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Dr. Ch. A. Lin 《Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics》1987,37(2):72-81
Summary A nonlinear, forced, dissipative quasi-geostrophic, two-level -plane model of baroclinic instability is formulated. The model resolves a baroclinic zonal flow and a wave of arbitrary zonal scale. Multiple equilibrium solutions describing Hadley and eddy circulations coexist. Only the circulation with smaller thermal wind is stable. The most efficient eddy activity occurs at a zonal wavenumber close to the wavelength of maximum instability of linear baroclinic instability theory. For a wide range of forcing and dissipative parameters, the steady baroclinic zonal wind of the eddy regime is close to the critical shear of linear theory. Eddy statistics are obtained analytically in terms of the doparture of the zonally symmetric state from radiative equilibrium. A parameterization for the eddy heat transport is obtained.With 14 Figures 相似文献
M. Wedler B. Heindl S. Hahn B. Köstner Ch. Bernhofer J. D. Tenhunen 《Theoretical and Applied Climatology》1996,53(1-3):135-144
Summary During the Hartheim Experiment (HartX) 1992 conducted in the Upper Rhine Valley, Germany, we estimated water vapor flux from the understory and the forest floor by several methods. At the vegetation patch level, direct estimates were made with small weighing lysimeters, and water loss was scaled-up to the stand level based on vegetation patchtype distribution. At the leaf level, transpiration flux was determined with a CO2/H2O porometer for the dominant understory plant species,Brachypodium pinnatum, Carex alba, andCarex flacca. Measured leaf transpiration was scaled-up to patch level with a canopy light interception and leaf gas exchange model, and then to stand level as in the case of lysimeter data, but with further consideration of patchtype leaf area index (LAI). On two days, total understory latent heat flux was estimated by eddy correlation methods below the tree canopy.The understory vegetation was subdivided into five major patch-types which covered 62% of the ground area and resulted in a cumulative LAI of approx. 1.54 when averaged over total stand ground area and compared to the average tree canopy LAI of 2.8. The remaining 38% of ground area was unvegetated bare soil and/or covered by moss (mainly byScleropodium purum) or litter. The evapotranspiration from the understory and unvegetated areas equaled approx. 20% of total forest stand transpiration during the HartX period. The understory vegetation transpired about 0.4 mm d–1 (13%) estimated over the period of May 13 to 21, whereas evaporation from moss and soil patches amounted 0.23 mm d–1 (7.0%). On dry, sunny days, total water vapor flux below the tree canopy exceeded 0.66 mm d–1. Using the transpiration rates derived from the GAS-FLUX model together with estimates of evaporation from moss and soil areas and a modified application of the Penman-Monteith equation, the average daily maximum conductance of the understory and the forest floor was 1.7 mm s–1 as compared to 5.5 mm s–1 for the tree canopy.With 6 Figures 相似文献
L. Tomassini S. Hagemann Ch. Moseley A. Haumann R. Podzun D. Jacob 《Climate Dynamics》2011,36(11-12):2371-2397
A high-resolution pre-industrial control simulation with the regional climate model REMO is analyzed in detail for different European subregions. To our knowledge, this is the first long pre-industrial control simulation by a regional climate model as well as at comparable resolution. We assess the ability of the climate model to reproduce the observed climate variability in various parts of the continent. In order to investigate the representation of extreme events in the model under pre-industrial greenhouse gas concentrations, selected seasons are examined with regard to the atmospheric circulation and other climatic characteristics that have contributed to the occurrences. A special focus is dedicated to land-atmosphere interactions. Extreme seasons are simulated by the model under various circumstances, some of them strongly resemble observed periods of extraordinary conditions like the summer 2003 or autumn 2006 in parts of Europe. The regional perspective turns out to be of importance when analyzing events that are constituted by meso-scale atmospheric dynamics. Moreover, the predictability of the European climate on seasonal to decadal time scales is examined by relating the statistics of surface variables to large-scale modes of variability impacting the North Atlantic sector like the Meridional Overturning Circulation, the El Niño Southern Oscillation, and the North Atlantic Oscillation. For this purpose, we introduce a measure of tail dependence that quantifies the correlation between extreme values in two variables that describe the state of the climate system. Significant dependence of extreme events can be detected in various situations. 相似文献
