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Twenty-six dew samples were collected on a glass surface from an urbanized area in Amman city during the period October 1999 to June 2000. They were analyzed for the major ions (Cl, SO4, NO3, Ca, Mg, Na, K and NH4) in addition to three heavy metals (Pb, Cd and Co). Rain samples were collected for the same period and compared to the chemical constituents of dew.It was found that both rain and dew samples were of almost neutral acidity due to the buffering effect of CaCO3. Dew composition was mainly from CaSO4 solution due to conversion of CaCO3 to CaSO4 when left exposed to a sulfate-rich atmosphere. The total dissolved solids were higher in dew than rain samples of the same period. This was attributed to higher evaporation effect on dew than rain.The heavy metal content in dew is highest during the cold winter season (December–March) due to excess fossil fuel combustion for heating purposes in this period. The heavy metal content in dew was lower than that for rain during the same period because of the shorter period of dew formation than rainwater.  相似文献   
This study analyzes the temporal change of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) for temperate grasslands in China and its correlation with climatic variables over the period of 1982–1999. Average NDVI of the study area increased at rates of 0.5% yr−1 for the growing season (April–October), 0.61% yr−1 for spring (April and May), 0.49% yr−1 for summer (June–August), and 0.6% yr−1 for autumn (September and October) over the study period. The humped-shape pattern between coefficient of correlation (R) of the growing season NDVI to precipitation and growing season precipitation documents various responses of grassland growth to changing precipitation, while the decreased R values of NDVI to temperature with increase of temperature implies that increased temperature declines sensitivity of plant growth to changing temperature. The results also suggest that the NDVI trends induced by climate changes varied between different vegetation types and seasons.  相似文献   
Although the recent history of human colonisation and impact on Mauritius is well documented, virtually no records of the pre-human native ecosystem exist, making it difficult to assess the magnitude of the changes brought about by human settlement. Here, we describe a 4000-year-old fossil bed at Mare aux Songes (MAS) in south-eastern Mauritius that contains both macrofossils (vertebrate fauna, gastropods, insects and flora) and microfossils (diatoms, pollen, spores and phytoliths). With >250 bone fragments/m2 and comprising 50% of all known extinct and extant vertebrate species (ns = 44) of Mauritius, MAS may constitute the first Holocene vertebrate bone Concentration-Lagerstätte identified on an oceanic volcanic island. Fossil remains are dominated by extinct giant tortoises Cylindraspis spp. (63%), passerines (~10%), small bats (7.8%) and dodo Raphus cucullatus (7.1%). Twelve radiocarbon ages [four of them duplicates] from bones and other material suggest that accumulation of fossils took place within several centuries. An exceptional combination of abiotic conditions led to preservation of bones, bone collagen, plant tissue and microfossils. Although bone collagen is well preserved, DNA from dodo and other Mauritian vertebrates has proved difficult. Our analysis suggests that from ca 4000 years ago (4 ka), rising sea levels created a freshwater lake at MAS, generating an oasis in an otherwise dry environment which attracted a diverse vertebrate fauna. Subsequent aridification in the south-west Indian Ocean region may have increased carcass accumulation during droughts, contributing to the exceptionally high fossil concentration. The abundance of floral and faunal remains in this Lagerstätte offers a unique opportunity to reconstruct a pre-human ecosystem on an oceanic island, providing a key foundation for assessing the vulnerability of island ecosystems to human impact.  相似文献   
In the work presented here, a Zr-oxide diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) was used to monitor the release flux of phosphorus (P), ferrum (Fe), and arsenic (As) in the water–sediment interface of Aibi Lake—a typical shallow lake located in the arid regions of Northwest China. Results showed that: (1) In the water–sediments interface of Aibi Lake, the ranges (average values) of labile As, labile P, and labile Fe levels in DGTs are 3.846–101.840 (43.934) µg L?1, 0.006–0.232 (0.070) mg L?1, and 0.202–52.984 (15.832) mg L?1, respectively. Among 0–20 cm of the vertical profile there was a stable distribution of three elements, while below the interface as 0 cm–(??80) cm there were relatively large changes of these. (2) Fitting analysis showed that there were significant correlations between labile Fe and labile P, and labile As in four DGTs, which showed that in the water–sediments of Aibi Lake, Fe, P, and As are released simultaneously. (3) Combined with former research, we found that the redox of Fe3+ to Fe2+ may cause the release of P and As to the sediments and water body from the former Fe–P and Fe–As; the proportion of P/Fe of four DGTs was all relatively lower than 1, suggesting that the redox of Fe3+ caused the P to be released. (4) This research showed that the concentrations of P, Fe, and As of the water–sediments interface of the lake was obviously lower than that of the water body and sediments of Aibi Lake as well as others of central and eastern China. ZrO-DGT can accurately reflect the distribution of P, Fe, and As of Aibi Lake. These findings can provide initial verification for the use of ZrO-DGT technology in the research of elements at the water–sediment interface in lakes of Xinjiang Province in Northwest China.  相似文献   
