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C. Mca. Powell 《Geological Journal》1972,8(1):95-110
Multiple siltstone dykes intruded parallel to cleavage in the Ludlovian argillites and graywackes of the Lake District throw new light on the origin of slaty cleavage. Pore pressures equalling lithostatic pressure developed during the Caledonian orogeny and caused tectonic dewatering of the partially lithified sediments. Slaty cleavage was initiated as an essentially planar structure by the intrusion of thin pelitic folia during the escape of the pore water. Cleavage folia and fold axial planes may have a common geometric relationship to the deforming stresses, but are independent of each other in origin. Continued deformation after tectonic dewatering refracted the cleavage by rotation of competent layers. Critical examination of evidence supporting traditional theories of slaty-cleavage formation shows that all observed relationships are compatible with the tectonic-dewatering theory. 相似文献
P C W Davies 《Astronomy& Geophysics》2005,46(1):1.26-1.29
Why does time apparently fly one way, when the laws of physics are actually time-symmetrical? Paul Davies proposes a quantum solution, in the Whitrow Lecture 2004, given on 8 October 2004. 相似文献
Gravitational stability of gaseous protostellar disks is relevant to theories of planetary formation. Stable gas disks favor formation of planetesimals by the accumulation of solid material; unstable disks allow the possibility of direct condensation of gaseous protoplanets. We present the results of numerical experiments designed to test the stability of thin disks against large-scale, self-gravitational disruption. The disks are represented by a distribution of about 6 × 104 point masses on a two-dimensional (r, φ) grid. The motions of the particles in the self-consistent gravity field are calculated, and the evolving density distributions are examined for instabilities. Two parameters that have major influences on stability are varied: the initial temperature of the disk (represented by an imposed velocity dispersion), and the mass of the protostar relative to that of the disk. It is found that a disk as massive as 1M⊙, surrounding a 1M⊙ protostar, can be stable against long-wavelength gravitational disruption if its temperature is about 300°K or greater. Stability of a cooler disk requires that it be less massive, but even at 100°K a stable disk can have an appreciable fraction () of a solar mass. 相似文献
A survey of the 4(04)-3(03) and 1(01)-0(00) transitions of HOCO+ has been made toward several molecular clouds. The HOCO+ molecule was not observed in any sources except Sgr B2 and Sgr A. The 5(05)-4(04) and 4(14)-3(13) transitions were also detected toward Sgr B2. The results indicate that gas phase CO2 is not a major carbon reservoir in typical molecular clouds. In Sgr B2, the HOCO+ antenna temperature exhibits a peak approximately 2' north of the Sgr B2 central position (Sgr B2[M]) and the 4(04)-3(03) line emission is extended over a approximately 10' x 10' region. The column density of HOCO+ at the northern peak in Sgr B2 is approximately 3 x 10(14) cm-2, and the fractional abundance relative to H2 > or = 3 x 10(-10), which is about 2 orders of magnitude greater than recent predictions of quiescent cloud ion-molecule chemistry. 相似文献
Harold C. CONNOLLY D. S. BURNETT Kevin D. McKEEGAN 《Meteoritics & planetary science》2003,38(2):197-224
Abstract— Minor element variations in MgAl2O4 spinel from the type B1 calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusion (CAI) Allende TS‐34 confirm earlier studies in showing correlations between the minor element chemistry of spinels with their location within the inclusion and with the chemistry of host silicate phases. These correlations result from a combination of crystallization of a liquid produced by re‐melting event(s) and local re‐equilibration during subsolidus reheating. The correlation of the Ti and V in spinel inclusions with the Ti and V in the adjacent host clinopyroxene can be qualitatively explained by spinel and clinopyroxene crystallization prior to melilite, following a partial melting event. There are, however, difficulties in quantitative modeling of the observed trends, and it is easier to explain the Ti correlation in terms of complete re‐equilibration. The correlation of V in spinel inclusions with that in the adjacent host clinopyroxene also cannot be quantitatively modeled by fractional crystallization of the liquid produced by re‐melting, but it can be explained by partial re‐equilibration. The distinct V and Ti concentrations in spinel inclusions in melilite from the edge regions of the CAI are best explained as being affected by only a minor degree of re‐equilibration. The center melilites and included spinels formed during crystallization of the liquid produced by re‐melting, while the edge melilites and included spinels are primary. The oxygen isotope compositions of TS‐34 spinels are uniformly 16O‐rich, regardless of the host silicate phase or its location within the inclusion. Similar to other type B1 CAIs, clinopyroxene is 16O‐rich, but melilite is relatively 16O‐poor. These data require that the oxygen isotope exchange in TS‐34 melilite occurred subsequent to the last re‐melting event. 相似文献
