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Over the past decade, there have been numerous receiver function studies directed at imaging the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB). Although it is generally accepted that receiver function phases observed in these studies are derived from physical mode conversions at depth within the lithosphere-asthenosphere transition, it is still debatable as to whether these phases are directly indicative of the LAB. This is because interpretation of receiver function LAB signals relies on understanding the elastic characteristics of the Earth??s outer thermal boundary layer. The main issues for receiver function imaging are the sharpness of the elastic material property transition and, more importantly, what specifically are the material gradients. To test the various transition models, a forward modelling approach is required that allows accurate waveform synthetics for a range of discontinuous and continuous gradients in anisotropic, elastic media. We present a derivation of the reflection and transmission response for continuous one-dimensional (1-D) gradients in generally anisotropic elastic media. We evaluate the influence of 1-D isotropic and anisotropic elastic gradients on the seismic waveform by comparing numerical results of models for discontinuous and continuous transitions. The results indicate that discontinuous representations using layers each with uniform parameters and with thicknesses on the order of approximately 1/3 to 1/8 of the dominant seismic wavelength can be used to accurately model P-to-S and S-to-P mode conversions due to continuous transitions of both isotropic and anisotropic elastic properties. From a practical point of view, when comparing synthetic modelling with observation, this constraint can be relaxed further. The presence of signal noise and/or the result of receiver function stacking techniques will likely obscure these subtle waveform e ff ects. Hence this study suggests that accurate synthetic waveforms for LAB transitions can be modelled with discontinuous gradient representations using a reasonable number of discrete transition layers with layer thicknesses no greater than 1/2 to 1/3 the dominant seismic wavelength.  相似文献   
The construction of a new generation of coastal power stations in the UK and other western European countries has highlighted the absence of robust standards for thermal discharges to transitional and coastal waters. The proposed discharge volumes are greater than hitherto, yet there has been little independent critical examination of their potential impact, whilst much of the existing guidance has been adapted from freshwater practice. This review considers the available knowledge on the tolerance and behaviour of fish and other marine biota to heated effluents. Appropriate ways are suggested of grouping fish species to reflect their sensitivity to thermal effects. The plethora of existing standards are considered and their validity assessed in a framework of predicted seawater temperature rise. Those species or groups of organisms most likely to be affected are identified and finally specific recommendations for thermal standards consistent with long term sustainability are proposed.  相似文献   
In this paper, a Pareto inversion based global optimization approach, to obtain results of joint inversion of two types of geophysical data sets, is formulated. 2D magnetotelluric and gravity data were used for tests, but presented solution is flexible enough to be used for combination of any kind of two or more target functions, as long as misfits can be calculated and forward problems solved. To minimize dimensionality of the solution, space and introduce straightforward regularization Sharp Boundary Interface (SBI) method was applied. As a main optimization engine, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) was used. Synthetic examples based on a real geological model were used to test proposed approach and show its usefulness in practical applications.  相似文献   

The spectrum of internal gravity waves in the atmosphere and oceans is sufficiently intense that nonlinear interactions must occur, if these waves are analyzed in Eulerian coordinates as is usually done. As it happens, however, if these waves are analyzed in Lagrangian coordinates the most important nonlinearity can be entirely avoided: it is an Eulerian mathematical construct only, not a physical process. The mathematical basis for this assertion is developed here, and some of its consequences are discussed. Among the latter is a questioning of the validity of standard Eulerian eikonal methods of calculating ray paths and related functions in a multiwave environment, discussed in an appendix.  相似文献   
The Kangerlussuaq region of East Greenland hosts a variety of early Tertiary extrusive and intrusive igneous rocks related to continental break up and the passage of the ancestral Iceland plume. These intrusive bodies include a number of gabbroic macrodykes, two of which—the Miki Fjord Macrodyke, and the newly discovered Togeda Macrodyke—contain Cu–PGE–Au sulphide mineralisation along their margins. Sulphides occur as disseminated interstitial blebs and rounded globules of chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite with some Fe–Ti oxides and platinum-group minerals, comprising largely Pd bismuthides and tellurides. The globules are interpreted to have formed from fractionation of trapped droplets of an immiscible Cu- and Pd-rich sulphide melt and show geopetal indicators. Sulphur isotopes imply a local crustal source of S in these from pyritic sediments of the Kangerlussuaq Basin. Thus, generation of these sulphide occurrences was controlled by local country rock type. Low Ni/Cu and Pt/Pd ratios, also present in the Platinova reefs in the Skaergaard Intrusion, indicate that early fractionation of olivine may have depleted the magma of Ni and suggest the likely presence of a large magma chamber at depth. Xenoliths of Ni-rich olivine cumulates in the Miki Fjord Macrodyke may have been sourced from such a body. The location of thus far unidentified conduit or feeder zones to the macrodykes beneath the present day surface may represent potential targets for more massive sulphide orebodies.  相似文献   
