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The Cadamosto Seamount is an unusual volcanic centre from Cape Verde, characterised by dominantly evolved volcanics, in contrast to the typically mafic volcanic centres at Cape Verde that exhibit only minor volumes of evolved volcanics. The magmatic evolution of Cadamosto Seamount is investigated to quantify the role of magma-crust interaction and thus provide a perspective on evolved end-member volcanism of Cape Verde. The preservation of mantle source signatures by Nd–Pb isotopes despite extensive magmatic differentiation provides new insights into the spatial distribution of mantle heterogeneity in the Cape Verde archipelago. Magmatic differentiation from nephelinite to phonolite involves fractional crystallisation of clinopyroxene, titanite, apatite, biotite and feldspathoids, with extensive feldspathoid accumulation being recorded in some evolved samples. Clinopyroxene crystallisation pressures of 0.38–0.17 GPa for the nephelinites constrain this extensive fractional crystallisation to the oceanic lithosphere, where no crustal assimilants or rafts of subcontinental lithospheric mantle are available. In turn, magma-crust interaction has influenced the Sr, O and S isotopes of the groundmass and late crystallising feldspathoids, which formed at shallow crustal depths reflecting the availability of oceanic sediments and anhydrite precipitated in the ocean crust. The Nd–Pb isotopes have not been affected by these processes of magma-crust interaction and hence preserve the mantle source signature. The Cadamosto Seamount samples have high 206Pb/204Pb (>19.5), high εNd (+6 to +7) and negative Δ8/4Pb, showing affinity with the northern Cape Verde islands as opposed to the adjacent southern islands. Hence, the Cadamosto Seamount in the west is located spatially beyond the EM1-like component found further east. This heterogeneity is not encountered in the oceanic lithosphere beneath the Cadamosto Seamount despite greater extents of fractional crystallisation at oceanic lithospheric depths than the islands of Fogo and Santiago. Our data provide new evidence for the complex geometry of the chemically zoned Cape Verde mantle source.  相似文献   
With the advent of wide-field imagers, it has become possible to conduct a photometric lightcurve survey of many asteroids simultaneously, either for that single purpose (e.g., Dermawan, B., Nakamura, T., Yoshida, F. [2011]. Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan 63, S555–S576; Masiero, J., Jedicke, R., ?urech, J., Gwyn, S., Denneau, L., Larsen, J. [2009]. Icarus 204, 145–171), or as a part of a multipurpose survey (e.g., Pan-STARRS, LSST). Such surveys promise to yield photometric data for many thousands of asteroids, but these data sets will be “sparse” compared to most of those taken in a “targeted” mode directed to one asteroid at a time.We consider the potential limitations of sparse data sets using different sampling rates with respect to specific research questions that might be addressed with lightcurve data. For our study we created synthetic sparse data sets similar to those from wide-field surveys by generating more than 380,000 individual lightcurves that were combined into more than 47,000 composite lightcurves. The variables in generating the data included the number of observations per night, number of nights, noise, and the intervals between observations and nights, in addition to periods ranging from 0.1 to 400 h and amplitudes ranging from 0.1 to 2.0 mag.A Fourier analysis pipeline was used to find the period for each composite lightcurve and then review the derived period and period spectrum to gauge how well an automated analysis of sparse data sets would perform in finding the true period. For this part of the analysis, a normally distributed noise level of 0.03 mag was added to the data, regardless of amplitude, thus simulating a relatively high SNR for the observations. For the second part of the analysis, a smaller set of composite curves was generated with fixed core parameters of eight observations per night, 8 nights within a 14-day span, periods ranging from 2 to 6 h, and an amplitude of either 0.3 mag or 0.4 mag. Individual data sets using these fixed parameters added normally-distributed noise of 0.05, 0.1, or 0.2 mag. The analysis examined the success rates for finding the true period as the noise increased towards levels simulating data for objects close to sky background levels.After applying a filter to remove highly-ambiguous solution sets, the best chance for success was found to be when the true period was in the range of P ≈ 2–5 h and amplitudes were A ? 