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The physical, chemical and biological properties of Bird Pond, Cape Bird, Ross Island, Antarctica (77° 13’ 10” S, 166° 28’ 30” E), were investigated at weekly intervals for 2 months in the summer of 1970–71. The above properties were also investigated over a 24‐h period. Salinity and temperature tolerance of the rotifer Philodina gregaria were investigated in the laboratory at Cape Bird.

Bird Pond is characterised by a high conductivity and chloride ion concentration, and an alkaline pH. It has a water temperature as high as 15°c in mid summer, with the bottom water temperature often 3°c higher than the surface temperature. Diurnal measurements suggest a vertical movement of phytoplankton during a 24‐h period. P. gregaria survives ionic concentrations up to 250 000 g.m‐3 Na+ + Cl, and water temperatures up to 32°c.  相似文献   
This article introduces a type of DBMS called the Intentionally‐Linked Entities (ILE) DBMS for use as the basis for temporal and historical Geographical Information Systems. ILE represents each entity in a database only once, thereby mostly eliminating redundancy and fragmentation, two major problems in Relational and other database systems. These advantages of ILE are realized by using relationship objects and pointers to implement all of the relationships among data entities in a native fashion using dynamically‐allocated linked data structures. ILE can be considered to be a modern and extended implementation of the E/R data model. ILE also facilitates storage of things that are more faithful to the historical records, such as gazetteer entries of places with imprecisely known or unknown locations. This is difficult in Relational database systems but is a routine task using ILE because ILE is implemented using modern memory allocation techniques. We use the China Historical GIS (CHGIS) and other databases to illustrate the advantages of ILE. This is accomplished by modeling these databases in ILE and comparing them to the existing Relational implementations.  相似文献   
The ecological implications of a Yakutian mammoth's last meal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Part of a large male woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) was preserved in permafrost in northern Yakutia. It was radiocarbon dated to ca. 18,500 14C yr BP (ca. 22,500 cal yr BP). Dung from the lower intestine was subjected to a multiproxy array of microscopic, chemical, and molecular techniques to reconstruct the diet, the season of death, and the paleoenvironment. Pollen and plant macro-remains showed that grasses and sedges were the main food, with considerable amounts of dwarf willow twigs and a variety of herbs and mosses. Analyses of 110-bp fragments of the plastid rbcL gene amplified from DNA and of organic compounds supplemented the microscopic identifications. Fruit-bodies of dung-inhabiting Ascomycete fungi which develop after at least one week of exposure to air were found inside the intestine. Therefore the mammoth had eaten dung. It was probably mammoth dung as no bile acids were detected among the fecal biomarkers analysed. The plant assemblage and the presence of the first spring vessels of terminal tree-rings of dwarf willows indicated that the animal died in early spring. The mammoth lived in extensive cold treeless grassland vegetation interspersed with wetter, more productive meadows. The study demonstrated the paleoecological potential of several biochemical analytical techniques.  相似文献   
The Romanian earthquake of August 30, 1986 is the second largest intermediate depth event in this area since the worldwide deployment of digital instrumentation, and the first one since the installation of GEOSCOPE network. It offers the unique opportunity to document this well-known but poorly understood zone of deep continental seismicity using high quality teleseismic data in different frequency bands. The source is well constrained both from very-long period surface wave data observed on GEOSCOPE stations and, independently, from body wave modelling at various worldwide stations. The depth obtained is approximately 140 kilometers, the seismic moment, 0.8 1027 dyne-cm and the mechanism from both data sets is very similar to that of the previous 1940 and 1977 Vancrea events, indicating that these events, although having occurred at noticeably different depths, are expressions of the same tectonic process. However, from the detailed study of the source using broadband data, it can be inferred that the source presents much less complexity than the 1977 event.  相似文献   
