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Bill Wallin 《地学学报》1989,1(3):274-279
An extensive phosphatic bed characterized by a black apatite-cemented sandstone is developed in the uppermost part of the Lower Cambrian formation over the entire Vassbo area, Sweden. The thickness of the layer is generally 0.1 m, increasing in places to 0.2 m. The lower boundary of the bed is transitional to a sandstone; the upper boundary displays a contact that is both sharp and irregular with a Middle Cambrian bituminous black shale.
The phosphatic bed was diagenetically formed by inorganic in situ precipitation of apatite in a sandstone at a depth of about 0.2 m below the sediment-water interface, where reducing conditions were developed, as a result of oxygen consumption during the degradation of organic matter. Sulphur isotope data from associated pyrite suggest that organic processes, such as bacterial sulphate reduction, were also involved in the formation of the phosphatic bed. The depositional environment of the bed was a marine shelf with a zero to very low sedimentation rate. The upper part of the apatite-cemented sandstone was partly reworked by bottom currents as demonstrated by a board containing numerous pebbles. Sedimentological as well as chemical data confirm a southern hemisphere position of the Baltic Shield in the early Cambrian in which an oceanic upwelling and high organic productivity was the probable source of the phosphorus along the palaeo-west-coast.  相似文献   
The present study assesses the uncertainty of flow and radionuclide transport in the unsaturated zone at Yucca Mountain using a Monte Carlo method. Matrix permeability, porosity, and sorption coefficient are considered random. Different from previous studies that assume distributions of the parameters, the distributions are determined in this study by applying comprehensive transformations and rigorous statistics to on-site measurements of the parameters. The distribution of permeability is further adjusted based on model calibration results. Correlation between matrix permeability and porosity is incorporated using the Latin Hypercube Sampling method. After conducting 200 Monte Carlo simulations of three-dimensional unsaturated flow and radionuclide transport for conservative and reactive tracers, the mean, variances, and 5th, 50th, and 95th percentiles for quantities of interest (e.g., matrix liquid saturation and water potential) are evaluated. The mean and 50th percentile are used as the mean predictions, and their associated predictive uncertainties are measured by the variances and the 5th and 95th percentiles (also known as uncertainty bounds). The mean predictions of matrix liquid saturation and water potential are in reasonable agreement with corresponding measurements. The uncertainty bounds include a large portion of the measurements, suggesting that the data variability can be partially explained by parameter uncertainty. The study illustrates propagation of predictive uncertainty of percolation flux, increasing downward from repository horizon to water table. Statistics from the breakthrough curves indicate that transport of the reactive tracer is delayed significantly by the sorption process, and prediction on the reactive tracer is of greater uncertainty than on the conservative tracer because randomness in the sorption coefficient increases the prediction uncertainty. Uncertainty in radionuclide transport is related to uncertainty in the percolation flux, suggesting that reducing the former entails reduction in the latter.  相似文献   
The Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS), installed in the Hubble Space telescope in March 2002, will significantly extend HST's deep, survey imaging capabilities. ACS has met, or exceeded, all of its key performance specifications. In this paper we briefly review the in-flight performance of the instrument's CCD detectors and preview early ACS science observations. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
We have reanalyzed the Voyager 1 UVS solar occultations by Titan to expand upon previous analyses and to resolve inconsistencies that have been noted in the scientific literature. To do so, we have developed a detailed model of the UVS detector and improved both the data reduction methods and retrieval techniques. In comparison to the values previously determined by Smith et al. (1982, J. Geophys. Res. 87, 1351-1359) we find N2 densities that are 25-60% higher, CH4 densities that are smaller by a factor of 3-7, and C2H2 densities that are roughly two orders of magnitude smaller. Our values for the thermospheric temperature are 153-158 K, which are approximately 20-40 K colder than previous estimates. We also report the first-ever determination from Voyager UVS data of density profile information for C2H4, HCN, and HC3N. Finally, we present a simple engineering model that is consistent with our new results in the upper atmosphere and merges smoothly with the model of Yelle et al. (1997, in: HUYGENS Science, Payload and Mission, in: ESA SP, vol. 1177, pp. 243-256) in the lower atmosphere. Our results provide improved constraints for photochemical models and offer scientists a better understanding of Titan's upper atmosphere as we head into the Cassini era in the exploration of the saturnian system.  相似文献   
