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The recent assessment of the Mitchell Creek Landslide (MCL) in northern British Columbia is a good case history of engineering geomorphological analysis of a large landslide. It was completed using historic aerial photographs, with approximately 20-year time intervals dating back to the mid-twentieth century and field investigations completed between 2008 and 2014. The large bedrock slide initiated between 1956 and 1972 and continues to experience ongoing annual movements. Significant glacial downwasting and retreat has been observed in the photographic record, and it is hypothesized that alpine glaciation has contributed to development of the MCL. This paper documents four aspects of the engineering geomorphological assessment completed at the MCL: (i) topographic evolution, (ii) slope morphology, (iii) deformation features, and (iv) displacement behavior. Four distinct geomorphic zones have been defined at the MCL based on these analyses, controlled by different failure mechanisms. The extents of these zones have changed little over the documented history of the landslide, and rates of movement estimated from aerial photography have been consistent over the last 60 years. Retreat of the Mitchell Valley Glacier appears to have played an important role in landslide initiation, as the ice mass receded the kinematic freedom of the slope increased. This study of the initiation and development of the MCL demonstrates the capabilities of a multi-faceted approach to engineering geomorphology. The combination of historical aerial photographs with digital photogrammetric modeling and point cloud analysis techniques, and geomorphological mapping, allows for development of a robust understanding of landslide behavior.  相似文献   
Photosynthetically available radiation (PAR; 400–700 nm, E m−2 d−1) is the fraction of the total solar energy (Mjoules m−2 d−1) that is used by organisms for photosynthesis and vision. We present a statistical summary of a 17-yr time series of PAR data (1982–1998) collected near Chesapeake Bay as well as a second set of data on PAR and total solar energy gathered over a shorter time span (1997–1998). The time series data (5,126 daily totals) varied between 1–67 E m−2 d−1 and were used to estimate the minimum and maximum values of PAR as a function of day of the year. In monthly frequency distributions of the PAR data, three modes were observed corresponding to sunny, partly cloudy, and overcast days. The second set of PAR and total solar energy data were used to examine the ratio of PAR to total solar energy, which was 2.04 E Mjoule−1 for PAR between 10 and 70 E m−2 d−1. On overcast days, the ratio increased to as high as 3 E Mjoule−1 as PAR increased in importance as a fraction of the total solar energy. These values were consistent with others in the literature, and the relationships reported here can be used to predict the climatology of PAR and total solar energy within the Chesapeake region. The PAR data were also combined with reported minimum values of PAR for net primary production in the surface mixed layer of the water column of aquatic systems to estimate the combinations of mixed layer depth and diffuse attenuation coefficient (number of optical depths) under which light limitation of phytoplankton primary production is expected to occur.  相似文献   
There is growing interest in applying ??15N in biota as an indicator of anthropogenic nutrient inputs to coastal environments because changes in ??15N correlate to inputs of land-based nutrients. In complex coastal receiving waters, however, land-use effects on biota ??15N may be masked by local hydrologic processes, especially exchange with coastal waters of different geochemical character. We examined ??15N differences among larval fish, a novel biotic indicator, in coastal receiving waters at both among and within watershed scales. Our goal was to characterize how hydrologic processes within coastal river mouths and embayments mediate the effect of land-based N sources on larval fish ??15N. We sampled three Lake Superior river-embayment systems from watersheds that span a large population density gradient. Over all stations, mean fish ??15N ranged from 2.7??? to 10.8???. Within each system, we found a different pattern in ??15N across the river?Clake transition zone. Correlations between fish ??15N and water quality, particularly NH 4 + and total nitrogen, were highly significant and corresponded to known differences in sewage waste water inputs. A multivariate model that included both watershed-based population density and NH 4 + was found to provide the best fit to the ??15N data among a series of multi- and univariate candidate models. These results demonstrate that: (1) fish larvae ??15N responded at within watershed scales, and (2) within coastal receiving waters, fish larvae ??15N was related to waste water inputs at the watershed scale; however, expression at specific locations within a coastal system was strongly influenced by local hydrologic processes.  相似文献   
