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据湖北省神农架永兴洞一支石笋的8个230Th年龄、648个δ18O数据,建立了晚全新世4.40~ 1.75ka B.P.时段平均分辨率为4a的东亚夏季风演化序列,其中在2.92~ 2.74ka B.P.期间,δ18O发生显著正偏,幅度达2.5‰,指示一个显著的弱季风事件(这里称之“2.8ka”事件).该事件以夏季风缓慢减弱开始,迅速增强结束,事件内部有两个次一级的振荡旋回(两峰三谷结构),在内部细节与转型特征上类似湖北和尚洞石笋δ18O记录的“8.2ka”事件,暗示发生在全新世这两个冷事件的驱动机制基本一致.这两个弱季风事件都发生在太阳活动明显减弱时期,并分别与北大西洋Bond 2和Bond 5冰漂碎屑事件同步,表明百年尺度的东亚季风环流的演化由太阳活动和北高纬气候共同驱动.  相似文献   
Jilin Province in NE China lies on the eastern edge of the Xing–Meng Orogenic Belt. Mineral exploration in this area has resulted in the discovery of numerous large, medium, and small sized Cu, Mo, Au, and Co deposits. To better understand the formation and distribution of both the porphyry and skarn types Cu deposits of the region, we examined the geological characteristics of the deposits and applied zircon U–Pb and molybdenite Re–Os isotope dating to constrain the age of the mineralization. The Binghugou Cu deposit yields a zircon U–Pb age for quartz diorite of 128.1 ± 1.6 Ma; the Chang'anpu Cu deposit yields a zircon U–Pb age for granite porphyry of 117.0 ± 1.4 Ma; the Ermi Cu deposit yields a zircon U–Pb age for granite porphyry of 96.8 ± 1.1 Ma; the Tongshan Cu deposit yields molybdenite Re–Os model ages of 128.7 to 130.2 Ma, an isochron age of 129.0 ± 1.6 Ma, and a weighted mean model age of 129.2 ± 0.7 Ma; and the Tianhexing Cu deposit yields molybdenite Re–Os model ages of 113.9 to 115.2 Ma, an isochron age of 114.7 ± 1.2 Ma, and a weighted mean model age of 114.7 ± 0.7 Ma. The new ages, combined with existing geochronology data, show that intense porphyry and skarn types Cu mineralization was coeval with Cretaceous magmatism. The geotectonic processes responsible for the genesis of the Cu mineralization were probably related to lithospheric thinning. By analyzing the accumulated molybdenite Re–Os, zircon U–Pb, and Ar–Ar ages for NE China, it is concluded that the Cu deposits formed during multiple events coinciding with periods of magmatic activity. We have identified five phases of mineralization: early Paleozoic (~476 Ma), late Paleozoic (286.5–273.6 Ma), early Mesozoic (~228.7 Ma), Jurassic (194.8–137.1 Ma), and Cretaceous (131.2–96.8 Ma). Although Cu deposits formed during each phase, most of the Cu mineralization occurred during the Cretaceous.  相似文献   
