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The mechanism of the thermal decomposition of two siderites (a pure synthetic and a natural Mg-containing sample) has been
determined from comparison of the results obtained from linear heating rate (TG) and constant rate thermal analysis (CRTA)
experiments in high vacuum. The thermal decomposition of the synthetic siderite takes place approximately 200 K below the
decomposition temperature of the natural sample. The mechanism and the product of the thermal decomposition are different
for the siderite samples. In fact, an A2 kinetic model describes the thermal decomposition of the synthetic siderite, whereas the thermal decomposition of the natural
sample obeys an F1 kinetic law. Decomposition products of the synthetic siderite are iron and magnetite, those of the natural siderite are wüstite
and minor magnetite.
Received: 22 July 1999 / Accepted: 12 February 2000 相似文献
An analysis is presented of data on chlorophyll a concentrations of the total and the netplankton (>10 μm), determined either in April to June or in August to September from 48°N to 15°S along 175°E in the Pacific Ocean during 6 years by the NOPACCS (Northwest Pacific Carbon Cycle Study). Particular attention was given to the variability of absolute concentrations of the netplankton chlorophyll a and their percentage shares of the total chlorophyll a concentration. Below 0.2 μg l−1 of surface total chlorophyll a, the netplankton chlorophyll a showed low percentage shares (such as 12.7% on average) with a large variation, but above 0.2 μg l−1 it was 35.9% on average with less variation, showing an accelerated increase at high total chlorophyll a concentrations. High netplankton chlorophyll a concentrations in surface waters were observed at high latitudes, in waters having high chlorophyll a concentrations at sub-surface depth, and in equatorial upwelling. The percentage shares of netplankton in the total chlorophyll a in the euphotic zone were 8.5% and 25.9% above and below 0.2 μg l−1, respectively, although the data points scattered over a wide range (from 7.2% to 53.8%) depending on differences in water masses, depths and seasons. High chlorophyll a concentrations and high percentage shares of netplankton corresponded to high ambient nitrate plus nitrite concentrations. Integrated netplankton chlorophyll a concentrations in the euphotic zone varied from 0.7 to 19.5 mg m−2 in waters below 0.2 μg l−1 of surface total chlorophyll a, and from 2.0 to 29.5 mg m−2 above 0.2 μg l−1, and the percentage shares of netplankton for the former were 7.4% on average and 23.7% for the latter. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Yuji Watanabe Atsushi Yamaguchi Hiroshi Ishida Takashi Harimoto Shinya Suzuki Yoshio Sekido Tsutomu Ikeda Yoshihisa Shirayama Masayuki Mac Takahashi Takashi Ohsumi Joji Ishizaka 《Journal of Oceanography》2006,62(2):185-196
The first CO2 exposure experiments on several species of pelagic copepods inhabiting surface and deep layers in the western North Pacific
were conducted. Living organisms were collected from two layers between the surface and 1,500 m between latitudes of 11 and
44°N, and they were exposed aboard ship to various pCO2 up to about 98,000 μatm. Mortality of copepods from both shallow and deep layers in subarctic to subtropical regions increased with increasing
pCO2 and exposure time. Deep-living copepods showed higher tolerance to pCO2 than shallow-living copepods. Furthermore, deep-living copepods from subarctic and transitional regions had higher tolerances
than the subtropical copepods. The higher tolerances of the deep-living copepods from subarctic and transitional regions may
be due to the adaptation to the natural pCO2 conditions in the subarctic ocean. 相似文献
Georgi Pavlovski Michael D. Smith Mordecai–Mark Mac Low Alexander Rosen 《Astrophysics and Space Science》2004,292(1-4):69-75
Here we present results from simulations of turbulence in star forming environments obtained by coupling three-dimensional hydrodynamical models with appropriate chemical processes. We investigate regimes of decaying high-speed molecular turbulence. Here we analyse PDFs of density for the volume, mass, molecular mass and the energy distribution over the range of scales. We compare our results to those previously obtained for isothermal turbulence and suggest possible explanations. 相似文献
