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The 12·7–10·5 Ma Cougar Point Tuff in southernIdaho, USA, consists of 10 large-volume (>102–103 km3each), high-temperature (800–1000°C), rhyolitic ash-flowtuffs erupted from the Bruneau–Jarbidge volcanic centerof the Yellowstone hotspot. These tuffs provide evidence forcompositional and thermal zonation in pre-eruptive rhyolitemagma, and suggest the presence of a long-lived reservoir thatwas tapped by numerous large explosive eruptions. Pyroxene compositionsexhibit discrete compositional modes with respect to Fe andMg that define a linear spectrum punctuated by conspicuous gaps.Airfall glass compositions also cluster into modes, and thepresence of multiple modes indicates tapping of different magmavolumes during early phases of eruption. Equilibrium assemblagesof pigeonite and augite are used to reconstruct compositionaland thermal gradients in the pre-eruptive reservoir. The recurrenceof identical compositional modes and of mineral pairs equilibratedat high temperatures in successive eruptive units is consistentwith the persistence of their respective liquids in the magmareservoir. Recurrence intervals of identical modes range from0·3 to 0·9 Myr and suggest possible magma residencetimes of similar duration. Eruption ages, magma temperatures,Nd isotopes, and pyroxene and glass compositions are consistentwith a long-lived, dynamically evolving magma reservoir thatwas chemically and thermally zoned and composed of multiplediscrete magma volumes. KEY WORDS: ash-flow tuff; Bruneau–Jarbidge; rhyolite; Yellowstone hotspot; residence time  相似文献   
We used the landscape model PAYSAGE to demonstrate the use of GIS and simulation models for ecosystem management over a portion of Mitkof Island in the Tongass National Forest. The objectives of the study were to: 1) depict the natural heterogeneity in environment and resource distributions across the study area; 2) quantify changes in vegetation and vertebrate habitats (brown creeper, orange-crowned warbler, marten) during the period of commercial timber harvest (1954 to the present); and 3) simulate likely long-term changes in vegetation and vertebrate habitat under three management scenarios – the Tongass Forest Plan, the wildlife habitat conservation strategy, and the Pacific Fisheries Task Force strategy. The results indicated that productive forest lands and vertebrate habitats are naturally patchy in the study area due to topography and climate. This natural fragmentation was exacerbated by past logging, which targeted high-productivity old growth stands. This stand type was reduced in area by 76 per cent from 1954 to 1994. Patch density and mean patch size decreased during this time while mean nearest neighbour distance increased. Simulations of the three management scenarios for a 200-year period projected relatively minor differences in landscape patterns among the scenarios. This is because the forest plan scenario is relatively restrictive in timber harvest and because most of the area protected in the other two scenarios does nor currently support old growth. We discuss the role of decision-support tools such as PAYSAGE in adaptive ecosystem management and evaluate limitations of the model.  相似文献   
The Austin Glen Member of the upper Middle Ordovician Normanskill Formation is a sandstone-shale flysch succession deposited in the foreland of the Taconian Orogen. Petrographic, major and trace element, and Nd–Pb isotopic data provide substantial constraints on its provenance. Lack of K-feldspar and paucity of plagioclase, in addition to the dominance of sedimentary rock fragments, indicate that the source was dominated by recycled, sedimentary components. Major and trace element data support this conclusion and indicate that the provenance of both shales and sandstones was the same. No evidence of an ophiolitic or volcanic component was observed. Interpretation of Nd isotopic characteristics are complicated by a partial resetting of the Nd isotope system at about the time of sedimentation but indicate that the provenance of the Austin Glen Member had a long-term history of light rare earth element (LREE) enrichment (average TDM = 1·8 Ga). Furthermore, Nd isotopic compositions are extremely homogeneous (?Nd = –8·1 ± 0·6; 1 s.d.; n = 23) at 450 Ma, the approximate depositional age, indicating either a single source or very well-mixed sources. 207Pb/204Pb ratios are variable but within the range of Pb isotopic compositions typically described as Grenvillian. The range of 207Pb/204Pb is greater than expected for the range of 206Pb/204Pb and suggests an additional component of Pb, possibly introduced during diagenesis. The immediate source of the Austin Glen Member may have been the accretionary prism that developed as older sediments of the Laurentian margin were scraped off the basin floor, incorporated within the accretionary prism and shed into the basin. No evidence indicating the arrival of an undifferentiated island arc or continental fragment during the Taconian Orogeny has been found. The data acquired during this study can be explained almost exclusively by Grenville Province source components but with possible additional contributions from older Laurentian terranes and Late Proterozoic rift volcanics that are not readily quantified but likely to have been minor. Accordingly, we conclude that the Taconian Orogeny in New England involved either: (1) a continental arc that involved exclusively Laurentia; (2) collision of a continental block with identical geochemical characteristics as Laurentia; or (3) essentially no detritus from any exotic colliding block (island arc or continental fragment) reached the foreland basin at the time of Austin Glen deposition.  相似文献   
