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We report here major, trace element and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic data for a new set of basaltic lavas and melt inclusions hosted in Mg-rich olivines (Fo86–91) from Mota Lava, in the Banks islands of the Vanuatu island arc. The results reveal the small-scale coexistence of typical island-arc basalts (IAB) and a distinct type of Nb-enriched basalts (NEB) characterized by primitive mantle-normalized trace element patterns without high-field-strength element (HFSE) depletion. The IAB show trace element patterns with prominent negative HFSE anomalies acquired during melting of mantle sources enriched with slab-derived, H2O-rich components during subduction. In contrast, the NEB display trace element features that compare favourably with enriched-mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) and the most enriched basalts from the Vanuatu back-arc troughs. Both their trace element and Nd–Sr isotopic compositions require partial melting of an enriched-MORB-type mantle source, almost negligibly contaminated by slab-derived fluids (~0.2 wt%). The coexistence of these two distinct types of primitive magma, at the scale of one volcanic island and within a relatively short span of time, would reflect a heterogeneous mantle source and/or tapping of distinct mantle sources. Direct ascent of such distinct magmas could be favoured by the extensive tectonic setting of Mota Lava Island, allowing decompression melting and sampling of variable mantle sources. Significantly, this island is located at the junction of the N–S back-arc troughs and the E–W Hazel Home extensional zone, where the plate motion diverges in both direction and rate. More broadly, this study indicates that crustal faulting in arc contexts would permit basaltic magmas to reach Earth’s surface, while preserving the geochemical heterogeneity of their mantle sources.  相似文献   
the temporal and spatial evolution of seismicity, a simple cross-correlation technique was applied to a waveform data set of western Alps earthquakes. A selection of events recorded by a reference station of the regional seismic network of North-Western Italy (IGG network) within a particular S-P range was used. The adopted method was tested on 380 events recorded in 1995, allowing for the definition of the critical parameters for an optimal identification of earthquake families.The comparison of the individuated families definition with the relevant epicentres map confirms that, on small scales, the epicentre positions of microearthquakes located by a regional network could be strongly influenced by location errors. The analysis was extended to a more complete data set of 2653 events; 1171 of them were grouped in families. The results demonstrated that our single station method is able to discriminate between closely spaced families on the basis of the position and of the radiation properties.  相似文献   
The South Middle Atlas front constitutes a northeast-trending shear zone, located north of the Neogene Missour basin and east of the Taza Guercif basin. This paper analyses the Southern Middle Atlas Fault Zone (SMAFZ) deformation since the Pliocene. The set of structures observed suggests that reverse and thrust faulting along the central part of the SMAFZ are combined with left-lateral slip along N–S striking faults of its south-western termination and right-lateral faulting along E–NE striking faults of the east–northeast termination. Thrusts and oblique thrust-related anticlines of the two lateral ramps partly accommodate north-west directed motion of the African plate. The Thrusts probably resulted from rejuvenation of Jurassic normal faults; they were active during the Upper Miocene–Pliocene and the Pleistocene. The geometries of positive inversion structures and buttressing effects are clearly dependent on the geometry and sedimentology of the original basin-controlling fault system and on the presence of a décollement level. Field mapping is integrated with Landsat imagery and a digital elevation model to investigate the morphotectonic evolution of the south-eastern range front of the Middle Atlas. Geomorphological features provide significant information on the processes that govern lateral propagation of active anticlines. Both suggest that the deformation front may have been active since Pliocene.  相似文献   
Geological, geophysical and geotechnical investigations, for the characterization of the strong-motion recording sites managed by the Italian Civil Protection, have been carried out in the framework of the project “Italian strong-motion database in the period 1972–2004”. The project aimed at creating an updated database of strong-motion data acquired in Italy by different institutions in the time span 1972–2004, and at improving the quality of disseminated data. This article illustrates the state of the recording site characterization before the beginning of the project, explains the criteria adopted to select the sites where geophysical/geotechnical investigation have been performed and describes the results of the promoted field surveys.  相似文献   
Summary Results are presented and discussed from a testing program to study the flexural strength of a rock-like material. In order to investigate the size effects, experiments were performed using specimens of a medium grained size granite. For geometrically similar beams of different sizes, this paper presents and discusses experimental evidence from interferometric measurements (ESPI) and locations of acoustic emissions (AE) of the damage zone development, at the peak load, in terms of shape and size. The bending strengths are compared with the direct tensile strength obtained with double-edge-notched specimens. The experimental strengths are interpreted with a stress analysis in the critical cross-section that takes into account the influence of the localized region of microcracks arising when peak load is approached.  相似文献   
The 3.7 ka year-old Averno 2 eruption is one of the rare eruptions to have occurred in the northwest sector of the Phlegraean Fields caldera (PFc) over the past 5 ka. We focus here on the fallout deposits of the pyroclastic succession emplaced during this eruption. We present major and trace element data on the bulk pumices, along with major and volatile element data on clinopyroxene-hosted melt inclusions, in order to assess the conditions of storage, ascent, and eruption of the feeding trachytic magma. Crystal fractionation accounts for the evolution from trachyte to alkali-trachyte magmas; these were intimately mingled (at the micrometer scale) during the climactic phase of the eruption. The Averno 2 alkali trachyte represents one of the most evolved magmas erupted within the Phlegraean Fields area and belongs to the series of differentiated trachytic magmas erupted at different locations 5 ka ago. Melt inclusions record significant variations in H2O (from 0.4 to 5 wt%), S (from 0.01 to 0.06 wt%), Cl (from 0.75 up to 1 wt%), and F (from 0.20 to >0.50 wt%) during both magma crystallization and degassing. Unlike the eruptions occurring in the central part of the PFc, deep-derived input(s) of gas and/or magma are not required to explain the composition of melt inclusions and the mineralogy of Averno 2 pumices. Compositional data on bulk pumices, glassy matrices, and melt inclusions suggest that the Averno 2 eruption mainly resulted from successive extrusions of independent magma batches probably emplaced at depths of 2–4 km along regional fractures bordering the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff caldera.  相似文献   
