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由于仪器水平的限制,关于土体的动力特性的研究目前多采用单向激振方式替代双向激振方式。而这两种激振方式在试验原理方面存在明显不同。很多研究表明,应力路径对土的响应有着不可忽视的影响,这两种方式相替代的合理性尚待证明。本文利用DSC2000多功能动三轴试验系统,选取尾矿砂分别在单向及双向振动条件下进行一系列饱和土的动力特性试验,对比两种激振方式作用下土体的滞回曲线以及骨干曲线的差异,分析土体在这两种振动方式下产生差异的原因,并应用双曲线模型对骨干曲线进行拟合,最后给出在进行土体变形特性试验时以单向激振方式替代双向激振方式的适用条件。  相似文献   
The Chihsia Formation is one of the four sets of regional marine hydrocarbon source rocks from South China.In the past two decades,detailed geochemical and sedimentological studies have been carried out to investigate its origination,which have demonstrated that the high primary productivity plays a primary role in the deposition of sediments enriched in the organic matter.However,the mechanism of this high productivity and the path of the deposition and burial of the organic matter have always been a mystery.Based on the previous studies on the Shangsi Section in Guangyuan City,Sichuan Province,we proposed that the development of the equatorial upwelling due to the sea level rise is responsible for the relatively high productivity in the Chihsia Formation.The sea waters with high nutrient were transported by the sub-surface currents along the equator.High organic carbon flux was deposited on the deeper shelf,and then decomposed by bacteria,leading to the occurrence of anaerobic respiration.The metabolism of the microorganisms consumed the dissolved oxygen in waters,which was in favor of the preservation of the organic matter.This suggested geobiological model integrating with paleoclimatology,paleoceanography and geomicrobiology will help us to understand the causes of this particular sedimentary sequence.  相似文献   
川南马边地区强震危险性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
根据最近34a的区域台网地震资料,利用地震活动性参数b值的空间分布,结合历史强震与现今地震活动背景,分析了川南马边地区主要断裂带的现今活动习性,并初步判别出了潜在的强震危险区域。研究结果表明:1)马边地区的b值空间分布存在明显的空间差异,反映了该区域不同断裂带与断裂段应力积累水平的差异;2)马边-盐津断裂带上存在3个尺度不等的异常低b值区,它们可能是该断裂带上的相对高应力区(或凹凸体),其中位于马边北、沐川西部利店镇附近的凹凸体与位于该断裂带南端盐津附近的凹凸体可能是马边地区未来发生大地震的危险场所,而位于绥江南的小尺度凹凸体有可能是潜在强震的发生地点;3)存在于龙泉山断裂带西南段的凹凸体将是未来发生中强地震的场所;4)金口河-美姑断裂上位于汉源县皇木镇与峨眉山市龙池镇之间的凹凸体存在发生中强地震的可能性  相似文献   
研究了不同浓度Hg2 +对水鳖叶片光合放氧速率、呼吸速率、细胞膜透性、硝酸还原酶活性以及超微结构的毒害影响 .结果表明 ,随着Hg2 +浓度的增加 ,水鳖叶片的光合放氧速率逐渐下降 ,呼吸速率、硝酸还原酶活性先升后降 ,而细胞膜透性则逐渐上升 .电镜观察发现 ,水鳖叶细胞遭受Hg2 +毒害初期 ,染色质凝集 ,叶绿体中类囊体片层以及线粒体嵴突膨胀 .随着叶细胞遭受毒害程度的加深 ,核膜破裂 ,染色质与核质消失 ,叶绿体膨胀解体 ,线粒体空泡化  相似文献   
Based upon 1:200,000 regional gravity and aeromagnetic data, gravity and aeromagnetic slice maps were obtained through fast Fourier transformation (FFT) upward continuation. A comparison between gravity and aeromagnetic slice maps at different depths combined with regional geological data and Magneto-Telluric sounding reveals the deep geological structure of Benxi-Huanren area and provides important information for study of the deep geological evolution process of Benxi-Huanren area. Yanshanian granitic pluton is widely distributed in this area and tends to be continuous toward depth. Significant metallogenic areas, such as Dataigou and Nanfen areas, lie above the buried granitic pluton. The Paleoproterozoic strata distribution area and the Archean strata distribution area have similar characteristics in terms of gravity anomaly. The iron-bearing formation in Anshan area is Archean supracrustal rock which was not engulfed by Archean granite. The thickness of Liaoji paleo-rift can be up to 10 km, whose lower part was intruded by Yanshanian granites. The basement of the Liaoji rift was remelted during granite intrusion in Yanshanian period.  相似文献   
黄少芳  杜子图  谢晓波 《地质通报》2007,26(12):1703-1706
全国地质调查信息系统是为地质调查管理部门和决策机构进行动态跟踪管理和工作部署提供依据的信息化服务平台,系统的开发建设对于提高地质调查工作效率和管理水平具有重要意义。本文对全国区域地质调查信息系统(V1.0)的架构、关键技术和主要功能进行了简要介绍。  相似文献   
For understanding more about the water exchange between the Kuroshio and the East China Sea,We studied the variability of the Kuroshio in the East China Sea(ECS) in the period of 1991 to 2008 using a three-dimensional circulation model,and calculated Kuroshio onshore volume transport in the ECS at the minimum of 0.48 Sv(1 Sv ;106 m3/s) in summer and the maximum of 1.69 Sv in winter.Based on the data of WOA05 and NCEP,The modeled result indicates that the Kuroshio transport east of Taiwan Island decreased since 2000.Lateral movements tended to be stronger at two ends of the Kuroshio in the ECS than that of the middle segment.In addition,we applied a spectral mixture model(SMM) to determine the exchange zone between the Kuroshio and the shelf water of the ECS.The result reveals a significantly negative correlation(coefficient of-0.78) between the area of exchange zone and the Kuroshio onshore transport at 200 m isobath in the ECS.This conclusion brings a new view for the water exchange between the Kuroshio and the East China Sea.Additional to annual and semi-annual signals,intra-seasonal signal of probably the Pacific origin may trigger the events of Kuroshio intrusion and exchange in the ECS.  相似文献   
在脉冲电晕放电条件下,探讨了O2和H2O对NO分解反应过程的影响,并对复杂组分中NO的分解特性进行了实验研究。研究结果表明,脉冲电晕放电对NO分解反应具有一定的促进作用,可有效地分解模拟烟气中的NO,脱除效率随脉冲电压的增加而缓慢增加;受O2和H2O影响,NO分解转化率较N2氛围略有降低。  相似文献   
建立了用加速溶剂萃取,气相色谱-质谱法同时测定河流沉积物中16种多环芳烃和19种有机氯农药的分析方法,优化了萃取溶剂、萃取温度和时间、凝胶渗透色谱收集时间、固相萃取洗脱溶剂和洗脱体积等条件。16种多环芳烃的方法检出限在0.15~0.59 ng/g,加标回收率为82%~102%,相对标准偏差(RSD,n=5)为1.1%~4.5%。19种有机氯农药的方法检出限在0.14~2.23 ng/g,加标回收率为71%~108%,相对标准偏差(RSD,n=5)为1.0%~4.5%。实际样品的测定结果表明,该方法分离效果较好,能够满足沉积物样品中多环芳烃和有机氯农药的分析要求。  相似文献   
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