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Ground‐based hyperspectral imaging combined with terrestrial lidar scanning is a novel technique for outcrop analysis, which has been applied to Early and Late Albian carbonates of the Pozalagua Quarry (Cantabrian Mountains, Spain). An image processing workflow has been developed for differentiating limestone from dolomite, providing additional sedimentary and diagenetic information, and the possibility to quantitatively delineate diagenetic phases in an accurate way. Spectral absorption signatures can be linked to specific sedimentary or diagenetic products, such as recent and palaeokarst, hydrothermal karst, (solution enlarged) fractures and different dolomite types. Some of the spectral signatures are related to iron, manganese, organic matter, clay and/or water content. Ground‐truthing accessible parts of the quarry showed that the classification based on hyperspectral image interpretation was very accurate. This technique opens the possibility for quantitative data evaluation on sedimentary and diagenetic features in inaccessible outcrops. This study demonstrates the potential of ground‐based imaging spectroscopy to provide information about the chemical–mineralogical distribution in outcrops, which could otherwise not be established using conventional field methods.  相似文献   
The Pozalagua Quarry in the Basque–Cantabrian Basin of northern Spain exposes a unique set of fault‐associated dolomites that can be studied on a decametre scale. The dolomites developed along the Pozalagua Fault system in slope‐deposited limestones of Albian age. Following marine phreatic diagenesis, the limestones were subject to meteoric karst formation. The resulting cavities were filled either by angular limestone fragments in a black clay‐rich matrix, or by cave floor/pond (now dolomitized) sediments. The subsequent diagenetic history reflects repeated periods of fracturing, fluid expulsion, dissolution and cementation. Contrasting fluid pulses resulted in the formation of a network of hydrothermal karst and the subsequent development of coarse‐crystalline calcite cement, zebra dolomite, recrystallized coarse‐crystalline dolomite, elongated blue–grey coarse‐crystalline dolomite cement in the open fault and, finally, coarse‐crystalline saddle dolomite. Decimetre‐size reworked host‐rock fragments present in the latter two dolomite phases probably reflect roof collapse fragments of a cave system that developed along the Pozalagua Fault system. However, there are also metre‐scale host‐rock fragments that apparently ‘float’ in the coarse‐crystalline saddle dolomites, implying that either fragment assimilation was a widespread process or violent expulsion of fluids occurred along the Pozalagua Fault system. The presence of pre‐dolomite and post‐dolomite stylolites, parallel to bedding, supports a linkage between the diagenetic events and the Late Albian tectonism that affected the region.  相似文献   
Ground penetrating radar and single‐aliquot regenerative‐dose optically stimulated luminescence were used to determine the depositional environments and age of unconsolidated siliciclastic sediments near Apalachicola, Florida. Five direct‐push cores, five vibracores and 28 optically stimulated luminescence samples were collected, as well as 7 km of ground penetrating radar data. A new model of cosmic dose rate calculation, which removes the effect of a much younger aeolian cap, was utilized to calculate more representative optically stimulated luminescence ages. Five radar facies were identified based on reflector amplitude and orientation. The resulting data indicate that the Tertiary/Quaternary Shelly Sediments were deposited before marine isotope stage 6, the Quaternary Alluvium was deposited during marine isotope stage 6 and the Quaternary Beach Ridge and Dune was deposited during the marine isotope stage 5e sea‐level highstand, which peaked at approximately 2·5 m above present sea‐level in this area.  相似文献   
The Rio Dell Formation (Pleistocene and Pliocene), exposed south of Eureka, California, is a prograded sequence of basinal turbidites overlain by basin slope and shelf deposits. The slope deposits studied in the Centerville Beach section accumulated in a steadily shallowing environment delineated by analysis of palaeobathymetrically significant benthonic foraminiferal biofacies in turn suggesting deposition at depths of 1000–100 m. Lower slope deposits interfinger with basinal turbidites derived from the Eel River delta to the north. Slumped blocks of silty mudstone, and associated silt and mud beds, are common. The middle slope deposits are mudstones; coarser sediments bypassed this zone. Mudstones and muddy siltstones alternate on the upper slope. Shallow depressions, probably slump scars, that have been rapidly filled by upper slope sediment are common. The transition to shelf deposits is marked by an increase in sediment grain size, in the degree of oxidation, and in the abundance of megafossils. High percentages of benthonic foraminifera displaced from shelf depths indicate that resedimentation processes are most important on the upper slope.  相似文献   
