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Melilitites: partial melts of the thermal boundary layer?   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Silica-poor, calcium-rich melilitites form a chemical and isotopic end-member of the spectrum of mafic magmas of the Tertiary-Quaternary volcanic province of western and central Europe. We propose that these unusual magmas are derived by partial melting of the thermal boundary layer (TBL) at the base of the European lithosphere. The processes involved in the evolution of the TBL have been constrained using major and trace element and Nd-Sr-Pb isotope data for Tertiary melilitites from the Urach, Hegau, and Rhine graben regions of Germany. The initiation of boundary layer evolution is limited in time by a major phase of Permo-Carboniferous rifting and associated magmatism postdating the Hercynian orogeny which would have destroyed the existing TBL by delamination. Model calculations indicate that the isotopic composition of the melilitite source cannot develop within the TBL over geologically reasonable periods of time (250–300 Million years) if the TBL evolves solely by incorporation of small degree (<0.1%) partial melts from an underlying, convecting, depleted (MORB-source) mantle reservoir. On the basis of this observation, the regional geodynamic setting and the melilitite data, we propose that an isotopically distinct mantle plume, impinging on the base of the European lithosphere during the Early Cenozoic, is involved in the petrogenesis of the melilitite magmas.  相似文献   
Recognition of the possible consequences of global‐scale pollution has spawned research programs loosely termed ‘global change’. These programs are hampered by the problems of academic apartheid first identified by those attempting to examine the Gaia hypothesis. Global change is, in many ways, a synonym for global geography: the study of processes and their consequences at the human/environment interface. Assessment of highly complex systems demands integrative, interdisciplinary research; the search for, and recognition of, negative feedbacks; and, most importantly, the courage to formulate hypotheses which bridge many single disciplines. I illustrate some of the pitfalls of interdisciplinary research with reference to my own research in atmospheric science, by the application of atmospheric science to the study of climatic impacts and consideration of the integration of climatic impacts into global change.  相似文献   
Clay mineral assemblages in alluvial mudrocks are important for paleoclimatic interpretation and for understanding burial diagenetic cementation in sandstones, but it is commonly difficult to unravel the relative importance of source weathering, pedogenesis and diagenesis in their origin. The clay mineral assemblages in fluvial overbank mudrocks from the Lower Cretaceous Chaswood Formation in central Nova Scotia, investigated by X-ray diffraction analysis of the < 2 µm fraction of 45 samples, include kaolinite, illite, vermiculite, and mixed layer kaolinite/expandable clay and mica/vermiculite. The assemblages vary with depositional facies. Wetland organic-rich mudrocks have large amounts of amorphous material and kaolinite is the dominant clay mineral. In the eastern part of the basin, where overbank mudrocks were episodically uplifted by syn-sedimentary strike-slip faulting, cumulate ultisol and alfisol paleosols are common. In the ultisols, hematite is enriched and kaolinite increases at the expense of illite in the B horizon. Alfisols contain more illite and vermiculite and the B horizon is enriched in goethite. In the western part of the basin, where thin sandstones with abundant diagenetic kaolinite cement are interbedded with the mudrocks, the distinctive clay mineral assemblage of mica/vermiculite mixed layer, vermiculite with 15.5 Å peak, and kaolinite/expandable mixed layer clay with a 17.7 Å peak is interpreted to result from bacterially-mediated oxidation of organic matter below the paleo-water table during early burial diagenesis. Deeper burial diagenesis may lead to slightly higher kaolinite crystallinity. Volcanic ash appears to alter to kaolinite/expandable mixed layer clay with a 7.9 Å peak. Comparison with the continuously subsiding and rapidly accumulated Wessex Formation of southern England, formed at a similar paleolatitude, shows the strong role of pedogenic processes and early diagenesis by meteoric water in development of clay mineral assemblages in the locally tectonically uplifted Chaswood Formation.  相似文献   
白垩纪深水古海洋学研究仍处于早期发展阶段,一方面是由于来自钙质底栖有孔虫的稳定同位素和地球化学数据的缺乏,其原因在于白垩纪高碳酸盐补偿深度;另一方面在于深水有机质胶结有孔虫示踪古海洋还没有充分发展起来。深海环境深水胶结有孔虫的分布主要取决于碳酸盐可利用状况、原始生产的输入通量、深水交换、环境波动(深海洋流、浊流和快速沉积事件)和底层沉积类型,因此对于重建深海环境具有非常巨大的潜力。东、西特提斯Campanian Maastrichtian深水底栖有孔虫组合的统计分析揭示出6个生物相,代表着明显不同的沉积环境。包括:深海红色泥岩与矮小深海生物组合(生物相1);红色深海泥灰岩(“Couches Rouges”相),含钙质胶结有孔虫组合(生物相3);深水远洋灰岩(“Scaglia Rossa”相),含易碎的Rhizammina组合(生物相2);绿色灰色半远洋泥灰岩,含适应高输出通量生物组合(生物相4);半远洋泥岩和粉砂岩,含Aschemocella Nothia 组合(生物相5);陆源浊积层序,含“复理石型”Rhabdammina组合(生物相6)。Campanian Maastrichtian红色氧化深水环境动物组合与现今深海类似,而白垩纪贫氧深海环境胶结组合在现今无法找到相类似物。随着古生态信息的增加和数据库的扩展,深水胶结有孔虫有望成为揭示古海洋条件的重要工具,尤?  相似文献   
During the Triassic, Iberia and western North Africa displayed a unique situation in relation with the Central and North Atlantic opening and westward expansion of the Tethys. Unravelling the stretching direction in Triassic deposits of the studied area can help in our understanding of this scenario. The tectonic setting is characterized by localized basins with strong thickness variations greatly influenced by previous post‐Variscan mechanical discontinuities. In this work, we revise and compile magnetic fabric data from eight Triassic depocentres in terms of defining the stretching direction (i.e. magnetic lineation), resulting from extensional deformation of this period. Data show the importance of the opening of the Atlantic rift as the leading process during the Triassic. Dextral transtension can explain the deflection of the extensional direction observed in most studied depocentres that is caused by the activity of previous major oblique faults.  相似文献   