0.5 mag. The solution sets for lightcurves with low amplitude, long periods, and/or those that were sampled too sparsely in comparison to the period were often too ambiguous to be considered reliable for statistical rotation studies. Analysis of slow rotators (P > 24 h) found that somewhat reasonable solutions of P < 6 h could be found for about 15–20% of those objects, even at higher amplitudes, indicating that the Fourier analysis had locked onto the noise in the data.Efforts to produce an automated pipeline to help determine an unambiguous (or nearly so) solution based on the period spectrum from the Fourier analysis were made. These proved unsuccessful because of the number of parameters that must be considered and the difficulties in assigning an objective weight to each one in finding a final result. Despite this initial failure, further attempts will be made to quantify the U rating system.Comparison of the synthetic data analysis results to those from two actual surveys shows a reasonable agreement between the two. A review of the pros and cons of sparse versus dense data sets shows that each has a significant role in future studies and that it will be critical to establish open lines of communications and data exchange between the deep wide-field sparse data surveys and dense data programs.  相似文献   
Rapid weathering of strong, hitherto un-weathered shale rocks was fast enough to have been measurable weekly (>4 mm depth per week). Regular early morning rain showers followed by hot, dry afternoons caused frequent wet/dry cycles which facilitated rapid slaking of the shale. Other landslips occurred concurrently on the south bank of the Wild Cane River, where the rock beds dip towards lower ground. Resistance to impacts in the rock fabric was equally low after decades, or weeks of exposure. It was concluded that the combination of high frequency wet/dry cycles on steeply dipping shale beds, and rock attitude caused very rapid weathering. Rapid slaking of the illitic shales could cause high turbidity levels in contiguous aquatic environments. Building foundations and roads could be rapidly de-stabilized even on such freshly exposed, apparently consolidated sites.  相似文献   
The Brandberg West region of NW Namibia is dominated by poly-deformed turbidites and carbonate rocks of the Neoproterozoic Damara Supergoup, which have been regionally metamorphosed to greenschist facies and thermally metamorphosed up to mid-amphibolite facies by Neoproterozoic granite plutons. The meta-sedimentary rocks host Damaran-age hydrothermal quartz vein-hosted Sn–W mineralization at Brandberg West and numerous nearby smaller deposits. Fluid inclusion microthermometric studies of the vein quartz suggests that the ore-forming fluids at the Brandberg West mine were CO2-bearing aqueous fluids represented by the NaCl–CaCl2–H2O–CO2 system with moderate salinity (mean=8.6 wt% NaClequivalent).Temperatures determined using oxygen isotope thermometry are 415–521°C (quartz–muscovite), 392–447°C (quartz–cassiterite), and 444–490°C (quartz–hematite). At Brandberg West, the oxygen isotope ratios of quartz veins and siliciclastic host rocks in the mineralized area are lower than those in the rocks and veins of the surrounding areas suggesting that pervasive fluid–rock interaction occurred during mineralization. The O- and H-isotope data of quartz–muscovite veins and fluid inclusions indicate that the ore fluids were dominantly of magmatic origin, implying that mineralization occurred above a shallow granite pluton. Simple mass balance calculations suggest water/rock ratios of 1.88 (closed system) and 1.01 (open system). The CO2 component of the fluid inclusions had similar δ 13C to the carbonate rocks intercalated with the turbidites. It is most likely that mineralization at Brandberg West was caused by a combination of an impermeable marble barrier and interaction of the fluids with the marble. The minor deposits in the area have quartz veins with higher δ 18O values, which is consistent with these deposits being similar geological environments exposed at higher erosion levels.  相似文献   
A.W. Harris  W.M. Kaula 《Icarus》1975,24(4):516-524
Numerical calculation of a simple accretion model including the effects of tidal friction indicate that coformation is tenable only if the planet's Q is less than about 103. The parameter which most strongly affects the final mass ratio of the pair is the time at which the secondary embryo is introduced. Our model yields the proper Moon-Earth mass ratio if the Moon embryo is introduced when the Earth is only about 110 of its final mass. The lunar orbit remains at about 10 Earth radii throughout most of the growth.This model of satellite formation overcomes two difficulties of the “circumterrestrial cloud” model of Ruskol (1960, 1963, 1972): (1) The difficulty of accumulating a mass as great as the entire Moon before gravitational instability reduces the cloud to a small number of moonlets is removed. (2) The differences between terrestrial and outer planet satellite systems is easily understood in terms of the differences in Q between these planets. The high Q of the outer planets does not allow a satellite embryo to survive a significant portion of the accretion process, thus only small bodies which formed very late in the accumulation of the planet remain as satellites. The low Q of the terrestrial planets allows satellite embryos of these planets to survive during accretion, thus massive satellites such as the Earth's Moon are expected. The present lack of such satellites of the other terrestrial planets may be the result of tidal evolution, either infall following primary despinning (Burns, 1973) or escape due to increase in orbit eccentricity.  相似文献   