This paper deals with vegetative reproduction by multicellular propagules in Rhodophyta. An extensive examination of the relevant literature shows that this phenomenon in Rhodophyta is not well known. A propagule is here defined as a vegetative multicellular structure which spontaneously detaches from the parent thallus and gives rise to a new individual. The origin and morphological features of multicellular propagules are examined in the various known propagule‐forming species. The importance of multicellular propagules as both overwintering and resting organs and as a taxonomic feature is also shown. Their role in increasing local populations and/or for long‐distance dispersal is discussed. The relative abundance of vegetative reproduction by multicellular propagules versus sexual reproduction, as well as the advantages of this additional mode of reproduction, are shown and discussed. The production of multicellular propagules may contribute to the capacity of species to increase populations, to weather unpredictable environmental changes, to survive in conditions that would be lethal for entire thalli, and to reach new habitats. As resting organs, they may also be responsible for long‐distance dispersal and may account for the introduction of some alien species. Accordingly, propagule‐forming species are probably more competitive than taxa that do not produce such propagules. These considerations should be taken into account in future studies of the biology, ecology and demography of Rhodophyta.  相似文献   
During the last two decades, increasing use of full-coverage sonic mapping of the seafloor has made us more aware of the large and different number of seafloor processes and events bearing significant geohazard potential. This awareness combines with the increasing use of the seafloor for infrastructure and with the high density of population and settlement on the coast. Seafloor mapping is the first step in making a census of the geohazard-bearing features present in a given offshore area. It often provides the only tool for a comprehensive, although non-specific, seafloor geohazard assessment over large areas that are scarcely groundtruthed by acoustic prospection and seafloor sampling. However, the characterization of geohazard features on a morphological basis alone is limited, and more detailed investigations are needed to define the character and state of activity of potentially hazardous features. Such investigations include the use of deep-tow or autonomous platforms designed to acquire high-resolution data at depth as well as in situ measurements, both being very expensive activities not applicable over large areas. Thus seafloor mapping is often not only the first and the main but also the only tool for a comprehensive seafloor geohazard assessment. This special issue represents an example of the diversity of approaches to seafloor geohazard assessment and summarizes the present state of this discipline. Both the diverse technologies applied and the specific aims of offshore geohazard assessment brought different communities to deal with the study of seafloor processes and events from remarkably distinct viewpoints. We identified three end members in offshore geohazard assessment: (1) geohazard assessment ??sensu stricto??, (2) ??engineering?? geohazard assessment, (3) ??non-specific?? geohazard assessment. These are being conducted by industry, academia and public agencies in charge of civil protection and land-use planning and management. Understanding the needs and geohazard perception of the different groups is a necessary step for a profitable collaboration in such an interesting and rapidly developing field of marine geology.  相似文献   
Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) have the potential to alter hormone pathways that regulate reproductive processes in wildlife and fishes. In this research the hypothesis that Mediterranean top predator species (such as large pelagic fish) are potentially at risk due to EDCs is investigated. These marine organisms tend to accumulate high concentrations of EDCs such as polyhalogenated aromatic hydrocarbons (PHAHs). The potential effects of EDCs on a fish species of commercial interest, the top predator Xiphias gladius (swordfish), were investigated using vitellogenin (Vtg) and Zona radiata proteins (Zrp) as diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers. Dramatic induction of typically female proteins (Vtg and Zrp) was detected by ELISA and Western Blot in adult males of the species. These results are the first warning of the potential risk for reproductive function of Mediterranean top predators, and suggest the need for continuous monitoring of this fragile marine environment.  相似文献   
Abstract. High-biomass blooms of A. taylori Balech have recently been spreading over new Mediterranean areas, with evident adverse effects on the marine ecosystem. In 1999–2000, a new Mediterranean locality was affected by blooms of A. taylori: the West Bay of Vulcano (Aeolian Islands, Tyrrhenian Sea), with maximum cell densities of 1.2 × 107 cells 1−1 in August 1999 and 4.0 × 106 cells 1−1 in August 2000 observed together with yellowish water discoloration. The seawater samples contained high concentrations of nutrients as DIN (Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen), especially NH3-N with values of 14.4 μM and TOT-P (Total Phosphorus) with values of 3.2 μM due to the anthropic presence and discharge of untreated sewage. The climatic conditions also seem to influence the occurrence and spreading of the A. taylori blooms in the Vulcano Bay. Clonal cultures of A. taylori , established from Italian and Spanish seawater samples, were used for the sequence analyses of the 5.8S rDNA gene and ITS regions in order to study the genetic variability of different geographical populations of Alexandrium species in the Mediterranean area and to further develop the molecular markers for HAB key-species.  相似文献   
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