The radiative energy exchange between arctic sea-ice and stratiform clouds is studied by means of aircraft measurements and a two-stream radiation transfer model. The data have been obtained by flights of two identically instrumented aircraft during the Radiation and Eddy Flux Experiments REFLEX I in autumn 1991 and REFLEX II in winter 1993 over the arctic marginal ice zone of Fram Strait. The instrumental equipment comprised Eppley pyranometers and pyrgeometers, which measure the solar and terrestrial upwelling and downwelling hemispheric radiation flux densities, and a line-scan-camera on one aircraft to monitor the surface structure of the sea-ice. An empirical parametrization of the albedo of partly ice-covered ocean surfaces is obtained from the data, which describes the albedo increasing linearly with the concentration of the snow-covered sea-ice and with the cosine of the sun zenith angle at sun elevations below 10°. Cloud optical parameters, such as single scattering albedo, asymmetry factor and shortwave and longwave height-dependent extinction coefficient are determined by adjusting modeled radiation flux densities to observations. We found significant influence of the multiple reflection of shortwave radiation between the ice surface and the cloud base on the radiation regime. Consistent with the data, a radiation transfer model shows that stratus clouds of 400 m thickness with common cloud parameters may double the global radiation at the surface of sea-ice compared to open water values. The total cloud-surface-albedo under these circumstances is 30% larger over sea-ice than over water. Parametrizations of the global and reflected radiation above and below stratus clouds are proposed on the basis of the measurements and modeling. The upwelling and downwelling longwave emission of stratus clouds with thicknesses of more than 500 m can be satisfactorily estimated by Stefan's law with an emissivity of nearly 1 and when the maximum air temperature within the cloud is used. 相似文献
M. Halimi M. Rezaei Ch. Mohammadi M. Farajzadeh 《Russian Meteorology and Hydrology》2017,42(10):671-676
Relationship between precipitation sum and cloud properties over Fars province in Iran was analyzed for the cases of light (4 mm), moderate (17 mm), and heavy (62 mm) precipitation. The cloud properties (temperature and pressure at the top, cloud optical thickness and cloud water path) were obtained from satellite data of spectoradiometer MODIS (MODO6). The spatial distribution of rainfall was obtained from the 3-hourly data of TRMM (3B42). The multivariate regression model was developed to predict the spatial distribution of rainfall. A strong significant positive association between the spatial distribution of cloud characteristics and heavy precipitation was found, while no clear correlation was revealed between light precipitation and cloud properties. The developed regression model comprised 64, 47, and 24% of spatial variance of heavy, moderate, and light rainfall, respectively. The influence of cloud water path on the spatial distribution of rainfall dominates. 相似文献
A global transport model is proposed in which a multimoment constrained finite volume (MCV) scheme is applied to a Yin-Yang overset grid. The MCV scheme defines 16 degrees of freedom (DOFs) within each element to build a 2D cubic reconstruction polynomial. The time evolution equations for DOFs are derived from constraint conditions on moments of line-integrated averages (LIA), point values (PV), and values of first-order derivatives (DV). The Yin-Yang grid eliminates polar singularities and results in a quasi-uniform mesh. A limiting projection is designed to remove nonphysical oscillations around discontinuities. Our model was tested against widely used benchmarks; the competitive results reveal that the model is accurate and promising for developing general circulation models. 相似文献
H. Feidas Ch. Noulopoulou T. Makrogiannis E. Bora-Senta 《Theoretical and Applied Climatology》2007,87(1-4):155-177
Summary In this study, the trends of annual and seasonal precipitation time series were examined on the basis of measurements of 22