Cores raised during IODP Expedition 303 off southern Greenland (Eirik Ridge site 1305) and off the Labrador Coast (Orphan Knoll site 1302/1303) were analyzed to establish an isotope stratigraphy, respectively for the “inner” and “outer” basins of the Labrador Sea (LS). These isotopic data also provide information on the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), notably with regard to the intensity of the Western Boundary Under Current (WBUC), which is tightly controlled by the production of Denmark Strait Overflow Water (DSOW), and the production of Labrador Sea Water (LSW) in the inner basin through winter cooling and convection. The upper 184 m of sediment at Eirik Ridge spans marine isotope stages (MIS) 32 to 1. At this site, two distinct regimes are observed: prior to MIS 20, the isotopic record resembles that of the open North Atlantic records of the interval, whereas a more site-specific pattern is observed afterwards. This later pattern was characterized by i) high DSOW production rates and strong WBUC during interglacial stages, as indicated by sedimentation rates, ii) large amplitude δ18O-shifts from glacial stages to interglacial stages (> 2.5‰) and iii) an overall range of δ18O-values significantly more positive than before. At Orphan Knoll, the 105 m record spans approximately 800 ka and provides direct information on linkages between the northeastern sector of the Laurentide Ice Sheet and the North Atlantic. At this site, a shift towards larger amplitude glacial/interglacial ranges of δ18O-values occurred after MIS 13, although isotopic records bear a typical North Atlantic signature, particularly during MIS 5, in contradiction to those of Eirik Ridge, where substages 5a to 5c are barely recognized. Closer examination of δ18O-records in planktic and benthic foraminifera demonstrates the presence of distinct deep-water masses in the inner vs. outer LS basins during MIS 11 and more particularly MIS 5e. Data confirm that the modern AMOC, with LSW formation, seems mostly exclusive to the present interglacial, and also suggest some specificity of each interglacial with respect to the production rate of DSOW and the AMOC, in general.  相似文献   
Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Wide-Field Planetary Camera (WFPC2) observations at phase angles in the range α=0.26°-6.4° obtained at every opposition and near quadrature between October 1996 and December 2002 reveal the opposition effect of Enceladus. We present a photometric analysis of nearly 200 images obtained through the five broadband UVBRI filters (F336W, F439W, F555W, F675W, and F814W) and the F785LP and F1042M filters from which we generate mutually consistent solar and rotational phase curves. Our solar phase curves reveal a dramatic, sharp increase in the albedo (from 0.11 mag in the F675W filter to 0.17 mag in the F785LP filter) as phase angles decrease from 2° to 0.26°. A slight opposition effect is evident in data from the F1042M filter (λeff=1022 nm); however, the smallest phase angle currently available for observations from this filter is α=0.58°. With the addition of data from the F255W filter we demonstrate the wavelength dependence of the albedo of the trailing hemisphere from 275 to 1022 nm. Our rotation curves show that the trailing hemisphere is ∼0.06 mag brighter than the leading when observed at wavelengths between 338 and 868 nm and 0.11 mag brighter than the leading at 1022 nm. We have supplemented the phase curve from the F439W filter (λeff=434 nm) with Voyager clear filter (λeff=480 nm) observations made at larger phase angles (α=13°-43°) to produce a phase curve with the most extensive phase angle coverage possible to date. This newly expanded range of phase angles enhances the ability of the Hapke photometric model (Hapke B., 2002, Icarus 157, 523-534) to relate physical characteristics of the surface of Enceladus to the manner in which incident light is reflected from it. We present Hapke 2002 model fits to solar phase curves from each UVBRI filter as well as from the F785LP and F1042M filters. Geometric albedos derived from these model fits range from p=0.92±0.01 at 1022 nm to p=1.41±0.03 at 549 nm, necessitating an increase of about 20% from previously derived values. Our Hapke fits demonstrate that the opposition surge of Enceladus is best described by a model which combines both moderate shadow-hiding and narrow coherent backscattering components.  相似文献   
This study aimed at characterizing the diet of the oyster Crassostrea gigas along an estuarine gradient in the Bay of Brest (France), through stable isotope (δ13C and δ15N) measurements in primary producers and wild oysters. The contribution of different potential food sources to the diet of C. gigas was estimated at high spatial resolution (over a gradient of 40 km with samplings every 2 km) to identify ecological transition zones and highlighted the dominance of resuspended biofilm in oysters diet. Although the different primary producers did not display any obvious pattern along the estuarine gradient, the stable isotope signatures of C. gigas differed among estuarine, inner Bay, and open sea sites. In particular, a striking 15N depletion pattern was found along the gradient which allowed to identify seven homogeneous groups. Moreover, some unexpected values found at two stations within the estuary revealed localized anthropogenic disturbances. Overall, our results suggest that suspension feeders might be better indicators of ecosystem functioning than primary producers and reflect the different ecological processes occurring along estuarine gradients, including localized anthropogenic inputs. We suggest that the usefulness of suspension feeders as indicators of ecosystem functional typology lies in the dominance of benthic material in their diet, which results in locally occurring processes being reflected in oysters’ stable isotope ratios.  相似文献   
