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Measurements of micrometeorological variables were made for a complete annual cycle using an automatic weather station and two energy budget–Bowen ratio systems at a field site adjacent to the Santa Cruz River in southern Arizona. These data were used to provide the basis of an estimate of the evaporation from a one-mile long losing reach of a riparian corridor in this semi-arid environment. A remotely sensed map of vegetation cover was used to stratify the corridor into five categories of surface cover. The total evaporation was calculated as the area-weighted average of the measured evaporation for sampled areas of the two most common covers, and appropriate estimates of evaporation for the less common covers. Measurements showed a substantial, seasonally dependent evaporation from the taller, deep-rooted riparian cover in the study reach, while the short, sparse vegetation provided little evaporation. In terms of the volume of water evaporated from the study reach, the evaporation from irrigated agriculture accounts for almost half of the total loss, while the majority of the remaining evaporation is from the taller riparian vegetation covers, with about one-quarter of the total loss estimated as coming from obligatory phreatophytes, primarily cottonwood. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Environmental migration is a topic which has given rise to widespread debate and gloomy predictions about the state of the world in 2050, but where rigorous research and empirical evidence are unfortunately in short supply. In this paper, we review the existing research on and empirical evidence of how climate change and climate variability in Less Developed Countries (LDCs) affects two main drivers of migration identified by migration models in the economic literature, namely income level differentials between origin and destination areas and income variability in origin areas, and how they in turn affect migration. We find that there are serious gaps in both the economic and the environmental literature that render it impossible to make sound and robust predictions of how climate change and increased climate variability will affect the economic migration drivers, and of how these in turn may change existing migration patterns. There are some empirical indications that income differentials may increase due to lower income levels in the origin areas of LDCs, but virtually no evidence exists of the effects of climate change or increased climate variability on income variability. Furthermore, although a negative relationship between migration and rainfall has been established by many researchers, there is only very limited evidence as to what drives it. A clearer picture of the driving force behind the link between rainfall and migration would greatly benefit policymaking in this area.  相似文献   
In the Austroalpine Basement to the south of the Tauern Window, distinct suites of metabasites occur with orthogneisses in pre-Early-Ordovician units. Tholeiitic and alkaline within-plate basalt-type metabasites are associated with acid meta-porphyroids in the post-Early-Ordovician Thurntaler Phyllite Group. According to their correlated trace element abundances, metabasite zircons crystallized with their host rocks. Protolith Pb–Pb zircon ages, whole-rock Ta/Yb–Th/Yb and oxygen, Sr, Nd isotope data define two principal evolution lines. An older evolution at elevated Th/Yb typical of subduction-related magmatism, started by 590-Ma N-MORB-type and 550–530 Ma volcanic arc basalt type basic suites, which mainly involved depleted mantle sources. It finished with mainly crustal-source 470–450-Ma acid magmatites. An other evolution line by tholeiitic and 430-Ma alkaline within-plate basalt-type suites in both pre- and post-Early-Ordovician units is characterized by an intraplate mantle metasomatism and enrichment trend along multicomponent sources. These magmatic evolution lines can be related to a plate tectonic scenario that involved terranes in a progressively mature Neoproterozoic to Ordovician active margin, and a subsequent Palaeo-Tethys passive margin along the north Gondwanan periphery.  相似文献   
The western Barents Sea continental margin, between 74° and 77°N, comprises 7–8 km post-Paleocene sediments. The margin sediments have been divided into four seismic sequences dated by seismic correlation to adjacent areas. This chronostratigraphy shows that the uppermost three sequences are of glacial origin, deposited during the last 2.3 m.y. A huge sedimentary wedge, the Storfjorden Fan, was deposited in front of the Storfjorden Trough between 2.3 and 0.44 Ma, whereas during the last 0.44 m.y. a more evenly distribution pattern is observed. The outbuilding of the fan is related to the onset of the northern hemisphere glaciations causing intense glacial erosion of predominantly consolidated rocks. Seismic facies interpretations indicates that the fan outbuilding was connected to large-scale mass movements. Within the uppermost part of the glacial sequence parallel and continuous reflectors and locally disturbed pattern on the upper slope are associated with downslope change in facies. Volumetric calculations, based on velocity studies and isopach maps, have been used to quantify Cenozoic erosion, sediment yield, sedimentation and erosion rates. Approximately 3300 m of post-Paleocene erosion is calculated within the drainage area of the Storfjorden Fan, of which about 1700 m was eroded in late Pliocene-Pleistocene times giving an average denudation rate of 0.63 mm/yr.  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of rigid second phases on grain growth of a matrix phase. For this purpose, variable mixtures of norcamphor as the matrix phase, with glass beads (0.08–0.51 volume fraction) as second phase, were used to perform see-through rock-analogue experiments under static conditions at constant temperatures (50°C). Irrespective of the second-phase content, grain-size evolution of all mixtures can be subdivided into a stage of continuous grain growth, a transient stage and a stage of a finally stabilized grain size. On the grain-scale, the second phases affect the migrating grain boundaries either by pinning by single particles, by multiple particles or even by particle clusters. Summed up over the entire aggregate, these pinning regimes affect the average bulk grain size of the matrix grains, such that the changes in matrix grain size directly correlate with the amount of second phases, their dispersion and their degree of clustering. In this way, the matrix grain size decreases with increasing second-phase content, which can be expressed as a Zener relationship. Originating from the modification of an ordinary grain growth law, a new mathematical expression is defined, which allows the calculation of changes in the matrix grain size as a function of different second-phase volume fractions and particle sizes. Such models will be helpful in the future to predict microstructural changes in polymineralic rocks at depth.  相似文献   