surface stations in Greece for the period 1955–2001, and satellite data during the period 1980–2001. For this purpose, two
statistical tests based on the least square method and one based on the Mann-Kendall test, which is also capable of detecting
the starting year of possible climatic discontinuities or changes, are applied. Greece, in general, presents a clear significant
downward trend in annual precipitation for the period 1955–2001, which is determined by the respective decreasing trend in
winter precipitation. Both winter and annual series exhibit a downward trend with a starting year being 1984. Satellite-derived
precipitation time series could be an alternative means for diagnosing the variability of precipitation in Greece and detecting
trends provided that they have been adjusted by surface measurements in the wider area of interest. The relationship between
precipitation variability in Greece and atmospheric circulation was also examined using correlation analysis with three circulation
indices: the well-known North Atlantic Oscillation Index (NAOI), a Mediterranean Oscillation Index (MOI) and a new Mediterranean
Circulation Index (MCI). NAOI is the index that presented the most interesting correlation with winter, summer and annual
precipitation in Greece, whereas the MOI and MCI were found to explain a significant proportion of annual and summer precipitation
variability, respectively. The observed downward trend in winter and annual precipitation in Greece is linked mainly to a
rising trend in the hemispheric circulation modes of the NAO, which are connected with the Mediterranean Oscillation Index. 相似文献
In the present study, the wet and dry depositions of particulate NO3−, SO42−, Cl− and NH4+ were measured using a wet/dry sampler as a surrogate surface. Gas phase compounds of nitrogen, sulfur and chloride (HNO3, NH3, SO2 and HCl) were measured by an annular denuder system (ADS) equipped with a back up filter for the collection of particles with diameter ≤ 5 μm. Ambient concentrations of NO, NO2 and SO2 were also taken into consideration. Sampling was conducted at an urban site in the center of the city of Thessaloniki, northern Greece. The presence of the aerosol species was examined by cold/warm period and the possible compounds in dry deposits were also considered. Dry deposition fluxes were found to be well correlated with ambient particle concentrations in order to be used for the calculation of particle deposition velocity. Average particulate deposition velocities calculated were 0.36, 0.20, 0.20 and 0.10 cm s− 1 for Cl−, NO3−, SO42− and NH4+, respectively. Total dry deposition fluxes (gas and particles) were estimated at 3.24 kg ha− 1 year− 1 for chloride (HCl + p-Cl), 9.97 kg ha− 1 year− 1 for nitrogen oxidized (NO + NO2 + HNO3 + p-NO3), 5.32 kg ha− 1 year− 1 for nitrogen reduced (NH3 + p-NH4) and 15.77 kg ha− 1 year− 1 for sulfur (SO2 + p-SO4). 70–90% total dry deposition was due to gaseous species deposition. The contribution of dry deposition to the total (wet + dry) was at the level of 60–70% for sulfur and nitrogen (oxidized and reduced), whereas dry chloride deposition contributed 35% to the total. The dry-to-wet deposition ratio of all the studied species was found to be significantly associated with the precipitation amount, with nitrogen species being better and higher correlated. Wet, dry and total depositions measured in Thessaloniki, were compared with other countries of Europe, US and Asia. 相似文献
The entrainment of air from the free atmosphere into the convective boundary layer is reviewed and further investigated using observations from a 2 μm Doppler lidar. It is possible to observe different individual processes entraining air into the turbulent layer, which develop with varying stability of the free atmosphere. These different processes are attended by different entrainment-zone thicknesses and entrainment velocities. Four classes of entrainment parametrizations, which describe relationships between the fundamental parameters of the process, are examined. Existing relationships between entrainment-zone thickness and entrainment velocity are basically confirmed using as scaling parameters boundary-layer height and convective velocity. An increase in the correlation coefficient between stability parameters based on the stratification of the free atmosphere and entrainment velocity (and entrainment-zone thickness respectively) up to 200% was possible using more suitable length and velocity scales. 相似文献