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Zircon U-Pb ages and geochemical data of volcanic rocks in the Suifenhe Formation in eastern Heilongjiang Province are reported, and their petrogenesis is discussed in this paper. The Suifenhe Formation mainly consists of basalt, andesite, and dacite. Zircon from andesite and dacite are euhedral in shape and show typical oscillatory zoning with high Th/U ratios (0.18-0.57), implying its magmatic origin. Zircon U-Pb dating results by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (LA-ICP-MS) indicate that the 206Pb/238U ages of zircons from andesite range within 105-106 Ma, yielding a weighted mean age of 105.5±0.8 Ma (n=14), and that 206Pb/238U ages of zircons from dacite are between 90-96 Ma, yielding a weighted mean age of 93.2±1.3 Ma (n =13). The volcanic rocks from the Suifenhe Formation are subalkaline series and show a calc-alkaline evolutionary trend with SiO2 content of 47.69%-65.47%, MgO contents of 1.42%-6.80% (Mg#= 45-53), and Na2O/K2O ratios of 1.83-3.63. They are characterized by enrichment in large ion lithophile elements (LILE) and light-rare-earth elements (LREE), depletion in heavy rare earth elements (HREE) and high field strength elements (HFSE) (e.g., Nb, Ta, Ti), and low initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7041-0.7057) and positiveεNd(t) values (039-4.08), implying that they could be derived from a depleted magma source. Taken together, these results suggest that the primary magma of the volcanic rocks might originate from partial melting of the mantle wedge metasomatized by fluids derived from subducted slab under a tectonic setting of active continental margin.  相似文献   
The Dynamical-microphysical-electrical Processes in Severe Thunderstorms and Lightning Hazards(STORM973)project conducted coordinated comprehensive field observations of thunderstorms in the Beijing metropolitan region(BMR)during the warm season from 2014 to 2018.The aim of the project was to understand how dynamical,microphysical and electrical processes interact in severe thunderstorms in the BMR,and how to assimilate lightning data in numerical weather prediction models to improve severe thunderstorm forecasts.The platforms used in the field campaign included the Beijing Lightning Network(BLNET,consisting of 16 stations),2 X-band dual linear polarimetric Doppler radars,and 4 laser raindrop spectrometers.The collaboration also made use of the China Meteorological Administration’s mesoscale meteorological observation network in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.Although diverse thunderstorm types were documented,it was found that squall lines and multicell storms were the two major categories of severe thunderstorms with frequent lightning activity and extreme rainfall or unexpected local short-duration heavy rainfall resulting in inundations in the central urban area,influenced by the terrain and environmental conditions.The flash density maximums were found in eastern Changping District,central and eastern Shunyi District,and the central urban area of Beijing,suggesting that the urban heat island effect has a crucial role in the intensification of thunderstorms over Beijing.In addition,the flash rate associated with super thunderstorms can reach hundreds of flashes per minute in the central city regions.The super(5%of the total),strong(35%),and weak(60%)thunderstorms contributed about 37%,56%,and 7%to the total flashes in the BMR,respectively.Owing to the close connection between lightning activity and the thermodynamic and microphysical characteristics of the thunderstorms,the lightning flash rate can be used as an indicator of severe weather events,such as hail and short-duration heavy rainfall.Lightning data can also be assimilated into numerical weather prediction models to help improve the forecasting of severe convection and precipitation at the cloud-resolved scale,through adjusting or correcting the thermodynamic and microphysical parameters of the model.  相似文献   
The phosphatic cement in the bioclastic sediment sequence on the northeastern shore of Dongdao Island in the South China Sea was studied and its paleoenvironmental implications discussed. Petrological characteristics and major, trace, REE element data unequivocally supported the notion that phosphatization was closely associated with avian guano decomposition and leaching, whereas carbon and oxygen isotope results further revealed that meteoric water were involved in these processes. AMS 14C dates on the brown phosphate cements indicate that they were formed around 5700, 5000–5100 and 2900 yr BP, respectively. The multi-episodes of phosphatization very likely correspond to intermittent seabird occupation on this island — possibly reflecting Holocene sea-level oscillation and/or long term climate changes in the South China Sea that have controlled seabird habitat. The phosphate cementation, which occurs widely in tropical islands, may be another useful monitor for sea-level and/or paleoclimate changes.  相似文献   
