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Although more than 2000 astronomical gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) have been detected, the precise progenitor responsible for these events is unknown. The temporal phenomenology observed in GRBs can significantly constrain the different models. Here we analyse the time histories of a sample of bright, long GRBs, searching for the ones exhibiting relatively long (more than 5 per cent of the total burst duration) 'quiescent times', defined as the intervals between adjacent episodes of emission during which the gamma-ray count rate drops to the background level. We find a quantitative relation between the duration of an emission episode and the quiescent time elapsed since the previous episode. We suggest here that the mechanism responsible for the extraction and the dissipation of energy has to take place in a metastable configuration, such that the longer the accumulation period, the higher the stored energy available for the next emission episode.  相似文献   
During the Cretaceous, the Neuquén Basin transitioned from an extensional back‐arc to a retroarc foreland basin. We present a multi‐proxy provenance study of Aptian to Santonian (125–84 Ma) continental sedimentary rocks preserved in the Neuquén Basin used to resolve changes of sediment drainage pattern in response to the change in tectonic regime. Sandstone petrology and U–Pb detrital zircon geochronology constrain the source units delivering detritus to the basin; apatite U–Pb and fission track dating further resolve provenance and determine the age and patterns of exhumation of the source rocks. Sandstone provenance records a sharp change from a mixed orogenic source during Aptian time (ca. 125 Ma), to a magmatic arc provenance in the Cenomanian (ca. 100 Ma). We interpret this provenance change as the result of the drainage pattern reorganisation from divergent to convergent caused by tectonic basin inversion. During this inversion and early stages of contraction, a transient phase of uplift and basin erosion, possibly due to continental buckling, caused the pre‐Cenomanian unconformity dividing the Lower from Upper Cretaceous strata in the Neuquén Basin. This phase was followed by the development of a retroarc foreland basin characterised by a volcanic arc sediment provenance progressively shifting to a mixed continental basement provenance during Turonian‐Santonian (90–84). According to multi‐proxy provenance data and lag times derived from apatite fission track analysis, this trend is the result of a rapidly exhuming source within the Cordillera to the west, in response to active compressional tectonics along the western margin of South America, coupled with the increasing contribution of material from the stable craton to the east; this contribution is thought to be the result of the weak uplift and exhumation of the foreland due to eastward migration of the forebulge.  相似文献   
Structural settings and lithological characteristics are traditionally assumed to influence the development of erosional landforms, such as gully networks and rock couloirs, in steep mountain rock basins. The structural control of erosion of two small alpine catchments of distinctive rock types is evaluated by comparing the correspondences between the orientations of their gullies and rock couloirs with (1) the sliding orientations of potential slope failures mechanisms, and (2) the orientation of the maximum joint frequency, this latter being considered as the direction exploited primarily by erosion and mass wasting processes. These characteristic orientations can be interpreted as structural weaknesses contributing to the initiation and propagation of erosion. The morphostructural analysis was performed using digital elevation models and field observations. The catchment comprised of magmatic intrusive rocks shows a clear structural control, mostly expressed through potential wedges failure. Such joint configurations have a particular geometry that encourages the development of gullies in hard rock, e.g. through enhanced gravitational and hydrological erosional processes. In the catchment underlain by sedimentary rocks, penetrative joints that act as structural weaknesses seem to be exploited by gullies and rock couloirs. However, the lithological setting and bedding configuration prominently control the development of erosional landforms, and influence not only the local pattern of geomorphic features, but the general morphology of the catchment. The orientations of the maximum joint frequency are clearly associated with the gully network, suggesting that its development is governed by anisotropy in rock strength. These two catchments are typical of bedrock‐dominated basins prone to intense processes of debris supply. This study suggests a quantitative approach for describing the relationship between bedrock jointing and geomorphic features geometry. Incorporation of bedrock structure can be relevant when studying processes governing the transfer of clastic material, for the assessment of sediment yields and in landforms evolution models. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Sediment supplied by continental sources is commonly suspected to have exerted a strong influence on the development of canyons and other morphological features on the continental slopes, but rarely is the sediment supply known sufficiently quantitatively to test this link. Here, we outline an area where offshore morphology, in the western Ionian Sea, may be linked to estimated sediment fluxes produced by subaerial erosion in NE Sicily and SW Calabria. Shelves in this area are narrow (<1 km), and the bathymetry shows that rivers and adjacent submarine channels are almost directly connected with each other. Integrated topographic analyses were performed on a merged digital elevation model (DEM) of ASTER data for subaerial topography and multibeam sonar data for submarine bathymetry. Spatial variations in sediment fluxes from onshore erosion were assessed using a variety of methods, namely: long‐term sediment flux from Pleistocene uplift rates, decadal sediment flux from landslide occurrences and published long‐term exhumation rates from 10Be cosmogenic nuclide concentrations. Submarine channels associated with rivers delivering larger sediment fluxes have broad channels, high relief and smooth concave‐upward longitudinal profiles. Conversely, submarine channels that lie offshore small‐flux rivers have straight longitudinal profiles, low relief and steep gradients. Where river catchments supply a greater sediment flux offshore, shelves tend to be wider (ca. 400 m) and submarine channels have gentler gradients. In contrast, where catchments supply less sediment flux, shelves are narrow (250–300 m) and offshore channel gradients are steeper. The variation of submarine morphology with tectonic uplift rate was also studied, but we find that, unlike onshore terrains where tectonics is commonly an important factor influencing channel morphology, in the submarine landscapes, sediment flux appears to dominate here.  相似文献   
Coastal upwelling events in the California Current System can transport subsurface waters with high levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) to the sea surface near shore. As these waters age and are advected offshore, CO2 levels decrease dramatically, falling well below the atmospheric concentration beyond the continental shelf break. In May 2007 we observed an upwelling event off the coast of northern California. During the upwelling event subsurface respiration along the upwelling path added ∼35 μmol kg−1 of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) to the water as it transited toward shore causing the waters to become undersaturated with respect to Aragonite. Within the mixed layer, pCO2 levels were reduced by the biological uptake of DIC (up to 70%), gas exchange (up to 44%), and the addition of total alkalinity through CaCO3 dissolution in the undersaturated waters (up to 23%). The percentage contribution of each of these processes was dependent on distance from shore. At the time of measurement, a phytoplankton bloom was just beginning to develop over the continental shelf. A box model was used to project the evolution of the water chemistry as the bloom developed. The biological utilization of available nitrate resulted in a DIC decrease of ∼200 μmol kg−1, sea surface pCO2 near ∼200 ppm, and an aragonite saturation state of ∼3. These results suggest that respiration processes along the upwelling path generally increase the acidification of the waters that are being upwelled, but once the waters reach the surface biological productivity and gas exchange reduce that acidification over time.  相似文献   
The interdecadal factors affecting the summer monsoon winds over Somalia and the South China Sea were studied. Global geopotential heights and wind velocity fields of the 850-hPa and 200-hPa pressure levels, as well as sea surface temperature anomaly data and correlation coefficients were analyzed. The monsoons over Somalia and the South China Sea were found to be two different monsoon systems, operating on different mechanisms and being affected by different ocean-atmosphere interactions. The intensity of the Asian subtropical summer monsoon is influenced by the intensity of the summer monsoon over Somalia in the month of June and by the intensity of the summer monsoon over the South China Sea in the months of June and July. The summer monsoon wind strength over Somalia is affected by regional factors, such as the heating of the Tibetan plateau, and by global mechanisms, such as the subtropical heat exchange with Antarctica. The summer monsoon over the South China Sea is affected by different ocean-atmosphere interactions. The Somalia and subtropical summer monsoons have wind blowing down the pressure gradient from area over ocean to that over land, like typical summer monsoons. The South China Sea summer monsoon has winds that blow down the pressure gradient from area over land to that over ocean. The South China Sea summer monsoon is affected by the Kuroshio Current off the east coast of Japan.  相似文献   
