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The Oaxacan Complex is the largest exposure of Grenvillian-age rocks in Mexico, constituting the backbone of the Oaxaquia microcontinent. Whereas the main rock-forming events were previously established at 1,150–1,200 Ma (charnockite–syenite–gabbros), 1,020 Ma (AMCG suite), 990 Ma (granulite-facies metamorphism), and ca. 970 Ma post-tectonic pegmatites, no data are yet available to establish provenance links with other Grenville-age terranes. In this work, we studied detrital zircons belonging to 12 samples, all metamorphosed under granulite facies but variably affected by retrogression. Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry U–Pb geochronology was employed on selected zircons to determine their crystallization age and geochemistry. The results of the analysis of about 100 crystals per sample show that the studied zircons range between ca. 940 and 1,400 Ma, with only three samples having zircons between 1,400 and 1,600 Ma, and only one showing older zircons up to ca. 1,775 Ma. Whereas some of the slightly discordant (1–5 %) zircons in several samples show ages younger than the granulite metamorphism (probably as a result of Pb loss), and thus a disturbed geochemical pattern (abnormal enrichment in LREE, decreasing HREE), a few metamorphic zircons show flat and depleted HREE patterns, contrasting with the igneous pattern of older zircons (positive Ce anomaly, negative Eu anomaly, enriched HREE pattern). The main distributions observed using the kernel density estimator diagrams fall in the range 975–995 Ma (six samples), 1,100 Ma (four samples) and 1,120–1,170 Ma (six samples). Only the southernmost sample shows a marked peak at ca. 1,400 Ma. The application of the Kolmogorov–Smirnov (K–S) statistical test to the studied samples and particularly the comparison of obtained P values yield interesting similarities. Overall, two sample groups show internal similarities, i.e., they may belong to the same source area, whereas only one sample is dissimilar, failing to pass the K–S test. Comparison of these data with the timing of comparable events in the Sveconorwegian orogens, the Sunsas and Rondonia-San Ignacio belts of Amazonia, and some of the Precambrian massifs cropping out in the Andes help to constrain possible Mesoproterozoic conjugate margins of Oaxaquia.  相似文献   
 Peridotites, dykes and gabbros from the 470–420 Ma Trinity Ophiolite Complex of northern California exhibit large geochemical rare earth element (REE) and Nd isotopic variations on the small scales which are indicative of a complex history. The Trinity Ophiolite, which covers an area of ≈1600 km2, consists of three distinct units: (1) a ∼2–4 km-thick sheet of plastically deformed peridotites, including various ultrabasic lithologies (plagioclase and spinel lherzolite, harzburgite, wherlite and dunite); the peridotite unit is a fragment of mantle lithosphere of oceanic affinity; (2) a series of small (∼1 km diameter) undeformed gabbroic massifs; (3) several generations of basic dykes. The peridotites display the largest geochemical and isotopic variations, with ɛNd(T) values ranging from +10 down to 0. In the gabbroic massifs and intrusive dykes, the variation in model ɛNd(T) values is reduced to 7 ɛNd units: 0 to +7. As a general rule, peridotites, gabbros and dykes with ɛNd(T) values around 0 or +3 give less depleted L(light)REE patterns than do those with ɛNd(T) values in the range +7 to +10. In the peridotites, the Nd isotopic variations take place over very short distances, with jumps as large as 7 ɛNd units occurring on scales of less than 20 m. Comparison with available age data indicates that the peridotites with ɛNd(T)≈+10 could be slightly older than the intrusive gabbro massifs and basic dykes (470 Ma vs. 420 Ma). Strontium isotopic data used in connection with Sm-Nd results demonstrate that the 10 ɛNd units variation displayed by the Trinity Peridotite is a primary feature and not an artefact due to REE mobility during seawater interaction. The variable Nd isotopic signatures and variable LREE patterns in the Trinity Peridotite cannot represent mantle source characteristics as there is evidence that this unit was partially melted when it rose as part of the upwelling convecting mantle. Field, petrographic, geochemical and isotopic data rather suggest that the observed heterogeneity is due to local reactions between a 470 Ma proto-peridotite with ɛNd(T)=+10 and younger (420 Ma) basaltic melts with lower ɛNd(T) values (i.e. the gabbroic massifs and the dykes). The gabbros and basic dykes of the Trinity Complex have geochemical and isotopic compositions similar to the arc basalts from the adjacent Copley Formation, so it is proposed that the younger melts are related to arc magmatism. Received: 13 January 1995/Accepted 5 May 1995  相似文献   
The stratigraphy of Betic of Málaga and of Subbetic near Vélez Rubio is given. No major tectonic movement took place between Paleozoic and Oligo-Miocene in the area of deposition of the Betic of Málaga and neighbourhood. The geology and formations of the narrow zone between Betic of Málaga and Subbetic are described. Nappe movement of the Betic of Málaga is older than the thrusting of Subbetic over Prebetic. Age of the former movement and origin of major tectonic units are tested on the characteristics of a pre-Orbulina marl formation and on the distribution of the detritus contained in this formation.