Nineteen volcanic and magmatic rock samples were collectecd from the Jinding leadzinc deposit and its surrounding areas in Yunnan.The ICP and AES analyses,feferred to the previous results,show that the metal minerals and altered rocks in the Jinding lead-zinc deposit display a decreasing trend of ∑REE from the early to late stages of mineralization,and similarities in REE distribution patterns,indicating that the ore fluids are characterized by high LREE enrichment,markedly negative δCe anomaly and slight δEu anomaly.These REE distribution paterns exhibit striking similarities to those of the Pliocene trachyte in the study area,both of which are similar in ∑REE,LREE/HREE ratio,δEu and δCe.The ore fluids besides the basin fluids in the deposit are also closely related to those associated with Pliocene trachyte magmas.  相似文献   
中国海城地震区地壳与上地幔构造特征的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究表明,海城地震区地壳与上地幔构造特征可以归纳为如下四点:1.震区所处的辽南地区,其地壳是由高速与低速相间的成层介质组成,地壳与上地幔结构不论纵向和横向都是不均匀的,且被深大断裂切割为若干块体;2.本区地壳按其界面分布特征可分为上层地壳、中层地壳和下层地壳;3.本区地壳介质在纵向及横向上均存在明显的不均一性;4.海城地震震源区位于耿庄——海城上地幔局部隆起东侧的中层地壳上部。  相似文献   
ThereisanunanimousunderstandingthattheUHPmetamorphisminDabie-SuluareaswasformedduringtheTri-assiccollisioneventbetweentheYangtzeandNorthChinacratons(Congetal.,l994$Zhouetal-,l996;Liouetal.,l994)-Eclogiteisthemostimportantrocktypeamongtheul-trahigh-pressure(UHP)metamorphicrocks.Accordingtotheiroccurrencethereare3typesofeclogites:typeIisen-clavesinultramaficintrusionsandasmembersinthelayeredmafic-ultramaficcomplex(Jahnl998);typeIispodsorlay-ersinthehighlymetamorphicsupracrustals(mainlying…  相似文献   
根据公路测量中几种基本的平面线型——直线、园曲线、缓和曲线和卯型曲线的特点,直接给出各线型的中桩坐标和切线方位角的计算公式,根据中桩坐标的计算结果及边线桩至道路中线的水平距离,计算边线桩的坐标。这4种线型的计算公式非常适宜于极坐标法放样矿区公路的中桩和边桩计算。对于较长矿区公路的测量,可以把它分解成多个直线、园曲线和缓和曲线等图元对象,再运用其相应公式进行计算。  相似文献   
介绍了人工冻结法在玄武湖水下交通隧道中的应用方案以及冻结法的施工工艺,分析了采用人工冻结法的特点及优势。  相似文献   
中国菊花石的矿物组成特征   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
中国菊花石产于二叠纪栖霞组碳酸盐岩层位中,菊花石经光学显微鉴定,X-射线衍射分析和x-射线能谱仪测试,其原生矿物主要天青石和菱锶矿,两种含锶矿物后期广泛被方解石,白云石和石英交代,依据其菊花石原生矿物组成,将我国菊花石划分为天青石型(浏阳菊花石为典型)菱锶矿型(宣恩,来宾菊花石)和青青石-菱锶矿混合型(永丰型菊花石)菊花石三种类型。  相似文献   
新疆北部古地磁研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过和布克赛尔、克拉玛依、玛纳斯—乌鲁木齐地区泥盆纪到白垩纪古地磁研究,主要取得以下结果:(1)首次建立了准噶尔西北缘及南缘石炭纪—白垩纪古地磁极移曲线,由石炭纪到二叠纪的古地磁极位置基本在同一区间,说明该时期这些地区为一个统一的构造单元,而其古地磁极明显与塔里木、哈萨克斯坦、西伯利亚地块存在着差异。(2)该地区侏罗纪及白垩纪古地磁结果与塔里木地块结果一致,侏罗纪乌鲁木齐与和布克赛尔磁偏角相差30°左右,说明和布克赛尔地区相对乌鲁木齐地区逆时针旋转了30°左右,晚古生代以后曾发生过南向移动,而侏罗、白垩纪以来均向北发生了相当规模的北向运动,并发生了相对旋转,目前东、西准噶尔的构造格局可能就是由于局部相对旋转造成的。(3)中国大陆在早二叠世还不是一个联合的整体,而是以相互分离的独立块体分布于45°N—15°S的古特提斯洋中。(4)该地区二叠纪的磁偏角为165°—168°,而塔里木为218°,哈萨克斯坦为229°,说明存在35°—55°的逆时针旋转,这个旋转可能是由于西部推覆构造造成的。如果将西准噶尔超基性岩带顺时针旋转35°—55°后,东准噶尔超基性岩带、西准噶尔超基性岩带和斋桑泊—鲁布佐夫斯克超基性岩带应在同一构造带上。(5)该地区晚古生代古纬度变化不明显,位于30°—45  相似文献   
川西北地区金矿床的双源复合成矿新认识   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
川地区金成矿受构造-岩相和构造-岩浆双重控制。据该区金矿的产出特点和成矿特征,可将区内金矿(点)划分为层控型、岩控型和双控型。在进行区域成矿分析时应注重构造-岩相和构造-岩浆的致矿、控矿作用,任何片面怀的成矿分析都可能导致成矿认识的简单化和肤浅化。双源复合成矿概念的提出与应用,有助于对本区成矿认识的深化和研究水平的提高。  相似文献   
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