Conventional and SHRIMP U-Pb analyses of zircon, monazite, titanite and apatite from the high grade rocks of the Northampton Complex in Western Australia provide constraints on the timing of metamorphic processes and deformation events in the northern Darling Mobile Belt (western margin of the Archean Yilgarn Craton). Paragneisses and mafic volcanics and/or intrusions have undergone granulite facies metamorphism in a probable extensional tectonic setting prior to formation of W- to NW-verging folds and thrusts cut by normal shears (interpreted as late collapse structures) during the main deformation event (D1). These structures are folded by open to tight folds with NW-striking axial surfaces developed in a second, NE-SW contractional event (D2). Zircons from a mafic granulite provide an age of 1079 ± 3 Ma attributed to new zircon growth prior to, or at the peak of regional granulite facies metamorphism. Metamorphic monazites extracted from a paragneiss yield an identical age of 1083 ± 3 Ma. The similarity of ages between zircons from the mafic granulite (1079 ± 3 Ma) and monazites from the paragneiss (1083 ± 3 Ma) is interpreted to reflect fast cooling and/or rapid uplift, which is consistent with thrusting of the gneissic units during the first deformation event (D1) associated with the onset of retrograde metamorphism. Granitic activity at 1068 ± 13 Ma was followed by intrusion of post-D2 pegmatite (989 ± 2 Ma), which constrains the end of metamorphism and associated deformation. Cooling of the complex to about 500 °C is timed by the apatite age of 921 ± 23 Ma. SHRIMP U-Pb ages of detrital zircons from a paragneiss sample yield a maximum age of 2043 Ma, with no evidence of an Archean Yilgarn signature. A majority of ages between 1.6 and 1.9 Ga are consistent with derivation from the Capricorn Orogen on the northern margin of the Yilgarn Craton. Younger detrital zircons with 1150–1450 Ma ages, however, indicate an additional source that had undergone early Grenvillian igneous or metamorphic event(s) and also places a maximum age constraint upon deposition. The source of this clastic material may have been from within the southern Darling Mobile Belt or from Greater India (adjacent to the Northampton Complex in Rodinia reconstructions). This study documents an extended Grenvillian history, with basin formation, sedimentation, granulite facies metamorphism, contractional tectonics (two periods with orthogonal directions of shortening) and late pegmatite emplacement taking place between 1150–989 Ma on the western margin of the Yilgarn Craton. Ages recorded in this study indicate that the proposed global distribution of Grenvillian belts during assembly of the Rodinia supercontinent should be reassessed to include the Darling Mobile Belt. Received: 7 January 1998 / Accepted: 10 March 1999  相似文献   
The Moray Firth Seal Management Plan (MFSMP) was introduced in Scotland in 2005 as a pilot for resolving conflict between Atlantic salmon fisheries and conservation imperatives for protected harbour and grey seals. This adaptive co-management model is now being applied nationally through the Marine (Scotland) Act (2010). However, no information exists on salmon fishery stakeholders’ perceptions of seal predation impacts and related costs, which could influence the success of the MFSMP and other similar initiatives. In 2006 a questionnaire survey of the 95 salmon rod fisheries in seven major Moray Firth rivers was undertaken, and all 20 active salmon netting stations in the Firth. Forty-five fishery owners, 39 ghillies, 120 anglers and 11 netsmen (representing 17 netting stations) responded. The majority (81%) believed that seals had a significant or moderate impact on stocks and catches, 77% believed that all seals were responsible and 47% supported seal culling. Seals were sighted by 38% of rod fisheries, and 18% lost angler days from seal interference. Overall, 0.2% of total reported angler days were lost annually. The estimated direct cost of seal interference for responding rod fisheries was £14,960 annum−1, and losses of catches and damage to nets was £16,500 annum−1 for responding netsmen. Stakeholders’ perceptions were largely inconsistent with their low direct costs and the aims of the MFSMP. Possible reasons for this are discussed, and implications for the governance of future adaptive co-management initiatives for seal-fishery conflict.  相似文献   
