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The evolution of single-layer folds under prescribed end-shortening conditions displays folds of varying wavelength. We investigate a simple model of this kind and characterize the long-term behaviour of fold profiles. In particular we determine the evolution of the axial load and the variation of the wavelength, and we show that fold profiles are highly self-similar.  相似文献   
Some years ago, earth scientists came to realize that knowing more about the geology of an orebody or an oil reservoir makes it easier to make the appropriate decisions concerning mine planning or reservoir exploitation. Geostatistical techniques for simulating lithofacies—that is, the geometry of the geology—were developed as a result of this. These methods should be able to produce geological images that respect not only the anisotropies of the different lithofacies but also their spatial layout relative to one another. While indicator variograms ensure that anisotropies are respected, another tool needs to be incorporated in the simulation technique to reflect the relative spatial layout of the different lithofacies. We propose to use the concept of edge effects that define the position of one lithofacies relative to another. Simple tests using direct and cross indicator variograms confirm the presence or absence of edge effects. We investigate if and how edge effect information can be incorporated in the different indicator simulation techniques—sequential indicator simulations, simulated annealing, the truncated Gaussian method and plurigaussian simulations. Results show that the choice of simulation method must be guided by the edge effect characteristics of the experimental lithologic data.  相似文献   
Quantitative models of sedimentary basin filling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chris Paola 《Sedimentology》2000,47(Z1):121-178
Quantitative modelling of the filling of sedimentary basins was begun in earnest in the 1960s. Dozens of themes and variations have been proposed since then, and have yielded an abundance of idealized stratigraphic patterns as functions of both imposed changes and basin properties. Post‐plate‐tectonic modelling began with ‘rigid‐lid' models, which show the stratigraphic signature of subsidence variation. This work introduced the connection between stratigraphy and the rheology of the lithosphere. Rigid‐lid models are the simplest type of geometric model, in which the sediment surface is assigned prescribed geometries, usually corresponding to different depositional environments. These can reproduce many aspects of overall stratal geometry but are formally restricted to relatively long timescales, for which quasi‐steady surface topography can be assumed. So‐called dynamic models attempt to represent the morphodynamics of the sediment surface by abstracting and averaging short‐term transport processes. Most of the dynamic models proposed to date can be seen as special cases of a single general morpho‐dynamic equation. The most important result of the first wave of quantitative basin‐filling models is that even relatively simple models can produce reasonable stratal patterns. We now have a wide array of tools for exploring scenarios, searching for general behaviours and effects, and making initial quantitative predictions. We have also learned that basin response to external forcing as recorded in stratigraphy can be as sensitive to the characteristics of the basin as to the forcing. The main brake on the development of basin modelling is not computing power but lack of methods and data for testing the models we have already developed. Physical experiments, which are only just beginning, are one means of doing this. Experimental stratigraphy is a bridge to quantitative field tests, which will require collaboration among academic researchers from a wide range of areas, and between academia and industry, on projects of greater scale and degree of integration than we have seen so far. The advancement of quantitative sedimentary geology will also require significant changes in the way the subject is taught, at all levels.  相似文献   
The San Juan Basin natural gas field, located in northwestern New Mexico and southwestern Colorado in the USA, is a case-type coalbed methane system. Groundwater is thought to play a key role in both biogenic methane generation and the CO2 sequestration potential of coalbed systems. We show here how noble gases can be used to construct a physical model that describes the interaction between the groundwater system and the produced gas. We collected 28 gas samples from producing wells in the artesian overpressured high production region of the basin together with 8 gas samples from the underpressured low production zone as a control. Stable isotope and major species determination clearly characterize the gas in the high production region as dominantly biogenic in origin, and the underpressured low producing region as having a significant admix of thermogenic coal gas. 3He/4He ratios increase from 0.0836Ra at the basin margin to 0.318Ra towards the center, indicating a clear but small mantle He signature in all gases. Coherent fractionation of water-derived 20Ne/36Ar and crustal 4He/40Ar* are explained by