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In-situ migmatite and hybrid diatexite at Mt Stafford, central Australia   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Metasedimentary gneisses show a rapid change in grade within a 10-km-wide low- P /high- T  regional aureole at Mt Stafford, Arunta Block, central Australia. Migmatites occur in all but the lowermost of five metamorphic zones, which are characterized by: (1) muscovite–quartz schist; (2) andalusite–cordierite–K-feldspar granofels with small melt segregations; (3) spinel–sillimanite–cordierite–K-feldspar migmatite; (4) garnet–orthopyroxene–cordierite migmatite and minor diatexite; and (5) biotite–cordierite–plagioclase diatexite that shows a transition to granite. A subsolidus unit comprising interbedded sandstone and siltstone is equivalent to bedded migmatite , the main rock type in Zones 2–4. Mesoscopic textures and migmatite classification of this unit vary with grade. In Zone 2, metatexite is developed in siltstone layers that are separated by quartz-rich, unmelted metapsammite layers. Melt segregation was less efficient in Zones 3 and 4, where the dominant migmatite layering is a modified bedding. High proportions of melt were present in Zone 4, in which schlieren migmatite is transitional between bedded migmatite and metapelite-sourced diatexite. The preservation of sedimentary structures and coexistence of melt reactants and products in Zone 4 metapelite imply that melting proceeded in situ without substantial migration of melt. Zone 5 biotite–cordierite–plagioclase diatexite carries rafts of bedded migmatite with strongly resorbed edges, as well as large K-feldspar and quartz augen. This unit of comparatively Ca-rich migmatites is inferred to have been formed by the mixing of locally derived and injected granitic melt.  相似文献   
Pseudosections calculated with thermocalc predict that lawsonite‐bearing assemblages, including lawsonite eclogite, will be common for subducted oceanic crust that experiences cool, fluid‐saturated conditions. For glaucophane–lawsonite eclogite facies conditions (500–600 °C and 18–28 kbar), MORB compositions are predicted in the NCKMnFMASHO system to contain glaucophane, garnet, omphacite, lawsonite, phengite and quartz, with chlorite at lower temperature and talc at higher temperature. In these assemblages, the pyrope content in garnet is mostly controlled by variations in temperature, and grossular content is strongly controlled by pressure. The silica content in phengite increases linearly with pressure. As the P–T conditions for these given isopleths are only subtly affected by common variations in bulk‐rock compositions, the P–T pseudosections potentially present a robust geothermobarometric method for natural glaucophane‐bearing eclogites. Thermobarometric results recovered both by isopleth and conventional approaches indicate that most natural glaucophane–lawsonite eclogites (Type‐L) and glaucophane–epidote eclogites (Type‐E) record similar peak P–T conditions within the lawsonite stability field. Decompression from conditions appropriate for lawsonite stability should result in epidote‐bearing assemblages through dehydration reactions controlled by lawsonite + omphacite = glaucophane + epidote + H2O. Lawsonite and omphacite breakdown will be accompanied by the release of a large amount of bound fluid, such that eclogite assemblages are variably recrystallized to glaucophane‐rich blueschist. Calculated pseudosections indicate that eclogite assemblages form most readily in Ca‐rich rocks and blueschist assemblages most readily in Ca‐poor rocks. This distinction in bulk‐rock composition can account for the co‐existence of low‐T eclogite and blueschist in high‐pressure terranes.  相似文献   
Low‐P granulite facies metapelitic migmatites in the Wuluma Hills, Strangways Metamorphic Complex, Arunta Block, preserve evidence of polyphase deformation and migmatite formation which is of the same age of the c. 1730 Ma Wuluma granite. Mineral equilibria modelling of garnet‐orthoproxene‐cordierite‐bearing assemblages using thermocalc is consistent with peak S3 conditions of 6.0–6.5 kbar and 850–900 °C. The growth of orthopyroxene and garnet was primarily controlled by biotite breakdown during partial melting reactions. Whereas orthopyroxene in the cordierite‐biotite mesosome shows enrichment of heavy‐REE (HREE) relative to medium‐REE (MREE), orthopyroxene in adjacent garnet‐bearing leucosome shows depletion of HREE relative to MREE. There is no appreciable difference in major element contents of minerals common to both the mesosome and leucosome. The REE variations can be satisfactorily explained by decoupling of major element and REE partitioning, in the context of appropriate phase‐equilibria modelling of a prograde path at ~6 kbar. Sparse garnet nucleii formed at ~760 °C, along with concentrated leucosome development and preferentially partitioned HREE. Further heating to ~800 °C at constant or subtly increasing pressure conditions additionally stabilized orthopyroxene and decreased the garnet mode. Orthopyroxene in the leucosome inherited an REE pattern consequent to the partial consumption of garnet, it being distinct from the REE pattern in mesosome orthoproxene that was mostly controlled by biotite breakdown. Such within‐sample variability in the enrichment of heavy REE indicates that caution needs to be exercised in the application of common elemental partitioning coefficients in spatially complex metamorphic rocks.  相似文献   
