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The evolution of halos consisting of weakly self-interacting dark matter particles is investigated using a new numerical Monte Carlo N-body method. The halos initially contain kinematically cold, dense r-1 power-law cores. For interaction cross sections sigma*=sigmawsi&solm0;mp>/=10-100 cm2 g-1, weak self-interaction leads to the formation of isothermal, constant-density cores within a Hubble time as a result of heat transfer into the cold inner regions. This core structure is in good agreement with the observations of dark matter rotation curves in dwarf galaxies. The isothermal core radii and core densities are a function of the halo scale radii and scale masses which depend on the cosmological model. Adopting the currently popular LambdaCDM model, the predicted core radii and core densities are in good agreement with the observations. For large interaction cross sections, massive dark halos with scale radii rs>/=1.4x104 cm2 g-1 (sigma*)-1 kpc could experience core collapse during their lifetime, leading to cores with singular isothermal density profiles.  相似文献   
h200l.llNTRODUCTI0NTheNorthwesternWheatandRangeRegi0n(NWax)(Austin,l98l),whichincludesportionsofIdaho,Oregon,andWashington,isoneofthem0stuniqueagriculturalregionsoftheUSA.Winterandspringsmallgrainsand0thercropsareproukcedonl0esss0ilsdepositedoverbasalt.TheloessvariesinboththicknessandtopograPhicfeatures.Someareashavesteepanddune-likeslopes,while0thershavel0ng,gentlesl0pes.Theregion,br0kenfromnativeprairielessthanl20yearsag0(Kaise,l96l)hassufferedseriousdegradationofthesoilresourcebyw…  相似文献   
NEOTECTONICS ALONG THE EASTERN MARGIN OF THE TIBETAN PLATEAU: INFERENCES FROM BEDROCK RIVER INCISION PATTERNS1 ChenZ,BurchfielBC ,LiuY ,etal.GPSmeasurementsfromeasternTibetandtheirimplicationsforIndia/Eurasiaintracon tinentaldeformation[J] .JournalofGeophysicalResearch ,2 0 0 0 (inpress) . 2 KingRW ,ShenF ,BurchfielBC ,etal.GeodeticmeasurementofcrustalmotioninsouthwestChina.Geology,1997,2 5,179~ 182 . 3 KirbyE ,WhippleKX ,Burchfie…  相似文献   
作为形成于特提斯和东部亚特提斯海盆上的世界最大的内陆咸水湖里海 ,多年来已引起研究工作者极大的兴趣。里海东南部的海湾是研究最差的海区 ,对它的研究进行得最不正规和最不系统。对这个海湾产生兴趣是因为没有河流注入的这些海湾最完整地反映了里海盆地的海平面升降机制。本文对土库曼湾的沉积条件进行了研究 ,并在原有方法的基础上利用古生态资料 ,试图确定近百年来底栖生物群落的变化。沉积层的测年是在里海—亚速海盆外来种群剖面分布基础上进行的 ,而它们的进入时间为已知。对深达0.45m的表层沉积物采用了肉眼和镜下研究 ,然后…  相似文献   
中国-巴西地球资源卫星(CBERS)计划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国和巴西两国空间技术合作计划是发展中国家之间在高技术领域的第一个合作计划。它的目标是在互利和各负其责的基础上发展空间技术。本文将叙述这颗具有独特多传感器载荷能力卫星(CBERS)的主要特点。卫星携带有3种成像传感器,具有同类卫星所没有的某些新特点。文中讨论了传感器的设计技术和成像仪的性能特点。并简要介绍以后将继续设计和建设的与应用和用户需求相适应的地面部分处理应用系统。  相似文献   
正Introduction The rectangular block of Proterozoic formation lying between north of the Singhbhum Mobile Belt(SMB,2.3-2.4 Ga,Saha 1994),Neogene sediments of the Bengal basin and the Quaternary-Recent alluvium of the Ganga  相似文献   
The Rajahmundry Trap Basalts(RTB) are erupted through fault-controlled fissures in the Krishna-Godavari Basin(K-G Basin) of Godavari Triple Junction,occurring as a unique outcrop sandwiched between Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments along the east coast of India.Detailed geochemical studies have revealed that RTB are mid-Ti(1.74-1.92) to high-Ti(2.04-2.81) basalts with a distinct quartz tholeiitic parentage.MgO(6.2-13.12 wt.%),Mg#(29-50) and Zr(109-202 ppm) suggest that these basalts evolved by fractional crystallization during the ascent of the parent magma along deep-seated fractures.Moderate to high fractionation of HREE,as indicated by(Gd/Yb)N ratios(1.71-2.31) of RTB,suggest their generation through 3-5%melting of a Fe-rich mantle corresponding to the stability fields of spinel and garnet peridotite at depths of 60-100 km.Low K2O/P2O5(0.26-1.26),high TiO2/P2O5(6.74-16.79),La/Nb(0.89-1.45),Nb/Th > 8(8.35-13),negative anomalies at Rb reflect minimum contamination by granitic continental crust.(Nb/La)PM ratios(0.66-1.1) of RTB are attributed to endogenic contamination resulted through recycling of subducted oceanic slab into the mantle.Pronounced Ba enrichment with relative depletion in Rb indicates assimilation of Infra- and Inter-trappean sediments of estuarine to shallow marine character.Geochemical compositions such as Al2O3/TiO2(3.88-6.83),medium to high TiO2(1.74-2.81 wt.%).positive Nb anomalies and LREE enrichment of these RTB attest to their mantle plume origin and indicate the generation of parent magma from a plume-related enriched mantle source with EM 1signature.Ba/Th(46-247),Ba/La(3.96-28.51) and Th/Nb(0.08-0.13) ratios suggest that the source enrichment process was marked by recycling of subduction-processed oceanic crust and lithospheric components into the mantle.Zr/Hf(37-41) and Zr/Ba(0.51-3.24) indicate involvement of an asthenospheric mantle source.The Rajahmundry basalts show affinity towards FOZO(focal zone mantle) and PSCL(post-Archaean subcontinental lithosphere) which reflect mixing between asthenospheric and lithospheric mantle components in their source.Origin of RTB magma is attributed to plume-lithosphere interaction and the upward movement of melt is facilitated by intrabasinal deep-seated faults in the K-G Basin.  相似文献   
This study presents trace elements levels in surface and deep sediments of the Toulon bay (SE France) subjected to anthropogenic inputs (navy base, harbors, etc.). The studied elements (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Zn) are defined as priority contaminants in aquatic systems. Fifty-five points scattered on the entire bay were sampled, allowing the determination of contaminants distribution with a high resolution. Several approaches were used to assess the degree of contamination and the potential toxicity of the Toulon bay sediments: comparison to the French legislation, surface-weighted average metal concentrations, enrichment factors (EF), geoaccumulation indices (Igeo), trace element stock calculation and comparison to sediment quality guidelines. A principal component analysis was performed to reveal common behavior of the studied contaminants. Results demonstrated the very high contamination of the small bay, especially in Hg (EF up to 1500), Cu, Pb and Zn, with export to the large bay further governed by hydrodynamics.  相似文献   
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