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The Zhangjiajie Sandstone Peak Forest Geopark (Zhangjiajie World Geopark) of northwest Hunan, China hosts a well-preserved sequence of fluvial terraces and karst caves. In this contribution, a comparative study of fluvial terraces with karst caves along the middle-lower Suoxi River in Zhangjiajie World Geopark is presented to improve the understanding of the development of striking sandstone landscape in the upper Suoxi River. By integrating geomorphological, sedimentological, and geochronological techniques, the possible correlation between fluvial terraces and karst caves, as well as their climatic and tectonic implications is investigated. The available electron spin resonance and thermo-luminescence numerical ages coupled with morphostratigraphic analysis indicate that aggradation of fluvial terrace levels occurred at ca. 347 ± 34 ka (T4), 104.45 ± 8.88 to 117.62 ± 9.99 ka (T3), 60.95 ± 5.18 ka (T2), and Holocene (T1), followed by the stream incision. Fluvial terrace levels (T4 to T1) correlate morphologically with the karst cave levels (L1 to L4), yet the proposed chronology for the fluvial terrace levels is a bit later than the chronological data obtained from karst caves. In northwest Hunan, where a unique sandstone peak forest landscape was extensively developed, the fluvial terrace sequences as well as the cave systems are the important archives for studying the evolution of the sandstone landscape. The beginning of the sandstone landscape development must be earlier than the aggradation of the fluvial terrace T4, allowing this unique landscape to occur in the Middle Pleistocene.  相似文献   
L波段探空仪观测资料是基础资料之一,无论在天气预报还是在数值天气预报中都起着重要作用,其资料质量直接影响数值模式同化分析及降水预报准确性。通过对我国3种常用的L波段探空仪观测湿度的偏差特性比较,研发适合该仪器的偏差订正方案,并在GRAPES同化系统中加以试验应用。结果表明:L波段探空仪湿度观测资料与ECMWF再分析湿度场比较有偏干现象。多种偏差订正方案订正结果显示:湿度偏差值比订正前减小,特别是在500 hPa以上层次减小明显。在GRAPES分析同化系统中使用Vomel偏差订正方案,分析偏差减小5%;预报模式个例和连续试验中湿度观测订正后预报降水更接近实况,预报降水检验评分显著提高,故该订正方案在实际应用中表现出积极的正效果。  相似文献   
辽西兰家沟钼矿区成矿构造、岩浆演化及成矿作用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
田豫才 《矿产与地质》1999,13(3):135-140
根据兰家沟钼矿区控矿旋卷构造特征、燕山期花岗岩体的岩石化学特征、稀土元素特征和成矿元素含量,讨论了该矿区形成的地质构造条件和岩浆演化分异作用在钼矿床形成过程中的成矿作用和找矿前景。  相似文献   
基于正交设计的复杂坝基弹塑性力学参数反演   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
陈益峰  周创兵 《岩土力学》2002,23(4):450-454
复杂坝基弹塑性力学参数反演的计算工作量直接取决于采用何种优化方法。根据大坝在运行期的实测资料,运用有限元正交数值试验、回归分析和优化相结合的方法,反演了坝基岩体的弹塑性力学参数。实例研究表明了该方法的有效性和实用性。  相似文献   
An oil-based drilling fluid additive H-DEA (or humic acid-cocamide diethanolamine) was synthesised using humic acid and cocamide diethanolamine as raw materials. The rheological behaviors of H-DEA showed that the synthesised product has the good properties in both decreasing the filtrate loss and improving rheology property of oil-based drilling fluids compared with other commercially available additives. Under the optimal additive amount of 3%, both API filtrate loss and yield point changed remarkably from 5.40 to 0.41 mL and 9.0 to 25.6 Pa, respectively. Furthermore, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) showed that H-DEA has good thermal stability in a wide temperature range up to 170 °C. Infrared spectroscopy (IR) and rheological analysis revealed that the possible mechanism of the multifunctional effects may be attributed to the existing of high density of strong polar groups, hydrogen bonds, electrostatic forces, and intermolecular association on H-DEA molecular structure. The results of the study showed that the synthesised H-DEA can be potentially used as a multifunctional oil-based drilling fluid additive in oil-drilling excavation.  相似文献   
