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Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) is likely to be central to a post-Kyoto climate change mitigation agreement. As such, identifying conditions and factors that will shape the success or failure of a reduced deforestation scheme will provide important insights for policy planning. Given that protected areas (PAs) are a cornerstone in forest conservation, we draw on interviews and secondary data to analyze the effects of available PA resources, governance ability, the level of community involvement, and provincial deforestation rates on land-cover change in nine PAs in Panama. Our results illustrate that coupling surveillance measures with greater funding and strong governance are paramount to reducing deforestation. Alone, however, these factors are insufficient for forest protection. We argue that conservation approaches that complement effective surveillance with community participation and equitable benefit sharing will address the wider issues of leakage and permanence.  相似文献   
The metamorphic core of the Himalaya is composed of Indian cratonic rocks with two distinct crustal affinities that are defined by radiogenic isotopic geochemistry and detrital zircon age spectra. One is derived predominantly from the Paleoproterozoic and Archean rocks of the Indian cratonic interior and is either represented as metamorphosed sedimentary rocks of the Lesser Himalayan Sequence(LHS) or as slices of the distal cratonic margin. The other is the Greater Himalayan Sequence(GHS) whose provenance is less clear and has an enigmatic affinity. Here we present new detrital zircon Hf analyses from LHS and GHS samples spanning over 1000 km along the orogen that respectively show a striking similarity in age spectra and Hf isotope ratios. Within the GHS, the zircon age populations at 2800-2500 Ma,1800 Ma, 1000 Ma and 500 Ma can be ascribed to various Gondwanan source regions; however, a pervasive and dominant Tonianage population(~860-800 Ma) with a variably enriched radiogenic Hf isotope signature(eHf = 10 to-20) has not been identified from Gondwana or peripheral accreted terranes. We suggest this detrital zircon age population was derived from a crustal province that was subsequently removed by tectonic erosion. Substantial geologic evidence exists from previous studies across the Himalaya supporting the Cambro-Ordovician Kurgiakh Orogeny. We propose the tectonic removal of Tonian lithosphere occurred prior to or during this Cambro-Ordovician episode of orogenesis in a similar scenario as is seen in the modern Andean and Indonesian orogenies, wherein tectonic processes have removed significant portions of the continental lithosphere in a relatively short amount of time. This model described herein of the pre-Himalayan northern margin of Greater India highlights the paucity of the geologic record associated with the growth of continental crust. Although the continental crust is the archive of Earth history, it is vital to recognize the ways in which preservation bias and destruction of continental crust informs geologic models.  相似文献   
We present 23 new ages from three volcanic complexes of the Lesser Antilles arc in Martinique Island (French West Indies). These ages obtained with the K–Ar Cassignol–Gillot technique are distributed within the whole Quaternary. They allowed us to reconstruct a detailed history of successive volcanic growth and flank collapse stages. Trois Ilets Volcanism has been active during at least 2 Ma, between 2.35 ± 0.03 Ma and 346 ± 27 ka, with monogenetic volcanoes of basaltic-andesite to andesitic compositions. We here propose that magma mixing, which characterizes this volcanism, could have been initiated between 617 and 346 ka by the activation of arc-parallel and arc-transverse fault systems. Meanwhile, the Carbet complex was active 25 km to the north from 998 ± 14 to 322 ± 6 ka, and was partially destroyed by a flank collapse after 602 ± 10 ka. Together with geochemical data, our ages show that Mount Conil and Mount Pelée volcanoes are parts of the same edifice sharing a single magmatic reservoir. Mount Conil started to emerge before 543 ± 8 ka, and andesites erupted until 127 ± 2 ka, when a flank collapse destroyed the western flank of the edifice, probably triggering the emplacement of Piton Marcel, the last eruption of this first stage. We note that this collapse occurred during the transition from oxygen stages 6 to 5, i.e. during glacial to interglacial change, when eustatic level rapidly increased. After that, and until present, Mount Pelée volcano was built with periods of cone growth intercalated by flank collapse events. We here show that a peak of activity occurred between 550 and 330 ka in western Martinique within the three complexes, which are spaced of 15–25 km. Since 330 ka volcanic activity is limited to the northernmost Mount Conil–Mount Pelée complex. Our data are in agreement with the regional scale observations that the whole recent Lesser Antilles arc was subject to a high volcanic activity since 600 ka, probably linked to an increase in magma production. This permanent establishment of rising magma in regularly spaced batches and tectonically controlled, could explain the individual chemical evolution of each edifice and the different eruptive dynamisms occurring at the same time along the recent arc.  相似文献   
