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Safety Report 1997 (SR 97) of the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company is a comprehensive performance assessment of three hypothetical radioactive waste repositories in Sweden. It includes hydrogeologic studies (data compilation, parameter synthesis, and groundwater flow modeling) to determine groundwater flow and the associated uncertainties for the three sites. This report reviews and compares the hydrogeologic characterization programs, the site characteristics, and the groundwater flow models used in the SR 97 performance assessment. Although differences in site-characterization programs tend to mask differences in site characteristics, the sites do have notable differences that affect the results of the performance assessment. The effects of model uncertainties evaluated by the variant cases appear to be smaller than the variability of results for the base case (best estimate of site conditions) of each site. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
The Fitzroy River delivers large amounts of nutrients and fine sediments to Keppel Bay (contiguous with the Great Barrier Reef Lagoon) during intermittent flow events. This study explores sources, forms and transformations of nutrients in Keppel Bay, and develops a functional process zonation that integrates seabed geochemistry and water column nutrient characteristics which are controlled by suspended sediment. The water column and seabed properties were investigated over two dry seasons, with supplementary core incubations taken to measure carbon decomposition rates and nutrient fluxes. Keppel Bay can be divided into three zones, the: zone of maximum resuspension (ZMR); coastal transitional zone (CTZ); and blue water zone (BWZ). Mineralisation of predominantly terrestrial organic matter occurs in the ZMR where nutrient uptake by phytoplankton is light limited. The CTZ and BWZ had higher light penetration and phytoplankton growth was likely limited by N and P, respectively. The identified zones conform to the bathymetry and hydrodynamic characteristics of the bay, allowing for the development of an integrated conceptual model accounting for the benthic and pelagic biogeochemical processes. Recognition of these different zones shows that considerable variation in benthic and water column properties is possible within a small system with the bathymetric and hydrodynamic characteristics of the fluidized bed reactor.  相似文献   
Models of aggradation versus progradation in the Himalayan Foreland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A frequent goal of decompaction analysis is to reconstruct histories of basin subsidence and tectonic loading. In marine environments, eustatic and paleobathymetric uncertainties limit the resolution of these reconstructions. Whereas in the terrestrial basins, these ambiguities are absent, it is still necessary to account for depositional slopes between localities in order to analyze three-dimensional patterns of subsidence. We define two end-members for depositional surfaces: aggradation and progradation. The relative importance of either end-member is a function of the interplay between the rate of net sediment accumulation and the rate of basin subsidence. The models predict the patterns of major drainages (transverse versus longitudinal) and the way in which provenance should be reflected within different portions of a basin. Consequently, paleocurrent and provenance data from the ancient stratigraphic record can be used to distinguish between these endmembers. The subhorizontal depositional surfaces that dominate during times of aggradation provide a well defined reference frame for regional analysis of decompacted stratigraphies and related subsidence. Depositional slopes during progradation can not be as precisely specified, and consequently yield greater uncertainties in reconstructions of subsidence. These models are applied to the Mio-Pliocene foreland basin of the northwestern Himalaya, where sequences of isochronous strata have been analyzed throughout the basin. These time-controlled data delineate a distinctive evolution from largely aggradational to largely progradational depositional geometries as deformation progressively encroaches on the foreland. Such a reconstruction of past depositional surfaces provides a well constrained reference frame for subsequent integration of subsidence histories from throughout the foreland.
Zusammenfassung Ein häufiges Ziel der Dekompaktionsanalyse ist es die Beckenabsenkung und die tektonische Belastung zu rekonstruieren. In marinen Ablagerungsräumen limitieren eustatische und paläobathymetrische Unsicherheiten die Auflösung der Rekonstruktion. Bei terrestrischen Becken fehlen diese Zweideutigkeiten; es ist aber trotzdem notwendig, Rechenschaft über den Ablagerungshang zwischen verschiedenen Lokalitäten abzulegen, um dreidimensionale Subsidenzmuster zu analysieren. Wir definieren zwei Endglieder von Ablagerangsflächen: Aggradation und Progradation. Die relative Wichtigkeit des jeweiligen Endglieds ist eine Funktion des Zusammenspiels zwischen der Nettorate der Sedimentakkumulation und der Beckensubsidenz. Die Modelle sagen die Hauptentwässerungsmuster (quer- oder längsverlaufend) vorher, sowie den Weg in dem die Sedimentherkunft innerhalb verschiedener Bereiche des Beckens berücksichtigt werden sollte. Folglich können Paläoströmungs- und Herkunftsdaten alter stratigraphischer Überlieferungen benutzt werden, um zwischen den Endgliedern zu unterscheiden. Die subhorizontale Ablagerungsfläche welche zur Zeit der Aggradation dominant ist, liefert einen gut definierten Referenzrahmen für die regionale Analyse von dekomprimierten Formationen und der damit verknüpften Subsidenz. Ablagerangshänge während Progradation können nicht präzise spezifiziert werden und beinhalten daher größere Unsicherheiten bei der Rekonstruktion der Subsidenz. Diese Modelle wurden übertragen auf das miozäne bis pliozäne Vorgebirgsbecken des nordwestlichen Himalayas, wo Sequenzen von isochronen Schichten durch das gesamte Becken analysiert werden konnten. Diese zeitkontrollierten Daten schildern eine ganz bestimmte Entwicklung, die von einer hauptsächlich aggradierenden zu einer progradierenden Ablagerangsgeometrie verlief, während der die Deformation schrittweise in Richtung Vorland übergriff. Diese Rekonstruktion von ehemaligen Ablagerangsflächen liefert einen guten Referenzrahmen für die folgende Integration der Subsidenzgeschichte des gesamten Vorlands.