a simple Rayleigh fractionation model of open system groundwater degassing. Low 20Ne concentrations compared to the model predicted values are accounted for by dilution of the groundwater-associated gas by desorbed coalbed methane. This Rayleigh fractionation and dilution model together with the gas production history allows us to quantify the amount of water involved in gas production at each well. The quantified water volumes in both underpressured and overpressured zones range from 1.7 × 103 m3 to 4.2 × 105 m3, with no clear distinction between over- and underpressured production zones. These results conclusively show that the volume of groundwater seen by coal does not play a role in determining the volume of methane produced by secondary biodegradation of these coalbeds. There is no requirement of continuous groundwater flow for renewing the microbes or nutrient components. We furthermore observe strong mass related isotopic fractionation of 20Ne/22Ne and 38Ar/36Ar isotopic ratios. This can be explained by a noble gas concentration gradient in the groundwater during gas production, which causes diffusive partial re-equilibration of the noble gas isotopes. It is important for the study of other systems in which extensive groundwater degassing may have occurred to recognize that severe isotopic fractionation of air-derived noble gases can occur when such concentration gradients are established during gas production. Excess air-derived Xe and Kr in our samples are shown to be related to the diluting coalbed methane and can only be accounted for if Xe and Kr are preferentially and volumetrically trapped within the coal matrix and released during biodegradation to form CH4.  相似文献   
Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) leg 193 successfully drilled four deep holes (126 to 386 m) into basement underlying the active dacite-hosted Pacmanus hydrothermal field in the eastern Manus Basin. Anhydrite is abundant in the drill core material, filling veins and vesicles, cementing breccias, and occasionally replacing igneous material. We report rare-earth element (REE) contents of anhydrite from a site of diffuse venting (Site 1188) which show extreme variability, in terms of both absolute concentrations (e.g., 0.08–28.3 ppm Nd) and pattern shape (LaN/SmN=0.08–3.78, SmN/YbN=0.48–23.1, Eu/Eu*=0.59–6.1). The range of REE patterns in anhydrite includes enrichments in the middle and heavy REEs and variable Eu anomalies. The patterns differ markedly from those of anhydrite recovered during ODP Leg 158 from the TAG hydrothermal system at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge which display uniform LREE-enriched patterns with positive Eu anomalies, very similar to TAG vent fluid patterns. As the system is active, the host-rock composition is uniform, and the anhydrite veins appear to relate to the same hydrothermal stage, we can rule out predominant host-rock and transport control. Instead, we propose that the variation in REE content reflects waxing and waning input of magmatic volatiles (HF, SO2) and variable complexation of REEs in the fluids. REE speciation calculations suggest that increased fluoride and possibly sulfate concentrations at Pacmanus may affect REE complexation in fluids, whereas at TAG only chloride and hydroxide complexes play a significant role. The majority of the anhydrites do not show positive Eu anomalies, suggesting that the fluids were more oxidizing than in typical mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal systems. We use other hydrothermal fluids from the Manus Basin (Vienna Woods and Desmos), which bracket the Pacmanus fluids in terms of acidity and ligand concentrations, to examine the dependence of REE complexation on fluid composition. Geochemical modeling reveals that under the prevailing conditions at Pacmanus (pH~3.5, T=250–300 °C), Eu oxidation state and the relative importance of fluoride versus chloride complexing are very sensitive to small variations in oxygen fugacity, temperature, and pH. Patterns with extreme mid-REE enrichment may reflect speciation effects (free-ion abundance) coupled with crystal chemical control. We conclude that the great variability in REE concentrations and pattern shape is likely due to variable fluid composition and REE complexation in the fluids. Editorial handling: L. Meinert  相似文献   
Interactions between catchment variables and sediment transport processes in rivers are complex, and sediment transport behaviour during high‐flow events is not well documented. This paper presents an investigation into sediment transport processes in a short‐duration, high‐discharge event in the Burdekin River, a large sand‐ and gravel‐bed river in the monsoon‐ and cyclone‐influenced, semi‐arid tropics of north Queensland. The Burdekin's discharge is highly variable and strongly seasonal, with a recorded maximum of 40 400 m3 s?1. Sediment was sampled systematically across an 800 m wide, 12 m deep and straight reach using Helley‐Smith bedload and US P‐61 suspended sediment samplers over 16 days of a 29‐day discharge event in February and March 2000 (peak 11 155 m3 s?1). About 3·7 × 106 tonnes of suspended sediment and 3 × 105 tonnes of bedload are estimated to have been transported past the sample site during