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在对既有铁路复测数据进行分区、拟合和优化处理过程中,线路曲线的准确分区是其他工作的基础.考虑到现有的基于正矢分区方法精度不高,基于超高分区方法精度较高,但由于不容易准确获取超高和对应里程,导致其使用的局限性.为了实现轨道平面曲线的准确分区,提出一种基于平面曲线定长弦斜率变化和平面曲线线形特征的分区新方法.实例计算表明,方法分区精度高、效率高,能广泛应用于既有铁路复测平面曲线分区处理.  相似文献   
The source and sink landscape patterns refer to landscape types or units that can either promote positive evolvement of non-point source (NPS) pollution process, or can prevent/defer the ecological process, respectively. Therefore, the role of a catchment landscape pattern in nutrient losses can be identified based on the spatial arrangement of source and sink landscapes. To reveal the relations between landscape spatial characteristics and NPS pollution in small catchment, a case study was carried out in a Wangjiagou small catchment of the Three Gorges Reservoir Region (TGRR), China. Google earth imagery for 2015 were processed and used to differentiate source and sink landscape types, and six subcatchments were selected as sample regions for monitoring nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients. Relative elevation, slope gradient and relative flow length was used to construct the Lorenz curves of different source and sink landscape types in the catchment, in order to assess the source and sink landscape spatial characteristics. By calculating the location-weighted landscape indices of each subcatchment and total catchment, the landscape spatial load characteristics affecting the NPS pollution was identified, with a further Pearson correlation analysis for location-weighted landscape indices and nitrogen-phosphorus monitoring indicators. The analysis of Lorenz curve has revealed that the obtained distribution trend of Lorenz curve and curve area quantified well the spatial characteristics of source and sink landscape pattern related to the relative elevation, slope gradient and relative flow length in small catchment. Results of Pearson correction analysis indicated that location-weighted landscape index (LWLI) combining of terrain and landscape type factor did better in reflecting the status of nitrogen and phosphorus loss than the indices related to relative elevation, slope gradient and relative flow length.  相似文献   
碱浸脱硅处理高硅铝土矿时,会产生大量的含硅碱液,要实现其循环利用,需对含硅碱液进行脱硅。本文分别以初始硅渣、焙烧硅渣、硅渣与石灰混合为脱硅剂,对比考查含硅碱液的脱硅效果,并分析脱硅机理。结果表明,当添加25g/L的初始硅渣时,脱硅率仅为47.96%;将硅渣在600℃焙烧后,脱硅率提升至66.67%。焙烧后的硅渣明显提升了脱硅活性,当混合添加25g/L焙烧硅渣和钙硅比为1的CaO,脱硅率达到93%,主要是硅渣作为异相成核的晶核 ,在脱硅过程中的晶体生长以及CaO的协同脱硅作用,混合添加焙烧渣和CaO的高脱硅能力为氧化铝工业生产提供了再循环脱硅剂,并为含硅碱液的循环利用提供了可能性。  相似文献   
为探究混积条件下储集层矿物的溶蚀规律,为以陆源碎屑为主的混积型储集层的勘探开发提供理论依据,设计了一组递增温、压条件下,Ⅱ1型干酪根所排有机酸与混合样品(钾长石、钠长石、方解石、白云石、安山岩、流纹岩)的水岩溶蚀模拟实验.通过对样品溶蚀前后的扫描电镜特征、质量损失率以及反应液中离子浓度变化的分析,明确了混积条件下样品中主要矿物成分的溶蚀特征.结果 显示,混积条件下温度低于250℃时,主要为碳酸盐矿物溶蚀;温度达到250℃时,主要为长石矿物的溶蚀,钾长石的溶蚀比例与钠长石相当.钾长石在190-250℃区间内溶蚀比例增量达到2.64%,大于钠长石的1.91%,说明钾长石在深埋条件下有更大的溶蚀速率与增孔潜力.  相似文献   
