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The Baula-Nuasahi Complex, on the southern flank of the Singhbhum Archaean nucleus in north-eastern India, exposes a series of Mesoarchaean igneous suites. These are (1) a gabbro–anorthosite unit, which is petrographically homogeneous, although mineral-chemistry data hint at a subtle eastward differentiation; (2) a peridotite unit (with three chromitite layers) together with (3) a pyroxenite unit which display cumulate textures, modal layering, and (for the peridotite unit) differentiation trends in both mineralogy and mineral chemistry; and (4) the Bangur gabbro (~3.1 Ga), which defines an oblong intrusion, crosscutting the older igneous suites in the southern part of the complex, with a curvilinear NW-trending apophysis, 2 km long and up to 40 m wide. Magmatic breccia comprising ultramafic and chromitite wall-rock clasts in a gabbro matrix is exposed at the contact of the main Bangur gabbro body and also forms the entire Bangur gabbro apophysis. Concentrations of platinum-group minerals (PGMs) are found where the breccia contains abundant chromitite clasts, and two types of platinum-group-element (PGE) mineralisation are recognised. Type 1 (Pt 1.1–14.2, Pd 0.1–2.1 ppm, with an average Pt/Pd=8–9) is a contact-type mineralisation which occurs in the breccia at the contact between the Bangur intrusion and its ultramafic host. The PGMs—Pt alloys (isoferroplatinum) and sulphides (braggite, malanite)—are enclosed by pyroxene and plagioclase, reflecting a magmatic origin. Significant wall-rock assimilation by the magma (giving rise to the Bangur gabbro) is indicated by changes in pyroxene composition and by the presence of relicts of chromite (from the host) now altered to secondary ferritchromite in the contact zone. Type 2 PGE mineralisation (Pt 0.3–1.6, Pd 1.8–6.0 ppm, with Pt/Pd~0.5–3.0) is restricted to the breccia apophysis of the Bangur gabbro where it occurs in the breccia matrix, associated with an intense hydrothermal alteration which does not exist in the contact zone. PGMs (PGE arsenides, tellurides, bismuthides and antimonides) and, where present, base-metal sulphides (BMSs) form intergrowths with hydrous silicates, reflecting a hydrothermal origin. Oxygen isotope geothermometry documents the main stages of hydrothermal alteration within a decreasing temperature range between 700–1,000 and 500–600 °C, and oxygen, hydrogen and sulphur isotopes show that the hydrothermal fluids were derived from the magma rather than an external source. Pervasive hydrothermal alteration in the breccia apophysis likely represents upward channelling of late-magmatic fluids along a narrow, near-vertical, subplanar conduit which led away from the main magma chamber. We suggest that Type 2 mineralisation was produced by late-magmatic hydrothermal remobilisation and reconcentration of Type 1 PGE mineralisation, and that the composition of the hydrothermal fluids controlled whether BMSs were enriched along with the PGMs.Editorial handling: P. Lightfoot  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Soon after Deng Xiaoping became China's premier in 1978, a program of reform and openness was initiated. Its goals were to introduce free-market mechanisms into the command economy, to eliminate Mao-era inefficiencies, and to bring China to parity with developed countries of the West and to a leadership role among Asia's newly industrialized countries. Drastic changes quickly transformed China's planned economy into one of mixed-market socialism. Although the economic achievements have been impressive and commendable at the national and provincial levels, questions have been raised as to the role of economic reform and openness in the growth and development of Chinese cities. To answer them, we examine Lijin Zhen, the seat of Lijin County, Shandong Province.  相似文献   
We report the results of GPS measurements of post-seismic deformation due to the 2001 Bhuj earthquake in the Kachchh region, western India. The estimated horizontal velocity vectors in ITRF05 are in the range of 48?C49?mm/year in N46?C50°E. The observed velocity at the Gandhinagar permanent site, a far off site from the earthquake source region and probably unaffected by the post-seismic deformation, is 49?±?1?mm/year in N47°E, which is consistent with the predicted motion of Indian plate at Gandhinagar. At other sites in the source region, transient post-seismic deformation is found to be low; it attenuated rapidly within 3?C4?years of the earthquake and is much low now. Our results support the idea that mantle rheology is weak in the region.  相似文献   
The solubility of fluorite in NaCl solutions increases with increasing temperature at all ionic strengths up to about 100°C. Above this temperature, the solubility passes through a maximum and possibly a minimum with increasing temperature at NaCl concentrations of 1.0M or less, and increases continuously with increasing temperature at NaCl concentrations above 1.0M. At any given temperature, the solubility of fluorite increases with increasing salt concentration in NaCl, KCl and CaCl2 solutions. The solubility follows Debye-Hückel theory for KCl solutions. In NaCl and CaCl2 solutions, the solubility of fluorite increases more rapidly than predicted by Debye-Hückel theory: the excess solubility is due to the presence of NaFc, CaF+, and possibly of Na2F+. The solubility of fluorite in NaCl-CaCl2 and in NaCl-CaCl2-MgCl2 solutions is controlled by the common ion effect and by the presence of NaFc, CaF+, and MgF+. The solubility of fluorite in NaCl-HCl solutions increases rapidly with increasing initial HCl concentration; the large solubility increase is due to the presence of HFc. It seems likely that complexes other than those identified in this study rarely play a major role in fluoride transport and fluorite deposition at temperatures below 300°C.  相似文献   