Knowledge of landscape type can inform cartographic generalization of hydrographic features, because landscape characteristics provide an important geographic context that affects variation in channel geometry, flow pattern, and network configuration. Landscape types are characterized by expansive spatial gradients, lacking abrupt changes between adjacent classes; and as having a limited number of outliers that might confound classification. The US Geological Survey (USGS) is exploring methods to automate generalization of features in the National Hydrography Data set (NHD), to associate specific sequences of processing operations and parameters with specific landscape characteristics, thus obviating manual selection of a unique processing strategy for every NHD watershed unit. A chronology of methods to delineate physiographic regions for the United States is described, including a recent maximum likelihood classification based on seven input variables. This research compares unsupervised and supervised algorithms applied to these seven input variables, to evaluate and possibly refine the recent classification. Evaluation metrics for unsupervised methods include the Davies–Bouldin index, the Silhouette index, and the Dunn index as well as quantization and topographic error metrics. Cross validation and misclassification rate analysis are used to evaluate supervised classification methods. The paper reports the comparative analysis and its impact on the selection of landscape regions. The compared solutions show problems in areas of high landscape diversity. There is some indication that additional input variables, additional classes, or more sophisticated methods can refine the existing classification.  相似文献   
The Andean Orogen is the type‐example of an active Cordilleran style margin with a long‐lived retroarc fold‐and‐thrust belt and foreland basin. Timing of initial shortening and foreland basin development in Argentina is diachronous along‐strike, with ages varying by 20–30 Myr. The Neuquén Basin (32°S to 40°S) contains a thick sedimentary sequence ranging in age from late Triassic to Cenozoic, which preserves a record of rift, back arc and foreland basin environments. As much of the primary evidence for initial uplift has been overprinted or covered by younger shortening and volcanic activity, basin strata provide the most complete record of early mountain building. Detailed sedimentology and new maximum depositional ages obtained from detrital zircon U–Pb analyses from the Malargüe fold‐and‐thrust belt (35°S) record a facies change between the marine evaporites of the Huitrín Formation (ca. 122 Ma) and the fluvial sandstones and conglomerates of the Diamante Formation (ca. 95 Ma). A 25–30 Myr unconformity between the Huitrín and Diamante formations represents the transition from post‐rift thermal subsidence to forebulge erosion during initial flexural loading related to crustal shortening and uplift along the magmatic arc to the west by at least 97 ± 2 Ma. This change in basin style is not marked by any significant difference in provenance and detrital zircon signature. A distinct change in detrital zircons, sandstone composition and palaeocurrent direction from west‐directed to east‐directed occurs instead in the middle Diamante Formation and may reflect the Late Cretaceous transition from forebulge derived sediment in the distal foredeep to proximal foredeep material derived from the thrust belt to the west. This change in palaeoflow represents the migration of the forebulge, and therefore, of the foreland basin system between 80 and 90 Ma in the Malargüe area.  相似文献   
Megafaunal assemblages were studied in August–September 1992 using a towed camera sled along seven cross-isobath transects on the continental slope off Cape Hatteras. A total of 20,722 megafaunal organisms were observed on 10,918 m2 of the sea floor between the depths of 157 and 1 924 m. These data were compared with data previously collected off Cape Hatteras in 1985 and at other locations along the eastern U.S. coast between 1981 and 1987. Megafaunal populations on the upper and lower slopes off Cape Hatteras were fouond to be similar, in terms of density and species composition, to those observed at the other locations.In contrast, megafaunal abundances were found to be elevated (0.88 and 2.65 individuals per m2 during 1985 and 1992, respectively) on the middle slope off Cape Hatteras when compared to most other slope locations (<0.5individuals per m2). These elevated abundances mainly reflect dense populations of three demersal fish, two eel pouts (Lysenchelys verrilli andLycodes atlanticus) and the witch flounderGlyptocephalus cynoglossus, and a large anemone (Actinauge verrilli). These four species dominated the megafauna off Cape Hatteras, whereas they represented only a minor component of megafaunal populations found at other slope locations. Additionally, numerous tubes of the foraminiferanBathysiphon filiformis were observed off Cape Hatteras, but not elsewhere. The high density of demersal fish found off Cape Hatteras appears to be related to the high densities of infaunal prey reported from this area. The high densities ofA. verrilli andB. fuliformis may be related to the same factors responsible for the high infaunal densities, namely enhanced nutrient inputs in the form of fine particles. Extreme patchiness also was observed in the distributions of the middle slope taxa off Cape Hatteras. This patchiness may reflect the habitat heterogeneity of this exceptionally rugged slope and the sedentary nature of the organisms inhabiting it.  相似文献   