元谋盆地河湖相沉积物分布广泛,沉积连续性好,富含古人类和哺乳动物化石,是进行磁极性地层学研究和探讨西南季风演化与转型、早期人类迁徙、哺乳动物扩散与交流的理想材料.本文对已有的磁性地层学研究作了较系统的总结与分析,发现造成对元谋人生活年代和盆地形成与演化过程的争议,主要是由于过去的磁性地层学研究所涉及的采样间隔太大和实验室测试条件不足等诸多因素的影响.这是未来元谋盆地研究必须注意的问题.  相似文献   
大规模宏观异常的双重性及其在地震预报中的意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
宏观异常的大规模出现是地壳强烈活动的重要标志 ,常与其后的强震活动相关。中国多次强震短临预测的成功 ,在一定程度上依赖于大规模的宏观异常。然而 ,宏观异常也具有二重性 ,一方面可作为重要的地震短临前兆 ,另一方面也可能是由构造活动引起的 ,不具有前兆的性质。因此 ,在地震预报的科学探索中 ,应大力加强宏观异常的观察、观测、分析与研究 ,识别地震前兆与构造活动异常的区别 ,使宏观异常在地震预报中发挥积极的作用  相似文献   
On the basis of digital records from Tayuan well,we study coseismic effects of water temperature caused by re-mote earthquakes.The records show that the water temperature changes are consistently following the process ofdrop-rise-recovery regardless of focal mechanism or epicentral directions.The step amplitude of water temperatureincreases with the increase of earthquake magnitude,and decreases with the decrease of epicentral distances.Theyhave rather well correlation.Water temperature rising after earthquake is influenced by water level variations.Fi-nally,the mechanisms of coseismic effects of water temperature have been discussed.Preliminary study shows thataccelerated convection and mixing of different temperature water in virtue of seismic wave are the main causes ofwater temperature drops.Seismic wave accelerates water convection,which causes warm water to move up fromdeeper part of the well and cold water to go down from the upper part.Temperature probe will detect water tem-perature drops at early stage.After the occurrence of earthquake,as the fluctuation of water level gradually quietsdown,water temperature near the probe begins to rise.  相似文献   
在汶川MS8.0地震地下流体异常资料的收集整理与宏观前兆异常的现场调查基础上,认真分析目前地震预测的困难与能力之后,认为汶川MS8.0地震的预测失败并不意味着地震不能预测;认为汶川MS8.0地震前前兆异常的数量偏少,但仍有一定规模的地下流体异常与明显的宏观临震异常;还认为震前作出预测可能困难,但震前有所觉察应是可能的。为提高中国地震预测能力,提出了要改革目前的"监测、预测、研究三分离"的管理机制和"专业与地方两条线"的管理体制,要改变地震日常分析预报中"电脑代替人脑"的工作现状和过早地"程式化与规范化"的工作模式,要提倡创新性的科学探索,要重视前兆异常的震前调查与落实,要重视宏观异常的监测与研究等的工作建议  相似文献   
介绍了在内蒙古古城进行的同层抽水对水位、水温(地热)、气氡、气汞、水氡与水汞影响的观测试验及其结果。结果表明,抽水对井水位影响最大,影响距离可达近1 km;对水温影响较为明显;对气氡、气汞的影响不明显;水氡与水汞的动态可能有一定影响,但影响幅度不大。  相似文献   
藏南地区地热资源丰富,是喜马拉雅地热带的重要组成部分,有望成为新的地热资源开发靶区。本文以藏南桑日-错那活动构造带内模麓温泉群为研究对象,以水化学和氢氧氚同位素为研究方法,分析模麓温泉群的水岩作用、热储温度、补给来源及径流时间,揭示了地热水的成因机制。模麓地热水pH在6.6~7.2之间,TDS为1 908mg/L~2 326 mg/L,水化学类型以HCO3·Cl-Na型和HCO3·Cl-Na·Ca型为主。地热水中主要阴阳离子来源于硅酸盐矿物的溶解和少量地球深部物质。利用硅-焓方程法和硅-焓图解法计算的初始热储温度为198℃~256℃,冷水混入比例为68%~85%。此外,对地热水中的Li、B、F等微量元素分析得出,研究区温泉水中微量组分除来自水-岩作用外,应该还与深部流体的混入有关,且该地区的氢氧同位素特征表明地下水补给主要来源于大气降水,补给高程为5 652m~5 664m,模麓地热水中的氚含量<0.5TU,表明其地热水为老水,有更长的径流时间,为水-岩作用提供了充足的时间,而宿麦郎曲河水为新水,补给径流时间短。研究区地热水与围岩遮拉组砂板岩发生水-岩作用,进行离子交换作用,在地...  相似文献   
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