The region designated as the Pacific Coastal Mountains and Western Great Basin extends from southern Alaska (64°N) to southern California (34°N) and ranges in altitude from sea level to 6200 m. Orographic effects combine with moisture-laden frontal systems originating in the Pacific Ocean to produce areas of very high precipitation on western slopes and dry basins of internal drainage on eastern flanks of the mountains. In the southern half of the region most of the runoff occurs during winter or spring, while in the northern part most occurs in summer, especially in glaciated basins. Analyses of long-term climatic and hydrological records, combined with palaeoclimatic reconstructions and simulations of future climates, are used as the basis for likely scenarios of climatic variations. The predicted hydrological response in northern California to a climate with doubled CO2 and higher temperatures is a decrease in the amount of precipitation falling as snow, and substantially increased runoff during winter and less in late spring and summer. One consequence of the predicted earlier runoff is higher salinity in summer and autumn in San Francisco Bay. In saline lakes, the incidence of meromixis and the associated reduction in nutrient supply and algal abundance is expected to vary significantly as runoff fluctuates. In subalpine lakes, global warming will probably will lead to increased productivity. Lacustrine productivity can also be altered by changes in wind regimes, drought-enhanced forest fires and maximal or minimal snowpacks associated with atmospheric anomalies such as El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events. Reduced stream temperature from increased contributions of glacial meltwater and decreased channel stability from changed runoff patterns and altered sediment loads has the potential to reduce the diversity of zoobenthic communities in predominately glacier-fed rivers. Climatic warming is likely to result in reduced growth and survival of sockeye salmon in freshwater, which would, in turn, increase marine mortality. Further research activities should include expanded studies at high elevations and of glacier mass balances and glacial runoff, applications of remote sensing to monitor changes, further refinement of regional climatic models to improve forecasts of future conditions and continued analyses of long-term physical, chemical and biological data to help understand responses to future climates. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
One of the major sources of uncertainty for thermobarometry in pelitic rocks is the inability of solution models to represent accurately the non-ideal behavior of important pelitic minerals, in particular garnet, biotite, and plagioclase. In recent years, a large number of different solution models have been proposed for these phases. The purpose here is to test the effects on the overall uncertainty of the most commonly-used solution models using the garnet-muscovite-annite-plagioclase (GMAP) barometer and the empirical calibration technique. The GMAP reaction has been empirically calibrated several times with varying results, due in large part to the choice of solution models. The method's dependence on the choice of solution model makes it an excellent was in which to address the quality of specific models. By repeating the calibration exercise for different combinations of solution models, it is possible to determine which set of solution models results in the lowest uncertainties, using a sample set of 72 published electron microprobe analyses of pelitic rocks containing the assemblage garnet+muscovite+biotite +plagioclase+aluminum silicate+quartz. As an independent test of the suitability of solution models, we compare the fit of the sample set to the kyanite-sillimanite equilibrium curve, obtaining thermobarometric estimates by simultaneous solution of the garnet-biotite exchange thermometer and GMAP calibrated from thermochemical data.  相似文献   
Palaeogene dolostones from the sub‐surface of Florida are ideal for the study of dolomite maturation because they record the early stages of a secondary dolomite overprint without destruction by later diagenetic overprints. Two distinct dolomite textures occur in the dolostones of the Upper Eocene Ocala and Lower Oligocene Suwannee limestones in west‐central Florida: a porous and permeable sucrosic dolomite and a less porous and relatively impermeable indurated non‐sucrosic dolomite. In both textures, the initial matrix dolomite is dully luminescent, whereas the secondary overprint is dominantly luminescent cement in the Suwannee and only neomorphic luminescent dolomite in the Ocala. The abundance of luminescent dolomite ranges from 2% to 38%, which translates to 1·6 km3 of material in the Suwannee and 13·5 km3 in the Ocala. Extrapolated trace‐element contents (Sr and Na) and δ18O values for the matrix and luminescent end‐members indicate a marine origin for the matrix dolomite in both units, and a freshwater–seawater mixing‐zone origin for the secondary luminescent dolomites. The δ18O