Zusammenfassung Die Stratigraphie des Betikums von Málaga, des Subbetikums und der zwischen beiden Einheiten liegenden Zone wird aus dem Gebiet von Vélez Rubio beschrieben.Größere tektonische Bewegungen haben zwischen Paläozoikum und OligoMiozän im Ablagerungsgebiet des Betikums von Málaga und in der näheren Umgebung nicht stattgefunden. Die Deckenbewegung des Betikums von Málaga ist älter als die Überschiebung des Subbetikums über das Präbetikum. Das Alter der Deckenbewegung und der Ursprung der größeren tektonischen Einheiten werden an Hand der Merkmale einer Prä-Orbulina Mergel-Einheit und an Hand der Verbreitung des in dieser Einheit enthaltenen Schutts überprüft.

Résumé Les auteurs exposent la stratigraphie du Bétique de Málaga et du Subbétique dans les environs de Vélez Rubio. Aucun mouvement tectonique important n'a eu lieu entre le Paléozoïque et l'Oligo-Miocène dans l'aire sédimentaire du Bétique de Málaga et les régions limitrophes. Les formations de l'étroite zone comprise entre Bétique de Málaga et Subbétique sont étudiées, ainsi que leur relations mutuelles. Le mouvement de nappe du Bétique de Málaga est plus ancien que le chevauchement du Subbétique sur le Prébétique. L'âge de celui-là, ainsi que l'origine des unités tectoniques principales sont examinés en utilisant les caractéristiques d'une formation d'âge pré-Orbulina ainsi que la répartition des débris dérivés de ces unités tectoniques qu'elle contient.

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In September 1998 tropical storm “Earl” swept southern Mexico, producing intense rainfall in the states of Oaxaca and Chiapas. Among the most devastated cities was Motozintla, located in the drainage basin of the Allende, La Mina and Xelajú Grande Rivers. The rainfall from the tropical storm totaled 175 mm on September 8 and 130 mm on September 9, duplicating in two days the average monthly precipitation in the region. Numerous landslides occurred in the vicinity of Motozintla, depositing large volumes of material into the Xelajú Grande stream. Much of this sediment was subsequently remobilized, yielding debris flows, hyperconcentrated flows, and sediment-laden flows that inundated most sections of Motozintla city. The flows covered an approximate area of 3.15 km2 with a minimum volume of 4.4 × 106 m3 of sediment. Communication of Motozintla with the rest of the Chiapas State was interrupted for about a month, as was the supply of potable water, food, electricity, and fuel. The geologic record around Motozintla indicates that the Xelajú Grande River has been a pathway for similar large floods during the last 6000 years. The oldest deposit yielded a radiocarbon age of 5320 ± 100 14C years. B.P. At least two historic floods have occurred during the last 100 years, a time period defined by a stratigraphically distinct tephra of 1902. Frequency analysis of the historical record of daily rainfall in the Motozintla area suggests that events like that of September, 1998, have a recurrence interval of about 25 years. After the catastrophic flows of 1998, the mitigation measures by Municipal Authorities were made without regard to geological and environmental factors, or to taking into consideration the flow magnitude and appropriate hazard-mitigation techniques, with the result that Motozintla remains at serious risk for future floods. Unfortunately, prior to the publication of this study, in early October 2005, Motozintla was seriously damaged again by intense rain provoked by Hurricane Stan.  相似文献   
Marson  Stephen M.  Legerton  Mac 《Natural Hazards》2021,107(3):2247-2262
Natural Hazards - This paper presents a case study of Robeson County’s challenges in addressing the double-barrel disasters of Hurricane Matthew in 2016 (Category 5) and Hurricane Florence in...  相似文献   