Résumé L'analyse de décompaction a souvent pour but de reconstituer l'histoire de la subsidence d'un bassin et de la charge tectonique. Dans les milieux marins, de telles reconstitutions sont limitées par des incertitudes de caractère eustatique et paléobathymétrique. Par contre, ces ambiguïtés ne se présentent pas dans le cas des bassins continentaux, où il convient néanmoins de tenir compte de la pente de la surface de dépôt entre les divers points considérés pour établir un schéma tridimensionnel de la subsidence. Nous définissons deux situations extrêmes pour les surfaces de dépôt: l'aggradation et la progradation. L'importance relative de ces deux extrêmes est fonction de l'interaction entre le taux d'accumulation net des sédiments et le taux de subsidence du bassin. Les modèles prévoient la répartition des drainages principaux (transverse ou longitudinal) et la manière dont l'origine des sédiments peut se répercuter dans les diverses parties d'un bassin. Il en résulte que des informations fournies par les relevés stratigraphiques à propos des paléocourants et de la source des sédiments peuvent être utilisées pour faire la distinction entre les deux cas extrêmes. Les surfaces de dépôt subhorizontales, qui prédominent pendant les périodes d'aggradation, fournissent un bon cadre de référence pour les analyses régionales de formations décompactées et de la subsidence qui leur est associée. Les surfaces de dépôt inclinées qui se présentent au cours des progradations ne peuvent pas être définies de manière aussi précise et engendrent par conséquent plus d'incertitude dans la reconstitution de la subsidence. Les auteurs appliquent ces modèles au bassin mio-pliocène d'avant-pays de l'Himalaya nord-occidental, dans lequel des séquences de couches isochrones ont été suivies à travers tout le bassin. Ces données, chronologiquement définies, fournissent l'image d'une évolution nette, depuis des géométries typiques d'aggradation jusqu' à des géométries typiques de progradation, au fur et à mesure de l'emprise progressive de la déformation sur l'avant-pays. Une telle reconstitution des surfaces de dépôt anciennes fournit un bon cadre de référence en vue de l'intégration ultérieure de l'histoire de la subsidence dans l'ensemble de l'avant-pays.

