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In this paper we discuss the initial phase of chromospheric evaporation during a solar flare observed with instruments on the Solar Maximum Mission on May 21, 1980 at 20:53 UT. Images of the flaring region taken with the Hard X-Ray Imaging Spectrometer in the energy bands from 3.5 to 8 keV and from 16 to 30 keV show that early in the event both the soft and hard X-ray emissions are localized near the footpoints, while they are weaker from the rest of the flaring loop system. This implies that there is no evidence for heating taking place at the top of the loops, but energy is deposited mainly at their base. The spectral analysis of the soft X-ray emission detected with the Bent Crystal Spectrometer evidences an initial phase of the flare, before the impulsive increase in hard X-ray emission, during which most of the thermal plasma at 107 K was moving toward the observer with a mean velocity of about 80 km s-1. At this time the plasma was highly turbulent. In a second phase, in coincidence with the impulsive rise in hard X-ray emission during the major burst, high-velocity (370 km s-1) upward motions were observed. At this time, soft X-rays were still predominantly emitted near the loop footpoints. The energy deposition in the chromosphere by electrons accelerated in the flare region to energies above 25 keV, at the onset of the high-velocity upflows, was of the order of 4 × 1010 erg s-1 cm-2. These observations provide further support for interpreting the plasma upflows as the mechanism responsible for the formation of the soft X-ray flare, identified with chromospheric evaporation. Early in the flare soft X-rays are mainly from evaporating material close to the footpoints, while the magnetically confined coronal region is at lower density. The site where upflows originate is identified with the base of the loop system. Moreover, we can conclude that evaporation occurred in two regimes: an initial slow evaporation, observed as a motion of most of the thermal plasma, followed by a high-speed evaporation lasting as long as the soft X-ray emission of the flare was increasing, that is as long as plasma accumulation was observed in corona.  相似文献   
Ralph B. Baldwin 《Icarus》1985,61(1):63-91
This paper contains a reasonably successful attempt to determine relative ages and then absolute ages of individual craters younger than Imbrium, and the rate of infalls onto the Moon as a function of time. After the tail of the massive premare bombardment became depleted before 3 aeons (1 aeon = 109 years) ago, there was a period of minimal numbers of infalls. The rate of infalls increased rather steadily from this minimum to the present. The rate in the geologically recent past (0.3 aeon) was about two times that found for the period immediately after the last of the major lave outpourings (3.2 aeons). Absolute ages were determined for large craters (?8 km) from crater counts on the surfaces within and on the rims of the large craters. Key dates were 0 and 0.3 aeon for terrestrial meteoritic craters, 3.2, 3.5, 3.8, and 3.82 aeons for the various mare surfaces according to the determinations of D.E. Wilhelms (1980, Geologic history of the Moon, U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap.) and 3.85 aeons from the formation of Imbrium.  相似文献   
We present the high angular resolution technique of colour-differential interferometry for direct detection of extrasolar giant planets (EGPs). The measurement of differential phase with long-baseline ground-based interferometers in the near-infrared could allow the observation of several hot giant extrasolar planets in tight orbit around the nearby stars, and thus yield their low- or mid-resolution spectroscopy, complete orbital data set and mass. Estimates of potentially achievable signal-to-noise ratios are presented for a number of planets already discovered by indirect methods. The limits from the instrumental and atmospheric instability are discussed, and a subsequent observational strategy is proposed.  相似文献   