Sediment sequences retrieved from Lake Medvedevskoye (60°13'N; 29°54'E) and Lake Pastorskoye (60°13'N; 30°02'E), Karelian Isthmus, northwestern Russia, were analysed for lithology, pollen and diatom stratigraphy, total organic carbon content and mineral magnetic parameters. Age control for both sequences was provided by AMS 14C measurements and the Vedde Ash tephra. The reconstructed climatic and environmental development shows the deglaciation of the sites and the establishment of sparse shrub and herb/grass vegetation before 12650 cal. yrs BP ('Allerød'; GI-1a). Steppe tundra and cold, dry conditions prevailed until about 11000 cal. yrs BP, i.e. throughout the 'Younger Dryas' (GS-1) and the earliest Holocene. The establishment of open Picea-Pinus-Betula forest around the lakes at about 11 000 cal. yrs BP coincides with the first distinct change towards gradually warmer and more humid climatic conditions. Boreal forest with Picea, Pinus, Betula, Alnus incana and Corylus was present at the lower altitude site between c. 10700 and 10200 cal. yrs BP, while open Betula-Pinus forest continued to dominate the vegetation around the higher altitude site. After a short, possibly colder, phase around 10200-10000 cal. yrs BP, which is expressed by a marked reduction in vegetation cover and decreased lake productivity, climatic conditions became significantly warmer and possibly more humid. Boreal forest with Pinus, Betula, Picea, Alnus incana, Corylus and Ulmus became widespread in the region after 10000 cal. yrs BP. The delayed environmental response of the lakes and their catchment to hemispheric warming at the Pleistocene/Holocene boundary may be explained by a sustained blocking of westerly air masses due to the presence of the Scandinavian ice sheet and associated strengthened easterlies and anticy-clonic circulation and/or extensive permafrost.  相似文献   
The Ultramafic Series of the Stillwater Complex in the MountainView area of the intrusion consists of 17 cyclic units thathave been numbered stratigraphically. A typical unit has olivinecumulates at the base, olivine–bronzite cumulates at intermediatelevels, and bronzite cumulates at the top. Most cyclic unitsalso have chromite-rich layers near their base, the thickestbeing the G and H chromitite zones in units 10 and 11. The Gand H zones are each separated from the top of the underlyingcyclic unit by 1–3 m of coarse-grained olivine cumulateand pegmatite; and they are both succeeded by thinner chromititezones, respectively called the hanging wall G (HWG) and thehanging wall H (HWH) zones, situated {small tilde}20 m and 5m above them. The G and H chromitite zones feature rhythmicsequences of thin layers that tend to progress upward from massivechromitite through chromite–olivine cumulate to olivine–chromitecumulate (the last with the minerals in approximately cotecticproportions of about 98:2). In cyclic units 10 and 11, variationsof Mg/Fe in the olivine and bronzite, and of Ni in the olivine,are small and show no clear stratigraphic fractionation trends.The abundance of Cr in the chromite in unit 10 does have a fractionationtrend, however, being generally highest at the bottom of theunit and lowest at the top, with a regression at the HWG zone.In general, Cr in chromite is highest at the base of a rhythmicunit and decreases upward, but it shows no overall decline throughsuccessive rhythmic units; Fe3 exhibits opposite variation,being lowest in the massive chromite, and highest in the disseminatedgrains. The G and H chromitite zones, in the Mountain View area, eachcontain enough chromite to form a single layer of massive chromitite{small tilde} 1 m thick. If their formation involved removalof only 30% of the Cr in the parental magmatic liquid (estimatedconcentration, 600 ppm), then this liquid could have amountedvolumetrically to an areally equivalent layer at least 2000m thick. Model calculations demonstrate that such a large volumeof liquid is consistent with the small variations of Mg/Fe inthe pyroxenes and olivines in the Stillwater cyclic units. We postulate that the G and H chromitite zones and cyclic unitsthat host them formed in response to the entry of new pulsesof primitive magmatic liquid into the Stillwater chamber. Fromexperimental observations, we infer that these pulses producedfountains in which the primitive liquid mixed with residualfractionated liquids, yielding hybrids that were compositionallywithin the chromite liquidus field (or volume) and that weresupercooled (supersaturated ) with respect to the oxide mineral.These effects may have been enhanced by low fO2 (oxygen fugacity)in the primitive liquid and(or) by high fO2 of the fractionatedliquid. The hybrid liquids probably collected at the bottomof the chamber in a zoned layer that then divided into double-diffusiveconvecting layers. In these circumstances, the lowest chromite-richlayer in a rhythmic sequence could have formed from the lowestdouble-diffusive liquid layer, and the next could then haveformed when this liquid mixed with the liquid layer above it—andso on up the sequence. We argue that the thick G and H chromititezones are situated toward the top of the Ultramafic Series becausethat level marks when the compositional contrasts between theinjected primitive liquid and the residual fractionated liquidsin the chamber were greatest.  相似文献   
