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The paper summarises materials on the mammal remains in northeastern Europe, dated by radiocarbon. Altogether, 23 local faunas of small mammals and 47 local faunas of large mammals were analysed. Multidimensional statistical analysis shows a strong correlation between changes in small mammal fauna composition and climate changes throughout time. The correlations with the spatial gradients, however, are less pronounced. The faunas are classified into three groups: (1) faunas of Holocene age; (2) Late Pleistocene ‘stadial’ assemblages; and (3) Late Pleistocene ‘interstadial’ assemblages. In some cases, changes in species abundance are better understood in terms of biotic interrelations rather than of climatic effects. The most pronounced change in small mammal fauna composition and structure occurred at the Preboreal/Boreal boundary, and a less conspicuous alteration took place at the LGM/Lateglacial transition. The most noticeable transformation in the large mammal fauna composition is dated to the early Holocene. Less significant changes are observed at the Middle Weichselian/LGM transition and at the LGM/Lateglacial transition. It is safely concluded that variations in the faunas of small and large mammals recorded in NE Europe during the last 35 000 years occurred synchronously and unidirectionally.  相似文献   
Quantification of geodiversity and its loss   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Geodiversity, i.e., a diversity of geological heritage sites, can be quantified with an account of geosite types, type counterparts, and their ranks. Higher numbers of geosite types represented within a given territory and their higher ranks indicate a higher geodiversity. Two additional characteristics, namely geoabundance and georichness, allow measure of the quantity of geosites and the diversity-quantity relationship respectively. Geodiversity loss can be evaluated with an accounting of decreases in geosite type ranks linked to the damage of geosites. A calculation of relative and multi-dimensional geodiversity helps in quantitative assessment of the regional geological heritage.  相似文献   
Global sea-level rise and consequent regional transgressions are hypothesized at the beginning of the Devonian. A brief review of lithostratigraphical data available from three regions of the “Tethyan” margin of Gondwana, namely Northern Africa, Arabia, and the Tethys Himalaya, suggests that all of them were characterized by a regressive setting in the Lochkovian. In contrast, data from some terranes of the Greater Galatian Superterrane provide evidence of early Lochkovian transgression. The regressive setting documented on the 'Tethyan' margin of Gondwana differs from the transgressive–regressive cycles of Euramerica and the norm of global sea-level rise followed by a highstand. Only regional tectonic processes including those linked with dynamic topography could explain these differences. These processes may have been associated with syn-rift uplift preceding the opening of the Palaeo-Tethys Ocean, mantle uplift at the supercontinent margin, or the Eo-Variscan orogenic phase.  相似文献   
Abstract– A large number of micrometeorites (MMs) was recovered from glacier deposits located at the north‐eastern passive margin of the Novaya Zemlya glacier sheet. Melted, scoriaceous, and unmelted micrometeorites (UMMs) are present. Unmelted micrometeorites are dominated mostly by chondritic matter, but also a few achondritic MMs are present. Here we report the discovery of four UMMs that, according to their texture, mineralogy, and chemistry, are identified as basaltic breccias. Mineral chemistry and Fe/Mn ratios of two basaltic micrometeorites indicate a possible relationship with eucrites and/or mesosiderites, whereas two others seem to have parents, which appear not to be present in our meteorite collections. The basaltic breccia UMMs constitute 0.5% of the total population of the Novaya Zemlya MM suite. This content should be lowered to 0.25% because the Novaya Zemlya MM collection appears to be biased with carbonaceous UMMs being underrepresented.  相似文献   
A light propagation in a universe which is homogeneous only in average systematically differs from a light propagation in a strictly homogeneous Universe. We demonstrate a link between this effect and the general theory of transport phenomenon in random media. The effective spatial curvature of a universe which is homogeneous only in average is introduced. This curvature is governing a light propagation in such universe. We show that the effective spatial curvature is lower than the average curvature. It implies that a universe with critical mean density looks like a space with negative curvature.  相似文献   
A shallow water hydrostatic 2D hydrodynamic numerical model, based on the boundary conforming coordinate system, was used to simulate aspects of both general and small scale oceanic features occurring in the composite system constituted by the Adriatic Sea and the Lagoon of Venice (Italy), under the influence of tide and realistic atmospheric forcing. Due to a specific technique for the treatment of movable lateral boundaries, the model is able to simulate efficiently dry up and flooding processes within the lagoon. Firstly, a model calibration was performed by comparing the results of the model, forced using tides and ECMWF atmospheric pressure and wind fields, with observations collected for a set of 33 mareographic stations uniformly distributed in the Adriatic Sea and in the Lagoon of Venice. A second numerical experiment was then carried out by considering only the tidal forcing. Through a comparison between the results obtained in the two experiments it was possible to assess the reliability of the estimated parameter through the composite forcing. Model results were then verified by comparing simulated amplitude and phase of each tidal constituent as well as tidal velocities simulated at the inlets of the lagoon and in the Northern Adriatic Sea with the corresponding observed values. The model accurately reproduces the observed harmonics: mean amplitude differences rarely exceed 1 cm, while phase errors are