A vector convolutional model for multicomponent data acquired in an anisotropic earth is used as a basis for developing algebraic solutions to interpret near-offset VSP data. This interpretation of the cumulative or interval medium response (Green's tensor) for shear waves, determines a polarization azimuth for the leading shear wave and the time-delay between the fast and slow split waves. The algebraic solutions effectively implement least-squares eigenanalysis or singular value decomposition. Although the methodology for shear-wave analysis is strictly relevant to a transmission response, it can be adapted to surface data for a uniform anisotropic overburden. The techniques perform well when calibrated and tested using synthetic seismograms from various anisotropic models. Noise tests demonstrate the sensitivity of the interval measurements to local interferences, particularly if the shear waves are generated by one source. Although the algorithms are faster than numerical search routines, this is not seen as their major advantage. The solutions may have potential in near real-time interpretation of shear-wave data in well logging, where they may be coded on a microchip to provide a direct stream of separated shear waves, or polarization and birefringence information. There may also be some benefit for large prestack multicomponent surface data sets, where the solutions provide a direct transformation to the split-shear-wave components, reducing the storage space for further processing.  相似文献   
Since the early 1980s, the introduction of International Monetary Fund-directed structural adjustment packages to stabilize the Jamaican economy has reduced the scope of the government, cut back its capacity to intervene in the housing market, opened the economy to foreign goods (but limited capital), and re-produced the colonial version of a non-dynamic, labour-surplus urban economy in Kingston. This paper traces the impact of structural adjustment on unemployment and class formation in Kingston, and the relationship of these issues to housing problems. Rented, poor-quality housing, underpinned by low socio-economic status and historically high rates of unemployment, has created an overt spatial concentration of poverty, located in West and East Kingston. Nevertheless, overall unemployment is currently lower than at independence in 1962, and virtually all housing indicators have recorded improvements over the same time period. These improvements have been due to a deceleration in the growth of Kingston's population since the mid-1960s; government commitment, despite structural adjustment, to improve the quality of collective consumption; and the determination of Kingston's citizens to build better homes for themselves, often aided by loans from local building societies and remittances from family members resident overseas. However, at least a quarter of Kingston's population remains both unemployed and concentrated into areas of poor quality housing. These circumstances in Kingston are compared with those in adjacent Latin American cites under structural adjustment.  相似文献   
Kärkevagge is an alpine valley in the low arctic of Swedish Lapland. It is named after, and famous for, its large deposit of immense (c. 10–15 m) boulders that almost fill the lower valley. Above the boulder deposit, on the flanks of the valley, are more recent and generally much smaller (c. 1–3 m) individual boulders that have fallen from the valley-wall cliff face, presumably from post-glacial valley-side unloading. Some of these smaller boulders are seemingly fresh and unweathered while others have been reduced to no more than mounds in the tundra. These boulders must be younger than the larger, lower giant boulder deposit, but are not particularly recent rockfalls as they are partially buried in colluvium. Comparisons of mineralogy and chemistry indicate that the possibility exists that the incompetent, 'rotten' rocks, if not considerably older than their competent neighbors, are inherently self-destructive. They have evidence of increased sulfur content, which is a proxy for pyrite, a known weathering accelerant in Kärkevagge.  相似文献   
