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From rocks to ore   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Metal enrichment to ore grade is the ultimate outgrowth of large-scale and long-term fractionation processes of the thermally driven and unique water-cooled geological evolution of the Earth. Silicic magmatism along convergent margins is the most important lithospheric fractionation process for the formation of the continental crust and porphyry/intrusion-related ore deposits. Reconnaissance microanalysis of melt inclusions from Central Andean porphyry systems refines a metallogenic model for copper–gold and tin porphyry mineralization. Magmatic mixing and early exsolution of a fluid phase are important ingredients for porphyry Cu–Au systems in association with silicic rocks of moderate levels of fractionation (such as diorites and monzonites), whereas extended magmatic fractionation with late-stage fluid evolution characterize lithophile-element-enriched tin porphyry systems. Received: 25 June 1999 / Accepted: 11 January 2000  相似文献   
Summary Physical phenomena fundamental to rotating, baroclinically driven flows are studied with reference to results of numerical simulation of rotating annulus flows, using a modified Galerkin Model. Both local and global effects of sources, sinks, and transports of heat and momentum are discussed. A convenient energy exchange diagram reveals detailed information that is used to analyze nonlinear equilibration and amplitude vacillation of quasi-geostrophic baroclinic eddies. Transient inertial oscillations, sidewall boundary layers, and internal boundary layers are also discussed.A detailed study of symmetric flows is made, eleven of which are tested numerically for stability with respect to three-dimensional disturbances of a given zonal wave number. Two of the four unstable cases are integrated to a numerical steady state with finite-amplitude, quasi-geostrophic baroclinic waves. With the rigid-lid geometry assumed, the average zonal velocity is zero, resulting in zero phase velocity of the waves. The structure of the thermal wave is nearly coherent in the vertical. These numerical results are consistent with laboratory observations.The eddy flow is quasi-geostrophic except in horizontal boundary layers, where the flow is driven toward low pressure. A small cross-isotherm advection is sufficient to maintain the temperature wave against diffusion and vertical advection. The eddy flow adjusts spontaneously toward the form of the fastest growing or slowest decaying disturbance representable by the truncated space resolution. The eddy flow feeds energy into the mean zonal flow in barotropic-type interactions reflected mainly by the familiar tilted trough. During equilibration, the eddy flow alters the mean zonal flow in such a way that eddy energy sources are reduced relative to energy sinks. However, this adjustment is small compared to the change of total flow, which reflects a relatively large change of eddy amplitude. This suggests that small errors in the mean zonal flow representation can lead to relatively large errors in total flow representation.In most flows studied the kinetic energy dissipation is concentrated in thin boundary layers. In spite of this thinness, the basically laminar character of these dissipative boundary layers allows accurate and economical numerical simulation through the use of characteristic functions, which is a natural refinernent of the basic Galerkin method used. (In this prototype study, only moderately characteristic functions are used, thus sacrificing numerical economy while simplifying the programming.) Similarly, the generation of potential energy, which is transformed into the kinetic energy of the flow, is accurately simulated. In most cases studied, this generation is also concentrated in thin boundary layers where thermal energy is extracted from cold fluid and added to warm fluid.Contribution number 76 of the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Institute, Florida State University, USA.  相似文献   
Enhancing the resolution and accuracy of surface ground-penetrating radar (GPR) reflection data by inverse filtering to recover a zero-phased band-limited reflectivity image requires a deconvolution technique that takes the mixed-phase character of the embedded wavelet into account. In contrast, standard stochastic deconvolution techniques assume that the wavelet is minimum phase and, hence, often meet with limited success when applied to GPR data. We present a new general-purpose blind deconvolution algorithm for mixed-phase wavelet estimation and deconvolution that (1) uses the parametrization of a mixed-phase wavelet as the convolution of the wavelet's minimum-phase equivalent with a dispersive all-pass filter, (2) includes prior information about the wavelet to be estimated in a Bayesian framework, and (3) relies on the assumption of a sparse reflectivity. Solving the normal equations using the data autocorrelation function provides an inverse filter that optimally removes the minimum-phase equivalent of the wavelet from the data, which leaves traces with a balanced amplitude spectrum but distorted phase. To compensate for the remaining phase errors, we invert in the frequency domain for an all-pass filter thereby taking advantage of the fact that the action of the all-pass filter is exclusively contained in its phase spectrum. A key element of our algorithm and a novelty in blind deconvolution is the inclusion of prior information that allows resolving ambiguities in polarity and timing that cannot be resolved using the sparseness measure alone. We employ a global inversion approach for non-linear optimization to find the all-pass filter phase values for each signal frequency. We tested the robustness and reliability of our algorithm on synthetic data with different wavelets, 1-D reflectivity models of different complexity, varying levels of added noise, and different types of prior information. When applied to realistic synthetic 2-D data and 2-D field data, we obtain images with increased temporal resolution compared to the results of standard processing.  相似文献   