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苏鲁超高压变质带有大量的超镁铁岩体,对这些岩体的成因的研究一直是一个热点。为了鉴别这个地区有无在俯冲进变质前经历过地壳浅部地质过程的超镁铁岩,本文利用BrF5气氛中用CO2红外激光熔样和质谱测试分析方法对中国大陆科学钻探工程主孔内603.20-683.53m深度的三个石榴单辉橄榄岩样品的单矿物橄榄石、石榴石、单斜辉石的氧同位素进行了分析。橄榄石的δ^18O值为+3.31‰+3.82‰;石榴石的为+4.03‰+4.10‰;单斜辉石的δ^18O值误差较大,平均值为+2.10‰。这些矿物的氧同位素组成总地低于典型的地幔值。研究表明,岩石单矿物低δ^18O值是侵入到地壳浅部的超镁铁岩体与寒冷大气降水热液之间的氧同位素交换反应所造成,之后发生了与地壳围岩一齐的俯冲、超高压变质、折返退变质等过程。这是苏鲁地区首次发现的低δ^18O值的岩浆侵入型超镁铁岩体,具有重要的大陆动力学意义,从超镁铁岩方面证明了苏鲁地体可能是大别地体的东延部分。  相似文献   
Multiple sulfur isotope system is a powerful new tracer for atmospheric, volcanic, and biological influences on sulfur cycles in the anoxic early Earth. Here, we report high-precision quadruple sulfur isotope analyses (32S/33S/34S/36S) of barite, pyrite in barite, and sulfides in related hydrothermal and igneous rocks occurring in the ca. 3.5 Ga Dresser Formation, Western Australia. Our results indicate that observed isotopic variations are mainly controlled by mixing of mass-dependently (MD) and non-mass-dependently fractionated (non-MD) sulfur reservoirs. Based on the quadruple sulfur isotope systematics (δ34S-Δ33S-Δ36S) for these minerals, four end-member sulfur reservoirs have been recognized: (1) non-MD sulfate (δ34S = −5 ± 2‰; Δ33S = −3 ± 1‰); (2) MD sulfate (δ34S = +10 ± 3‰); (3) non-MD sulfur (δ34S > +6‰; Δ33S > +4‰); and (4) igneous MD sulfur (δ34S = Δ33S = 0‰). The first and third components show a clear non-MD signatures, thus probably represent sulfate and sulfur aerosol inputs. The MD sulfate component (2) is enriched in 34S (+10 ± 3‰) and may have originated from microbial and/or abiotic disproportionation of volcanic S or SO2. Our results reconfirm that the Dresser barites contain small amounts of pyrite depleted in 34S by 15-22‰ relative to the host barite. These barite-pyrite pairs exhibit a mass-dependent relationship of δ33S/δ34S with slope less than 0.512, which is consistent with that expected for microbial sulfate reduction and is significantly different from that of equilibrium fractionation (0.515). The barite-pyrite pairs also show up to 1‰ difference in Δ36S values and steep Δ36S/Δ33S slopes, which deviate from the main Archean array (Δ36S/Δ33S = −0.9) and are comparable to isotope effects exhibited by sulfate reducing microbes (Δ36S/Δ33S = −5 to −11). These new lines of evidence support the existence of sulfate reducers at ca. 3.5 Ga, whereas microbial sulfur disproportionation may have been more limited than recently suggested.  相似文献   
Attempts at improving comminution machines generally have been directed towards increasing the performance efficiency, particularly increasing throughput rate and decreasing energy consumption. The latest and most successful new comminution technology has been the high-pressure grinding rolls (HPGR), which have proved to be highly efficient in energy consumption and to have a relatively high throughput rate at low steel consumption. Already used extensively in cement plants worldwide, the first HPGRs in the mineral industry were installed in plants processing diamond ores. They are now finding their way into the large-scale base-metal mining industry. Since feed constituents in natural ores vary in their physical properties such as hardness, plasticity and brittleness, the present paper is concerned with an investigation of the behavior of a heterogeneous feed as it passes through the HPGR. The effect of feed composition on operational parameters, the energy efficiency of comminution, and energy distribution among the feed components is addressed. Mineral particles with high hardness act as energy transfer agents in the roll gap and enhance the grinding of softer mineral particles in a mixed feed.  相似文献   
Four months of daily nutrient and radon (a natural groundwater tracer) observations at the outlet of a heavily drained coastal wetland illustrated how episodic floods and diffuse groundwater seepage influence the biogeochemistry of a sub-tropical estuary (Richmond River, New South Wales, Australia). Our observations downstream of the Tuckean Swamp (an acid sulphate soil floodplain) covered a dry stage, a flood triggered by a 213-mm rain event and a post-flood stage when surface water chemistry was dominated by groundwater discharge. Significant correlations were found between radon and ammonium and N/P ratios and between radon and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) during the post-flood stage. While the flood lasted for 14?% of the time of the surface water time series, it accounted for 18?% of NH4, 32?% of NO x , 66?% of DON, 58?% of PO4 and 55?% of dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) catchment exports. Over the 4-month study period, groundwater fluxes of 35.0, 3.6, 36.3, 0.5 and 0.7?mmol?m?2?day?1 for NH4, NO x , DON, PO4 and DOP, respectively, were estimated. The groundwater contribution to the total surface water catchment exports was nearly 100?% for ammonium, and <20?% for the other nutrients. Post-flood groundwater seepage shifted the system from a DON to a dissolved inorganic N-dominated system and doubled N/P ratios in surface waters. We hypothesise that the Richmond River Estuary N/P ratios may reflect a widespread trend of tidal rivers and estuaries becoming more groundwater-dominated and phosphorus-limited as coastal wetlands are drained for agriculture, grazing and development.  相似文献   
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