The main steps of the sedimentary evolution of the west Lombardian South Alpine foredeep between the Eocene and the Early Miocene are described. The oldest is a Bartonian carbonate decrease in hemipelagic sediments linked with an increase in terrigenous input, possibly related to a rainfall increase in the Alps. Between the Middle Eocene and the early Chattian, a volcanoclastic input is associated with an extensional tectonic regime, coeval with magma emplacement in the southern-central Alps, and with volcanogenic deposits of the European foredeep and Apennines, suggesting a regional extensional tectonic phase leading to the ascent of magma. During Late Eocene to Early Oligocene, two periods of coarse clastic sedimentation occurred, probably controlled by eustasy. The first, during Late Eocene, fed by a local South Alpine source, the second, earliest Oligocene in age, supplied by the Central Alps. In the Chattian, a strong increase in coarse supply records the massive erosion of Central Alps, coupled with a structures growth phase in the subsurface; it was followed by an Aquitanian rearrangement of the Alpine drainage systems suggested by both petrography of clastic sediments and retreat of depositional systems, while subsurface sheet-like geometry of Aquitanian turbidites marks a strong decrease in tectonic activity.  相似文献   
The seismic behavior of unreinforced masonry buildings is typically characterized by premature brittle collapse mechanisms that can cause serious consequences for the protection of human lives and for the preservation of historical and cultural heritage. Structural health monitoring can be a powerful tool enabling a quick post-earthquake assessment of the structure's performance, but its applications are still scarce as a consequence of the severe limitations affecting off-the-shelf sensing technologies, in terms of local nature of the measurements, costs, as well as long-term behavior, installation, and maintenance. To overcome some of these limitations, the authors have recently proposed a new sensing technology, called “smart brick,” that is a durable clay brick doped with stainless steel microfibers, working as a smart strain sensor for masonry buildings. This paper presents the first full-scale application of smart bricks, used for detecting and localizing progressive earthquake-induced damage in an unreinforced masonry building subjected to shaking table tests. Smart bricks are employed to detect changes in load paths on masonry walls, comparing strain measurements acquired after each step of the seismic sequence with those referring to the undamaged structure. Experimental results are interpreted using a 3D finite element model built to reproduce the shaking table tests. Overall, the results demonstrate that the smart bricks can effectively reveal local permanent changes in structural conditions following a progressive damage, therefore being apt for earthquake-induced damage detection and localization.  相似文献   
The Amazon River is the largest fluvial source of fresh water and sediment to the global ocean and has the longest tidally influenced reach in the world. Two major rivers, the Tapajós and Xingu, enter the Amazon along its tidal reach. However, unlike most fluvial confluences, these are not one‐way conduits through which water and sediment flow downstream towards the sea. The drowned‐river valleys (rias) at the confluences of the Tapajós and Xingu with the Amazon River experience water‐level fluctuations associated not only with the seasonal rise and fall of the river network, but also with semidiurnal tides that propagate as far as 800 km up the Amazon River. Superimposed seasonal and tidal forcing, distinct sediment and temperature signatures of Amazon and tributary waters, and antecedent geomorphology combine to create mainstem–tributary confluences that act as sediment traps rather than sources of sediment. Hydrodynamic measurements are combined with data from sediment cores to determine the distribution of tributary‐derived and Amazon‐derived sediment within the ria basins, characterize the sediment‐transport mechanisms within the confluence areas and estimate rates of sediment accumulation within both rias. The Tapajós and Xingu ria basins trap the majority of the sediment carried by the tributaries themselves in addition to ca 20 Mt year?1 of sediment sourced from the Amazon River. These findings have implications for the interpretation of stratigraphy associated with incised‐valley systems, such as those that dominated the transfer of sediment to the oceans during lowstands in sea level.  相似文献   
Using an acoustic system in a 9 m deep enclosure, the daily vertical distribution patterns of whitefish larvae were studied from hatching to the age of two months. Four patterns of daily vertical distribution and migration were observed in accordance to different developmental stages:
  1. Newly hatched larvae dispersed in the enclosure during the day and congregated at the water surface at night.
  2. After 2 weeks of age larvae stayed close to the water surface during day and night.
  3. At 15 to 18 mm length, larvae showed distinct vertical migration at dawn and dusk, they stayed close to the surface during the day and dispersed at night.
  4. At 28 mm length the depth pattern was reversed. These fish frequented greater depths during the day than at night.
No relation was found between larval depth distribution or vertical migration and food availability or water temperature. Low levels of solar radiation triggered the dawn and dusk vertical migration behaviour of the more developed larvae. Possible reasons for the different behaviour patterns occurring over time are discussed.  相似文献   
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