Lake Malawi lies in a major rift valley in Central Africa that is some 700 m deep and 550 km long. A total of 242 cores and 111 grab samples were recovered between 1984 and 1989 and form the data base for a study of diatom distribution in this lake basin. The sediments consist of homogeneous diatomites, pelagic diatomaceous muds, varved diatomite-mud couplets, turbidites, littoral sand sheets and extensive deposits of ferro-manganous nodules.Fossil diatoms show major temporal and regional contrasts between the southern, central and northern areas of the lake. A wide variety of Aulacoseira species occur in the southern lake sediments. To the north, the Nkhotakota region is generally characterised by Stephanodiscus and Aulacoseira, with occasional diatomite laminae composed of Aulacoseira or Nitzschia. The central parts of the lake show the greatest variation, with Stephanodiscus, Nitzschia and Aulacoseira all being prominent. The northern region is dominated by Aulacoseira nyassensis throughout most core sequences.Variability in these assemblages appears to be controlled by Si:P ratios, Si concentrations, turbulence and light penetration. These factors themselves are influenced by differences in the depth and duration of lake mixing due to variations in wind strength, seiches and bottom topography among different regions of the lake and from lakewide circulation patterns.  相似文献   
A morphometric analysis of the gills ofOreochromis alcalicus grahami has been carried out on specimens from ecologically distinct lagoons and a water-holding tank of Lake Magadi, a highly alkaline salt lake situated in a volcanically active region of the southern part of the Great Rift Valley in Kenya. The data were compared with those fromOreochromis niloticus, a close relative that lives in fresh water and with data from other fresh water and marine fish. Our primary goal was to identify the possible adaptive features which enable the fish to survive in an environment characterized by severely fluctuating levels of oxygen, a condition exacerbated by factors such as high temperature, alkalinity and osmolarity. The specimens ofO. a. grahami from the south-western lagoons of the lake had gills better adapted for gas exchange with a body mass specific diffusing capacity for oxygen which was about 2 times greater than that of the gills of the specimens from the fish spring lagoons and 2.5 times that of those from the water-holding tanks. Some parameters of the gills ofO. a. grahami, e.g. the gill filament length and number of gill filaments are significantly greater than those ofO. niloticus but the number of secondary lamellae, area of secondary lamellae and the diffusing capacity of the gills are similar in the two species. Compared with most other fish, the gills ofO. a. grahami appear to be particularly well adapted for gas exchange especially by having a thin water-blood barrier. Perhaps in no other extant fish have the gills had to be so exquisitely designed to meet environmental extremes and regulate complex and at times conflicting functions such as gas exchange, iono-regulation, acid-base balance and nitrogenous waste excretion as inO. a. grahami  相似文献   
This work has evaluated the probability of earthquake-triggered landslide occurrence in the whole of El Salvador, with a Geographic Information System (GIS) and a logistic regression model. Slope gradient, elevation, aspect, mean annual precipitation, lithology, land use, and terrain roughness are the predictor variables used to determine the dependent variable of occurrence or non-occurrence of landslides within an individual grid cell. The results illustrate the importance of terrain roughness and soil type as key factors within the model — using only these two variables the analysis returned a significance level of 89.4%. The results obtained from the model within the GIS were then used to produce a map of relative landslide susceptibility.  相似文献   
Contamination of groundwater has become a major concern in recent years. Since testing of water quality of all domestic and irrigation wells within large watersheds is not economically feasible, one frequently used monitoring strategy is to develop contamination potential maps of groundwater, and then prioritize those wells located in the potentially highly contaminated areas for testing of contaminants. However, generation of contamination potential maps based on groundwater sensitivity and vulnerability is not an easy task due inherent uncertainty. Therefore, the overall goal of this research is to improve the methodology for the generation of contamination potential maps by using detailed landuse/pesticide and soil structure information in conjunction with selected parameters from the DRASTIC model. The specific objectives of this study are (i) to incorporate GIS, GPS, remote sensing and the fuzzy rule-based model to generate groundwater sensitivity maps, and (ii) compare the results of our new methodologies with the modified DRASTIC Index (DI) and field water quality data. In this study, three different models were developed (viz. DIfuzz, VIfuzz and VIfuzz_ped) and were compared to the DI. Once the preliminary fuzzy logic-based (DIfuzz) was generated using selected parameters from DI, the methodology was further refined through VIfuzz and VIfuzz_ped models that incorporated landuse/pesticide application and soil structure information, respectively. This study was conducted in Woodruff County of the Mississippi Delta region of Arkansas. Water quality data for 55 wells were used to evaluate the contamination potential maps. The sensitivity map generated by VIfuzz_ped with soil structure showed significantly better coincidence results when compared with the field data.  相似文献   