the flow event. The sediment load was predominantly supply limited. Wash load included clay, silt and very fine sand. The concentration of suspended bed material (including very coarse sand) varied with bedload transport rate, discharge and height above the bed. Bedload transport rate and changes in channel shape were greatest several days after peak discharge. Comparison between these data and sparse published data from other events on this river shows that the control on sediment load varies between supply limited and hydraulically limited transport, and that antecedent weather is an important control on suspended sediment concentration. Neither the empirical relationships widely used to estimate suspended sediment concentrations and bedload (e.g. Ackers & White, 1973) nor observations of sediment transport characteristics in ephemeral streams (e.g. Reid & Frostick, 1987) are directly applicable to this river.  相似文献   
Island arc picrites are restricted to a few localities including the Lesser Antilles, Japan, Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands. The picrite occurrences appear to be linked to the subduction of young, hot oceanic crust and anomalous geotherms. At the Solomon arc, the Australian plate is presently subducted beneath the Pacific plate. A particular feature of the Solomon arc is the subduction of a spreading center (Woodlark Ridge). In the Solomon Islands, picrites only occur in the New Georgia archipelago, located above or close to the subducting Woodlark Ridge. These picrites contain between 12 and 30 wt% MgO, the associated primitive basalts show MgO contents from 11.5 to 13.6 wt%. Linear trends defined by Cr, Ni and other trace elements vs. MgO indicate that the picritic bulk compositions originate from mixing between a basaltic-picritic melt and a Mg- and Cr-rich endmember, rather than from fractional crystallization of extremely Mg-rich magmas. Major and trace element modeling identify mantle wedge peridotite as the most likely mixing endmember. Trace element abundances in the Solomon arc picrites indicate a mantle source enrichment by subduction components and a large depletion of Nb and Ta that is typical for island arc volcanic rocks. Most incompatible trace element patterns of the New Georgia picrites and basalts are parallel, supporting a cogenetic evolution of these rocks by mixing processes. 87Sr/86Sr and Nd values in the basalts and picrites range from 0.7033 to 0.7043 and +5.8 to +8.0, respectively. These values partially overlap with compositions of the Indian MORB field. Alternatively, subducted sediment and fluids from altered MORB may have displaced the Sr isotope composition to more radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr. Hf values range from +12.2 to +14.6 and show in combination with Nd that the picrites were most likely generated within the Indian mantle domain.This revised version was published online September 2004 with a correction to Table 2.  相似文献   
Carrier phase-based integrity monitoring for high-accuracy positioning   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
Pseudorange-based integrity monitoring, for example receiver autonomous integrity monitoring (RAIM), has been investigated for many years and is used in various applications such as non-precision approach phase of flight. However, for high-accuracy applications, carrier phase-based RAIM (CRAIM), an extension of pseudorange-based RAIM (PRAIM) must be used. Existing CRAIM algorithms are a direct extension of PRAIM in which the carrier phase ambiguities are estimated together with the estimation of the position solution. The main issues with the existing algorithms are reliability and robustness, which are dominated by the correctness of the ambiguity resolution, ambiguity validation and error sources such as multipath, cycle slips and noise correlation. This paper proposes a new carrier phase-based integrity monitoring algorithm for high-accuracy positioning, using a Kalman filter. The ambiguities are estimated together with other states in the Kalman filter. The double differenced pseudorange, widelane and carrier phase observations are used as measurements in the Kalman filter. This configuration makes the positioning solution both robust and reliable. The integrity monitoring is based on a number of test statistics and error propagation for the determination of the protection levels. The measurement noise and covariance matrices in the Kalman filter are used to account for the correlation due to differencing of measurements and in the construction of the test statistics. The coefficient used to project the test statistic to the position domain is derived and the synthesis of correlated noise errors is used to determine the protection level. Results from four cases based on limited real data injected with simulated cycle slips show that residual cycle slips have a negative impact on positioning accuracy and that the integrity monitoring algorithm proposed can be effective in detecting and isolating such occurrences if their effects violate the integrity requirements. The CRAIM algorithm proposed is suitable for use within Kalman filter-based integrated navigation systems.
Shaojun FengEmail:
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