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The aim of this work is to review studies to evaluate how emissions from fish cage farms cause eutrophication effects in marine environments. The focus is on four different scales: (i) the conditions at the site of the farm, (ii) the local scale related to the coastal area where the farm is situated, (iii) the regional scale encompassing many coastal areas and (iv) the international scale including several regional coastal areas. The aim is to evaluate the role of nutrient emissions from fish farms in a general way, but all selected examples come from the Baltic Sea. An important part of this evaluation concerns the method to define the boundaries of a given coastal area. If this is done arbitrarily, one would obtain arbitrary results in the environmental consequence analysis. In this work, the boundary lines between the coast and the sea are drawn using GIS methods (geographical information systems) according to the topographical bottleneck method, which opens a way to determine many fundamental characteristics in the context of mass balance calculations. In mass balance modelling, the fluxes from the fish farm should be compared to other fluxes to, within and from coastal areas. Results collected in this study show that: (1) at the smallest scale (<1 ha), the "footprint" expressing the impact areas of fish cage farm often corresponds to the size of a "football field" (50-100 m) if the annual fish production is about 50 ton, (2) at the local scale (1 ha to 100 km2), there exists a simple load diagram (effect-load-sensitivity) to relate the environmental response and effects from a specific load from a fish cage farm. This makes it possible to obtain a first estimate of the maximum allowable fish production in a specific coastal area, (3) at the regional scale (100-10,000 km2), it is possible to create negative nutrient fluxes, i.e., use fish farming as a method to reduce the nutrient loading to the sea. The breaking point is to use more than about 1.1 g wet weight regionally caught wild fish per gram feed for the cultivated fish, and (4) at the international scale (>10,000 km2) related to the Baltic Proper, the contribution from fish farms to the overall nutrient fluxes are very small. We have also given two case-studies at the local scale where the impact of the fish farm emissions are greatest and the idea is to identify coastal areas unsuitable and suitable for fish cage farms and the reasons why. It should also be stressed that the results presented here are exemplified using emissions from fish farms, but that the underlying principles to evaluate the ecosystem effects of nutrient discharges from point source emissions are valid in a wider and more general perspective.  相似文献   