The natural river water reference material SLRS‐6 (NRC‐CNRC) is the newest batch of a quality control material routinely used in many international environmental laboratories. This work presents a nine‐laboratory compilation of measurements of major and trace element concentrations and their related uncertainties, unavailable in the NRC‐CNRC certificate (B, Cs, Li, Ga, Ge, Hf, Nb, P, Rb, Rh, Re, S, Sc, Se, Si, Sn, Th, Ti, Tl, W, Y, Y, Zr and REEs). Measurements were mostly made using inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry. The results are compared with equivalent data for the last batch of the material, SLRS‐5, measured simultaneously with SLRS‐6 in this study. In general, very low concentrations, close to the quantification limits, were found in the new batch. The Sr isotopic ratio is also reported.  相似文献   
Abstract— We describe the results of a variety of model calculations for predictions of observable results of the LCROSS mission to be launched in 2009. Several models covering different aspects of the event are described along with their results. Our aim is to bracket the range of expected results and produce a useful guide for mission planning. In this paper, we focus on several different questions, which are modeled by different methods. The questions include the size of impact crater, the mass, velocity, and visibility of impact ejecta, and the mass and temperature of the initial vapor plume. The mass and velocity profiles of the ejecta are of primary interest, as the ejecta will be the main target of the S‐S/C observations. In particular, we focus on such quantities as the amount of mass that reaches various heights. A height of 2 km above the target is of special interest, as we expect that the EDUS impact will take place on the floor of a moderate‐sized crater ?30 km in diameter, with a rim height of 1–2 km. The impact ejecta must rise above the crater rim at the target site in order to scatter sunlight and become visible to the detectors aboard the S‐S/C. We start with a brief discussion of crater scaling relationships as applied to the impact of the EDUS second stage and resulting estimated crater diameter and ejecta mass. Next we describe results from the RAGE hydrocode as applied to modeling the short time scale (t 0.1 s) thermal plume that is expected to occur immediately after the impact. We present results from several large‐scale smooth‐particle hydrodynamics (SPH) calculations, along with results from a ZEUS‐MP hydrocode model of the crater formation and ejecta mass‐velocity distribution. We finish with two semi‐analytic models, the first being a Monte Carlo model of the distribution of expected ejecta, based on scaling models using a plausible range of crater and ejecta parameters, and the second being a simple model of observational predictions for the shepherding spacecraft (S‐S/C) that will follow the impact for several minutes until its own impact into the lunar surface. For the initial thermal plume, we predict an initial expansion velocity of ?7 km s?1, and a maximum temperature of ?1200 K. Scaling relations for crater formation and the SPH calculation predict a crater with a diameter of ?15 m, a total ejecta mass of ?106kg, with ?104kg reaching an altitude of 2 km above the target. Both the SPH and ZEUS‐MP calculations predict a maximum ejecta velocity of ?1 km s?1. The semi‐analytic Monte Carlo calculations produce more conservative estimates (by a factor of ?5) for ejecta at 2 km, but with a large dispersion in possible results.  相似文献   
The Baula-Nuasahi Complex, on the southern flank of the Singhbhum Archaean nucleus in north-eastern India, exposes a series of Mesoarchaean igneous suites. These are (1) a gabbro–anorthosite unit, which is petrographically homogeneous, although mineral-chemistry data hint at a subtle eastward differentiation; (2) a peridotite unit (with three chromitite layers) together with (3) a pyroxenite unit which display cumulate textures, modal layering, and (for the peridotite unit) differentiation trends in both mineralogy and mineral chemistry; and (4) the Bangur gabbro (~3.1 Ga), which defines an oblong intrusion, crosscutting the older igneous suites in the southern part of the complex, with a curvilinear NW-trending apophysis, 2 km long and up to 40 m wide. Magmatic breccia comprising ultramafic and chromitite wall-rock clasts in a gabbro matrix is exposed at the contact of the main Bangur gabbro body and also forms the entire Bangur gabbro apophysis. Concentrations of platinum-group minerals (PGMs) are found where the breccia contains abundant chromitite clasts, and two types of platinum-group-element (PGE) mineralisation are recognised. Type 1 (Pt 1.1–14.2, Pd 0.1–2.1 ppm, with an average Pt/Pd=8–9) is a contact-type mineralisation which occurs in the breccia at the contact between the Bangur intrusion and its ultramafic host. The PGMs—Pt alloys (isoferroplatinum) and sulphides (braggite, malanite)—are enclosed by pyroxene and plagioclase, reflecting a magmatic origin. Significant wall-rock assimilation by the magma (giving rise to the Bangur gabbro) is indicated by changes in pyroxene composition and by the presence of relicts of chromite (from the host) now altered to secondary ferritchromite in the contact zone. Type 2 PGE mineralisation (Pt 0.3–1.6, Pd 1.8–6.0 ppm, with Pt/Pd~0.5–3.0) is restricted to the breccia apophysis of the Bangur gabbro where it occurs in the breccia matrix, associated with an intense hydrothermal alteration which does not exist in the contact zone. PGMs (PGE arsenides, tellurides, bismuthides and antimonides) and, where present, base-metal sulphides (BMSs) form intergrowths with hydrous