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Gravel antidunes in the tropical Burdekin River, Queensland, Australia   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The geological record is punctuated by the deposits of extreme event phenomena, the identification and interpretation of which are hindered by a lack of data on contemporary examples. It is impossible to directly observe sedimentary bedforms and grain fabrics forming under natural particle-transporting, high-velocity currents, and therefore, their characteristics are poorly documented. The deposits of such flows are exposed however, in the dry bed of the Burdekin River, Queensland, Australia following tropical cyclone-induced floods. Long wave-length (up to 19 m) gravel antidunes develop during short (days) high-discharge flows in the upper Burdekin River (maximum recorded discharge near the study reach over 25 600 m3 s?1 in February 1927). Flood water levels fall quickly (metres in a day) and flow is diverted away from raised areas of the river bed into subchannels, exposing many of the high-stage bedforms with little reworking by falling-stage currents. Gravel bedforms were observed on the dry river bed after the moderate flows of February 1994 (max. 7700 m3 s?1) and January 1996 (max. 3200 m3 s?1). The bedforms had wave-lengths in the range 8–19 m, amplitudes of up to 1 m with steeper stoss than lee faces and crest lines generally transverse to local peak-discharge flow direction. The gravel fabric and size sorting change systematically up the stoss and down the lee faces. The antidune deposits form erosive based lenses of sandy gravel with low-angle downstream dipping lamination and generally steep upstream dipping a-b planes. The internal form and fabric of the antidune gravel lenses are distinctly different from those of dune lee gravel lenses. The erosive based lenses of low-angle cross-bedded gravel with steep upstream dipping a-b planes are relatively easy to recognize and may be diagnostic of downstream migrating antidunes. The antidune gravel lenses are associated with thick (to 1 m) high-angle cross bed sets. Ancient antidune gravel lenses may be diagnostic of episodic high-discharge conditions and particularly when they are associated with high-angle cross-bedded gravelly sand they may be useful for palaeoenvironmental interpretation.  相似文献   
创新和创新区已日益成为城市经济发展和城市竞争力的重要元素,在科技和人才日渐成为激发城市创新型经济,及促进城市活力的主导甚至决定性因素的当今时代,尤为如此。通过对欧洲、北美和亚洲三个不同类型的科技型创新区国际最佳实践的系统梳理,甄别出用以打造一个科技型创新区的共通性要素、标准和原则。国际最佳实践证明,科技型创新区的人本化构建正在成为一种主流趋势,即综合考虑人在各阶段、各层次等多样化需求的基础上,通过对文化要素的有效鉴别和这些要素之间的作用机理,使它们有机融合并系统嵌入到创新区的空间打造中。结论表明:要成功打造一个科技型创新区,必须考虑并重视七大要素,即创意人才、企业集群、能动设施、资金保障、运营管理、空间结构和文化氛围。基于此,提出对中国科技型创新区建设与发展的五大启示,即愿景导向下的持续培育、前瞻性定位、人本化空间布局、创新激发型活动安排和多利益群体参与。最后,还提出要从四个方面进行互动关联研究,以构建空间/地方人本化打造的完整理论体系。  相似文献   
From market to multifunctionality? Land stewardship in Australia   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Recent assessments of Australia's land and water resources have revealed widespread patterns of serious decline, much of it directly associated with agricultural practices. The environmental degradation associated with agriculture has both biophysical and socio-economic underpinnings. While there have been calls to attend to the sustainability 'crisis' of Australian agriculture, policy settings remain firmly locked onto a productivist trajectory. We consider the implications of contemporary policy settings for farmland sustainability against the background of debates as to the meaning of 'multifunctionality'. The discussion is then turned to the Land Stewardship project, a strategic policy initiative within the State of Victoria that was looked to as a means of redressing environmental degradation in agricultural landscapes while also being attentive to rural community and economic issues. Towards the end of the paper we reflect on the question of how the Land Stewardship project aligns with theorizations of multifunctionality.  相似文献   
The region studied includes the Laurentian Great Lakes and a diversity of smaller glacial lakes, streams and wetlands south of permanent permafrost and towards the southern extent of Wisconsin glaciation. We emphasize lakes and quantitative implications. The region is warmer and wetter than it has been over most of the last 12000 years. Since 1911 observed air temperatures have increased by about 0·11°C per decade in spring and 0·06°C in winter; annual precipitation has increased by about 2·1% per decade. Ice thaw phenologies since the 1850s indicate a late winter warming of about 2·5°C. In future scenarios for a doubled CO2 climate, air temperature increases in summer and winter and precipitation decreases (summer) in western Ontario but increases (winter) in western Ontario, northern Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan. Such changes in climate have altered and would further alter hydrological and other physical features of lakes. Warmer climates, i.e. 2 × CO2 climates, would lower net basin water supplies, stream flows and water levels owing to increased evaporation in excess of precipitation. Water levels have been responsive to drought and future scenarios for the Great Lakes simulate levels 0·2 to 2·5 m lower. Human adaptation to such changes is expensive. Warmer climates would decrease the spatial extent of ice cover on the Great Lakes; small lakes, especially to the south, would no longer freeze over every year. Temperature simulations for stratified lakes are 1–7°C warmer for surface waters, and 6°C cooler to 8°C warmer for deep waters. Thermocline depth would change (4 m shallower to 3·5 m deeper) with warmer climates alone; deepening owing to increases in light penetration would occur with reduced input of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from