Monthly changes in sedimentation and sediment properties were studied for three different culture treatments: sea cucumber monoculture (Mc), sea cucumber and scallop polyculture (Ps-c) and scallop monoculture (Ms). Results indicated that the survival rate of sea cucumber was significantly higher in Ps-c cultures than in Mc cultures. Sea cucumber yield was 69.6% higher in Ps-c culture than in Mc culture. No significant differences in body weight and scallop shell length were found between Ps-c and Ms cultures. The mean sedimentation rate of total particulate matter (TPM) was 72.2 g/(m2 d) in Ps-c cultures, with a maximum of 119.7 g/(m2 d), which was markedly higher than that of Mc (mean value). Sedimentation rates of organic matter (OM), total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) in Ps-c cultures were also significantly higher than those in Mc cultures. TOC and TN contents of sediment increased rapidly in the first 5 months in Ms cultures and remained at a high level. TOC and TN contents in Mc and Ps-c cultures decreased during sea cucumber feeding seasons and increased during sea cucumber dormancy periods (summer and winter). The study demonstrates that co-culture of sea cucumber and scallop in earthen ponds is an alternative way to alleviate nutrient loads and improve water quality in coastal aquaculture systems. Moreover, it provides the additional benefit of an increased sea cucumber yield.  相似文献   
试论半城市化现象及其特征--以广东省东莞市为例   总被引:44,自引:5,他引:44  
郑艳婷  刘盛和  陈田 《地理研究》2003,22(6):760-768
改革开放以来,在外国资本涌入、大都市辐射与扩散、乡村工业化等多种动力的复合作用下,在长江三角洲、珠江三角洲等区位、禀赋条件较好的农村地区,普遍发育和形成了一种城乡土地利用混杂交错、社会经济结构急剧变化的、“似城非城”的过渡性地域类型。在广泛地辨识国内外相关概念的基础上,本文认为可以将其纳入“半城市化地区”的概念范畴内,并提出从结构、变化、景观和体制等4个层面来构建半城市化地区的判别指标体系。本文还以广东省东莞市为例,从经济、产业、人口、就业、土地利用、管理体制等多个方面对半城市化地区的特征及其面临的问题进行了具体剖析。  相似文献   
通过对百色双套自动气象站遇到历史罕见的强雷暴袭击出现故障维修,摸索出了检修双套新型自动站的通信、电源供应、主机HY3000、接口RS232、分采仪器等模块的方法,供同行借鉴.  相似文献   
利用无人机获取多视角的倾斜影像,结合自动三维建模技术,模拟地质灾害受灾情况,可以对受灾程度进行定性、定量分析管理,能够快速准确地评估受灾情况,为救灾工作提供决策支持。  相似文献   
In many countries, coastal planners strive to balance the demands between civil, commercial strategy and environmental conversation interests for future development, particularly given the sea level rise in the 21 st century. Achieving a sustainable balance is often a dilemma, especially in low-lying coastal areas where dams in inland river basin are trapping significant amounts of fluvial sediments. We recently investigated the shore of Bohai Bay in northern China where there has been a severe increase in sea level following a program of large-scale coastal reclamation and infrastructure development over the last five decades. To investigate this trend, we obtained sediment cores from near-shore in Bohai Bay, which were dated by ~(137)Cs and ~(210)Pb radionuclides to determine the sedimentation rates for the last 50 years. The average sedimentation rates of Bohai Bay exceeded 10 mm yr~(-1) before 1963, which was much higher than the rate of local sea-level rise. However, our results showed an overall decreasing sedimentation rate after 1963, which was not able to compensate for the increasing relative sea-level rise in that period. In addition, our results revealed that erosion occurred after the 1980 s in the shallow sea area of Bohai Bay. We suggest that this situation places the Bohai Bay coast at a greater risk of inundation and erosion within the next few decades than previously thought, especially in the large new reclamation area. This study may be a case study for many other shallow sea areas of the muddy coast if the sea level continues to rise rapidly and the sediment delivered by rivers continues to decrease.  相似文献   
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