericite, chlorite, and carbonate. Alteration/mineralization processes comprise three stages: pre‐ore silicic alteration (Stage I), syn‐ore quartz‐chalcedony‐polymetallic sulfide mineralization (Stage II), and post‐ore quartz‐calcite veining (Stage III). Fluid inclusions (FIs) in quartz and calcite are dominated by L‐type with minor V‐type and lack any daughter mineral‐bearing or CO2‐rich/‐bearing inclusions. From Stages I to III, the FIs homogenized at 240–260°C, 220–250°C, and 150–190°C, with corresponding salinities of 2.9–10.9, 3.2–11.1, and 2.9–11.9 wt.% NaCl eqv., respectively. The mineralization depth at Xiuwenghala is estimated to be relatively shallow (<1 km). FI results indicate that the ore‐forming fluids belong to a low to medium‐temperature, low‐salinity, and low‐density NaCl‐H2O system. The values decrease from Stage I to III (3.7‰, 1.7–2.4‰, and ?1.7 to 0.9‰, respectively), and a similar trend is found for their values (?104 to ?90‰, ?126 to ?86‰, and ?130 to ?106‰, respectively). This indicates that the fluid source gradually evolved from magmatic to meteoric. δ34S values of the hydrothermal pyrites (?3.0 to 0.0‰; avg. ?1.1‰) resemble those of typical magmatic/mantle‐derived sulfides. Pyrite Pb isotopic compositions (206Pb/204Pb = 18.409–18.767, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.600–15.715, 208Pb/204Pb = 38.173–38.654) are similar to those of the (sub)volcanic ore host, indicating that the origin of ore‐forming material was mainly the upper crustal (sub)volcanic rocks. Integrating evidence from geology, FIs, and H–O–S–Pb isotopes, we suggest that Xiuwenghala is best classified as a low‐sulfidation epithermal gold deposit.  相似文献   
Sillitoe(1995)蚀变岩帽(Lithocap)的定义为大范围富黄铁矿的硅化、高级泥化和泥化蚀变,在地质环境上位于古地表和浅成中-酸性岩浆侵入体之间。蚀变岩帽往往显示为突出的正地形,有助于寻找隐伏的斑岩矿化体。但蚀变岩帽在地表的范围往往多达几十个平方千米,又常常掩盖下覆斑岩矿床的蚀变矿化特征及其地球化学印记,因此大型的蚀变岩帽又给勘探工作带来一定的挑战。蚀变岩帽相关矿床的勘探需以地质填图为基础,结合近红外光谱分析(SWIR)进行蚀变填图,以及全岩地球化学以及矿物地球化学表现的元素或元素组合异常,来帮助定位热源或深部斑岩体。遥感和地球物理中的激电响应,也可以辅助定位岩体。华南地区的蚀变岩帽主要分布于长江中下游成矿带和东南沿海火山岩带。前人对安徽庐枞盆地中的矾山蚀变岩帽进行了系统研究,确定了矾山蚀变岩帽形成于白垩纪,与围岩砖桥组火山岩年龄一致。同位素和流体包裹体工作证明了形成矾山蚀变岩帽的流体主要为深部岩浆热液中的酸性气体与浅部大气降水的混合,在浅部高渗透率的火山岩及其岩性界面反应,广泛发育了一套硅化和高级泥化蚀变,指示与矾山相关可能存在斑岩和高硫型浅成低温热液铜金矿床。福建紫金山地区有中国最大的高硫型浅成低温热液矿床,主要赋存于紫金山蚀变岩帽中。紫金山蚀变岩帽的地质特征和蚀变分带已经研究的较为详细,但目前深部的侵入体还没有发现。浙江的蚀变岩帽是中国非金属矿产的重要来源,包括明矾石矿、地开石矿和红柱石矿等,这些蚀变岩帽与金属矿化的关系尚未有相关研究。根据目前的资料总结,有较多的蚀变岩帽分布在中国华南,这些蚀变岩帽特征典型,但目前的研究程度尚浅。现有的研究结果表明,华南的蚀变岩帽的成矿潜力巨大,可能存在一条巨型的斑岩-浅成低温矿床成矿带,具有广阔的找矿勘查前景,建议加强蚀变岩帽及相关矿床的找矿与研究工作。  相似文献   
东海陆架盆地是我国海域的一个大型中—新生代复合型含油气盆地,中生代盆地是我国海域油气勘探战略接替区之一。2005年之前主要以新生界为目的层,2005年之后,随着地震采集和处理技术的提高以及勘探思路的转变,针对中生界开展了富有成效的调查研究,取得了一系列成果与进展:①初步建立了一套深层二维地震采集技术和处理技术;②通过海陆对比和地震地层学分析,东海中生界分布广,具有“东海西陆”的古地理格局;③中生代盆地具有北东分带结构特征和3期演化;④中生界发育2套烃源岩和2套生储盖组合。在此基础上分析了东海陆架中生代盆地油气调查所面临的问题与挑战。  相似文献   
将改进的干湿网格技术引入到POM模型中,通过坐标变换,合理安排计算区域,对流沙湾海域的三维潮流场进行了数值模拟.模拟结果与实测数据吻合较好.模拟结果表明:流沙湾海域属正规日潮,潮流运动是带有旋转流的往复流运动;涨潮历时大于落潮历时;落潮流速大于涨潮流速;余流较强,基本指向外港.采用垂向平均的水平二维对流扩散方程来模拟流沙湾污染物的浓度变化.结果表明:在Ⅱ类国家海水水质标准的要求下,流沙湾COD的环境容量约为906吨/年,交换率为78%;无机氮约为105吨/年,交换率为97%;活性磷酸盐约为11吨/年,交换率为97%.整个流沙湾海域水环境质量很好,海水自净能力强,对各种污染物的交换能力强.结合水质、水动力和容量计算结果,可以认为流沙湾海域水质属较贫营养类型,虽然较大的剩余环境容量是我们所希望的,然而结合具体养殖对象看,流沙湾海域低含量的氮、磷营养盐反而在一定程度上制约了流沙湾养殖业的健康发展.因此,环境管理不仅要考虑环境容量,还应结合具体海域使用特点进行合理规划,以促进海域生态健康发展.  相似文献   
熊伟  黄婧  刘亮 《海洋测绘》2021,(6):27-30
基于天津港基础控制测量成果与EGM2008模型,采用多面函数拟合法,进行天津港三大港区的似大地水准面精化,并结合已有成果进行精度分析.结果 表明,天津港似大地水准面精化的模型检核精度为±7 mm,港区内高程异常跨度为0.622 m,高程异常偏差由西向东逐渐减小,南北相差不大,高程异常等值线整体沿南北走向.经工程实践验证...  相似文献   
