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Most Mediterranean prodeltas show undulated sediment features on the foresets of their Holocene wedges. These features have been described all along the Mediterranean for the last 30 years and interpreted as either soft sediment deformation and incipient landsliding, and more recently, as sediment transport structures. We perform a review and detailed analysis of these undulated sediment features using ultrahigh-resolution seismic and bathymetric data as well as geotechnical information and hydrodynamic time series and hydrographic transects. In this study we show that the characteristics of the sediment undulations (configuration of the reflections down section and between adjacent undulations and overall morphologic characteristics) are incompatible with a genesis by sediment deformation alone and do not show evidence of sediment deformation in most cases. Various processes in the benthic boundary layer can be invoked to explain the variety of features observed in the numerous areas displaying sediment undulations.  相似文献   
Pragmatic experimental design requires objective consideration of several classes of information including the survey goals, the range of expected Earth responses, acquisition costs, instrumental capabilities, experimental conditions and logistics. In this study we consider the ramifications of maximizing model parameter resolution through non-linear experimental design. Global optimization theory is employed to examine and rank different EM sounding survey designs in terms of model resolution as defined by linearized inverse theory. By studying both theoretically optimal and heuristic experimental survey configurations for various quantities of data, it is shown that design optimization is critical for minimizing model variance estimates, and is particularly important when the inverse problem becomes nearly underdetermined. We introduce the concept of robustness so that survey designs are relatively immune to the presence of potential bias errors in important data. Bias may arise during practical measurement, or from designing a survey using an appropriate model.  相似文献   
The pattern of climate change in the Southern Hemisphere during the Younger Dryas (YD) chronozone provides essential constraint on mechanisms of abrupt climate change only if accurate, high-precision chronologies are obtained. A climate reversal reported previously at Kaipo bog, New Zealand, had been dated between 13,600 and 12,600 cal yr B.P. and appeared to asynchronously overlap the YD chron, but the chronology, based on conventionally radiocarbon-dated bulk sediment samples, left the precise timing questionable. We report a new high-resolution AMS 14C chronology for the Kaipo record that confirms the original chronology and provides further evidence for a mid-latitude Southern Ocean cooling event dated between 13,800 and 12,400 cal yr B.P. (2σ range), roughly equivalent to the Antarctic Cold Reversal.  相似文献   
The Middle-Lower Yangtze (Changjiang) River Valley metallogenic belt is located on the northern margin of the Yangtze Craton of eastern China. Most polymetallic deposits in the Changjiang metallogenic belt are clustered in seven districts where magmatism of Mesozoic age (Yanshanian tectono-thermal event) is particularly extensive. From west to east these districts are: E-dong, Jiu-Rui, Anqing-Guichi, Lu-Zong, Tong-Ling, Ning-Wu and Ning-Zhen. World-class iron ore deposits occur in the Lu-Zong and Ning-Wu ore clusters, which are mainly located in continental fault-bound volcanic-sedimentary basins. One of these deposits is the Longqiao iron deposit, discovered in the northern part of the Lu-Zong Basin in 1985. This deposit consists of a single stratabound and stratiform orebody, hosted in sedimentary carbonate rocks of the Triassic Dongma'anshan Formation. A syenite pluton (Longqiao intrusion) is situated below the deposit. The iron ore is massive and disseminated and the ore minerals are mainly magnetite and minor pyrite. Wall rock alteration mostly consists of skarn minerals, such as diopside, garnet, potassic feldspar, quartz, chlorite, phlogopite and anhydrite. Thin sedimentary siderite beds of Triassic age occur as relict laminated ore at the top and the margin of the magnetite orebody. These sideritic laminae are part of Triassic evaporite-bearing carbonate deposits (Dongma'anshan Formation).Sulfur isotopic compositions show that the sulfur in the deposit was derived from a mixture of magmatic hydrothermal fluids and carbonate–evaporite host rocks. Similarly, the C and O isotopic compositions of limestones from the Dongma'anshan Formation indicate that these rocks interacted with magmatic hydrothermal fluids. The O isotopic compositions of the syenitic rocks and minerals from the deposit show that the hydrothermal magnetite and skarn minerals were formed from magmatic fluids. The Pb isotopic compositions of sulfides are similar to those of the Longqiao syenite. Phlogopite coexisting with magnetite in the magnetite ores yielded a plateau age of 130.5 ± 1.1 Ma (2σ), whereas the LA-ICP MS age of the syenite