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A bloom of the green microalga Tetraselmis sp. in a small lagoon in Wellington Harbour, New Zealand, is considered to have caused a fish kill of pilchards (Sardinops sagax). The fish deaths are attributed to anoxia brought about by a combination of reduced dissolved oxygen levels and the microalgae sticking to and clogging the secondary gill lamellae of the fish.  相似文献   
Although pseudomorphic mineral replacement reactions are common in all geological environments, and have long been considered important to many geological processes such as metamorphism, metasomatism, diagenesis, and chemical weathering, their mechanisms are still not well known. We present a combined textural and kinetic study of the replacement of pentlandite, (Fe,Ni)9S8, by violarite (NiFe)3S4, and describe the mechanisms and kinetic behavior of this reaction by considering the role of the fluid phase, the causes of coupling between pentlandite dissolution and violarite precipitation, the rate-limiting steps controlling the kinetic behavior, and the origin of the length scale of the features preserved during pseudomorphism.The experiments were conducted under mild hydrothermal conditions (80-210 °C, vapor saturated pressures). Reaction kinetics shows a complex behavior depending on various physical and chemical parameters including temperature, pH, concentrations of various reaction species, solid-weight-to-fluid-volume-ratio and specific surface area. The rate of replacement (i) increases with temperature from 80 to 125 °C, then decreases as temperature further increases to 210 °C, (ii) first increases then decreases with decreasing pH from pH 6 to 1, (iii) increases with increasing concentration of oxidants such as O2(aq), H2O2, and KMnO4, but decreases with increasing concentration of Ni2+ and Fe3+, and with increasing solid-weight-to-fluid-volume ratio, (iv) increases linearly with the specific surface area. This kinetic behavior as well as the resulting textures revealed a coupled dissolution-reprecipitation reaction mechanism.Nanometer-scale pseudomorphic replacement, through which the crystallographic orientation of pentlandite is inherited by violarite, occurs only between 1 < pH < 6, and spatial coupling between dissolution and reprecipitation is controlled by the local solution chemistry as well as by epitaxial nucleation mediated by the pentlandite substrate. The kinetic results show that pentlandite dissolution is rate-limiting under mild acidic to neutral conditions (1 < pH < 6), while violarite precipitation is rate-limiting under strong acidic conditions (pH 1). The difference in rate-limiting steps influences the coupling mechanism and causes the different degrees of preservation (length scale of pseudomorphism) and different morphologies observed at high and low pHs: pentlandite dissolution being rate-limiting results in nanoscale coupling between dissolution and precipitation and thus nanoscale pseudomorphism (length scale <20 nm), in which the replacement precisely preserves the morphology and internal details, resembling remarkably the natural pentlandite/violarite assemblages. In contrast, violarite precipitation being rate-limiting results in microscale pseudomorphism (length scale ∼10 μm): the morphology of the pentlandite grains is only roughly preserved and internal details are not preserved.This case study illustrates some general principles of replacement reactions proceeding via the coupled dissolution-reprecipitation mechanism: (i) primary mineral dissolution needs to be rate-limiting compared to the secondary mineral precipitation in order to achieve a high degree pseudomorphic replacement; (ii) the effects of solution composition on reaction kinetics can be qualitatively rationalized by considering the rate-limiting step reaction.  相似文献   
The Moon likely accreted from melt and vapor ejected during a cataclysmic collision between Proto-Earth and a Mars-sized impactor very early in solar system history. The identical W, O, K, and Cr isotope compositions between materials from the Earth and Moon require that the material from the two bodies were well-homogenized during the collision process. As such, the ancient isotopic signatures preserved in lunar samples provide constraints on the bulk composition of the Earth. Two recent studies to obtain high-precision 142Nd/144Nd ratios of lunar mare basalts yielded contrasting results. In one study, after correction of neutron fluence effects imparted to the Nd isotope compositions of the samples, the coupled 142Nd-143Nd systematics were interpreted to be consistent with a bulk Moon having a chondritic Sm/Nd ratio [Rankenburg K., Brandon A. D. and Neal C. R. (2006) Neodymium isotope evidence for a chondritic composition of the Moon. Science312, 1369-1372]. The other study found that their data on the same and similar lunar mare basalts were consistent with a bulk Moon having a superchondritic Sm/Nd ratio [Boyet M. and Carlson R. W. (2007) A highly depleted Moon or a non-magma origin for the lunar crust? Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.262, 505-516]. Delineating between these two potential scenarios has key ramifications for a comprehensive understanding of the formation and early evolution of the Moon and for constraining the types of materials available for accretion into large terrestrial planets such as Earth.To further examine this issue, the same six lunar mare basalt samples measured in Rankenburg et al. [Rankenburg K., Brandon A. D. and Neal C. R. (2006) Neodymium isotope evidence for a chondritic composition of the Moon. Science312, 1369-1372] were re-measured for high-precision Nd isotopes using a multidynamic routine with reproducible internal and external precisions to better than ±3 ppm (2σ) for 142Nd/144Nd ratios. The measurements were repeated in a distinct second analytical campaign to further test their reproducibility. Evaluation of accuracy and neutron fluence corrections indicates that the multidynamic Nd isotope measurements in this study and the 3 in Boyet and Carlson [Boyet M. and Carlson R. W. (2007) A highly depleted Moon or a non-magma origin for the lunar crust? Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.262, 505-516] are reproducible, while static measurements in the previous two studies show analytical artifacts and cannot be used at the resolution of 10 ppm to determine a bulk Moon with either chondritic or superchondritic Sm/Nd ratios. The multidynamic data are best explained by a bulk Moon with a superchondritic Sm/Nd ratio that is similar to the present-day average for depleted MORB. Hafnium isotope data were collected on the same aliquots measured for their 142Nd/144Nd isotope ratios in order to assess if the correlation line for 142Nd-143Nd systematics reflect mixing processes or times at which lunar mantle sources formed. Based on the combined 142Nd-143Nd-176Hf obtained we conclude that the 142Nd-143Nd correlation line measured in this study is best interpreted as an isochron with an age of 229+24−20Ma after the onset of nebular condensation. The uncertainties in the data permit the sources of these samples to have formed over a 44 Ma time interval. These new results for lunar mare basalts are thus consistent with a later Sm-Nd isotope closure time of their source regions than some recent studies have postulated, and a superchondritic bulk Sm/Nd ratio of the Moon and Earth. The superchondritic Sm/Nd signature was inherited from the materials that accreted to make up the Earth-Moon system. Although collisional erosion of crust from planetesimals is favored here to remove subchondritic Sm/Nd portions and drive the bulk of these bodies to superchondritic in composition, removal of explosive basalt material via gravitational escape from such bodies, or chondrule sorting in the inner solar system, may also explain the compositional features that deviate from average chondrites that make up the Earth-Moon system. This inferred superchondritic nature for the Earth similar to the modern convecting mantle means that there is no reason to invoke a missing, subchondritic reservoir to mass balance the Earth back to chondritic for Sm/Nd ratios. However, to account for the subchondritic Sm/Nd ratios of continental crust, a second superchondritic Sm/Nd mantle reservoir is required.  相似文献   
In the Appalachian thrust belt in Alabama, thrust sheets of Paleozoic strata generally strike northeastward and are imbricated northwestward; four transverse zones cross the regional strike of the thrust belt. The large-scale Pell City thrust sheet ends southwestward at an oblique lateral ramp within the Harpersville transverse zone, where the leading edge of the thrust sheet (the Pell City fault) curves abruptly 55° counterclockwise. The northwest-striking segment of the Pell City fault conforms to the geometry of an oblique lateral ramp in the footwall. Furthermore, the Pell City fault cuts up section in the hanging wall southwestward toward the transverse zone, indicating a hanging-wall lateral ramp emplaced over the footwall oblique lateral ramp.In the hanging wall adjacent to the northwest-trending segment of the Pell City fault, a pervasive train of upright, isoclinal folds (with 50% apparent shortening) trends N15°W, oblique to the regional translation direction. The fold train is limited to the southwestern part of the Pell City thrust sheet; farther northeast, the regional northeasterly strike prevails. The isoclinal folds in the hanging wall indicate contractional crowding perpendicular to the footwall oblique lateral ramp.  相似文献   
