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Mawpyut igneous suite in Jaintia Hills of Meghalaya plateau comprises differentiated suite of ultramafic–mafic rocks. The complex differs from other ultramafic–alkaline–carbonatite igneous emplacements of Shillong plateau and Mikir Hills like Jesra, Sung, Samchampi complexes, by the absence of alkaline–carbonatite rocks as major litho-units. Melanite garnet-bearing nepheline syenite, occurs as late phase minor intrusion in Mawpyut igneous complex, posseses alkaline character and shows inubiquitous relation with the host ultramafic–mafic rocks. On the other hand, this alkaline intrusive bodies of the Mawpyut igneous complex shows chemico-mineralogical resemblance with garnet-bearing nepheline syenite, ijolite litho-members of Jesra, Sung, Samchampi complexes of the region. It is interpreted that melanite garnet-bearing nepheline syenite intrusion in Mawpyut is contemporaneous with Jesra, Sung, Samchampi ultramafic–alkaline–carbonatite complexes and the host rocks of Mawpyut complex is an earlier magmatic activity possibly from a comparatively least enriched source.  相似文献   
粉叶马尾藻(Sargassum glaucescens)是台湾地区潮间带的重要大型藻类,其对紫外线增强的生理响应特征尚不清楚。本研究关注粉叶马尾藻在急性紫外线辐射(Ultraviolet radiation B,UVB)下的生理指标变化,探索了粉叶马尾藻在急性UVB辐照下抗氧化系统的瞬时反应过程。结果表明:低强度组[0.5W/(m2·s)]藻体在24h内未出现显著氧化损伤和蛋白质含量变化,但是细胞活力在辐照12h后显著降低,藻体超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)酶活性随辐照时间延长而降低,过氧化氢酶(CAT)酶活性呈现升高后下降的趋势,抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)酶活性没有出现显著降低;高强度组[2W/(m2·s)]藻体在辐照3h后藻体出现明显氧化损伤,6h后细胞活力和蛋白质含量显著降低,藻体SOD酶活性随辐照时间延长而降低,CAT和APX酶活性呈现升高后降低的趋势,辐射12h后即显著降低。低强度UVB辐射对粉叶马尾藻的影响相对较小,表明粉叶马尾藻对UVB辐射具有一定耐受性;而高强度UVB辐射的影响较为显著,意味着UVB辐射的持续增强将超出粉叶马尾藻的耐受限度,进而造成不利影响。本研究结果初步揭示了粉叶马尾藻对于急性UVB辐射的增强的生理响应特征,为进一步研究UVB辐射增强的生态学效应提供参考依据。  相似文献   
Three-component Ocean Bottom Seismometers, portable land stations and marine air gun seismic sources were used to carry out an onshore-offshore deep seismic profile in northeastern South China Sea. This profile, orientated in NNW-SSE, was as long as 500 km and perpendicular to the strike of regional tectonics. The offshore data were processed in Taiwan Ocean University using a number of available software and the onshore data were analyzed in South China Sea Institute of Oceanology by new-written programs and public software. Preliminary results show that the seismic data are in good quality and contain rich information of deep structure. Seismic phases, e.g. Pg, PmP and Pn, are identified in the offset range 5~220 km, which will provide an important dataset for the deep crustal structure and oil-gas basin evolution studies of this region.  相似文献   
Abstract   Ultramafic xenoliths in alkali basalts from Jeju Island, Korea, are mostly spinel lherzolites with subordinate amounts of spinel harzburgites and pyroxenites. The compositions of major oxides and compatible to moderately incompatible elements of the Jeju peridotite xenoliths suggest that they are residues after various extents of melting. The estimated degrees of partial melting from compositionally homogeneous and unfractionated mantle to form the residual xenoliths reach 30%. However, their complex patterns of chondrite-normalized rare earth element, from light rare earth element (LREE)-depleted through spoon-shaped to LREE-enriched, reflect an additional process. Metasomatism by a small amount of melt/fluid enriched in LREE followed the former melt removal, which resulted in the enrichment of the incompatible trace elements. Sr and Nd isotopic ratios of the Jeju xenoliths display a wide scatter from depleted mid-oceanic ridge basalt (MORB)-like to near bulk-earth estimates along the MORB–oceanic island basalt (OIB) mantle array. The varieties in modal proportions of minerals, (La/Yb)N ratio and Sr-Nd isotopes for the xenoliths demonstrate that the lithospheric mantle beneath Jeju Island is heterogeneous. The heterogeneity is a probable result of its long-term growth and enrichment history.  相似文献   
The atomic ratios given by Eugster and Wones (1962) for analysesof high FeO-low MgO micas cited by Foster (1960) are in error.The recalculated atomic ratios herein presented show that onlythree of the thirteen have low (OH+F), and only one has characteristicsthat may possibly be due to loss of water during determination.None of the analyses exhibit characteristics suggestive of oxidationof iron and loss of H, as in progression towards oxyannite. The average recalculated octahedral occupancy is 2.69, not 2.91as in the previous calculation. The differences between atomic ratios calculated on the basisot determined H2O+ and F and those calculated on the basis ofthe theoretical O10 (OH)2 content are not great enough to changethe essential compositional character of these micas as interpretedby Foster (1960). However, they do affect significantly thecalculated octahedral occupancy.  相似文献   
This paper illustrates the response of a fluvial depositional system to the interplay between peat compaction and clastic sediment supply, at a range of spatial and temporal scales, as documented by extensive exposures in an open-cast mine in the Most Basin, part of the Oligo-Miocene Ohře Rift (Eger Graben) basin system in the Czech Republic. The Most Basin is characterized by the occurrence of a number of phenomena resulting from syn- and post-depositional interactions between clastic sedimentary systems and the underlying accumulation of organic material that was the precursor of the main lignite seam of up to 45 m thickness. The studied strata are interpreted as deposits of an avulsive, mixed-load fluvial system. The large-scale depositional architecture documents an existence of at least five stratal packages up to 1500 m wide and up to several tens of metres thick, representing a record of long-term evolution of a clastic floodplain bordered by accumulating peat. Within each of the packages, several small-scale channel-belts were documented. Individual packages are separated by carbonaceous mudstones indicating a period of reduced clastic input and interpreted as due to avulsion of the fluvial channels out of the floodplain limit. Two main, mutually linked, processes controlled the evolution of the studied fluvial system: (i) syndepositional compaction of the underlying peat and (ii) avulsions of the channels away from the original floodplain, resulting in formation of a new floodplain. The processes which caused the channels of the Hrabák fluvial system to reach the avulsion threshold were: (i) decrease of rate of creation of accommodation leading to increased sinuosity and thus to a decreased channel slope, and (ii) cross-floodplain tilting of the channel belt caused by differential compaction of underlying organic-rich substratum.  相似文献   
Lithological observations and mineralogical analyses on pyroxene and hornblende megacrysts and pyroxene and hornblende cumulates in xenoliths in the Mesozoic plutons of the Tongling region, Anhui Province, provide evidence for the magmatic underplating of mantle-derived alkali-olivine basalt at circa 140 Ma. The pyroxene and hornblende megacrysts and cumulates were formed through the AFC process at depths ranging from 27 to 35 km.  相似文献   
Ⅰ. INTRODUCTION. The most popular Chinese agalmatolites are Shoushanshih (壽山石), Changhuashih (昌化石), Chingtienshih (青田石) and Kwanglushih (廣綠石). They are named after the names of places, as the name Shoushanshih is from  相似文献   
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