Currently, the most widely accepted hypothesis to explain high As concentrations in Bangladesh groundwaters is that dissolved organic C (DOC) reduces solid Fe (hydr)oxides and mobilizes sorbed arsenate. The nature of the DOC and its release mechanism are still controversial. Based on weekly to biweekly sampling over the course of one monsoon cycle at six monitoring wells of different depths, it is proposed that storativity changes drive natural DOC release from clay–peat layers to the adjacent aquifers. With a decrease in hydraulic heads during the dry season, total mineralization and DOC concentrations increased. With the onset of the rainy season and an increase in hydraulic heads, release of clay–peat derived components stopped and vertical water displacement due to groundwater recharge from rainwater occurred, causing aquifer flushing and a decrease in total mineralization and DOC concentrations. Total As and DOC concentrations correlated over depth. However, at the depth of maximum concentrations, the As peak was observed during the rainy season. At present, the reason for this inverse seasonal trend between As and DOC is unclear. Higher mineralization or DOC concentrations could lead to increased As sorption or the increased arsenite release is a time-lag abiotic or microbial response to the DOC peak. The vulnerability of the Pleistocene aquifer towards increased As concentrations was found to be much higher than previously assumed. Though sorption capacities were determined to be higher than in the Holocene aquifer, probably due to intact Fe (hydr)oxides, long-term continuous As input from overlying clay and peat layers by the proposed seasonal storativity changes has led to increased aqueous As concentrations of 85 μg/L, considerably higher than drinking water standards. Until now, aquifer and especially aquitard and aquiclude hydraulics have not been considered sufficiently when attempting to explain As mobilization in Bangladesh.  相似文献   
We have analyzed the physical conditions of the plasma in post-flare loops with special emphasis on dynamics and energy transport using SXT-data (hot plasma) and optical ground-based data from Pic du Midi, Wrocaw, and Ondejov (cool plasma). By combining the H observations with the SXT images we can understand the relationship between cool and hot plasmas, the process of cooling post-flare loops and the mechanism which maintains the long duration of these loops. Using recent results of NLTE modeling of prominence-like plasmas, we derive the emission measure of cool H loops and this gives us a realistic estimate of the electron density (2.2 × 1010 cm–3). Then, by comparing this emission measure with that of hot loops derived from SXT data, we are able to estimate the ratio between electron densities in hot and cool loops taking into account the effect of geometrical filling factors. This leads to the electron density in hot loops 7 × 109 cm–3. We also derive the temperature of hot X-ray loops ( 5.5 × 106 K), which, together with the electron density, provides the initial values for solving the time-dependent energy balance equation. We obtain the cooling times which are compared to a typical growth-time of the whole loop system ( 2000 s). In the legs of cool H loops, we observe an excess of the emission measure which we attribute to the effect of Doppler brightening (due to large downflow velocities).  相似文献   
Desertification in the Arab Region: analysis of current status and trends   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The total area of the Arab Region is about 14·2 million km2, 90% of it lies within arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas. The area is characterized by harsh environment, fragile ecosystems and limited water resources and arable lands. Throughout its long history these lands were the main source of grain and animal production.By the end of this century and in spite of the national, regional and international efforts to combat desertification and mitigate the effect of drought and desiccation, desertification is still one of the major environmental problems in the Arab Region. The rapid increase in population by some 3% annually, considered among the highest worldwide, along with the changing of consumption patterns and life styles, resulting in increasing food demand, have hastened land degradation in this arid environment.Land degradation in the Arab Region due to misuse is widespread and is proceeding at accelerating rates. Failures of resource management policies are aggravated by overgrazing, overexploitation of water and land resources, overcultivation of marginal lands, deforestation, and the use of inappropriate technologies.This paper attempts to provide:
• A synthesis and analysis of the status of desertification in the Arab Region.