Based on pressure tide-gauge observations, sea-level records are derived for ten sites along the coast of West Greenland. The ocean tidal signal is extracted by a harmonic tidal analysis. The accuracy of the determined tidal constants is discussed in detail. The tides account for 85% of the observed sea-level standard deviation. The tide gauge records reveal significant shallow-water tidal effects, in particular compound and overtide amplitudes reaching 5 cm. The propagation of the tidal waves into the fjords depends strongly on local conditions and is in some cases accompanied by an amplification of the tidal amplitudes. The observed tidal signals are compared to the predictions of the global ocean tide model FES2004. At the outer coast, a good agreement is found. Inside the fjords, however, the model performs worse and tide gauge observations may still be indispensable when accurate tidal signals are required.  相似文献   
A tracer tomographic laboratory study was performed with consolidated fractured rock in three-dimensional space. The investigated fractured sandstone sample was characterized by significant matrix permeability. The laboratory transport experiments were conducted using gas-flow and gas-tracer transport techniques that enable the generation of various flow-field patterns via adjustable boundary conditions within a short experimental time period. In total, 72 gas-tracer (helium) tests were performed by systematically changing the injection and monitoring configuration after each test. For the inversion of the tracer breakthrough curves an inversion scheme was applied, based on the transformation of the governing transport equation into a form of the eikonal equation. The reliability of the inversion results was assessed with singular value decomposition of the trajectory density matrix. The applied inversion technique allowed for the three-dimensional reconstruction of the interstitial velocity with a high resolution. The three-dimensional interstitial velocity distribution shows clearly that the transport is dominated by the matrix while the fractures show no apparent influence on the transport responses.  相似文献   
River management and restoration measures are of increasing importance for integrated water resources management (IWRM) as well as for ecosystem services. However, often river management mainly considers engineering and construction aspects only and the hydrogeological settings as the properties and functions of ancient fluvial systems are neglected which often do not lead to the desired outcome. Knowledge of the distribution of sediment units could contribute to a more efficient restoration. In this study, we present two noninvasive approaches for delineation of fluvial sediment architecture that can form a basis for the restoration, particularly in areas where site disturbance is not permitted. We investigate the floodplain of a heavily modified low-mountain river in Switzerland using different hydrogeophysical methods. In the first approach, we use data from electromagnetic induction (EMI) with four different integral depths (0.75–6 m) and gamma-spectrometry as well as the elevation data as input for a K-means cluster algorithm. The generated cluster map of the surface combines the main characteristics from multilayered input data and delineates areas of varying soil properties. The resulting map provides an indication of areas with different sedimentary units. In the second approach, we develop a new iterative method for the generation of a geological structure model (GSM) by means of various EMI forward models. We vary the geological input parameters based on the measured data until the predicted EMI maps match the measured EMI values. Subsequently, we use the best matched input data for the GSM generation. The derived GSM provides a 3D delineation of possible ancient stream courses. A comparison with an independent ground penetrating radar (GPR) profile confirmed the delineations on the cluster map as well as the vertical changes of the GSM qualitatively. Thus, each of the approaches had the capacity for detecting sedimentary units with distinct hydraulic properties as an indication of former stream courses. The developed methodology presents a promising tool for the characterization of test sites with no additional subsurface information.  相似文献   
2009年9月30日,印度尼西亚巴东市发生7.6级地震。之后,印度尼西亚又接连遭受了几次强震袭击,如2009年12月23日6.1级、2010年3月6日7.1级、2010年4月7日7.8级和2010年5月9日7.4级地震。2010年6月16日一天之内,印度尼西亚又接连发生了3次地震,震级分别为6.3级、7.0级和6.3级。2010年2月,由John McCloskey领军的一个科学家团队就2009年9月巴东地震致函英国《自然—地球科学》杂志(Nature Geoscience),题为:The September 2009 Padang Earthquake。信中提出警告:印度尼西亚苏门答腊沿海地区或将发生引发巨大海啸的强烈地震,其灾害程度足以造成与2004年南亚大海啸相匹敌的惨重伤亡,提醒居民要为更加强烈的地震来袭做好准备。为此,"Nature Geoscience"特发表了一篇社论,题为:Earthquakes off Sumatra(见本期译文"苏门答腊近海地震")。下边是John McCloskey等致"Nature Geoscience"的信函译文。  相似文献   
The present study utilises different satellite and ground-based geodetic observations in order to assess the current evolution of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS). Satellite gravimetry data acquired by the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment are used to derive ice-mass changes for the period from 2003 to 2012. The inferred time series are investigated regarding long-term, seasonal and interannual variations. Laser altimetry data acquired by the Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite (ICESat) are utilised to solve for linear and seasonal changes in the ice-surface height and to infer independent mass-change estimates for the entire GIS and its major drainage basins. We demonstrate that common signals can be identified in the results of both sensors. Moreover, the analysis of a Global Positioning System (GPS) campaign network in West Greenland for the period 1995–2007 allows us to derive crustal deformation caused by glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) and by present-day ice-mass changes. ICESat-derived elastic crustal deformations are evaluated comparing them with GPS-observed uplift rates which were corrected for the GIA effect inferred by model predictions. Existing differences can be related to the limited resolution of ICESat. Such differences are mostly evident in dynamical regions such as the Disko Bay region including the rapidly changing Jakobshavn Isbræ, which is investigated in more detail. Glacier flow velocities are inferred from satellite imagery yielding an accelerated flow from 1999 to 2012. Since our GPS observations cover a period of more than a decade, changes in the vertical uplift rates can also be investigated. It turns out that the increased mass loss of the glacier is also reflected by an accelerated vertical uplift.  相似文献   
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