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辽东湾北部地区走滑构造特征与油气富集规律   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
辽东湾北部地区右行走滑构造特征较为典型,主要表现为:沿走滑断裂带发育雁行式伸展断裂;剖面上发育花状构造;走滑断裂沿走向呈“S”型或反“S”型波状弯曲;沿走滑断裂带断槽与断鼻构造相间分布。分析认为,渐新世晚期,辽东湾北部地区南北向拉张、东西向挤压的区域应力场控制了右行走滑构造的形成,断槽与断鼻构造相间分布是由于沿走滑断裂带局部应力场性质发生改变所致。右行走滑断裂的“S”型弯曲部位为增压弯部位,走滑断裂两侧断块在此汇聚,地层因应力集中而形成断鼻构造;右行走滑断裂的反“S”型弯曲部位为释拉张部位,走滑断裂两侧断块在此离散,地层因拉张而发生断陷形成断槽。受走滑构造所控制,油气沿走滑断层自断槽向断鼻方向运移、聚集而成藏。研究走滑构造发育特征,对于预测圈闭分布以和研究油气富集规律具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The dynamic properties of rainfall interception were investigated at three growth stages in Chinese fir plantations. The results showed that the annual interception ratio was significantly higher in mature stands than in young stands. For a storm event, interception rainfall amount increased with increasing rainfall, but interception ratio decreased. In contrast to dry season conditions, the interception amount was high in the wet seasons, while the interception ratio was low. The rates of change in interception ratio were extremely rapid in small rainfall events. There was little stemflow in Chinese fir forests due to the pyramid-shaped crowns and thick rough bark of the trees. The power model was suitable to describe the interception process for an individual rainfall event for stands of any age. Our results indicate that the interception process varied for stands of different ages in Chinese fir plantations due to contrasting canopy structures.  相似文献   


基于MODIS影像的鄱阳湖湖面积与水位关系研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
利用统计分析的方法,根据2001年获取的13景鄱阳湖区无云MODIS影像中的9景提取的水体面积,并结合同步观测的水文数据分别采用线性、对数和指数3种模型模拟湖面积-水位之间关系。结果显示对数模型相关性最好(R2=0.918),其次为线性和指数模型。利用另外4景MODIS影像对模型进行检验表明,该模型精度较高,模拟的最大误差为3.36%。本研究显示,可根据鄱阳湖水位观测值,利用该模型预测鄱阳湖洪涝期洪水淹没面积,以弥补云天状况下光学遥感难以监测到洪水淹没范围的不足。本研究为利用遥感影像实时监控鄱阳湖水情空间动态变化提供了可行的方法,对湖泊、水库的泛洪监测、调洪功能分析具有重要意义。  相似文献   
成海容  林田  王祖武 《地球化学》2012,41(6):569-575
2005年4月至2006年3月,利用大流量采样器采集青岛大气中气相和颗粒相样品,并分析气相和颗粒相中的有机氯农药(OCPs).结果表明,青岛大气中α-HCH、y-HCH、HCB、o,p′-DDT、p,p′-DDT和p,p ′-DDE的浓度平均值分别为(78±41) pg/m3、(289±236) pg/m3、(221±186) pg/m3、(81±62) pg/m3、(54±49) pg/m3和(60±44)pg/m3,远低于广州、天津等城市.大气中的有机氯农药浓度在一定程度上受温度影响,但相关系数并不高(R2<0.4),斜率较缓,表明大气的长距离迁移对其浓度也有一定的影响.用后向气流轨迹法对气团来源追踪,发现当青岛受到东亚沙尘暴的影响时,有机氯农药的浓度升高,而当有来自黄海较干净的气团到达青岛时,大气中有机氯农药的浓度明显偏低.  相似文献   
2016年3月21日11时29分甘肃省酒泉市金塔县发生M_S 4.7地震,甘肃省强震动台网中心收集到5组三分向加速度记录,常规处理后得到15条零基线校正后的三分向峰值加速度(PGA),选取土层台基类型的62XID台站加速度记录(PGA数值最大)进行分析,绘制校正后的加速度、速度和位移时程曲线及加速度反应谱,为中国西部工程震害调查提供参考资料。  相似文献   
In this study,the fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University-National Center for Atmospheric Research (PSU-NCAR) Mesoscale Model (MM5) is used to simulate Typhoon Mindulle (2004) at high resolution (3-km grid size).The data from measurements show that in the upper atmosphere the existence of an upper jet is important to the transition cyclone.When Mindulle moved to the area of the upper jet entrance,where high-altitude divergence existed, the pumping of the high-altitude divergence would enhance the vertical motion and low-level cyclone convergence. The enhanced vertical motion was confirmed by the simulation results