values indicate that a saline, middle mixing‐zone environment overprinted the Suwannee but a more dilute mixing zone affected the Ocala. Fluid–fluid mixing models constrained by modern Floridan aquifer hydrochemistry and extrapolated 87Sr/86Sr values of the luminescent phases indicate that the mixing zones operated during the Late Miocene to Pliocene in the Ocala and affected the Suwannee in the Pliocene. The luminescent Suwannee mixing‐zone cement reduced porosity up to threefold and permeability up to 100‐fold, which converted many sucrosic dolomites to indurated dolomites. By contrast, the neomorphic luminescent Ocala dolomite did not have an appreciable impact on the maturations. Although freshwater–seawater mixing zones were not the sites of the initial dolomitization, the mixing‐zone environment did dramatically overprint and mature the regionally widespread dolomites of the Ocala and Suwannee limestones. This maturation occurred shortly after formation of the proto‐Floridan aquifer; the timing suggests the matrix dolomites were ‘ripe’ for alteration and that the only prerequisite for mixing‐zone dolomite is pre‐existing dolomite substrates to reduce kinetic barriers. In contrast to recent claims, the results of this study demonstrate that mixing zones can be effective in forming regionally significant amounts of secondary dolomite and influencing the petrophysical maturation of dolomite bodies.  相似文献   
Abstract— We report induced thermoluminescence (TL) data for separates from three howardite, eucrite and diogenite (HED) meteorites and the Vaca Muerta mesosiderite. The results of thermal modeling of the surface of their parent body are also described. The TL sensitivities for matrix samples from the LEW 85300, 302 and 303 paired eucrites and the Bholghati howardite are lower than the TL sensitivities for the clasts, which is consistent with regolith working of the matrix in fairly mature regoliths. Within an isochemical series of HED meteorites, TL sensitivity reflects metamorphic intensity, but clast-to-clast variations in the TL sensitivities of the Vaca Muerta mesosiderite and clasts in the EET 87509, 513 and 531 paired howardite primarily reflect differences in mineralogy and petrology. Thermoluminescence peak temperatures indicate that all the components from the LEW 85300, 302 and 303 paired eucrites experienced a reheating event involving temperatures >800 °C, which is thought to have been due to impact heating, and therefore that the event was concurrent with or postdated brecciation. The Vaca Muerta clasts are essentially unmetamorphosed, but the induced TL data indicate that the remaining howardite, eucrite, dioenite and mesosiderite (HEDM) meteorites experienced metamorphism to a variety of intensities but involving temperatures <800 °C. Laboratory heating experiments show that temperatures >800 °C cause a change in TL peak temperature. Feldspars from a variety of terrestrial and extraterrestrial sources show this behavior, and x-ray diffraction and kinetic studies suggest that it is indirectly related to Al, Si disordering. Cooling rates are not consistent with autometamorphism following the initial igneous event or with heating by subsequent eruptions of lava onto the surface of the HED parent body. Instead, our thermal models suggest that the metamorphism occurred within a regolith ejecta blanket of up to a few kilometers thick, with different levels of metamorphism corresponding to different thicknesses of blanket, between essentially 0 and ~2 km, rather than different burial depths in a regolith of uniform thickness. We argue that metamorphism occurred 3.9 Ga ago and was associated with the resetting of the Ar-Ar system for the HED meteorites.  相似文献   
Identifying the nature of the association between climate, environmental, socio-economic and political context and disease remains a major challenge, yet a better comprehension of the linkages is imperative if predictive models to guide public health responses are to be devised. Our understanding of the relationships could be improved through investigations of historical epidemics. In this paper we draw on a range of published and unpublished documents to explore the complex relationship between climate, environmental change and epidemic disease (re)emergence in East Africa, and Uganda in particular. This is a region which has experienced climate variability at a range of temporal and spatial scales, but which also has a long history of episodic epidemic disease. We focus on the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries – a time of social, economic and political reordering in East Africa associated with European colonial intervention, but also a period which witnessed a variety of climatic, ecological and disease events. It will be argued that these developments coalesced, creating a set of spatially distinctive social and environmental conditions which fostered the emergence and prolongation of one of the most deadly episodes of disease in East African history, the sleeping sickness epidemic of c.1900–20.  相似文献   
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