silicates, reflecting a hydrothermal origin. Oxygen isotope geothermometry documents the main stages of hydrothermal alteration within a decreasing temperature range between 700–1,000 and 500–600 °C, and oxygen, hydrogen and sulphur isotopes show that the hydrothermal fluids were derived from the magma rather than an external source. Pervasive hydrothermal alteration in the breccia apophysis likely represents upward channelling of late-magmatic fluids along a narrow, near-vertical, subplanar conduit which led away from the main magma chamber. We suggest that Type 2 mineralisation was produced by late-magmatic hydrothermal remobilisation and reconcentration of Type 1 PGE mineralisation, and that the composition of the hydrothermal fluids controlled whether BMSs were enriched along with the PGMs.Editorial handling: P. Lightfoot  相似文献   
Mineral precipitation in the pores of a rock may exert a force, which is called crystallization pressure. This process has been studied experimentally and results bring a new look on the way fractures may develop and seal in natural systems. Cylindrical core samples of porous limestone and sandstone were left for several weeks in contact with an aqueous solution saturated with sodium chloride, at 30 or 45 °C, under axial normal stress in the range 0.02–0.26 MPa. The fluid was allowed to rise in the core samples by capillary forces, up to a controlled height where evaporation and precipitation occurred. The uniaxial deformation of the samples was measured using high-resolution displacement sensors. The samples were characterized using computed X-ray tomography, allowing therefore imaging in 3D the intensity and localization of the damage. Two kinds of damage could be observed. Firstly, small rock fragments were peeled from the sample surface. Secondly, and more interestingly, fracture networks developed, by nucleation of microcracks at the interface where evaporation occurred, and propagation to the free surface. Two families of fractures could be identified. A first set of sealed fracture parallel to the evaporation front is directly induced by crystallization pressure. A second fracture network, perpendicular to the evaporation front, accommodates the first set of fractures. An analytical model where fluid flow is coupled to evaporation, vapour transport, and localization of mineral precipitation explains the shape of this fracture network.  相似文献   
The “type” DeKalb mounds of northeastern Illinois, USA (42.0°N, −88.7°W), are formed of basal sand and gravel overlain by rhythmically bedded fines, and weathered sand and gravel. Generally from 2 to 7 m thick, the fines include abundant fossils of ostracodes and uncommon leaves and stems of tundra plants. Rare chironomid head capsules, pillclam shells, and aquatic plant macrofossils also have been observed.Radiocarbon ages on the tundra plant fossils from the “type” region range from 20,420 to 18,560 cal yr BP. Comparison of radiocarbon ages of terrestrial plants from type area ice-walled lake plains and adjacent kettle basins indicate that the topographic inversion to ice-free conditions occurred from 18,560 and 16,650 cal yr BP. Outside the “type” area, the oldest reliable age of tundra plant fossils in DeKalb mound sediment is 21,680 cal yr BP; the mound occurs on the northern arm of the Ransom Moraine (−88.5436°W, 41.5028°N). The youngest age, 16,250 cal yr BP, is associated with a mound on the Deerfield Moraine (−87.9102°W, 42.4260°N) located about 9 km east of Lake Michigan. The chronology of individual successions indicates the lakes persisted on the periglacial landscape for about 300 to 1500 yr.  相似文献   
One of the most widely used methods to estimate magmatic oxygen fugacity involves the use of empirical equations relating fO2 to the iron redox state in quenched silicate liquids; however none of the equations have been calibrated experimentally under subliquidus conditions at temperatures and oxygen fugacities that are relevant to natural magmas. To address this problem, we tested two empirical relationships [Eq. (1) in Kress and Carmichael 1991; Eq. (6) in Nikolaev et al. 1996] on synthetic glasses synthesized from a ferrobasaltic and a transitional alkali-basaltic composition at sub- to superliquidus temperatures (1,132–1,222°C) and controlled oxygen fugacities (FMQ=–2 to +1.4). Fe3+/Fe was determined using conventional and milliprobe Mössbauer spectroscopy, and verified using wet chemical analysis on selected samples. For the ferrobasaltic bulk composition SC1-P, both empirical models reproduce the Fe3+/Fe ratio of the quenched liquids generally within 0.03 for sub- as well as superliquidus temperatures, although agreement is worse at higher oxygen fugacities (FMQ>+1) at subliquidus temperatures. For the transitional alkali-basaltic composition 7159V-P, both models reproduce the Fe3+/Fe ratio of the quenched liquids generally within 0.04, although agreement is worse for both models at high oxygen fugacities (FMQ>+1). Such behaviour may be related to a change in melt structure, where a progressive change in Fe3+ coordination is inferred to occur as a function of Fe3+/Fe based on Mössbauer center shifts. Recasting the data in terms of oxygen fugacity shows that calculated oxygen fugacities deviate from those actually maintained during the equilibration of the sample material by generally no more than 0.5 log-bar unit, with maximum deviations that only rarely exceed one log-bar unit.Editorial responsibility: J. Hoefs  相似文献   
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