Kjellström, E., Brandefelt, J., Näslund, J.‐O., Smith, B., Strandberg, G., Voelker, A. H. L. & Wohlfarth, B. 2010: Simulated climate conditions in Europe during the Marine Isotope Stage 3 stadial. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00143.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. State‐of‐the‐art climate models were used to simulate climate conditions in Europe during Greenland Stadial (GS) 12 at 44 ka BP. The models employed for these simulations were: (i) a fully coupled atmosphere–ocean global climate model (AOGCM), and (ii) a regional atmospheric climate model (RCM) to dynamically downscale results from the global model for a more detailed investigation of European climate conditions. The vegetation was simulated off‐line by a dynamic vegetation model forced by the climate from the RCM. The resulting vegetation was then compared with the a priori vegetation used in the first simulation. In a subsequent step, the RCM was rerun to yield a new climate more consistent with the simulated vegetation. Forcing conditions included orbital forcing, land–sea distribution, ice‐sheet configuration, and atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations representative for 44 ka BP. The results show a cold climate on the global scale, with global annual mean surface temperatures 5 °C colder than the modern climate. This is still significantly warmer than temperatures derived from the same model system for the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Regional, northern European climate is much colder than today, but still significantly warmer than during the LGM. Comparisons between the simulated climate and proxy‐based sea‐surface temperature reconstructions show that the results are in broad agreement, albeit with a possible cold bias in parts of the North Atlantic in summer. Given a prescribed restricted Marine Isotope Stage 3 ice‐sheet configuration, with large ice‐free regions in Sweden and Finland, the AOGCM and RCM model simulations produce a cold and dry climate in line with the restricted ice‐sheet configuration during GS 12. The simulated temperature climate, with prescribed ice‐free conditions in south‐central Fennoscandia, is favourable for the development of permafrost, but does not allow local ice‐sheet formation as all snow melts during summer.  相似文献   
This paper reports on a doctoral study which investigated why women are absent in positions of leadership within the Australian sugar industry's agri-political group CANE-GROWERS. Its purpose is to confront and unsettle the explanation that this is a result of 'the Italians' in the industry. The paper begins by highlighting the pervasiveness of this claim and the way in which it was so often presented during the research as a known and unproblematic truth. Following this, I draw on feminist post-structural theory to offer three challenges to the claim that it is because of 'the Italians' that men dominate decision-making positions in the sugar industry. These are: a singular Italian culture does not exist; constructions of being Italian are not fixed or absolute; and a range of possibilities exist for negotiating, resisting and transcending notions of what it means to be an Italian wife/woman/daughter. This discussion reveals the usefulness of feminist post-structural theory for avoiding monolithic and homogeneous constructions of identity.  相似文献   
To constrain the relatively uncertain anthropogenic impact on the organic aerosol load, radiocarbon analyses were performed on aerosol samples, collected year-round, at six non-urban sites including a maritime background and three remote mountain stations, lying on a west-east transect over Western Europe. From a crude three component model supported by TOC and levoglucosan filter data, the fossil fuel, biomass burning and biogenic TOC fraction are estimated, showing at all stations year-round, a relatively constant fossil fuel fraction of around  (26 ± 6)%  , a dominant biogenic contribution of on average  (73 ± 7)%  in summer and the continental as well as the maritime background TOC to be only about 50% biogenic. Assuming biomass burning as completely anthropogenic, the carbonaceous aerosol concentration at the mountain sites was found to have increased by a factor of up to  (1.4 ± 0.2)  in summer and up to  (2.5 ± 1.0)  in winter. This figure is significantly lower, however, than the respective TOC change since pre-industrial times seen in an Alpine ice core. Reconciling both observations would require an increase, since pre-industrial times, of the background biogenic aerosol load, which is estimated at a factor of 1.3–1.7.  相似文献   
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