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Andrea Agostini Marco Bonini Giacomo Corti Federico Sani Francesco Mazzarini 《Earth and Planetary Science Letters》2011,301(3-4):479-492
The Main Ethiopian Rift (MER) offers a complete record of the time–space evolution of a continental rift. We have characterized the brittle deformation in different rift sectors through the statistical analysis of a new database of faults obtained from the integration between satellite images and digital elevation models, and implemented with field controls. This analysis has been compared with the results of lithospheric-scale analogue models reproducing the kinematical conditions of orthogonal and oblique rifting. Integration of these approaches suggests substantial differences in fault architecture in the different rift sectors that in turn reflect an along-axis variation of the rift development and southward decrease in rift evolution. The northernmost MER sector is in a mature stage of incipient continental rupture, with deformation localised within the rift floor along discrete tectono-magmatic segments and almost inactive boundary faults. The central MER sector records a transitional stage in which migration of deformation from boundary faults to faults internal to the rift valley is in an incipient phase. The southernmost MER sector is instead in an early continental stage, with the largest part of deformation being accommodated by boundary faults and almost absent internal faults. The MER thus records along its axis the typical evolution of continental rifting, from fault-dominated rift morphology in the early stages of extension toward magma-dominated extension during break-up. The extrapolation of modelling results suggests that a variable rift obliquity contributes to the observed along-axis variations in rift architecture and evolutionary stage, being oblique rifting conditions controlling the MER evolution since its birth in the Late Miocene in relation to a constant post ca. 11 Ma ~ N100°E Nubia–Somalia motion. 相似文献
Laurentiu Danciu Karin Şeşetyan Mine Demircioglu Levent Gülen Mehdi Zare Roberto Basili Ata Elias Shota Adamia Nino Tsereteli Hilal Yalçın Murat Utkucu Muhammad Asif Khan Mohammad Sayab Khaled Hessami Andrea N. Rovida Massimiliano Stucchi Jean-Pierre Burg Arkady Karakhanian Hektor Babayan Mher Avanesyan Tahir Mammadli Mahmood Al-Qaryouti Doğan Kalafat Otar Varazanashvili Mustafa Erdik Domenico Giardini 《Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering》2018,16(8):3465-3496
Andrea Cortis Carlos E. Puente Huai-Hsien Huang Mahesh L. Maskey Bellie Sivakumar Nelson Obregón 《Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (SERRA)》2014,28(6):1421-1429
In this study, we attempt to offer a solid physical basis for the deterministic fractal–multifractal (FM) approach in geophysics (Puente, Phys Let A 161:441–447, 1992; J Hydrol 187:65–80, 1996). We show how the geometric construction of derived measures, as Platonic projections of fractal interpolating functions transforming multinomial multifractal measures, naturally defines a non-trivial cascade process that may be interpreted as a particular realization of a random multiplicative cascade. In such a light, we argue that the FM approach is as “physical” as any other phenomenological approach based on Richardson’s eddies splitting, which indeed lead to well-accepted models of the intermittencies of nature, as it happens, for instance, when rainfall is interpreted as a quasi-passive tracer in a turbulent flow. Although neither a fractal interpolating function nor the specific multipliers of a random multiplicative cascade can be measured physically, we show how a fractal transformation “cuts through” plausible scenarios to produce a suitable realization that reflects specific arrangements of energies (masses) as seen in nature. This explains why the FM approach properly captures the spectrum of singularities and other statistical features of given data sets. As the FM approach faithfully encodes data sets with compression ratios typically exceeding 100:1, such a property further enhances its “physical simplicity.” We also provide a connection between the FM approach and advection–diffusion processes. 相似文献
Peter Herzsprung Martin Schultze Bertram Boehrer Anja Duffek Andrea Van der Veen Kurt Friese 《Limnologica》2010,40(2):182-190
Between 1999 and 2002, a former open-cast mine was filled with river water forming the recent Lake Goitsche. During filling initially acid water was neutralised. Phosphorus (P) imported from Mulde River was nearly completely removed from the water column by co-precipitation with iron (Fe) and aluminium (Al) and deposited in the sediment.During extremely high waters of the Mulde River in 2002, a dike breach facilitated a second high import of P into Lake Goitsche with suspended and dissolved matter. The analysis of total phosphorus (TP), however, showed that P again had been eliminated from the water body a few months after the flood event. Sediment investigations before filling with river water, during filling, and after the flood event were used to analyse the process of P immobilisation in a lake with acid mine drainage history.The ratios of Fe to soluble reactive P (SRP) of sediment pore water were up to three orders of magnitudes higher than in natural lakes and can serve as an indicator for potential internal P loading from sediments. The SRP concentrations at the oxic/anoxic boundary were near or below the limit of quantification (< 0.2 μmol/L). Fe and manganese (Mn) redox cycling were responsible for hindering P dissolution from sediment to lake water.Finally it can be stated, that the risk of eutrophication for such a lake seems to be low. 相似文献