intrusion is 131.1 ± 1.5 Ma, which is slightly older than the age of phlogopite.The Longqiao syenite intrusion may have crystallized from a parental alkaline magma, generated by partial melting of lithospheric mantle, during extensional tectonics. The ore fluids were probably first derived from magma at depth, later emplaced in the sedimentary rocks of the Dongma'anshan Formation, where it interacted with siderite and evaporite-bearing carbonate strata, resulting in the formation of magnetite and skarn minerals. The Longqiao iron deposit is a skarn-type stratabound and stratiform mineral system, genetically and temporally related to the Longqiao syenite intrusion. The Longqiao syenite is part of the widespread Mesozoic intracontinental magmatism (Yanshanian event) in eastern China, which has been linked to lithospheric delamination and asthenospheric upwelling.  相似文献   
KAr and 40Ar39Ar ages have been determined for altered submarine tholeiitic and boninite (high-Mg andesite) lavas from the Dabi Volcanics, Cape Vogel Peninsula, Papua New Guinea. 40Ar39Ar whole rock total fusion and plateau ages identify a Late Paleocene age for the tholeiitic lavas (58.9 ± 1.1 Ma) and also for the boninitic lavas (58.8 ± 0.8 Ma). Apparent KAr ages for the same samples range from 27.2 ± 0.7 to 63.9 ± 4.5 Ma, and young KAr ages for glassy boninites are probably due to variable radiogenic 40Ar (40Ar1) loss. These new ages effectively reconcile previously ambiguous age data for the Dabi Volcanics and indicate contemporaneous tholeiitic and boninitic volcanism occurring in southeast PNG during the Late Paleocene.Smectites, developed as alteration products after glass in oceanic lavas commonly do not retain 39Ar during or subsequent to irradiation, but in some cases may contain 40Ar1. In the absence of other factors modifying K and Ar contents, samples which have not lost 40Ar1 from smectite and suffer 39Ar loss only, are interpreted to have been altered immediately subsequent to the crystallization of the lava; whereas samples which have lost 40Ar1 as well as 39Ar may be the result of either recent alteration, or of continuous 40Ar1 loss since the time of crystallization.  相似文献   
Mechanisms of iron oxide transformations in hydrothermal systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Coexistence of magnetite and hematite in hydrothermal systems has often been used to constrain the redox potential of fluids, assuming that the redox equilibrium is attained among all minerals and aqueous species. However, as temperature decreases, disequilibrium mineral assemblages may occur due to the slow kinetics of reaction involving the minerals and fluids. In this study, we conducted a series of experiments in which hematite or magnetite was reacted with an acidic solution under H2-rich hydrothermal conditions (T = 100-250 °C, ) to investigate the kinetics of redox and non-redox transformations between hematite and magnetite, and the mechanisms of iron oxide transformation under hydrothermal conditions. The formation of euhedral crystals of hematite in 150 and 200 °C experiments, in which magnetite was used as the starting material, indicates that non-redox transformation of magnetite to hematite occurred within 24 h. The chemical composition of the experimental solutions was controlled by the non-redox transformation between magnetite and hematite throughout the experiments. While solution compositions were controlled by the non-redox transformation in the first 3 days in a 250 °C experiment, reductive dissolution of magnetite became important after 5 days and affected the solution chemistry. At 100 °C, the presence of maghemite was indicated in the first 7 days. Based on these results, equilibrium constants of non-redox transformation between magnetite and hematite and those of non-redox transformation between magnetite and maghemite were calculated. Our results suggest that the redox transformation of hematite to magnetite occurs in the following steps: (1) reductive dissolution of hematite to and (2) non-redox transformation of hematite and to magnetite.  相似文献   
Public transit plays an important role in emergency evacuations, particularly for areas where public transit serves as a major commute mode for commuters. Microsimulation techniques provide great flexibility in assessing different scenarios in emergency situations. Combining GIS-based network analysis with microsimulation techniques, this study developed a framework to simulate emergency evacuations using rail transit. Applying the framework to a hypothetical attack on the Pentagon, this study investigated the performance of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority’s Metrorail for large-scale evacuations. A network-based analysis was performed to estimate the number of riders in association with each metro line and station. Using VISSIM, a multi-mode micro-simulation software package, this study integrated a pedestrian model with a Metrorail transit model to evaluate the performance of the Metrorail in the hypothetical evacuations. The simulation results suggested that if the potential of Metrorail transit is effectively utilized, it could be very useful resource during a large-scale evacuation. This study demonstrated the great potential and flexibility of microsimulation techniques for evaluating complex evacuation scenarios and strategies. The framework and approach used in this study can be applied to analyze other similar situations and help develop effective evacuation plans.  相似文献   