A limited domain, coastal ocean forecast system consisting of an unstructured grid model, a meteorological model, a regional ocean model, and a global tidal database is designed to be globally relocatable. For such a system to be viable, the predictability of coastal currents must be well understood with error sources clearly identified. To this end, the coastal forecast system is applied at the mouth of Chesapeake Bay in response to a Navy exercise. Two-day forecasts are produced for a 10-day period from 4 to 14 June 2010 and compared to real-time observations. Interplay between the temporal frequency of the regional model boundary forcing and the application of external tides to the coastal model impacts the tidal characteristics of the coastal current, even contributing a small phase error. Frequencies of at least 3 h are needed to resolve the tidal signal within the regional model; otherwise, externally applied tides from a database are needed to capture the tidal variability. Spatial resolution of the regional model (3 vs 1 km) does not impact skill of the current prediction. Tidal response of the system indicates excellent representation of the dominant M 2 tide for water level and currents. Diurnal tides, especially K 1, are amplified unrealistically with the application of coarse 27-km winds. Higher-resolution winds reduce current forecast error with the exception of wind originating from the SSW, SSE, and E. These winds run shore parallel and are subject to strong interaction with the shoreline that is poorly represented even by the 3-km wind fields. The vertical distribution of currents is also well predicted by the coastal model. Spatial and temporal resolution of the wind forcing including areas close to the shoreline is the most critical component for accurate current forecasts. Additionally, it is demonstrated that wind resolution plays a large role in establishing realistic thermal and density structures in upwelling prone regions.  相似文献   
In western Jutland deposits with a texture and structure similar to Dutch cover sands have been found. Investigations have been carried out on the lithology and the lithostratigraphic sequences. Pollen analysis is used for biostratigraphic correlation, and ages have been obtained by the radiocarbon method as well as by thermoluminescence techniques using both quartz and eldspar. The five sites are presented separately and the data are integrated into a general stratigraphic outline of the Late Glacial cover-sand sequence in Jutland. During the latest part of the Upper Pleniglacial and the earliest Late Glacial, older cover-sand type was deposited. Locally this sediment was also deposited during the later parts of the Late Glacial. Younger cover-sand type was deposited primarily during the Early Dryas and Late Dryas, but some sand of this type was also laid down during the Allerød and the earliest Holocene. The palaeobotanical records are discontinuous, but plant growth was probably present throughout the Late Glacial; only during the Altered did the deposition of sand decrease long enough to allow a relatively stable vegetational development. The investigation shows that the sequence of events in Jutland is similar to the Dutch record.  相似文献   
Single-crystal structure determinations at pressure have shown that the structural response of synthetic (Mg0.6Fe0.4)SiO3 orthopyroxene to compression is the same as that previously observed in MgSiO3 orthoenstatite. At pressure below ~4?GPa there is no significant compression of the SiO4 tetrahedra, while above ~4?GPa the tetrahedra decrease in volume as a result of Si?O bond shortening. A study of the compressional behaviour of synthetic FeSiO3 orthoferrosilite also shows the same behaviour below 4?GPa, but studies at higher pressures are precluded due to the transformation of the sample to the higher density C2/c high-clinoferrosilite polymorph. A further single-crystal study to 6?GPa of a Ca2+-containing natural orthopyroxene shows that chemical substitution of, primarily, Al3+ and Ca2+ into the structure of orthopyroxene inhibits the initial rapid compression of the M2?O3 bonds observed in the synthetic samples, and no significant tetrahedral compression is observed in this sample. Raman data collected from synthetic MgSiO3 orthoenstatite show that there is a change in the rate of change of frequency with pressure, δν/δP, between 3.5 and 6.0?GPa, but no changes in the number of observed bands. These observations indicate a non-symmetry-breaking change in the properties of the orthoenstatite, which is associated with the change in compression mechanism observed using X-ray diffraction techniques at this pressure.  相似文献   
The loamy ?brickearth’? deposits overlying coarse cold climate Kempton Park, Lynch Hill and Taplow Gravels of the R. Thames in west London are dated by thermoluminescence and mineralogical comparisons with loesses of three known ages. Although much of the ?brickearth’? resembles loess, it often contains more sand or clay than typical loess, and the mineralogical studies suggest that even the coarse silt (16–63 μm) fraction is rarely similar in composition to any known English loess. The thermoluminescence measurements suggest that most of the ?brickearth’? on the Taplow and Lynch Hill Gravels was deposited in the late Devensian, whereas that on the Park Gravel is mainly Flandrian. It is suggested that the latter is mainly floodloam, whereas the earlier ?brickearth’? is a mixed aeolian sediment derived from various local sources in and close to the Thames Valley.  相似文献   
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