Submarine ground water discharge (SGD) is now recognized as an important water pathway between land and sea. It is difficult to quantitatively predict SGD owing to its significant spatial and temporal variability. This study focuses on quantitative estimation of SGD caused by tidally induced sea water recirculation and a terrestrial hydraulic gradient. A two-dimensional hydrogeological model was developed to simulate SGD from a coastal unconfined aquifer in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico, where previous SGD studies were performed. A density-variable numerical code, SEAWAT2000, was applied to simulate SGD. To accurately predict discharge, various influencing factors such as heterogeneity in conductivity, uncertain boundary conditions, and tidal pumping were systematically assessed. The tidally influenced sea water recirculation zone and the fresh water–salt water mixing zone under various tidal patterns, tidal ranges, and water table heights were also investigated. The model was calibrated and validated from long-term, intensive measurements at the study site. The percentage of fresh SGD relative to total SGD ranged from 4% to 50% under normal conditions. Based on simulations of two field measurements in summer and spring, respectively, the fresh water ratios were 9% and 15%, respectively. These results support the hypothesis that the SGD induced by tidally driven sea water recirculation is much larger than terrestrial fresh ground water discharge at this site. The estimates of total and fresh SGD are at the low and high ends, respectively, of the estimation ranges obtained from geochemical tracers (e.g., 222Rn).  相似文献   
Quaternary sedimentation in the Moshaweng dry valley of southeastern Botswana is evaluated on the basis of geomorphological evolution and sedimentological analyses. Stratigraphic evidence reveals an upper surface (1095 m) containing abundant sil‐calcrete, an intermediate surface (1085 m) in which sil‐calcrete underlies nodular calcrete and lower (1075 m) surface in which sil‐calcrete and nodular calcrete are interbedded. This subdivision is reflected in the geochemical composition of the sediments which show an overall trend of decreasing SiO2 content (and increasing CaCO3 content) with depth from the highest to the lowest surface levels. The calcretes and sil‐calcretes represent modifications of pre‐existing detrital Kalahari Group sand and basal Kalahari pebbles which thinned over a Karoo bedrock high. Modification took place during wet periods when abundant Ca++‐rich groundwater flowed along the structurally aligned valley system. With the onset of drier conditions, water table fluctuations led to the precipitation of nodular calcretes in the phreatic layer to a depth of about 20 m. A major geochemical change resulted in the preferential silicification of the nodular calcrete deposits. Conditions for silica mobilization may be related to drying‐induced salinity and in situ geochemical differentiation brought about by pebble dissociation towards the top of the sediment pile. As calcretization and valley formation progressed to lower levels, silica release took place on a diminishing scale. Thermoluminescence dating infers a mid‐Pleistocene age for sil‐calcrete formation suggesting that valley evolution and original calcrete precipitation are much older. Late stage dissolution of CaCO3 from pre‐existing surface calcretes or sil‐calcretes led to the formation of pedogenic case‐hardened deposits during a time of reduced flow through the Moshaweng system possibly during the upper or late Pleistocene. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Lunar meteoroid impact flashes provide a method to estimate the flux of the large meteoroid flux and thus their hazard to spacecraft. Although meteoroid impacts on the Moon have been detected using video methods for over a decade, the difficulty of manually searching hours of video for the rare, extremely brief impact flashes has discouraged the technique’s systematic implementation. A prototype has been developed for the purpose of automatically searching lunar video records for impact flashes, eliminating false detections, editing the returned possible flashes, and archiving and documenting the results. Several utilities for measurement, analysis, and location of the flashes on the moon included in the program are demonstrated. Application of the program to a year’s worth of lunar observations is discussed along with examples of impact flashes.  相似文献   
The eruptions of the Soufrière Hills volcano on Montserrat (Lesser Antilles) from 1995 to present have draped parts of the island in fresh volcaniclastic deposits. Volcanic islands such as Montserrat are an important component of global weathering fluxes, due to high relief and runoff and high chemical and physical weathering rates of fresh volcaniclastic material. We examine the impact of the recent volcanism on the geochemistry of pre-existing hydrological systems and demonstrate that the initial chemical weathering yield of fresh volcanic material is higher than that from older deposits within the Lesser Antilles arc. The silicate weathering may have consumed 1.3% of the early CO2 emissions from the Soufrière Hills volcano. In contrast, extinct volcanic edifices such as the Centre Hills in central Montserrat are a net sink for atmospheric CO2 due to continued elevated weathering rates relative to continental silicate rock weathering. The role of an arc volcano as a source or sink for atmospheric CO2 is therefore critically dependent on the stage it occupies in its life cycle, changing from a net source to a net sink as the eruptive activity wanes. While the onset of the eruption has had a profound effect on the groundwater around the Soufrière Hills center, the geochemistry of springs in the Centre Hills 5 km to the north appear unaffected by the recent volcanism. This has implications for the potential risk, or lack thereof, of contamination of potable water supplies for the island’s inhabitants.  相似文献   
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