To investigate controls on phytoplankton production along the Louisiana coastal shelf, we mapped salinity, nutrient concentrations (dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and phosphorus (Pi), silicate (Si)), nutrient ratios (DIN/Pi), alkaline phosphatase activity, chlorophyll and 14C primary productivity on fine spatial scales during cruises in March, May, and July 2004. Additionally, resource limitation assays were undertaken in a range of salinity and nutrient regimes reflecting gradients typical of this region. Of these, seven showed Pi limitation, five revealed nitrogen (N) limitation, three exhibited light (L) limitation, and one bioassay had no growth. We found the phytoplankton community to shift from being predominately N limited in the early spring (March) to P limited in late spring and summer (May and July). Light limitation of phytoplankton production was recorded in several bioassays in July in water samples collected after peak annual flows from both the Mississippi and Atchafalaya Rivers. We also found that organic phosphorus, as glucose-6-phosphate, alleviated P limitation while phosphono-acetic acid had no effect. Whereas DIN/Pi and DIN/Si ratios in the initial water samples were good predictors of the outcome of phytoplankton production in response to inorganic nutrients, alkaline phosphatase activity was the best predictor when examining organic forms of phosphorus. We measured the rates of integrated primary production (0.33?C7.01 g C m?2 d?1), finding the highest rates within the Mississippi River delta and across Atchafalaya Bay at intermediate salinities. The lowest rates were measured along the outer shelf at the highest salinities and lowest nutrient concentrations (<0.1 ??M DIN and Pi). The results of this study indicate that Pi limitation of phytoplankton delays the assimilation of riverine DIN in the summer as the plume spreads across the shelf, pushing primary production over a larger region. Findings from water samples, taken adjacent the Atchafalaya River discharge, highlighted the importance of this riverine system to the overall production along the Louisiana coast.  相似文献   
Benthic respiration, sediment–water nutrient fluxes, denitrification and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) were measured in the upper section of the Parker River Estuary from 1993 to 2006. This site experiences large changes in salinity over both short and long time scales. Sediment respiration ranged from 6 to 52 mmol m−2 day−1 and was largely controlled by temperature. Nutrient fluxes were dominated by ammonium fluxes, which ranged from a small uptake of −0.3 to an efflux of over 8.2 mmol N m−2 day−1. Ammonium fluxes were most highly correlated with salinity and laboratory experiments demonstrated that ammonium fluxes increased when salinity increased. The seasonal pattern of DNRA closely followed salinity. DNRA rates were extremely low in March, less than 0.1 mmol m−2 day−1, but increased to 2.0 mmol m−2 day−1 in August. In contrast, denitrification rates were inversely related to salinity, ranging from 1 mmol m−2 day−1 during the spring and fall to less than 0.2 mmol m−2 day−1 in late summer. Salinity appears to exert a major control on the nitrogen cycle at this site, and partially decouples sediment ammonium fluxes from organic matter decomposition.  相似文献   

Some have heralded a resurgence of urban living in the U.S., particularly among young adults. Are Americans abandoning suburbs in favor of more urban lifestyles? What is the scope and scale of this urban resurgence? We develop a typology of neighborhoods to analyze the residential location of young and older U.S. adults from 2000 to 2011–15. Census and national travel survey data reveal that suburban population growth continues to outpace that in urban neighborhoods. Although young adults are more likely than older adults to live in urban neighborhoods, recent urban population growth is neither associated with suburban decline, nor being led by young adults. Significant recent population growth in the newest, suburban neighborhoods suggests that greenfield development remains the primary means to increase American housing supply. Shifting metropolitan growth from the suburban fringe would likely require expanding housing supply in urban neighborhoods, and bringing urban amenities to established inner-ring suburbs.  相似文献   
Large debris-flow units commonly occur on the distal sides of subaqueous end moraines deposited by surges of Svalbard tidewater glaciers, but have rarely been described in terrestrial settings. Some researchers have argued that these kinds of debris flows reflect processes unique to the subaqueous environment, such as the extrusion of subglacial deforming layers or extensive failure of oversteepened moraine fronts. In this paper, we describe terrestrial and subaqueous parts of a single late Holocene moraine system deposited by a major surge of the tidewater glacier Paulabreen in west Spitsbergen. The ice-marginal landforms on land closely resemble the corresponding landforms on the seabed as evidenced by geomorphic mapping and geophysical profiles from both environments. Both onland and offshore, extensive areas of hummocky moraine occur on the proximal side of the maximum glacier position, and large mud aprons (interpreted as debris flows) occur on the distal side. We show that the debris-flow sediments were pushed in front of the advancing glacier as a continuously failing, mobile push moraine. We propose that the mud aprons are end members of a proglacial landforms continuum that has thrust-block moraines as the opposite end member. Two clusters of dates (~ 8000 YBP and ~ 700 YBP) have previously been interpreted to indicate two separate surges responsible for the moraine formation. New dates suggest that the early cluster indicates a local extinction of the abounded species Chlamys islandica. Other changes corresponding to the widespread 8.2 ka event within the fjord, may suggest that the extinction of the C. islandica corresponds to that time.  相似文献   
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