Mike Shantz Elizabeth Dowsett Emma Canham Guillaume Tavernier Mike Stone Jonathan Price 《水文研究》2004,18(5):865-878
This study examines the effect of drawdown on the timing and magnitude of suspended solids and associated phosphorus export from a 12 ha reservoir located in an urbanized watershed in southern Ontario, Canada. Water level in Columbia Lake was lowered by 1·15 m over a 2‐week period in November 2001. The total phosphorus (TP) concentrations ranged from 63 to 486 µg L?1 in Columbia Lake and 71 to 373 µg L?1 at its outflow. All samples exceeded the Provincial Water Quality Objective of 30 µg TP L?1. Outflow concentrations of suspended solids and TP increased significantly with decreasing lake level and were attributed to the resuspension of cohesive bottom sediments that occurred at a critical threshold lake level (0·65 m below summer level). Suspended solids at the outflow consisted of flocculated cohesive materials with a median diameter (D50) of c. 5 µm. Particulate organic carbon accounted for 8·5% of the suspended solids export by mass. A total mass of 18·5 t of suspended solids and 62·6 kg TP was exported from Columbia Lake, which represents a significant pulse of sediment‐associated P to downstream environments each autumn during drawdown. The downstream impacts of this release can be minimized if the water level in Columbia Lake is lowered no more than 0·5 m below summer levels. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The critical parameters that influence the nonlinear seismic response of asymmetric‐plan buildings are identified by evaluating the effects of different asymmetries that may characterize the structure of a building as well as exploring the influence of the ground motion features. First, the main findings reported in the literature on both the linear and nonlinear dynamic response of asymmetric‐plan buildings are presented. The common findings and the conflicting conclusions reached in different investigations are pointed out. Then, the results of comprehensive nonlinear dynamic analyses performed for evaluating the seismic response of systems characterized by different strength and stiffness configurations, representative of a large class of asymmetric‐plan buildings, are reported. Findings from the study indicate that the building response changes when moving from the linear to the nonlinear range, so that the seismic behavior of asymmetric‐plan buildings, apart from the source of asymmetry, can be always classified as irregular. Additionally, it was observed that as the seismic demands cause amplification of system nonlinearity with increasing earthquake intensity, the maximum displacement demand in the different resisting elements tends to be reached with the same deformed configuration of the system. The resultant of the seismic forces producing such a maximum demand is located at the center of resistance and corresponds to the collapse mechanism of the system that provides the maximum lateral strength in the exciting direction of the seismic action. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Fluvial systems in uplifting terrain respond to tectonic, climatic, eustatic and local base‐level controls modified by specific local factors, such as river capture. The Rio Alias in southeast Spain is an ephemeral, transverse‐to‐structure fluvial system. The river drains two interconnected Neogene sedimentary basins, the Sorbas and Almeria basins, and crosses two major geological structures, the Sierras de Alhamilla/Cabrera and the Carboneras Fault Zone. Regional epeirogenic uplift resulted in sustained fluvial incision during the Quaternary, punctuated by major climatically driven periods of aggradation and dissection, which created a suite of five river terraces. The river terrace sequence was radically modified in the late Pleistocene by a major river capture (itself a response to regional tectonics), localized tectonic activity and eustatic base‐level change. The Rio Alias is defined by four reaches; within each the climatically‐generated, region‐wide, fluvial response was modified by tectonics, base‐level change or river capture to varying degrees. In the upper part of the basin (Lucainena reach), climate was the dominant control on river development, with limited modification of the sequence by uplift of the Sierra Alhamilla and local drainage reorganization by a local river capture. Downstream of the Sierra Alhamilla in the Polopus reach, the climatic signal is dominant, but its expression is radically