This paper outlines the process taken to create two separate gold prospectivity maps. The first was created using a combination of several knowledge-driven (KD) techniques. The second was created using a relatively new classification method called random forests (RF). The purpose of this study was to examine the results of the RF technique and to compare the results to that of the KD model. The datasets used for the creation of evidence maps for the gold prospectivity mapping include a comprehensive lake sediment geochemical dataset, interpreted geological structures (form lines), mapped and interpreted faults, lithology, topographic features (lakes), and known Au occurrences. The RF method performed well in that the gold prospectivity map created was a better predictor of the known Au occurrences than the KD gold prospectivity map. This was further validated by a fivefold repetition using a subset of the input training areas. Several advantages to the use of RF include (1) the ability to take both continuous and/or categorical data as variable inputs, (2) an internal, unbiased estimation of the mapping error (out-of-bag error) removing the need for a cross-validation of the final outputs to determine accuracy, and (3) the estimation of importance of each input variable. Efficiency of prediction curves illustrates that the RF method performs better than the KD method. The success rate is significantly higher for the RF method than for the KD method.  相似文献   
New Sr and Pb isotope data are presented for a selection of lavas and associated coarse-grained blocks from Ascension Island. K-Ar dates for the lavas range up to1.5±0.2Ma. Initial87Sr/86Sr ratios are consistent with earlier measurements and for most rocks are ca. 0.7029, but range up to 0.7135 in the case of the most evolved lavas and blocks. Pb isotope data are also consistent with earlier measurements, but the Pb in two gabbroic blocks is less radiogenic than Pb in the other rocks. It is suggested that these gabbroic blocks crystallized from a magma of tholeiitic composition whose source was similar to that of mid-oceanic ridge basalt whereas the lavas and other blocks crystallized from mildly alkaline magmas derived from a source further from the crest of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The high87Sr/86Sr ratios result from contamination of the most silicic magma by radiogenic Sr from pelagic sediments. These data and their interpretation are consistent with the petrological and geochemical observations that the granite blocks are the coarse-grained equivalents of the volcanic suite [11] and not fragments of relict continental material [2,3].  相似文献   
This paper describes a Bayesian methodology for prediction of multivariate probability distribution functions (PDFs) for transient regional climate change. The approach is based upon PDFs for the equilibrium response to doubled carbon dioxide, derived from a comprehensive sampling of uncertainties in modelling of surface and atmospheric processes, and constrained by multiannual mean observations of recent climate. These PDFs are sampled and scaled by global mean temperature predicted by a Simple Climate Model (SCM), in order to emulate corresponding transient responses. The sampled projections are then reweighted, based upon the likelihood that they correctly replicate observed historical changes in surface temperature, and combined to provide PDFs for 20 year averages of regional temperature and precipitation changes to the end of the twenty-first century, for the A1B emissions scenario. The PDFs also account for modelling uncertainties associated with aerosol forcing, ocean heat uptake and the terrestrial carbon cycle, sampled using SCM configurations calibrated to the response of perturbed physics ensembles generated using the Hadley Centre climate model HadCM3, and other international climate model simulations. Weighting the projections using observational metrics of recent mean climate is found to be as effective at constraining the future transient response as metrics based on historical trends. The spread in global temperature response due to modelling uncertainty in the carbon cycle feedbacks is determined to be about 65–80 % of the spread arising from uncertainties in modelling atmospheric, oceanic and aerosol processes of the climate system. Early twenty-first century aerosol forcing is found to be extremely unlikely to be less than ?1.7 W m?2. Our technique provides a rigorous and formal method of combining several lines of evidence used in the previous IPCC expert assessment of the Transient Climate Response. The 10th, 50th and 90th percentiles of our observationally constrained PDF for the Transient Climate Response are 1.6, 2.0 and 2.4 °C respectively, compared with the 10–90 % range of 1.0–3.0 °C assessed by the IPCC.  相似文献   
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