In reduced aqueous environments, the presence of As in solution is a function of both biotic and abiotic mechanisms. Recent studies have demonstrated a significant release of As(III) through the microbial reduction of dissolved and mineral-bound As(V), which raises health concerns when the greater comparative mobility and toxicity of As(III) is considered. These release mechanisms do not operate in isolation but occur in concert with a number of removal processes, including secondary mineralization and sorption to other natural substrates. Thermodynamic and applied experimental studies have shown that ferrous arsenates, such as symplesite [Fe(II)3(As(V)O4)2·8H2O], may provide a significant sink for Fe(II) and As(V). In this study, the stability of a representative ferrous arsenate phase in the presence of the arsenate-reducing bacterium Shewanella sp. strain ANA-3 is examined. The reduction of ferrous arsenate by ANA-3 results in the release of aqueous As(III) and, subsequently, the progressive nucleation of a biogenic ferrous arsenite phase proximal to the microbial cells. The valence states of secondary solid-phase products were verified using X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). Electron microscopy reveals that nucleation occurs on cellular exudates which may imply a role of extracellular reduction through c-type cytochromes as investigated in recent literature. These observations provide new insights into the reduction mechanisms of ANA-3 and the biogeochemical cycling of As(III) in natural systems.  相似文献   
Central Switzerland shows comparatively high seismic activity by Swiss standards. Many historical earthquakes are known and several of them caused damage. The last major event dates back to 1964 and has the characteristics of an earthquake swarm. Among dozens of felt shocks were two main shocks (Mw = 5 and 5.7) that moderately damaged a limited area with hundreds of buildings suffering loss. Our aim here was to reconstruct the damage field and to analyze whether it was influenced by site effects. Given the existence of a contemporary damage assessment and other historical sources, we could describe the damage field in detail. For about 95% of the affected buildings, we could reconstruct the location and extent of loss, using assessments from the European Macroseismic Scale (EMS 98). Spatial analysis of the resulting data showed that most losses were concentrated in the villages of Sarnen and Kerns. Damage to residential houses and barns was by far most frequent (90%), but expensive losses to the relatively few sacral buildings were responsible for almost 50% of the repair costs. We compared the damage data with deposit thickness and soil composition and carried out field experiments using H/V spectral ratios to measure the fundamental frequency of ground resonance at 75 sites to estimate the frequency band in which amplification occurs. Our results show that locations on both thick fluviatile sediments and large alluvial cones showed higher intensities than did other ground types. Moreover, at some sites, intensity was probably increased by a layer of weathered rock below thin deposits.  相似文献   
In order to characterize the post-Svecofennian tectonothermal evolution of the Fennoscandian Shield, 40Ar–39Ar biotite and some 40Ar–39Ar muscovite geochronological data are reported from a total of 30 surface outcrop and 1,000 m long borehole samples at Forsmark, central Sweden. The 13 surface samples were collected across 3 branches of a major WNW to NW trending system of deformation zones, whereas the boreholes were drilled within a tectonic lens, in between two of these zones. The 40Ar–39Ar biotite ages indicate that the present erosion surface, in central Sweden, cooled below c. 300°C at 1.73–1.66 Ga, and that the rocks could have accommodated strain in a brittle manner between 1.8 and 1.7 Ga. The variation in surface ages is suggested to be due to fault along the large WNW to NW trending deformation zones, following the establishment of a sub-Cambrian peneplain. The minor variation of ages within a single crustal block may be due to disturbance along ENE to NNE trending fracture zones. Possible cooling paths, derived from 40Ar–39Ar hornblende, muscovite and biotite ages, were calculated for the time interval from 1.80 to 1.67 Ga, when the area cooled from c. 500 to 300°C. Cooling rates of 1.9–4°C/m.y. have been attained. Between 1.68 and 1.64 Ga, uplift rates of c. 22 m/m.y. were calculated from borehole 40Ar–39Ar biotite data. Tectonothermal histories, inferred from the combined cooling and uplift rates, are related to simple cooling after the Svecofennian orogeny, to crustal movement in response to far-field effects of c. 1.7 Ga orogenic activities further to the west or to a combination of these possibilities.  相似文献   
International Journal of Earth Sciences - The Indo-Burma Range (IBR) of Myanmar, the eastern extension of the Yarlung-Tsangpo Neotethyan belt of Tibet in China, contains mélanges with...  相似文献   
International Journal of Earth Sciences - The nature of the protolith(s) of high-grade gneisses from the Aegean Cycladic Basement Unit of the islands of Paros and Serifos is investigated using...  相似文献   
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