modified by the response to a major river capture whereby the Alias system lost up to 70% of its pre‐capture drainage area. In the reach adjacent to the Carboneras Fault Zone (Argamason reach), modification of the terrace sequence by local tectonic activity and a resultant local base‐level fall led to a major local incisional event (propagating c. 3–4 km upstream from the area of tectonic disturbance). At the seaward end of the system (El Saltador reach) Quaternary sea‐level changes modified the patterns of erosion and incision and have resulted in steep incisional terrace profiles. The signals generated by regional tectonics and the Quaternary climate change can be identified throughout the basin but those generated by ongoing local tectonics, river capture and sea‐level change are spatially restricted and define the four reaches. The connectivity of the system from the headwaters to the coast decreased through time as incision progressed, resulting in changes in local coupling characteristics. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The purpose of this research was to study the complexity of the energization of the ring current during a geomagnetic storm, produced during southern Bz(IMF) by the injection of plasma sheet ions, accelerated by enhanced convective electric fields. This model assumes that the plasma sheet is continuously populated by H+ from the sun and the ionosphere, and sporadically by ionospheric O+, making the ring current a coupled system whose energy can hardly be expressed analytically. When Bz(IMF) turns north, the ring current becomes uncoupled, and the energy decays exponentially if the storm is weak, or can be expressed as a combination of exponentials during strong storms representing the quick decay of O+ and the slower decay of H+, as has been shown. 相似文献
The present study was carried out as part of a complex survey of urban groundwater quality and quantity in Szeged, southeast Hungary. The concentrations of 12 inorganic contaminants in 28 shallow groundwater monitoring wells were determined over a 2-year period (2010–2012). The evaluation of concentrations indicates remarkable contamination all over the city. Discriminant analysis (DA) was used to evaluate the spatial changes of groundwater quality. The groundwater levels were measured over a 14-year period (2000–2013). The fractal properties of water level fluctuations time series characterizing the groundwater system and Tisza River were investigated using rescaled range (R/S) analysis. The resulting Hurst exponents clearly showed the persistency and thus long memory effects of both the groundwater and the river flow. Comparison of the results of DA with the results of R/S analysis thus implies that the geological conditions and the changing groundwater quantities are not related to groundwater quality.
EDITOR A. CastellarinASSOCIATE EDITOR A. Fiori 相似文献
Habib Akbari‐Alashti Andrea Soncini Yagob Dinpashoh Ahmad Fakheri‐Fard Siamak Talatahari Daniele Bocchiola 《水文研究》2018,32(21):3254-3271
We assess the effects of prospective climate change until 2100 on water management of two major reservoirs of Iran, namely, Dez (3.34 × 109 m3) and Alavian (6 × 107 m3). We tune the Poly‐Hydro model suited for simulation of hydrological cycle in high altitude snow‐fed catchments. We assess optimal operation rules (ORs) for the reservoirs using three algorithms under dynamic and static operation and linear and non‐linear decision rules during control run (1990–2010 for Dez and 2000–2010 for Alavian). We use projected climate scenarios (plus statistical downscaling) from three general circulation models, EC‐Earth, CCSM4, and ECHAM6, and three emission scenarios, or representative concentration pathways (RCPs), RCP2.6, RCP4.5, and RCP8.5, for a grand total of nine scenarios, to mimic evolution of the hydrological cycle under future climate until 2100. We subsequently test the ORs under the future hydrological scenarios (at half century and end of century) and the need for reoptimization. Poly‐Hydro model when benchmarked against historical data well mimics the hydrological budget of both catchments, including the main processes of evapotranspiration and streamflows. Teaching–learning‐based optimization delivers the best performance in both reservoirs according to objective scores and is used for future operation. Our projections in Dez catchment depict decreased precipitation along the XXI century, with ?1% on average (of the nine scenarios) at half century and ?6% at the end of century, with changes in streamflows on average ?7% yearly and ?13% yearly, respectively. In Alavian, precipitation would decrease by ?10% on average at half century and ?13% at the end of century, with streamflows ?14% yearly and ?18% yearly, respectively. Under the projected future hydrology, reservoirs' operation would provide lower performance (i.e., larger lack of water) than now, especially for Alavian dam. Our results provide evidence of potentially decreasing water availability and less effective water management in water stressed areas like Northern Iran here during this century. 相似文献