dryer catchments. Dissolved oxygen would decrease below the thermocline. These physical changes would in turn affect the phytoplankton, zooplankton, benthos and fishes. Annual phytoplankton production may increase but many complex reactions of the phytoplankton community to altered temperatures, thermocline depths, light penetrations and nutrient inputs would be expected. Zooplankton biomass would increase, but, again, many complex interactions are expected. Generally, the thermal habitat for warm-, cool- and even cold-water fishes would increase in size in deep stratified lakes, but would decrease in shallow unstratified lakes and in streams. Less dissolved oxygen below the thermocline of lakes would further degrade stratified lakes for cold water fishes. Growth and production would increase for fishes that are now in thermal environments cooler than their optimum but decrease for those that are at or above their optimum, provided they cannot move to a deeper or headwater thermal refuge. The zoogeographical boundary for fish species could move north by 500–600 km; invasions of warmer water fishes and extirpations of colder water fishes should increase. Aquatic ecosystems across the region do not necessarily exhibit coherent responses to climate changes and variability, even if they are in close proximity. Lakes, wetlands and streams respond differently, as do lakes of different depth or productivity. Differences in hydrology and the position in the hydrological flow system, in terrestrial vegetation and land use, in base climates and in the aquatic biota can all cause different responses. Climate change effects interact strongly with effects of other human-caused stresses such as eutrophication, acid precipitation, toxic chemicals and the spread of exotic organisms. Aquatic ecological systems in the region are sensitive to climate change and variation. Assessments of these potential effects are in an early stage and contain many uncertainties in the models and properties of aquatic ecological systems and of the climate system. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The application of applied artificial intelligence techniques to geographical data processing has attracted considerable interest in recent years as reflected in the research agendas of major GIS research institutions. This paper illustrates how a simple spatial problem, formalised using predicate calculus, may be readily implemented as a rule base in which the production rules represent Horn clauses. The theoretical significance of this exercise is the search for a high-level mathematical language capable of expressing, in a generic and implementation-independent syntax, the spatial relationships and queries typically handled by a GIS. Of more practical interest is the example it provides of mapping a conventional algorithm into a production rule knowledge structure.  相似文献   
Three distal tephra layers or cryptotephras have been detected within a sedimentary sequence from the Netherlands that spans the last glacial-interglacial transition. Geochemical analyses identify one as the Vedde Ash, which represents the southernmost discovery of this mid-Younger Dryas tephra so far. This tephra was found as a distinct horizon in three different cores sampled within the basin. The remaining two tephras have not been geochemically 'fingerprinted', partly due to low concentrations and uneven distributions of shards within the sequences sampled. Nevertheless, there is the potential for tracing these tephra layers throughout the Netherlands and into other parts of continental Europe. Accordingly, the possibilities for precise correlation of Dutch palaeoenvironmental records with other continental, marine and ice-core records from the North Atlantic region are highlighted.  相似文献   
It has been suggested that extremely long subglacial bedforms (e.g. attenuated drumlins and mega-scale glacial lineations) record former areas of fast-flowing ice and that bedform elongation ratio is a useful proxy for ice velocity. Despite the availability of much data pertaining to the measurement and analysis of subglacial bedforms, these assumptions have rarely been explicitly addressed in detail. In this paper, we demonstrate that long subglacial bedforms (length:width ratios ≥10:1) are indicative of fast ice flow. Using satellite imagery, we mapped over 8000 lineaments associated with a highly convergent flow pattern near Dubawnt Lake, District of Keewatin, Canada. This flow pattern is unusual in that it displays a large zone of convergence feeding into a main 'trunk' and then diverging towards the inferred ice margin. The 'bottleneck' pattern is taken to record an increase and subsequent decrease in ice velocity and we analysed transverse and longitudinal variations in bedform morphometry. The main trunk of the flow pattern (down-ice of the convergent zone) is characterized by mega-scale glacial lineations of great length (up to 13 km) and high elongation ratios (up to 43:1). The down-ice variations in elongation ratio reflect exactly what we would expect from a terrestrial ice stream whose velocity increases in the onset zone passes through a maximum in the main trunk and slows down as the ice diverges at the terminus. It is suggested that any unifying theory of drumlin formation must be able to account for the association between long subglacial bedforms and fast ice flow, although it is not assumed that fast ice flow always produces attenuated bedforms. A further implication of this work is that many more ice streams may be identified on the basis of attenuated subglacial bedforms, radically altering our views on the flow dynamics of former ice sheets.  相似文献   
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