The Liangshui Natural Reserve in Heilongjiang Province of China was selected as the study area. The authors collected the samples of forest litter (Tilia amurensis, Fraxinus mandshurica, Pinus koraiensis, Acer mono, Betula costata, and mixed litter), soil in humus horizon (0--5cm) and soil horizon (5-20cm), and soil macrofauna (Oligochaeta, Geophiloporpha and Juliformia) from 2001 to 2002. The role of soil macrofauna in the material cycle was analyzed through comparing the macro-element contents among various parts of the subsystems and using enrichment index (El). The results indicate that dynamic changes of various litters are very complicated. The contents of Fe in each kind of litter increase firstly, and then decrease in the study period. The changes of macro-element contents are greater in the broad-leaf litter than in the coniferous litter, and the mixed litter is in the middle level, but the differences among them are not significant. The contents of Mg and Fe in humus are higher than those in soil, but the contents of Ca in soil are higher than that in humus. The dynamic changes of macro-element contents in soil and soil fauna are not consistent with those in litter. The diplopod presented obvious enrichment of Ca and Mg (E1〉1), but it does not significantly enrich Fe. Earthworm has a stronger enrichment ability of Fe than diplopod and scolopendra, but E1〈1. Soil fauna can make great influences on the material cycle of the subsystems.  相似文献   
Multi-electrodes Resistivity Imaging Survey (MRIS) is an array method of electrical survey. In practice how to choose a reasonable array is the key to get reliable survey results. Based on four methods of MRIS such as Wenner, Schlumberger, Pole-pole and Dipole-dipole the authors established the model, by studying the result of the forward numerical simulation modeling and inverse modeling, and analyzed the differences among the different forms of detection devices.  相似文献   
A combined numerical model of wind, wave, tide, and storm surges was built on the basis of the “wind field model in limited sea surface areas”. When used to forecast the sea surface wind, wave height and water level, it can describe them very well. Contribution No. 4108 from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. This work supported by Stress Project (KZ952-S1-420), Chinese Academy of Sciences; 863 Project (863-818-06-05), and (863-818-Q-07)  相似文献   
广州城市流浪乞讨者的空间管治与日常生活实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
尹铎  蔡慕言  梁金多  朱竑  高权 《地理科学》2019,39(3):450-458
以广州流浪乞讨者为研究对象,通过深度访谈等质性研究方法,解读针对流浪乞讨者的空间管治政策与手段,分析流浪乞讨者的日常生活实践与生境协商。研究发现:在地方城市政策对流动性与公共秩序限制的双重压力下,在流浪乞讨者的日常生活实践中,不仅有针对管治行动者而刻意为之的特殊营建,亦有基于程式化生活流程对自我身份认同的重塑与真情实感的展演。地方政府基于空间目标的救助与真实存在的日常生活实践存在着一种张力。研究关注了城市边缘群体日常生活对地理意义的主动塑造过程,对全面理解并规范管理中国城市流浪乞讨现象具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
王文辉  白冰  张茵 《地理科学》2019,39(11):1814-1821
居民不规范行为危害性极大,传统相关研究多基于社会交换视角,存在一定局限。相对剥夺理论在研究人们的不规范行为上存在一定优势,但鲜有应用于旅游研究。以社区问题明显的李坑、思溪两村落为例,结合相对剥夺理论对居民不规范行为的成因和形式等进行了定性分析。与传统研究不同,发现居民不规范行为与其对旅游负面影响的纵向感知并无直接关系,而主要与横向剥夺感相关。研究表明,相对剥夺理论或可作为居民旅游态度和行为研究的新视角,并在预防和管控旅游地社区问题方面具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   
2013年青岛输油管道爆炸,大量石油污染了附近海岸。课题组采集了污染的沉积物样品,以原油为唯一碳源和能源,富集了四个石油降解菌群。生物多样性和群落分析表明,Luteibacter、Parvibaculum 和属于食烷菌科的一个属是降解菌群的主要优势菌,都属于变形菌门。从石油降解菌群中分离筛选,获得了9株具有不同16S rRNA基因序列的降解菌,分别属于8个属。重量法测定降解菌的石油降解率,其中5株的石油降解率大于30%。GC-MS分析结果表明,石油降解菌多倾向于降解烷烃,对多环芳烃的降解能力较差,其中5株细菌的烷烃降解率较大,仅1株菌D2对多环芳烃的降解率较大,其降解率在34.9%到77.5%。通过对高通量数据的分析,表明食烷菌属是菌群A和菌群E的主要降解菌群,其中筛选获得的菌株E4可能是菌群E的一株优势降解菌。本研究所筛选菌株证明了其石油降解潜力,为油污染海滩生物修复提供了菌株资源。  相似文献   
The extraction of partition lines for long and narrow patches (LN patches) is an important yet difficult problem in the generalization of thematic data. When current methods are used to process polygons with irregular shapes or complex branch convergence zones, the extracted line structural features tend to be inaccurate and topologically erroneous. In this article, we propose an improved partition lines extraction algorithm of constrained Delaunay triangulation to counter these issues. The proposed method aims to maintain consistency between the extracted line structure characteristics and the actual object structure, especially for complex branch convergence zones. First, we describe three types of aggregation patterns (Type A, B, and C aggregation zones) that occur in partition line extractions for LN patches of complex branch convergence zones using Delaunay triangulation. Then, a partition line extraction algorithm that accounts for the direction between the edges of triangles and the distance of nodes in aggregation zones is proposed. Finally, we test our method for a dataset relating to Guizhou Province, China. Compared with the current method that uses quantitative indicators and visualization, the results indicate that our method not only has applicability for simple situations but also is superior for preserving structural features of complex branch convergence zones.  相似文献   
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