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Pollution index is a powerful tool for ecological geochemistry assessment. The commonly used pollution indices by heavy metals in soils and sediments were classified as two types of single index and integrated index in an algorithm point of view. Four single indices of contamination factor (or concentration factor), ecological risk factor, enrichment factor, and index of geo-accumulation were illustrated, and the reference values for calculating single indices were distinguished into background levels and threshold pollution values. Eight integrated indices were divided into two groups. One group is suitable for the normal distribution single indices including the sum, average, weighted average,vector modulus, and Nemerow pollution indices, and the other for log-normal distribution including the product, root of product, and weighted power product pollution indices. Using background levels as reference values, five contamination classes were divided, and the terminologies are suggested for the single and integrated indices to unify the assessment results. Software of EGAPI was developed in a single document interface to calculate the four single and eight integrated indices by heavy metals to assess the quality of soil and sediment ecological geochemistry. Pollution indices by heavy metals of Cu,Pb, and Zn in soils in parks of Beijing were calculated using EGAPI software, and these five contamination classes and terminologies suggested in this study were evaluated and used. Results ofintegrated indices of Cu, Pb, and Zn in soils indicated that the soil qualities are unpolluted as a whole and varied from low polluted to unpolluted status from the center to the outskirts of Beijing City.  相似文献   
卫星搭载的有效载荷在进行在轨对地观测过程中,受仪器本身特性和地球固有特性因素的影响,在图像上会产生多种观测失准和干扰现象。如图像旋转现象,蝴蝶结效应以及探元非均匀性条纹现象等。针对这类可以预见到的冗余和条纹,对仪器设计优化以及借助卫星星历轨道等辅助数据和成熟的图像处理算法可以对其实现有效地恢复。仪器在轨运行期间新引入的周期性或非周期性干扰,则需综合运用多种数据来源和关于干扰产生原理的先验知识,并结合图像处理手段实现图像恢复,同时保存原有辐射信息的真实性,为定量研究提供高质量可靠的数据准备。本研究针对某卫星中波红外图像干扰条纹,利用星上定标数据,并通过条纹现象分析和产生机理分析,探索了一种新的基于空域信号补偿原理的图像干扰条纹处理算法,通过大量图像数据处理实践证明,该算法对图像质量改善明显,且在动态范围和辐射信息保存方面优于传统频域滤波算法。  相似文献   
《矿产资源法》颁布实施五周年,通过宣传贯彻,增强了广大干部、群众依法办矿的法制观念,推动了各项矿管工作的开展,依法办矿的矿山取得了采矿权,非法采矿的小矿山被关闭,违法行为受到查处,矿管部门的声望越来越高,促讲了依法治矿。宣传贯彻《矿产资源法》要领导首先学法,提高认识,加强领导,建立一支专兼结合的宣传队伍,采取多种形式有重点地进行宣传教育。我国、我省面临矿产资源形势是严峻的,浪费矿产资源的现象仍存在,要继续深入宣传贯彻《矿产资源法》。  相似文献   
本文用动力成矿观点对小秦岭金矿田富矿体的形成提出了新的解释,对本区的动力成矿特点作了较详细的说明。文中联系到地壳演化的不同阶段对金矿的富化过程进行了较深入的讨论,并提出了新的成矿系列。笔者以基础地质、大地构造和同位素年龄资料为依据对小秦岭金矿田含金石英脉的成因提出了与前人不同的新观点,认为它是晋宁晚期岩浆期后热液矿床。  相似文献   