Berm breaching of intermittently closed estuaries, either naturally or due to management practices, results in a physicochemical disturbance due to the flushing of water, material and biota into the ocean and the subsequent tidal influx. In 2007 and 2008 comparative and controlled studies were employed in three New Zealand estuaries: Sawmill Creek (46°04′ S 170°12′ E), Otokia Creek (45°57′ S 179°20′ E) and Kaikorai Lagoon (45°56′ S 170°23′ E), to investigate the impact of berm breaching on the hyperbenthic macroinvertebrate community in intermittently closed estuaries. Significant changes in community structure occurred in both the weekly comparative and the controlled studies (ANOSIM P < 0.01). Furthermore, the catch per unit effort of both total and key invertebrate taxa significantly increased after breaching (ANOVA P < 0.01). However, substantial numbers of individuals were expelled into the ocean (5,800 individuals, 20-min sample) while new taxa immigrated into the estuaries. Along with migration-related changes to community structure, berm breaches also resulted in the loss of ∼80% of inundated habitat and the concentration of existing populations. Consequently, the management of intermittent estuary connections to the ocean has implications for the ecology of individual, managed estuaries and also for regional coastal populations of epibenthic invertebrates.  相似文献   
The late Holocene environmental history of the Lesotho highlands, southern Africa, is poorly understood with few detailed studies to date. At Likoaeng, Senqu Valley, Lesotho, a 3 m stratified sedimentary sequence from an open-air archaeological site records vegetation development for the period 3400-1070 cal. BP. Phytolith analyses and bulk sediment organic matter δ13C indicate that C4 grassland dominated the lower part of the sequence until approximately 2960 cal. BP when there was a switch to C3 Pooid grassland (2960-2160 cal. BP). Also noted was a change from hunting mainly bovids to a dominance of fishing at the site. The change in grassland type and archaeological subsistence strategies corresponds with an episode of neoglacial cooling and the expansion of Alpine sourgrasses into lower altitudes. From 2160 to 1600 cal. BP grassland became a mix of C3 and C4 types and by 1600-1070 cal. BP there was a return to C4 dominated grassland. During this latter phase there was a reversal from fishing to hunting again (and eventually some keeping of domestic livestock) at the site. These data outline the vegetation response to latitudinal shifts of frontal systems, and relatively strong atmospheric circulation variability, perhaps underpinned by variations of polar water into the Benguela Current during the late Holocene.  相似文献   
Whole-rock 87Sr/86Sr and δ18O analyses of volcanic rocks and 3He/4He analyses of sulphides and sulphates from mineralized rocks on Wetar, Indonesia indicate a variable contribution of assimilated crustal material or sediment sourced from the subducted Australian craton to the south. These new data support the idea of progressive source contamination with precisely dated events showing that Wetar Island hosts the most extreme examples of crustal assimilation in the region. The increased continental contamination occurs during the Pliocene (Zanclian to Piacenzian) during distinct magmatic events between 5 and 4 Ma, and at 2.4 Ma when 87Sr/86Sr ratios in unaltered lavas, with whole-rock δ18O values between 5.7 and 9.6‰, increase from 0.707484 to extreme radiogenic values of 0.711656.The earlier of these magmatic events is important in the generation of the hydrothermal systems responsible for the mineralization recorded on Wetar. Samples from this yield radiogenic 3He/4He ratios between 0.5 and 1.4 R/RA, similar to the data from volcanic rocks on nearby Romang. The later magmatic event coincides with the arrival of the Australian Continental Margin at the subduction zone along the Banda arc. Progressive incorporation of continental-sourced components into the source region below the Wetar Island edifice coincides with the formation of gold-rich volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits hosted within the contaminated volcanic pile.  相似文献   
The magmatic systems that give rise to voluminous crystal-poor rhyolite magma bodies can be considered to operate on two contrasting timescales: Those governed by longer-term processes by which a magma acquires its chemical and isotopic characteristics (e.g., fractional crystallisation and assimilation), and those operating at shorter timescales during the physical accumulation of the melt-dominant magma body that finally erupts. We explore the compositional and textural relationships between amphibole and orthopyroxene crystals from the 25.4 ka, 530 km3 (magma) Oruanui eruption products (Taupo volcano, New Zealand) to investigate how processes related to the physical assembly of the pre-eruptive magma body are represented in the crystal record. Over 90 % of orthopyroxenes from the volumetrically dominant high-SiO2 (>74 wt%) rhyolite pumices record textural evidence for a significant disequilibrium event (partial dissolution ± resorption of cores and interiors) prior to the growth of 40–500 μm thick rim zones. This dissolution/regrowth history of orthopyroxene is recorded in the chemistry of co-crystallising amphiboles as a prominent inflection in the concentrations of Mn and Zn, two elements notably enriched in orthopyroxene relative to amphibole. Textural and chemical features, linked with in situ thermobarometric estimates, indicate that a major decompression event preceded the formation of the melt-dominant body. The decompression event is inferred to represent the extraction of large volumes of melt plus crystals from the Oruanui crystal mush/source zone at pressures of 140–300 MPa (~6–12 km depth). Orthopyroxene underwent partial dissolution during ascent before reestablishing in the melt-dominant magma body at pressures of 90–140 MPa (~3.5–6 km). We model Fe–Mg diffusion across the core-rim boundaries along the crystallographic a or b-axes to constrain the timing of this decompression event, which marked establishment of the melt-dominant magma body. Maximum modelled ages indicate that this event did not begin until ~1,600 years before eruption, consistent with constraints from zircon model-age spectra. Once extraction began, it underwent runaway acceleration with a peak extraction age of ~230 years, followed by an apparent period of stasis of ~60 years prior to eruption. The rapidity of the extraction and accumulation processes implies the involvement of a dynamic driving force which, in the rifted continental arc setting of the Taupo Volcanic Zone, seems likely to be represented by magma-assisted extensional tectonic processes.  相似文献   
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