This article argues that the material incentives associated with climate policies such as the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) may contribute to the socialization of emerging economies such as Vietnam in economic-oriented climate change norms. In current academic research, the CDM has both been extolled as a cost-effective and vilified as an environmentally inadequate instrument. Few studies so far, however, have looked into the CDM's potential contribution to socialization-related phenomena such as raising climate change awareness. This article aims to fill that gap by studying the CDM in EU–Vietnam relations in four periods, namely initiation (2001–2007), improvement (2008–2010), consolidation (2010–2012), and potential habit formation (2012 and beyond), with both the EU and Vietnam being important players in the market for CDM credits (Certified Emission Reductions or CERs). We argue that there is at least a strong potential for habit formation resulting from the CDM's material incentives, and that the underlying causal mechanism involves the emergence and activities of norm entrepreneurs and habit formation through a process of legal institutionalization.

Policy relevance

Normative transformation or change is increasingly attracting the attention of both climate policy makers and scholars alike, certainly in view of the failures of ‘standard’ economic or technological solutions to tackle climate change. There is a need, however, to apply insights from social theory to specific policies and cases. The policy relevance of this article lies here: does the CDM (a specific policy) affect climate concerns (norms) in Vietnam (a specific case)? And, if so, to what extent and why? Based on previous research regarding the Chinese case, it is expected that the CDM's material incentives result in a mild effect in Vietnam, probably less pronounced than in China in view of the latter's relative level of economic development, and the strength of its political and legal-institutional system and (human) capacity to develop CDM projects. This article's research findings point out that whether and how ‘deep’ these new shared ideas will succeed in becoming standards of appropriate behaviour in Vietnam might to some extent depend on whether the international community is able to offer a material incentive structure that fosters such a normative transformation.  相似文献   
The surface compositions of 110 asteroids are analyzed from statistically representative data sets of polarimetry as a function of phase angle, broad-band radiometry near 10 and 20 μm, and visible and near-infrared spectrophotometry. A comparison of albedos and diameters determined by polarimetry and radiometry shows that a modest upward revision of the radiometric albedo scale is needed and that a single law relating the slope of the polarization-phase curve to geometric albedo may not hold for very dark asteroids. We present reliable adopted albedos and diameters for 56 objects. Roughdi ameters for 52 additional objects are obtained from spectrophotometry using a correlation between albedo and color. Corrections for sampling bias permit investigation of asteroid compositions as a function of diameter, orbit, and other parameters.More than 90% of the minor planets fall into two broad compositional groups, defined by several optical parameters, designated by the symbols C and S. Comparisons with meteorite spectral albedo curves suggest that the two groups are compositionally similar to carbonaceous and stony-metallic meteorites, respectively. C-type asteroids predominate in the belt, especially in the outer half. An unusual distribution of compositions is found between 2.77 and 3.0 AU. Many S-type objects have diameters of 100–200 km; C-type objects are much more common at both larger and smaller sizes. Vesta is unique, being apparently the only differentiated asteroid remaining intact in the belt. The largest C-type objects are compositionally distinct from smaller ones and possibly are metamorphosed. We sketch some implications for meteoritics and for the early history of the solar system and point to the need for further systematic sampling of smaller and fainter objects by these three observational techniques.  相似文献   
About 70years ago,Frenc卜卜alaeohdoglst回LL sc卜dars al卜ome and a卜road卜ave successively con-HARD de Chardin P.et al.Initiated the Quaternary ducted large amount ofwork on the Later Quaternarygeologlcal research In the >alawusu River Basin of strata(TEILHARD,1924; YUAN,1978; LI,1987;desert region of Northern China and established th,ZHENG,1989; SUN et al,1996; LI et al,1993),Salawusu Formation门EILHARD,1924).Sine,then,palaeobiology…  相似文献   
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