We compare high-resolution 2D and 3D numerical hydrocode simulations of asteroids striking the atmosphere of Venus. Our focus is on aerobraking and its effect on the size of impact craters. We consider impacts both by spheres and by the real asteroid 4769 Castalia, a severely nonspherical body in a Venus-crossing orbit. We compute mass and momentum fluxes as functions of altitude as global measures of the asteroid's progress. We find that, on average, the 2D and 3D simulations are in broad agreement over how quickly an asteroid slows down, but that the scatter about the average is much larger for the 2D models than for the 3D models. The 2D models appear to be rather strongly susceptible to the “butterfly effect,” in which tiny changes in initial conditions (e.g., 0.05% change in the impact velocity) produce quite different chaotic evolutions. By contrast, the global properties of the 3D models appear more reproducible despite seemingly large differences in initial conditions. We argue that this difference between 2D and 3D models has its root in the greater geometrical constraints present in any 2D model, and in particular in the global conservation of enstrophy in 2D that forces energy to pool in large-scale structures. It is the interaction of these artificial large-scale structures that causes slightly different 2D models to diverge so greatly. These constraints do not apply in 3D and large scale structures are not observed to form. A one-parameter modified pancake model reproduces the expected crater diameters of the 3D Castalias reasonably well. 相似文献
Natural Hazards - Some Amazonia regions are vulnerable to natural disasters. Hurst analysis of hydrological events can provide more information than classical statistical methods. The objectives of... 相似文献
We present results from a number of 2D high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations of asteroids striking the atmosphere of Venus. These cover a wide range of impact parameters (velocity, size, and incidence angle), but the focus is on 2-3 km diameter asteroids, as these are responsible for most of the impact craters on Venus. Asteroids in this size range are disintegrated, ablated, and significantly decelerated by the atmosphere, yet they retain enough impetus to make large craters when they meet the surface. We find that smaller impactors (diameter <1-2 km) are better described by a "pancaking" model in which the impactor is compressed and distorted, while for larger impactors (>2-3 km) fragmentation by mechanical ablation is preferred. The pancaking model has been modified to take into account effects of hydrodynamical instabilities. The general observation that most larger impactors disintegrate by shedding fragments generated from hydrodynamic instabilities spurs us to develop a simple heuristic model of the mechanical ablation of fragments based on the growth rates of Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities. Although in principle the model has many free parameters, most of these have little effect provided that they are chosen reasonably. In practice the range of model behavior can be described with one free parameter. The resulting model reproduces the mass and momentum fluxes rather well, doing so with reasonable values of all physical parameters. 相似文献
Atsushi Yamaguchi Yuji Watanabe Hiroshi Ishida Takashi Harimoto Kazushi Furusawa Shinya Suzuki Joji Ishizaka Tsutomu Ikeda Masayuki Mac Takahashi 《Journal of Oceanography》2004,60(4):773-787
As part of the research program WEST-COSMIC Phase I (1997–2001), vertical profiles down to the greater depths (0–2000 m or
5800 m) of the plankton community structure composed of heterotrophic bacteria, phytoplankton, protozooplankton and metazooplankton
were studied at one station in each subarctic (44°N) and in transitional region (39°N), and two stations in subtropical region
(30°N and 25°N); all in 137–155°E in the western North Pacific Ocean. The biomass of all four taxonomic groups decreased rapidly
with increasing depths at all stations, although the magnitude of depth-related decrease differed among the groups. As plankton
community structure, metazooplankton biomass and bacterial biomass occupied >50% of the total in 0–2000 and 2000–4000 or 5000
m strata, respectively, at subarctic and transitional stations, while bacterial biomass contributed to >50% of the total consistently
from 0 through 4800 or 5800 m at subtropical stations. Metazooplankton biomass integrated over the greater depths exhibited
a clear latitudinal pattern (high north and low south), but this was not the case for those of the other taxonomic groups.
As a component of metazooplankton, an appreciable contribution of diapausing copepods to the metazooplankton was noted at
subarctic and transitional stations, but they were few or nil at subtropical stations. As protozooplankton assemblages, heterotrophic
microflagellates (HMF) and dinoflagellates were two major components at subarctic and transitional stations, but were only
HMF predominated at subtropical stations. From biomass ratios between heterotrophic bacteria, HMF and dinoflagellates, “sinking
POC-DOC-heterotrophic bacteria-HMF-heterotrophic dinoflagellates” link was proposed as a microbial food chain operative in
the deep layer of the western North Pacific. All results are discussed in the light of latitudinal differences in the structure
and functioning of plankton community contributing to the ‘biological pump’ in the western North Pacific Ocean.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Mordecai-Mark Mac Low Michael D. Smith Ralf S. Klessen Andreas Burkert 《Astrophysics and Space Science》1998,261(1-4):195-196
Supersonic and super-Alfvénic turbulent motions generate an intricate pattern of shock waves through which the turbulence
decays. We here illustrate the spatial structure during shock formation and decay.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献