The April 16, 1991, eruption of Volcán de Colima represents a classical example of partial dome collapse with the generation of progressively longer-runout, Merapi-type pyroclastic flows that traveled up to 4 km along the El Cordoban gullies (East, Central and West). The flows filled the gullies with block-and-ash flow deposits up to 10 m thick, of which, after 7 years of erosion, only remnants remained in the El Cordoban West and East gullies. The El Cordoban Central gully, however, provided a well-preserved and incised longitudinal section of the 1991 deposits. The deposits were emplaced as proximal and distal facies, separated by a change in slope angle from >30° to <20°. The proximal facies consists of massive, clast-supported flow units (up to 1 m thick) with andesite blocks locally supported by a matrix of coarse ash and devoid of segregation structures or grading. The distal facies consists of a massive, matrix-supported deposit up to 8 m thick, which contains dispersed andesite blocks in a fine ash matrix. In the distal facies, a train of blocks marks flow-unit upper boundaries and, although sorting is poor, some grading is present. Thin, finely stratified, or dune-bedded layers of fine ash material are locally present above or below units of both facies. Sedimentologic parameters show that the size or fraction of large pyroclasts (larger than –1 ) decreases from proximal to distal facies, as the percentage of matrix (0 to 4 ) increases, especially immediately beyond the break in slope. We propose that the propagation of the Colima pyroclastic flows is critically dependent on local slope angle, the presence of erodible slope debris, and the decrease in grain size with distance from the vent. The progressive fining is probably caused by some combination of erosion, clast breakup and deposition of larger pyroclasts, and is itself influenced by the slope angle. In the proximal region, the flows moved as granular avalanches, in which interacting grains ground each other and erosion occurred to produce an overriding dilute ash cloud. The maximum runout distance of the avalanches was controlled by the angle of repose of the material, and the volume and grain size of source and eroded material. Because the slope angle is close to the repose angle for this debris, granular avalanches were not able to propagate far beyond the change in slope. If, however, an avalanche had enough mass in finer grain size fractions, at least part of the flow continued beyond the break in slope and across the volcano apron, propagating in a turbulent state and depositing surge layers, or in an otherwise settling-modified state and depositing block-and-ash flow layers.Editorial responsibility: T Druitt  相似文献   
During late Pleistocene time, the extrusion of an andesitic dome at the summit of Tacaná volcano caused the collapse of its northwestern flank. The stratocone collapse was nearly parallel to the σ min stress direction suggesting that failure was controlled by the regional stress field. The event produced a debris avalanche that was channelized in the San Rafael River and moved 8 km downstream. The deposit covered a minimum area of 4 km2, had a volume of 0.8 ± 0.5 km3, with an H/L (vertical drop to horizontal transport distance ratio) of ~0.35, defining a degree of mobility that is atypical for volcanic debris avalanches. The flank failure undermined the summit dome leading to its collapse and the generation of a series of block-and-ash flows that were emplaced in quick succession and covered the avalanche surface. The collapse event left a 600-m-wide summit amphitheatre with a 30-degree opening to the northwest, and >200 m thick debris that blocked the San Rafael River. Remobilization of this material produced debris flows that eroded the primary deposits and cascaded into the Coatán River. After the collapse, the activity of Tacaná continued with the emission of the Agua Zarca lava flow dated at 10 ± 6 ka (40Ar/39Ar), and pyroclastic surges dated at 10,610 + 330/−315 yr BP (14C), which provide a minimum age for the collapse event. During the Holocene, Tacaná has been very active producing explosive and effusive eruptions that ended with the extrusion of two summit domes that today occupy the amphitheatre. The 1950 and 1986 phreatic outbursts occurred along the Pleistocene collapse scar. Currently ~300,000 inhabitants live within a 35 km radius of Tacaná, and could conceivably be impacted by future events of similar magnitude.  相似文献   