Air entrapment is an important consideration in environments with shallow water tables and sandy soil, like the condition of highly conductive sandy soils and flat topography in Florida, USA. It causes water table rises in soils, which are significantly faster and higher than those in soils without air entrapment. Two numerical models, Integrated Hydrologic Model (IHM) and HYDRUS-1D (a single-phase, one-dimensional Richards′ equation model) were tested at an area of west central Florida to help further understanding the shallow water table behavior during a long term air entrapment. This investigation employed field data with two modeling approaches to quantify the variation of air pressurization values. It was found that the air pressurization effect was responsible at time up to 40 cm of water table rise being recorded by the observation well for these two models. The values of air pressurization calculated from IHM and HYDRUS-1D match the previously published values. Results also indicated that the two numerical models did not consider air entrapment effect (as the predictive parameters remain uncertain) and thus results of depth to water table from these models did not compare to the observations for these selected periods. Incorporating air entrapment in prediction models is critical to reproduce shallow water table observations.  相似文献   
GIS描述的现实世界永远处于不断变化之中,但传统GIS却只能以静态的方式表现[1],随着GIS的广泛应用,越来越多的应用领域,需要GIS来管理空间信息的动态变化。为更有效地定义和描述空间变化,并实现其动态模拟,本研究采用面向对象的思想对空间过程中的核心要素建模,对传统的空间数据模型进行扩展,引入动态图形对象模型、时空事件模型、事件处理引擎等概念,基于SuperMap GIS组件平台进行模型验证;通过合理的资源调配、高效时空索引和动态缓存机制来提高空间变化过程动态可视化的效率。本研究针对通用的空间过程进行底层建模,实现事件驱动的空间过程模拟机制。这不仅简化了上层应用开发的工作量,而且优化了基础模型层的结构,同时引入了事件驱动引擎、事件索引、动态地图缓存等机制,较好地提升空间过程模拟的效果。  相似文献   
井盐水,即低浓度地下卤水,是沿海地区长期海水倒灌所形成,主要分布于渤海湾、辽东湾等砾砂质沿岸地区。以利用井盐水资源进行工厂化水产养殖的兴城现代渔业园区为例,采用地下水数值模拟技术,对园区井盐水进行评价。结果表明,园区井盐水处于负均衡状态。针对园区大量开采井盐水所引发的海水入侵、水质恶化等环境问题,提出加强水资源的循环利用、修建拦潮坝等工程措施、建立井盐水的动态变化监测网等开发利用对策。  相似文献   
霍林河流域下游地区土地利用变化动态及趋势预测   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
霍林河流域下游地区为半农半牧区,土地利用的变化对该地区的生态环境会产生重大的影响。采用空间分析测算模型,揭示了1989~2001年期间该地区土地利用的空间变化特征以及土地利用类型三减(草地、水体、湿地)两增(耕地和未利用土地)的变化规律;并通过马尔可夫模型预测出未来24年内该区土地利用类型的演变趋势,得出水田、旱田、林地、城乡用地的继续增加是以草地、水域、湿地的减少为代价的结论,对生态环境的保护和土地资源的合理利用具有参考价值。  相似文献   
崔宁  陈建平 《地质通报》2015,34(7):1365-1368
从大数据时代背景出发,提出研究地质非结构化数据的战略意义。通过分析地质数据的特点,发现其大数据性。以JPG图件为例,展开国内外研究现状分析和行业应用分析。最后通过分析地质JPG图件数据的使用情况,提出地质JPG图件数据战略规划。  相似文献   
陈建平    李婧    崔宁    于萍萍   《地质通报》2015,34(07):1260-1265
地质学属于数据密集型科学,并与地球科学面临的问题息息相关。已经收集的和将要收集的大量数字国土相关数据,由于科学研究的需要,正在不断加以检验和扩充。大数据时代背景下,中国国土资源数字化、信息化的战略行动具有深远意义,大数据的相关技术应用为实现地质工作的现代化和信息化提供了有效的支撑。重点介绍大数据背景下的“地质云”构建理念与方法,以及大数据在地学领域的应用。大数据为非结构化、半结构化的地质数据带来了新的处理方法与理念。地质云的构建旨在探索以需求带动的地质核心数据的应用,挖掘非结构化数据的新数据信息,以支撑国土资源管理决策。  相似文献   
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