An isochron age of 282±20 (95% conf. limit) Ma of the sulfide ores in the Huangshandong Cu-Ni sulfide deposit, the East Tianshan Mountains has been obtained through Re-Os isotopic measurement. The age implies that the Cu-Ni sulfide deposit and other related deposits in the same area occurred in a Permian extensional environment of post-collision instead of Devonian-Early Carboniferous ophiolite-related oceanic or island arc environments inferred before. It shares the same ages with the orogenic and epithermal gold deposit systems in the same area. An initial 187Os/188Os ratio of 0.25±0.04 (1σ) and a γos value of 99 on average display the participation of large quantities of crustal components into the rock-forming and ore-forming system during mineralization and magmatic emplacement.  相似文献   
The paper discusses the distinctive features of grain size distribution of permafrost soils formed under conditions of continental lithogenesis and cryogenic weathering of rocks. As a functional consequence of surface erosion of mineral particles, the log-normal distribution of the density function of grain size is derived confirmed for any conditions and sediment types.  相似文献   
浮游植物作为食物链的基础,对海洋生态系统具有重要影响。黄海作为我国重要的渔场,渔业资源面临枯竭的危险,因此对该区浮游植物进行研究具有重要意义。叶绿素a浓度是反映浮游植物生物量的重要指标。利用谷歌地球引擎平台对2002-2018年的MODIS Aqua叶绿素a浓度数据进行处理,并研究其时空分布与变化特征,然后结合区域气候、水文与地理特征以及海洋表面温度、风速、盐度、光合有效辐射和混合层厚度数据分析了其分布与变化的原因。研究发现:受陆源营养物质输入、近岸上升流以及黄海中央冷水团影响,叶绿素a浓度分布呈现由近岸向黄海中部递减特征;在季风、气候、水文的控制下,受风速、海洋表面温度、光合有效辐射、中央冷水团的影响,叶绿素a浓度的最大值出现在4月份,而最小值出现在6、7月份;受苏北沿岸海域海水污染和水体富营养化影响,沿岸海域盐度明显增加,海州湾叶绿素a浓度增速较大;影响黄海叶绿素a浓度变化的环境因子较复杂,除了部分月份存在显著的相关影响因子外,在全年和各季中不存在主导影响因子。  相似文献   
根据浅层地震和钻孔资科,将澳大利亚东南部研究地区高能波控陆架风暴沉积分为直立风暴层、叠瓦状风暴层、无序风暴层、水平风暴层和纹层状风暴层等五类.各类风暴层及风暴层与非风暴层组合而成悬移风暴层序、悬移-推移混合风暴层序和推移风暴层序三大类.中陆架风暴沉积与现今近岸和水下岸坡相似,岩性、岩相和古生物属海岸带,风暴沉积厚,底板埋深大,组成物质粗.推断中陆架风暴沉积当形成于冰后期海侵、该地带处在近岸带和水下岸坡环境时,此时海面上升速度可能减缓,或趋近于零,甚至可能有短时间的下降.  相似文献   
给出了一种短周期瑞雷(Rg)波的自动检测器,其目的是用于三分量台站所记录到的区域(<2.5°震中距)事件。该检测器以17~22s的瑞雷波自动检波方法为模型;我们已经修改了用在近距离和短周期的算法。我们对该检测器在印度中部一群定位很好的矿山爆破和该地区一组地面实测事件进行了检验。Rg波检测器结合了半自动的事件检测系统和定位算法,并被用在连续数据上。为进行前置滤波,对傅里叶方法和基于小波的方法进行了评估。在小波前置滤波后,我们看到了用Rg波检测器估算的后方位角标准偏差的样本,它与系列事件fk3CP波的后方位角相当。结果表明,用Rg震相后方位角定位与用小信噪比的初至震相后方位角定位这两种方法是兼容的。相对于傅里叶前置滤波而言,我们更推荐小波前置滤波,因为在近距离上,在低信噪比的背景上检波,小波前置滤波的一致性更好。  相似文献   
日本气象厅(JMA)已开始推出一项地震早期预警(EEW)的实际服务,预计在不久的未来,将非常密集地布设安装信号接收装置。地震早期预警的接收/预警装置配有中央处理器和内存,并通过互联网进行连接。再加上一个便宜的地震仪和模数(A/D)转换器,该装置就变成了一个实时的地震观测系统,我们称之为家用地震仪(Home Seismometer)。如果这种家用地震仪与地震早期预警的标准接收装置相连接,那么地震观测系统的数量就会极大地增多。在房间里,由人的活动所引起的背景噪声可能非常大,为此我们专门编写了软件,从而能够使用该家用地震仪进行现场预警。我们对软件做了检验,发现该软件能够准确地将噪声和地震分辨开来,并适用于几乎所有的地震事件。  相似文献   
<正> 本书论及了近年来近景摄影测量重大发展的状况。近景摄影测量并不仅仅涉及地形测图,而是有着广泛应用领域的测量技术。本书在向从事测量和数据获取的专业人员讲述近景摄影测量原理及用途。第一章概述近景摄影测量的起源,早期模拟方法的应用和近期解析技术的发展。当读者将注意力转向实用领域时便知,过去在近景摄影测量精度方面的研究限多,而对时间和费用两个“参数”的考虑则不足。为此,作者强调指出,要使近景摄影测量普遍用于生产过程,则应把研究重点转到时间和  相似文献   
随着其它国家有关机构对各种三角高程的研究,法国国家地理院水准测量部决定进行一项类似的但更为精密的工作,即摩托化精密间接高程测量。其设备即为目前摩托化几何水准测量队所采用的两部SIMCA 1100运载汽车、无线电通讯装置、计算器以及专用三脚架等。该项工作的目的在于了解此种高差测量法可能达到的精度与速度。作业区设在巴黎东北Ermenonville地区。6个月前曾在那里进行摩托化几何水准测量,路线纵断面起伏不很大,有利于试验。  相似文献   
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