and indicated that the existence of upper divergence enhanced the vertical motion which was favorable for the maintenance of Typhoon Mindulle.The process of extratropical transition (ET) and re-intensification always accompanies the process of cold air invasion. This process enhances the baroclinicity of the atmosphere and the formation of front at high altitudes, which converts baroclinic potential energy into kinetic energy and strengthens the cyclone vortex.The distributions of equivalent potential temperature (θe) and temperature anomalies show that the warm-core of the typhoon at the tropopause aids the re-intensification of the system. As the typhoon reenters the ocean, latent heat flux (LHF) increases in the north and west and the strong reflectivity and vertical motion occur in the east and southeast,and the west.With the re-intensification of the typhoon the wind field evolves from an oval to a circle at the lower atmosphere, the area coverage by high winds increases, and the distribution of the tangential wind shows an asymmetric pattern.  相似文献   
隆头鱼亚目5科63属316种,鰧鱼亚目8科19属53种,绵鳚亚日3科7属8种,玉筋鱼亚目1科3属3种。  相似文献   
城乡一体化对中国乡村振兴和城市—区域可持续发展的有效落实有重要意义,但当前快速城镇化发展进程中涌现了一批收缩型城市,其城乡一体化发展有什么特征、城市收缩是否对城乡一体化产生影响、产生什么样的影响等,成为新时期推进全民共同富裕目标研究中的核心科学问题。论文据此基于“城镇发展带动—产业发展与投入城乡协调—推进基本公共服务均衡和城乡收入差距缩小”的“动力—路径—目标”对城乡一体化内涵进行界定、构建评价指标体系,并以东北三省为例,从收缩城市与非收缩城市、收缩城市不同发展阶段、不同发展类型视角,对2010—2019年期间的城乡关系展开实证分析。结果表明:(1)东北三省城乡一体化发展情况整体呈上升趋势,但整体发展水平较低且内部空间分异明显。(2)城市收缩对城乡一体化发展表征出较为明显的影响,收缩城市的城乡一体化水平整体较非收缩城市要低、城乡二元结构特征更为明显。(3)收缩城市的城乡一体化发展水平存在收缩类型、收缩发展阶段的差异性:其城乡一体化水平由收缩初期阶段向收缩后期阶段逐渐降低,收缩类型上表征出资源依赖型收缩城市<综合型收缩城市<虹吸型收缩城市<区位制约型收缩城市的发展特征。...  相似文献   
CLOUDYCOLUMN is one of the 6 ACE‐2 projects which took place in June‐July 1997, between Portugal and the Canary Islands. It was specifically dedicated to the study of changes of cloud radiative properties resulting from changes in the properties of those aerosols which act as cloud condensation nuclei. This process is also refered to as the aerosol indirect effect on climate. CLOUDYCOLUMN is focused on the contribution of stratocumulus clouds to that process. In addition to the basic aerosol measurements performed at the ground stations of the ACE‐2 project, 5 instrumented aircraft carried out in situ characterization of aerosol physical, chemical and nucleation properties and cloud dynamical and microphysical properties. Cloud radiative properties were also measured remotely with radiometers and a lidar. 11 case studies have been documented, from pure marine to significantly polluted air masses. The simultaneity of the measurements with the multi‐aircraft approach provides a unique data set for closure experiments on the aerosol indirect effect. In particular CLOUDYCOLUMN provided the 1st experimental evidence of the existence of the indirect effect in boundary layer clouds forming in polluted continental outbreacks. This paper describes the objectives of the project, the instrumental setup and the sampling strategy. Preliminary results published in additional papers are briefly summarized.  相似文献   
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