A comparative in situ LA-ICP MS trace-element study on pyrite from three different, variably auriferous, Archaean to Palaeoproterozoic palaeoplacer deposits in the Ouro Fino Syncline (Quadrilátero Ferrífero; Brazil), the Elliot Lake area north of Lake Huron (SE Canada) and several deposits within the Witwatersrand Basin (South Africa) revealed systematic differences between morphologically different pyrite types and between the various palaeoplacer deposits. Especially the Ni and Au concentrations as well as Co/Ni and Mo/Ni ratios were found to be systematically different in detrital compact, detrital porous and post-sedimentary/hydrothermal pyrite grains from different source areas. High Co/Ni ratios and low Au concentrations are typical of post-sedimentary pyrite, which is hydrothermal in origin. In contrast, relatively low Co/Ni ratios and high Au contents characterise detrital porous banded and concentric pyrite grains (Au > 1 ppm), which are syn-sedimentary in origin. In the Elliot Lake area and the Witwatersrand Basin, detrital compact rounded pyrite is characterised by high Co/Ni ratios, which is in agreement with derivation from a hydrothermal source. Low Au concentrations in this pyrite type support the contention of the gold and the pyrite in these deposits coming from different source rocks. In contrast, derivation from an originally diagenetic pyrite is suggested for the detrital compact pyrite in the Ouro Fino Syncline because of low to intermediate Co/Ni ratios. High Au contents may indicate a genetic relationship between pyrite and gold there. Systematic differences exist between the three areas with respect to Au, Ni, Co, Mo and Cu distributions in detrital pyrite, which reflects differences in the provenance. A predominantly mafic/ultramafic source is indicated for the Ouro Fino, a felsic source for the Elliot Lake, and a mixed felsic–mafic provenance for the Witwatersrand pyrite populations. Independently of pyrite type, the higher Au endowment of the studied Witwatersrand and Ouro Fino conglomerates are also reflected by an overall higher Au concentration in the respective pyrite grains compared to the relatively Au-poor samples from Elliot Lake. In general, a strong positive correlation between Au and Pb levels in the various pyrite grains is noted. Analogous to Pb, which is well known for not being easily accommodated in the pyrite crystal lattice but occurring as discrete PbS phases, Au is considered to be present mainly in the form of discrete Au phases in minute pores and interstices of the pyrite grains rather than within the pyrite lattice.  相似文献   
2D multichannel seismic data and bathymetric records from the glaciated western Svalbard margin and the rift valley region of the ultraslow, and oblique-spreading, Knipovich Ridge are in this study interpreted to infer differences in seafloor spreading mechanisms and to identify sedimentary processes. Our results show that the rift flank geometry, the rift valley elevation and the active magmatism are closely linked. The inferred magmatic segments of the Knipovich Ridge exhibit high and steep rift flanks, whereas the rift flank heights of the proposed tectonic-dominated segments are lower and less steep. In addition, we observe significant rift flank asymmetry across the rift valley which can be partly explained by subsidence due to sediment loading. The identification of a huge sedimentary wedge on the western rift flank suggests that the oldest parts of these sediments have been transported from the western Svalbard margin and across the rift valley. However, we suggest that most of these sediments are glacimarine/hemipelagic sediments which have been deposited in the time period after the rift valley flanks had developed sufficiently to cut off the direct transport routes from the western Svalbard margin. We also observe thick current depositions on the western side, suggesting a strong along-slope influence of the West Spitsbergen Current during the Plio–Pleistocene time period.  相似文献   
For construction in rock a thorough pre-investigation is important in order to avoid unforeseen conditions which may delay the work. It is crucial to remember the results from this investigation in the further work, and use the experience from the construction to update the geological prognosis and reduce the uncertainties. Different geophysical methods have proved valuable tools in such investigations. In this work the electrical imaging is evaluated with regards to the method's applicability. The evaluation is done qualitatively by comparing the electrical imaging with tunnel documentation from a tunnel in Southern Sweden. By evaluating the result continuously when making the tunnel a more detailed geological prognosis can be compiled and used in the continued work with the tunnel. The parameters used for the comparison are lithology, Q, RQD, weathering and water leakage. The result was that virtually every change in electrical resistivity image coincides with a change in rock conditions. The general trend was that high resistivity corresponded with good quality gneiss whereas low resistivity corresponds to poor quality rock e.g., high weathering, low RQD, low Q and/or several lithological contacts. The intermediate resistivity is often amphibolites or rock with water bearing fractures. The results were supported by in-situ resistivity measurements inside the tunnel and resistivity logging in a core drilling. Geoelectrical imaging proved to give valuable information for a detailed geological model, which could be compiled for a section where the tunnel had not yet been drilled as a help for planning of the continued tunnel work. As is the case other geophysical methods it is clear that for the interpretation of data a priori information about the geological setting is necessary.  相似文献   
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