• Identification of the major causes and trends of land degradation.
• Highlighting the limitations and constraints on combating desertification in the Arab Region.
Keywords: desertification; matrix of desertification; population growth and urbanization; water demand; cost; future outlook  相似文献   
Adapting agriculture to climate change: a review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The agricultural sector is highly vulnerable to future climate changes and climate variability, including increases in the incidence of extreme climate events. Changes in temperature and precipitation will result in changes in land and water regimes that will subsequently affect agricultural productivity. Given the gradual change of climate in the past, historically, farmers have adapted in an autonomous manner. However, with large and discrete climate change anticipated by the end of this century, planned and transformational changes will be needed. In light of these, the focus of this review is on farm-level and farmers responses to the challenges of climate change both spatially and over time. In this review of adapting agriculture to climate change, the nature, extent, and causes of climate change are analyzed and assessed. These provide the context for adapting agriculture to climate change. The review identifies the binding constraints to adaptation at the farm level. Four major priority areas are identified to relax these constraints, where new initiatives would be required, i.e., information generation and dissemination to enhance farm-level awareness, research and development (R&D) in agricultural technology, policy formulation that facilitates appropriate adaptation at the farm level, and strengthening partnerships among the relevant stakeholders. Forging partnerships among R&D providers, policy makers, extension agencies, and farmers would be at the heart of transformational adaptation to climate change at the farm level. In effecting this transformational change, sustained efforts would be needed for the attendant requirements of climate and weather forecasting and innovation, farmer’s training, and further research to improve the quality of information, invention, and application in agriculture. The investment required for these would be highly significant. The review suggests a sequenced approach through grouping research initiatives into short-term, medium-term, and long-term initiatives, with each initiative in one stage contributing to initiatives in a subsequent stage. The learning by doing inherent in such a process-oriented approach is a requirement owing to the many uncertainties associated with climate change.  相似文献   
Electrical responses of the subsurface can be used to identify geologic strata, locate anomalies, detect and delineate contamination, among many other applications. All these applications depend on the spatial variations of electrical properties in the subsurface and the resulting flow pattern of electric current. Due to the heterogeneity of the subsurface and complex boundary conditions, three-dimensional electric current flow problems are not easy to analyze, in particular when the response is frequency- and/or time-dependent. In this paper, a method of electric circuit analogy is proposed to simulate the electrical responses of geomaterials using the circuit simulator SPICE. The technique will allow simulation of more complex electrical conduction behavior of geomaterials without much extra effort. The excellent agreement between simulated results and analytical solutions developed for surface geophysical techniques establishes the viability of the method. Limitations of the approach and potential solutions to relax these limitations, and other potential applications of the technique in geosciences are also discussed.  相似文献   
In this study, bentonite (Ben), compost (Com), and biochar (Bio) were used as soil amendments to enhance sandy soil physical properties. A soil column experiment was conducted in a laboratory. Application rates were 3% (weight/weight) of Bio (T1), Ben (T2), and Com (T3). Furthermore, mixtures 1.5% and 1.5% of Bio and Ben (T4), Ben and Com (T5), and Bio and Com (T6), and a mixture 1%, 1%, and 1% of Bio, Ben, and Com (T7) in addition to control treatment were adopted. The mixtures of amendments and sandy soil were concentrated at the top 10 cm of columns. Results revealed that the cumulative evaporation was reduced by 2.3% and 5.7% as a result of using T3 and T5, respectively. However, the remaining treatments enhanced the cumulative evaporation. The application of amendments increased the capacity of the soil to maintain water by 35.4%, 24.4%, 13.3%, and 10.2%, for soils treated with T5, T3, T7, and T4, respectively. The water content at field capacity had the highest increase in the top 10 cm when treatment T3 was used. Although T3 (compost) was the most efficient for enhancing soil physical properties, this study recommends T5 and T7 to improve hydraulic properties of sandy soils. This is due to the fact that biochar and bentonite remain in the soil for a longer period and resist biodegradation while compost overcomes the negative impact of soil chemical properties as a result of biochar and bentonite additions.  相似文献   
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