The Igwisi Hills volcanoes (IHV), Tanzania, are unique and important in preserving extra-crater lavas and pyroclastic edifices. They provide critical insights into the eruptive behaviour of kimberlite magmas that are not available at other known kimberlite volcanoes. Cosmogenic 3He dating of olivine crystals from IHV lavas and palaeomagnetic analyses indicates that they are Upper Pleistocene to Holocene in age. This makes them the youngest known kimberlite bodies on Earth by >30?Ma and may indicate a new phase of kimberlite volcanism on the Tanzania craton. Geological mapping, Global Positioning System surveying and field investigations reveal that each volcano comprises partially eroded pyroclastic edifices, craters and lavas. The volcanoes stand <40?m above the surrounding ground and are comparable in size to small monogenetic basaltic volcanoes. Pyroclastic cones consist of diffusely layered pyroclastic fall deposits comprising scoriaceous, pelletal and dense juvenile pyroclasts. Pyroclasts are similar to those documented in many ancient kimberlite pipes, indicating overlap in magma fragmentation dynamics between the Igwisi eruptions and other kimberlite eruptions. Characteristics of the pyroclastic cone deposits, including an absence of ballistic clasts and dominantly poorly vesicular scoria lapillistones and lapilli tuffs, indicate relatively weak explosive activity. Lava flow features indicate unexpectedly high viscosities (estimated at >102 to 106?Pa?s) for kimberlite, attributed to degassing and in-vent cooling. Each volcano is inferred to be the result of a small-volume, short-lived (days to weeks) monogenetic eruption. The eruptive processes of each Igwisi volcano were broadly similar and developed through three phases: (1) fallout of lithic-bearing pyroclastic rocks during explosive excavation of craters and conduits; (2) fallout of juvenile lapilli from unsteady eruption columns and the construction of pyroclastic edifices around the vent; and (3) effusion of degassed viscous magma as lava flows. These processes are similar to those observed for other small-volume monogenetic eruptions (e.g. of basaltic magma).  相似文献   
Palaeomagnetic techniques for estimating the emplacement temperatures of volcanic deposits have been applied to pyroclastic and volcaniclastic deposits in kimberlite pipes in southern Africa. Lithic clasts were sampled from a variety of lithofacies from three pipes for which the internal geology is well constrained (the Cretaceous A/K1 pipe, Orapa Mine, Botswana, and the Cambrian K1 and K2 pipes, Venetia Mine, South Africa). The sampled deposits included massive and layered vent-filling breccias with varying abundances of lithic inclusions, layered crater-filling pyroclastic deposits, talus breccias and volcaniclastic breccias. Basalt lithic clasts in the layered and massive vent-filling pyroclastic deposits in the A/K1 pipe at Orapa were emplaced at >570°C, in the pyroclastic crater-filling deposits at 200–440°C and in crater-filling talus breccias and volcaniclastic breccias at <180°C. The results from the K1 and K2 pipes at Venetia suggest emplacement temperatures for the vent-filling breccias of 260°C to >560°C, although the interpretation of these results is hampered by the presence of Mesozoic magnetic overprints. These temperatures are comparable to the estimated emplacement temperatures of other kimberlite deposits and fall within the proposed stability field for common interstitial matrix mineral assemblages within vent-filling volcaniclastic kimberlites. The temperatures are also comparable to those obtained for pyroclastic deposits in other, silicic, volcanic systems. Because the lithic content of the studied deposits is 10–30%, the initial bulk temperature of the pyroclastic mixture of cold lithic clasts and juvenile kimberlite magma could have been 300–400°C hotter than the palaeomagnetic estimates. Together with the discovery of welded and agglutinated juvenile pyroclasts in some pyroclastic kimberlites, the palaeomagnetic results indicate that there are examples of kimberlites where phreatomagmatism did not play a major role in the generation of the pyroclastic deposits. This study indicates that palaeomagnetic methods can successfully distinguish differences in the emplacement temperatures of different kimberlite facies.  相似文献   
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