commonly confined below 15°. Semidiurnal and diurnal currents were correctly reproduced in the northern basin and a good agreement was obtained with measurements carried out at the lagoon inlets. On this basis, the outcomes of the hydrodynamic model were analyzed in order to investigate: (i) small-scale coastal circulation features observed at the interface between the adjoining basins, which consist often of vortical dipoles connected with the tidal flow of Adriatic water entering and leaving the Lagoon of Venice and with along-shore current fields connected with specific wind patterns; (ii) residual oscillations, which are often connected to meteorological forcing over the basin. In particular, it emerges that small-scale vortical features generated near the lagoon inlet can be efficiently transported toward the open sea, thus contributing to the water exchange between the two marine regions, and a realistic representation of observed residual oscillations in the area would require a very detailed knowledge of atmospheric as well as remote oceanic forcing.  相似文献   
Power-Law Testing for Fault Attributes Distributions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper is devoted to statistical analysis of faults’ attributes. The distributions of lengths, widths of damage zones, displacements and thicknesses of fault cores are studied. Truncated power-law (TPL) is considered in comparison with commonly used simple power-law (PL) (or Pareto) distribution. The maximal likelihood and the confidence interval of the exponent for both PL and TPL are estimated by appropriate statistical methods. The Kolmogorov–Smirnov (KS) test and the likelihood ratio test with alternative non-nested hypothesis for exponential distribution are used to verify the statistical approximation. Furthermore, the advantage of TPL is proved by Bayesian information criterion. Our results suggest that a TPL is more suitable for describing fault attributes, and that its condition is satisfied for a wide range of fault scales. We propose that using truncated power laws in general might eliminate or relax the bias related to sampling strategy and the resolution of measurements (such as censoring, truncation, and cut effect) and; therefore, the most reliable range of data can be considered for the statistical approximation of fault attributes.  相似文献   
Many gastropod taxa went extinct during the Late Cretaceous.The stratigraphic ranges of 268 genera permit to establish the longevity of extinction victims for each stage of this epoch."Young" taxa (originated within 3 epochs before the extinction) prevailed among victims of the extinctions in all stages.The proportion of "old" taxa(originated before the Cretaceous) that went extinct was the highest in the Cenomanian,and it was the lowest in the Coniacian and the Maastrichtian.It appears that the end-Cretaceous mass extinction affected chiefly "young" taxa.However,the comparison with the earlier time intervals suggests that this pattern of selectivity by generic longevity was not specific for the noted catastrophe,but,in contrast,it was typical for the entire Late Cretaceous.The latest Cenomanian environmental perturbation(OAE2) caused a stronger extinction of "old" taxa,and thus,this biotic crisis was less selective by generic longevity.This hypothesis,however,is not proven by the statistical test.  相似文献   
About two-thirds of Russia’s land area are flat lands, which contributes to the development of conditions favouring wetland formation. Wetlands cover vast areas, especially in the north. Wetlands in the former Soviet Union were not recognized as separate or distinct ecosystems and this is still the situation in Russia today. Bogs are one of the most abundant and typical wetlands and were treated as worthless wastelands. Beginning in the 17th century and continuing under the Soviet government there was an enforced policy to drain wetlands and reclaim the land, mainly for farming. After the collapse of the USSR, this practice was discontinued along with the Soviet model of agriculture and an end to the forced and unnecessary use of pesticides and fertilizers with the result that the toxic load on Russian aquatic systems decreased drastically. Industrial production was also greatly curtailed. While it is now recovering, many of these are turning to environmentally-friendly technologies. The intensity of land-use related impacts upon Russian wetlands is negligible compared to that in more densely populated countries and therefore the environmental conservation of wetlands in Russia may not currently be an urgent problem. There is currently no consensus on what the overall direct and indirect impacts of climate change on the number of Russian wetlands will be—in some areas they may increase but decrease in others. In Russia, the most urgent issue is not the preservation of wetlands but the development of proper wetland management practices. For effective plans, data and information on wetland status, trends and characteristics are required that are not currently available.  相似文献   
We consider a conventional stellar  α2ω  -dynamo with dynamo generators localized in two spherical shells separated by a passive layer. The signs of the α-effect as well as rotational shear in the dynamo active layers can be chosen to give dynamo waves that propagate in opposite directions (poleward and equatorward) if the layers are considered separately in the framework of the Parker migratory dynamo. In a sequence of numerical experiments we show that the variety of dynamo-generated magnetic configurations in the system under discussion is quite rich. We identify the possibility of almost independent dynamo waves existing in the two layers as well as enslavement of one layer by the other, and of activity waves generated by a joint action of the two layers. We suggest some qualitative explanations of the behaviour and discuss also the limited nature of these explanations. This variety of phenomena suggests previously underexploited freedoms to understand how predictions of dynamo theory may accommodate the observed solar and stellar activity phenomenology.  相似文献   
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