We used titration calorimetry to measure the bulk heats of proton and Cd adsorption onto a common Gram positive soil bacterium Bacillus subtilis at 25.0 °C. Using the 4-site non-electrostatic model of Fein et al. [Fein, J.B., Boily, J.-F., Yee, N., Gorman-Lewis, D., Turner, B.F., 2005. Potentiometric titrations of Bacillus subtilis cells to low pH and a comparison of modeling approaches. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta69 (5), 1123-1132.] to describe the bacterial surface reactivity to protons, our bulk enthalpy measurements can be used to determine the following site-specific enthalpies of proton adsorption for Sites 1-4, respectively: −3.5 ± 0.2, −4.2 ± 0.2, −15.4 ± 0.9, and −35 ± 2 kJ/mol, and these values yield the following third law entropies of proton adsorption onto Sites 1-4, respectively: +51 ± 4, +78 ± 4, +79 ± 5, and +60 ± 20 J/mol K. An alternative data analysis using a 2-site Langmuir-Freundlich model to describe proton binding to the bacterial surface (Fein et al., 2005) resulted in the following site-specific enthalpies of proton adsorption for Sites 1 and 2, respectively: −3.6 ± 0.2 and −35.1 ± 0.3 kJ/mol. The thermodynamic values for Sites 1-3 for the non-electrostatic model and Site 1 of the Langmuir-Freundlich model of proton adsorption onto the bacterial surface are similar to those associated with multifunctional organic acid anions, such as citrate, suggesting that the protonation state of a bacterial surface site can influence the energetics of protonation of neighboring sites. Our bulk Cd enthalpy data, interpreted using the 2-site non-electrostatic Cd adsorption model of Borrok et al. [Borrok, D., Fein, J.B., Tischler, M., O’Loughlin, E., Meyer, H., Liss, M., Kemner, K.M., 2004b. The effect of acidic solutions and growth conditions on the adsorptive properties of bacterial surfaces. Chem. Geol.209 (1-2), 107-119.] to account for Cd adsorption onto B. subtilis, yield the following site-specific enthalpies of Cd adsorption onto bacterial surface Sites 2 and 3, respectively: −0.2 ± 0.4 and +14.4 ± 0.9 kJ/mol, and the following third law entropies of Cd adsorption onto Sites 2 and 3, respectively: +57 ± 4 and +128 ± 5 J/mol K. The calculated enthalpies of Cd adsorption are typical of those associated with Cd complexation with anionic oxygen ligands, and the entropies are indicative of inner sphere complexation by multiple ligands. The experimental approach described in this study not only yields constraints on the molecular-scale mechanisms involved in proton and Cd adsorption reactions, but also provides new thermodynamic data that enable quantitative estimates of the temperature dependence of proton and Cd adsorption reactions.  相似文献   
Trace metal concentrations in sediments of the Eastern Mississippi Bight   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Sediments collected from 3 onshore-offshore transects (12 stations total) in the Eastern Mississippi Bight at 5 different times during 1987–1988 have been analyzed for total Ag, As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Sn, Th and Zn. The data show considerable variation both spatially and temporally, largely as a result of natural variability in grain size and mineralogy. Clay-rich samples from deep water were always more metal-rich than sandy samples from shallow areas. Many samples from near the Mississippi River Delta appeared to be enriched in Ba by about a factor of two, probably as a result of contamination from oil well drilling mud, but there were few other indications of pollution influences. Many samples from throughout the area gave Mn/Fe and Cd/Fe ratios a factor of two or more lower than their Mississippi River source material. This shows that biochemical activity in the sediment is capable of solubilizing reducible and adsorbed metals.  相似文献   
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