P. Beck E. Quirico A. Garenne Q.‐Z. Yin L. Bonal B. Schmitt G. Montes‐Hernandez G. Montagnac R. Chiriac F. Toche 《Meteoritics & planetary science》2014,49(11):2064-2073
Sutter's Mill is a regolith breccia composed of both heavily altered clasts and more reduced xenoliths. Here, we present a detailed investigation of fragments of SM18 and SM51. We have characterized the water content and the mineralogy by infrared (IR) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and the structure of the organic compounds by Raman spectroscopy, to characterize the secondary history of the clasts, including aqueous alteration and thermal metamorphism. The three methods used in this study suggest that SM18 was significantly heated. The amount of water contained in phyllosilicates derived by TGA is estimated to be approximately 3.2 wt%. This value is quite low compared with other CM chondrites that typically range from 6 to 12 wt%. The infrared transmission spectra of SM18 show that the mineralogy of the sample is dominated by a mixture of phyllosilicate and olivine. SM18 shows an intense peak at 11.2 μm indicative of olivine (Fig. 1). If we compare SM18 with other CM and metamorphosed CM chondrites, it shows one of the most intense olivine signatures, and therefore a lower proportion of phyllosilicate minerals. The Raman results tend to support a short‐duration heating hypothesis. In the ID/IG versus FWHM‐D diagram, SM18 appears to be unusual compared to most CM samples, and close to the metamorphosed CM chondrites Pecora Escarpment (PCA) 91008 and PCA 02012. In the case of SM51, infrared spectroscopy reveals that olivine is less abundant than in SM18 and the 10 μm silicate feature is more similar to that of moderately altered CM chondrites (like Murchison or Queen Alexandra Range [QUE] 97990). Raman spectroscopy does not clearly point to a heating event for SM51 in the ID/IG versus FWHM‐D diagram. However, TGA analysis suggests that SM51 was slightly dehydrated as the amount of water contained in phyllosilicates is approximately 3.7 wt%, which is higher than SM18, but still lower than phyllosilicate water contents in weakly altered CM chondrites. Altogether, these results confirm that fragments with different secondary histories are present within the Sutter's Mill fall. The dehydration that is clearly observed for SM18 is attributed to a short‐duration heating based on the similarity of its Raman spectra to that of PCA 91008. Because of the brecciated nature of Sutter's Mill and the presence of adjacent clasts with different thermal histories, impacts that can efficiently fragment and heat porous materials are the preferred heat source. 相似文献
Abstract– To better understand the impact cratering process and its environmental consequences at the local to global scale, it is important to know when in the geological record of an impact crater the impact‐related processes cease. In many instances, this occurs with the end of early crater modification, leaving an obvious sedimentological boundary between impactites and secular sediments. However, in marine‐target craters the transition from early crater collapse (i.e., water resurge) to postimpact sedimentation can appear gradual. With the a priori assumption that the reworked target materials of the resurge deposits have a different chemical composition to the secular sediments we use chemostratigraphy (δ13Ccarb, %Corg, major elements) of sediments from the Chesapeake Bay, Lockne, and Tvären craters, to define this boundary. We show that the end of impact‐related sedimentation in these cases is fairly rapid, and does not necessarily coincide with a visual boundary (e.g., grain size shift). Therefore, in some cases, the boundary is more precisely determined by chemostratigraphy, especially carbonate carbon isotope variations, rather than by visual inspection. It is also shown how chemostratigraphy can confirm the age of marine‐target craters that were previously determined by biostratigraphy; by comparing postimpact carbon isotope trends with established regional trends. 相似文献
The positions and motions of solar bursts in the range 20 to 60 MHz have been measured by the means of a sweep-frequency grating interferometer with angular resolution of 5 arc at 60 MHz decreasing to 15 arc at 20 MHz. The positional characteristics of the decameter wavelength bursts are discussed in terms of the commonly accepted theories of the origin of radio bursts from plasma and synchrotron radiations. 相似文献