Water-absorbing rocks are formed from minerals that can hold water in their crystal structure or between grain boundaries. Such water absorption is often accompanied by a change in the crystal dimension that manifests itself as a swelling of the rock. Swelling is particularly pronounced in rocks containing phyllosilicates because of the ease with which these minerals hydrate; it is thus of geological and geotechnical relevance in shales, clay-rich soils and zeolitized tuffs. The model of hydration swelling that we present here is based on extended versions of the equations of poroelasticity and Darcy's transport law, which we derive using a non-equilibrium thermodynamics approach. Our equations account for the hydration reaction under the assumption that the reaction rate is fast in comparison with the rate at which hydraulic state changes are communicated through the rock, i.e. that local physico-chemical equilibrium persists. Using a finite-element scheme for solving numerically the governing equations of our model, we simulate the creep of shales during a routine swelling test and calculate the stress and strain distributions around wellbores drilled in shale formations that undergo swelling. We show that swelling effects promote tensile failure of the wellbore wall.  相似文献   
Like Participatory Geographic Information Systems (PGIS) and Public Participation Geographic Information Systems (PPGIS) crowdsourced collaborative mapping is often imagined as an alternative to conventional cartographic practice. This paper examines collaborative mapping projects designed to assist in humanitarian work and respond to catastrophes. These projects, their technological complexity and wide range of collaborators, including affected locals, international Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) and anonymous online contributors, invite closer consideration. In this article I unpick the gnarly question of how the remote sourcing of information through cloud collaboration and satellite imagery jostles with grounded work encouraging local control of local geoinformation. My critical analysis of these projects explores: (1) justifications for action – what is being promised through digital mapping as aid or satellite salvation?; (2) forms of participation – the role of ‘hotties’ ‘nodders’ and ‘digital jedis’; and (3) contingencies of mapping practices and the assemblages of actors within which they are embedded – as the mysteries of the ‘missing maps’. The conclusion considers differing approaches towards the inclusion of local knowledges within participatory digital aid mapping and identifies remote mapping practices that are both incognito and incognisant.  相似文献   
A new aeromagnetic map together with new geological and geochronological data has led to a reinterpretation of the geological history of the Arabian Shield.
The magnetic anomalies outline an orogenic complex containing a network of mostly left-lateral strike-slip faults, including the Nabitah Belt and several peripheral mountain ranges. Oblique accretion resulted in obliteration of early volcanic-arc magnetic fabrics, which were almost completely replaced by a NW–SE magnetic fabric in the northern Shield; the southern Shield, however, reveals extensive E–W anomalies related to post-accretion magmatic intrusions. This complex web of orogenic zones is intimately associated with synchronous molasse basins that formed 680–610 Ma.
The distribution and chronology of orogenic zones, related to the closing of East and West Gondwana, brings into question several earlier assumptions, such as high continental growth rates, palaeogeodynamic reconstructions, the definitions of the Nabitah and Najd faults, and the significance of molasse basins.  相似文献   
Majorite of bulk composition Mg0.86Fe0.15SiO3 was synthesized at 19 GPa and 1900 °C at an oxygen fugacity close to the Re/ReO2 buffer. Optical absorption spectra of polycrystalline samples were measured from 4000 to 25000cm?1. The following features were observed: (1) Three bands at 4554, 6005 and 8093 cm?1 due to the 5Eg5T2g transition of Fe2+ in a distorted dodecahedral site. (2) A band at 9340 cm?1 due to the transition 5T2g5Eg of octahedral Fe2+. (3) A band at 22784 cm?1 resulting from Fe3+, probably in an octahedral site (6A1g4A1g, 4Eg). (4) A very intense system of Fe2+ → Fe3+ intervalence charge transfer bands which can be modelled by two Gaussian components centered at 16542 and 20128 cm?1. The existence of two components in the charge transfer spectrum could be related to the fact that the tetragonal majorite structure may contain Fe3+ in two different octahedral sites. The crystal field splitting Δ of Fe2+ in dodecahedral coordination is 5717 cm?1. If a splitting of the ground state in the order of 1000 cm?1 is assumed, this yields a crystal field stabilization energy (CFSE) of 3930 cm?1, comparable to the CFSE of Fe2+ in pyrope-rich garnet. However, the splitting of 5T2g is significantly higher than in pyrope. This would be consistent with Fe2+ preferentially occupying the more distorted one of the two dodecahedral sites in the majorite structure. For octahedral Fe2+, Δ= 9340 cm?1 and CFSE=3736 cm?1, assuming negligible splitting of the ground state.  相似文献   
在新冠肺炎疫情期间,线上教学大规模开展,相关线上教学问题逐渐成为研究热点.传统的测绘地理类课程的教学方式主要是上课时以老师传授知识为主,课后以学生完成作业为辅的方式进行.但是,这种教学方式比较单一,并且在科学化考核和促进学生学习主动性等方面存在诸多问题.然而,线上网络课程是通过互联网以电子设备为教学平台,具有不受教学时...  相似文献   
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