There are rising concerns about the hazardous effects of heavy metals on the environment. In this study, comet assay and DNA alkaline unwinding assay were conducted on the tissues (gills, hepatopancreas, and hemocytes) of Charybdis japonica in order to illustrate genotoxicity of three heavy metal ions (Cu2+, Pb2+, and Cd2+) on the marine crabs C. japonica. The crabs were exposed to Cu2+ (10, 50, and 100 ?g.L?1), Pb2+ (50, 250, and 500 ?g L?1) and Cd2+ (5, 25, and 50 ?g L?1), and the tissues were sampled at days 0.5, 1, 3, 6, 9, and 15. DNA alkaline unwinding assay was used for testing the DNA single strand break in gills and hepatopancreas and comet assay was employed for testing the DNA damage in hemocytes. The results showed that the DNA damage (F-value) of gills in the crabs exposed to the three heavy metals was decreased gradually during the exposure periods and there was a dose-time response relationship in certain time, suggesting that the levels of DNA single strand break in all the experimental groups increased significantly compared to the controls. Changes of F-value in hepatopancreas of the crabs exposed to the three heavy metals were similar to those in gills except that the peak values were found in the 500 ?g L?1 Pb2+ treatment group at day 3 and the 50 ?g L?1 Cd2+ treatment group at day 9. The ranks of DNA damage in gills and hepatopancreas induced by the three heavy metal ions (50 ?g L?1, day 15) were Cd2+ >Pb2+ >Cu2+ and Pb2+ >Cu2+ >Cd2+. The levels of DNA damage in gills were higher than those in hepatopancreas in the same experimental group. It can be concluded that indices of DNA damage can be used as the potential biomarkers of heavy metal pollution in marine environment.  相似文献   
The annual life cycle of the brown seaweed Undaria pinnatifi da(Harvey)Suringer comprises a macroscopic diploid sporophyte stage and a microscopic haploid gametophyte stage.In 2011,an unusual zoospore-derived monoecious gametophyte isolate(designated as line 10-5-3)of U.pinnatifi da was observed.To understand this phenomenon,a comprehensive screening of eighty-two previously identifi ed male gametophyte cultures,isolated from three randomly selected cultivars(lines 10,7,and 5)was performed.Thirty-six of the isolates developed both antheridia and oogonia on the same fi lamentous fragment in a standard gametogenesis test(SGT: 18°C,60 μmol photons/(m 2·s)).Selfi ng of the monoecious gametophyte or crossing it with a normal male gametophyte both gave rise to morphologically normal sporophytic offspring.However,crossing resulted in a much higher fertilization rate(89.7%).The hybrid and selfed sporophytic offspring were grown to maturity in fl ow tanks at an ambient temperature of 10–18°C over a period of 69 days.Active zoospores were released from both types of mature sporophylls.The majority of these developed into male gametophytes,while 15%–20% developed into the observed monoecious structures on the same fi lament.Using PCR amplifi cation it was found that all the monoecious gametophyte isolates and the sporophytic offspring resulting from the selfi ng and crossing lacked the femalelinked microsatellite sequence(a part of the locus Up-AC-2A8,GenBank accession No.AY738602.1),indicating their male nature.U.pinnatifi da is an invasive species in some regions and the implications of the above fi ndings for this species in nature are briefl y discussed.  相似文献   
土壤墒情与植被生长状况和地表温度之间存在密切联系?贑OST模型算法和单窗算法,开展了TM/ETM+多光谱数据的地表反射率、地表温度(LST)和土壤调整植被指数反演(MSAVI),分析了地表温度和植被指数的线性关系,提出了土壤墒情几何特征指数和旱情诊断函数,结合土壤含水量实测数据,建立了横山县土壤墒情遥感反演模型。实证结果表明,基于TM/ETM+数据反演的长度指数可进行旱情诊断;对土壤含水量的反演模型进行T检验,差异不显著,而基于地面温度的土壤墒情反演模型优于土壤调整植被指数反演模型。  相似文献   
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