The current and dominant theory about the origin of modern humans is the out-of-Africa hypothesis, which asserts that populations of Homo sapiens left Africa 100,000 years ago and replaced indigenous populations of humans in Eurasia. Many scholars equated the out-of-Africa dispersal of humans with paleoenvironmental changes. However, until now, few have paid special attention to the faunal data and whether or not faunal patterns are supportive of the popular theory. Recent comparative study of the Chinese fauna shows that the communication of faunas between Africa and East Asia could have occurred during the Neogene, but it was very limited during the Pleistocene. In the Chinese Quaternary fauna, only 16% of the genera are also present in the sub-Saharan African fauna. There is also no element among the dominant taxa of the Chinese Quaternary fauna which can be related to the African fauna. There is no reliable proof for the existence of Hippopotamus and Giraffa, as well as Panthera leo, during the Quaternary in China. Two controversial taxa are Acinonyx and Crocuta, about which there is still argument concerning their species identification in Eurasia. It is possible that both of the genera have co-specific taxa in Africa and Eurasia. Although the two genera are confined to Africa today, they did have a long evolutionary history in China. For the Out of Africa hypothesis for Homo sapiens, the implications of the limited faunal interchanges between China and Africa are not completely clear yet.  相似文献   
It is becoming increasingly clear that economically efficient climate policies are unlikely to be implemented in the near term. Therefore an analysis is warranted that considers the implications of certain suboptimal transition policies. This analysis constructs a transition scenario based on realistic assumptions about the current trends in policy-making. The transition is examined in the context of varying assumptions about the stringency of the target and the availability of low- or no-carbon energy technologies in the future. In addition to evaluating the effects of suboptimal policies, the transitional analysis offers new insights about the intrinsic uncertainty regarding both the appropriate stabilization target and technology.  相似文献   
The Anmatjira Range and adjacent Reynolds Range, central Australia, comprise early Proterozoic metasediments and othogneisses that were affected by three, and possibly four, temporally distinct metamorphic events, M1–4, and deformation events, D1–4, in the period 1820–1590 Ma. The north-western portion of the range, around Mt Stafford, preserves the effects of ±1820 Ma M1-D1, and shows a spectacular lateral transition from muscovite + quartz-bearing schists to interlayered andalusite-bearing migmatites and two-pyroxene granofelses that reflect extremely low-pressure granulite facies conditions, over a distance of less than 10 km. Orthopyroxene + cordierite + garnet + K-feldspar + quartz-bearing gneisses occur at the highest grade, implying peak conditions of ±750°C and 2.5 ± 0.6 kbar. An anticlockwise P–T path for M1 is inferred from syn- to late-D1 sillimanite overprinting andalusite, petrogenetic grid considerations and quantitative estimates of metamorphic conditions for inferred overprinting assemblages. The effects of M1 have been variably overprinted to the south-east by a c. 1760 Ma M2–D2 event. Much of the central Anmatjira Range, around Ingellina Gap, comprises orthogneiss, deformed during D2, and metapelites that have M1 andalusite and K-feldspar overprinted by M2 sillimanite and muscovite. The south-eastern portion of the range, around Mt Weldon, comprises metasediments and orthogneisses that were completely recrystallized during M2–D2, with metapelitic gneisses characterized by spinel + sillimanite + K-feldspar + quartz-bearing assemblages that suggest peak M2 conditions of >750°C and 5.5 ± 1 kbar. Overprinting parageneses in metapelitic gneisses imply that D2 occurred during essentially isobaric cooling. A third granulite facies event, M3, affected rocks in the Reynolds Range, immediately to the south of the Anmatjira Range, at c. 1730 Ma. A possible fourth event, M4, with a minimum age of c. 1590 My affected both Ranges, but resulted in only minor overprinting of M1–3 assemblages. The superimposed effects of M1–4, mapped for the entire Anmatjira–Reynolds Range area, indicate that only minor or no dislocation of the regional geology occurred during any of the metamorphic and accompanying folding, events. Although the immediate cause of each of the metamorphic events involved advection, the ultimate causes were external to the metasediments and most probably external to the crust.  相似文献   
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