This paper analyses the morphological response induced by low-crested structures on the adjacent seabed, with particular interest in the erosion patterns that frequently develop at gaps and roundheads. The mechanisms responsible for erosion processes are examined by means of morphodynamic simulations with the numerical suite MIKE 21 CAMS developed by DHI Water & Environment. The main purpose of the paper is to verify how and how far a commercial code can predict bed evolution, in vicinity of defence structures in a real case, in order to get information that may be very useful for structure design and possible maintenance of existing works. The code is applied to a long-term simulation on a study site that is characterized by a composite intervention and suffers from severe erosion, Lido di Dante (Italy). The simulation covers the period (one year and a half) between two available multi-beam surveys, in order to have a detailed real bathymetry as starting point and another one, as accurate as the first, to compare numerical with surveyed results. All the other input data for the model, as waves, tide, wind and sediment characteristics, are derived from measurements in the area; moreover, the code is calibrated using wave and current data acquired during a field campaign. The bed evolution derived from simulations shows a good agreement with the survey both in the locations and in the intensity of erosive and depositional areas. A sensitivity analysis of results to some selected modelling parameters is performed on a shorter simulation period (one month), showing that accounting for bed slope in sediment transport modelling has greater effects in bathymetry evolution than the use of a complex sediment bathymetry or the representation of wave diffraction.  相似文献   
Solution 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy has recently been used to characterize phosphorus species within marine particles. However, the effects of sample collection, storage and preparation have not been thoroughly examined. In this study, samples of settling particulates collected from a 1200-m sediment trap located in Monterey Bay, California, were subjected to various storage options (i.e., no storage, refrigeration, freezing, and oven-drying and grinding) prior to extraction for solution 31P-NMR spectroscopy. Freezing, refrigerating and drying samples for periods of up to 6 months prior to extraction with 0.25 M NaOH + 0.05 M Na2EDTA increased the concentration of extracted P by an average of 16% relative to samples extracted without storage. Pre-extraction storage also introduced some minor changes in P speciation, by increasing the percentage of orthophosphate by up to 15% and decreasing the percentage of pyrophosphate by up to 5%, relative to the abundances of these P species in samples extracted without storage. Drying caused the biggest changes in speciation, specifically decreasing more extensively the relative percentage of pyrophosphate compared to other treatments. Nevertheless, observed changes in speciation due to sample storage within a specific sample were small relative to differences observed among samples collected sequentially in the same area, or reported differences among samples collected at different locations. Samples were also analyzed by solid-state 31P-NMR spectroscopy before and after extraction, to examine extraction-related changes in P speciation. Comparison of solution with solid-state 31P NMR indicates that extraction with NaOH–EDTA removes the majority of organic esters, but only a variable portion of phosphonates (39–67%). In addition, there was preferential extraction of Ca-associated phosphate over Mg-, Fe- and Al-associated phosphate. Solution 31P NMR enables much higher resolution of P species within samples, particularly when it is important to speciate orthophosphate monoesters and diesters, or if polyphosphates are present. However, combining solid-state 31P NMR with solution 31P NMR spectroscopy for marine particles should be conducted when examining inorganic P speciation and the abundance of phosphonates.  相似文献   
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