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Amy C. Barr  Robert I. Citron 《Icarus》2011,211(1):913-916
The volume of melt produced in hypervelocity planetary impacts and the size and shape of the melted region are key to understanding the impact histories of solid planetary bodies and the geological effects of impacts on their surfaces and interiors. Prior work of Pierazzo et al. (Pierazzo, E., Vickery, A.M., Melosh, H.J. [1997]. Icarus 127, 408-423) gave the first estimates of impact melt production in geological materials using a modern hydrocode and equation of state. However, computational limits at the time forced use of low resolution, which may have resulted in low melt volumes. Our simulations with 50 times higher resolution provide independent confirmation of the Pierazzo et al. (Pierazzo, E., Vickery, A.M., Melosh, H.J. [1997]. Icarus 127, 408-423) melt volumes in aluminum, iron, dunite, and granite impacts at velocities between 20 and 80 km/s. In ice/ice impacts, we find that melt volumes depend on target temperature and are lower than predicted by Pierazzo et al. (Pierazzo, E., Vickery, A.M., Melosh, H.J. [1997]. Icarus 127, 408-423). Our melt volumes are directly proportional to impact energy for all materials, over a wide range of impact velocity. We also report new data for melt volume scalings for ice/dunite and iron/dunite impacts and the size and shape of melted region, valuable for interpretation of cratering records and studies of impact-induced differentiation.  相似文献   
The Reykjanes Peninsula rift zone in southwest Iceland is a highly oblique segment of the Mid-Atlantic ridge system which accommodates NW–SE extension during rifting episodes that consist of eruptions and normal faulting, and E–W left-lateral shear strain along strike-slip faults during longer amagmatic periods. Dominant tectonic features on the peninsula are a series of generally NE-striking, sub-parallel eruptive fissures and normal faults, and a cross-cutting zone of N–S striking, right-lateral strike-slip faults. The last series of rifting episodes ended in 1227, and a proposed 1,000 year cyclicity predicts the start of a new series of eruptions within the next 200 years. In order to more accurately characterize the nature of eruptions on the Reykjanes Peninsula, we present a new, spatially accurate map of the ∼2,350 year old Sundhnúkur crater row in the western part of the peninsula, which was examined in detail in order to determine the structural controls on crater row geometry and to understand the interactions that take place between eruptive fissures and pre-existing geological structures. Volcanism is sometimes influenced by small perturbations in the surroundings such as gravitational loading, topography, changes in crustal properties or the presence of fault zones, but there are few field examples showing how fissures are influenced by these pre-existing structures. We identify 27 fissure segments, ranging in strike from 006° to 053°, with varying spacing and overlap between them. Significant local variability in strike and stepping sense of segments occurs in proximity to topographic highs as well as within zones of faulting that pre-date the crater row. Strike also varies at the northern end of the crater row as it approaches a region of older crust at the rift margin. Our data support numerical and laboratory modeling results which show that local topography, pre-existing fractures and crustal properties influence the path taken by magma on its way through the shallow crust.  相似文献   
The dissolution of pyrite is of interest in the formation of acid mine drainage and is a complex electrochemical process. Being able to measure the rate of dissolution of particular pyrite samples under particular conditions is important for describing and predicting rates of AMD generation. Electrochemical techniques offer the promise of performing such measurements rapidly and with small samples. The oxidation of pyrite and the reduction of Fe3+ ions and/or O2 half reactions involved in the pyrite dissolution process were investigated by cyclic voltammetry and steady-state voltammetry using three pyrite materials formed in both sedimentary and hydrothermal environments. For each sample, two kinds of pyrite working electrodes (conventional constructed compact solid electrode, and carbon paste electrode constructed from fine-grained pyrite particles) were employed. Results indicated that for both the hydrothermal and sedimentary pyrite samples the oxidation and reduction half reactions involved in dissolution were governed by charge transfer processes, suggesting that hydrothermal and sedimentary pyrites obey the same dissolution mechanism despite their different formation mechanisms. In addition, the results showed that it is feasible to use a C paste electrode constructed from fine-grained or powdered pyrite to study the pyrite dissolution process electrochemically and to derive approximate rate expressions from the electrochemical data.  相似文献   
The results of our combined U-Pb, Rb-Sr, and Sm-Nd isotope study of mare basalt 10017 contribute to the understanding of the petrogenetic processes involved in the origin of geochemical diversity in lunar mare basalt sources, as well as the U-Pb isotope systematics of the Moon. The Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, and 238U-206Pb isotope systems yield concordant crystallization ages of 3.633 ± 0.057 Ga, 3.678 ± 0.069 Ga, and 3.616 ± 0.098 Ga, respectively. The 235U-207Pb isochron yields an older, though still concordant, age of 3.80 ± 0.12 Ga. Neither the 206Pb-207Pb system nor U-Pb concordia system yields an age for 10017 that is concordant with the age determined from the Sm-Nd, Rb-Sr, and 238U-206Pb systems. The initial 87Sr/86Sr of 10017 is 0.69941 ± 7 and the initial εNd is +3.2 ± 0.4. Initial Pb isotopic compositions, determined from the U-Pb isochrons, are 206Pb/204Pbi = 31 ± 11 and 207Pb/204Pbi = 34 ± 15. Together, these initial Pb compositions constrain the μ value of the 10017 source to be 70 ± 30, assuming a single-stage Pb growth model. This is considerably lower than μ values typically estimated for mare basalt sources (∼100-600). Regardless, the μ values calculated for the sources of mare basalts, as well as other lunar samples, show a range that is larger than can be explained by fractionation of U from Pb solely by crystallization of silicate phases and ilmenite during magma ocean solidification and formation of lunar mantle sources. The U-Pb isotope systematics may reflect late-stage formation of a sulfide phase, which strongly fractionates Pb from U but has minimal effect on Rb/Sr or Sm/Nd compositions, during crystallization of the lunar magma ocean.  相似文献   
It has been proposed that all L chondrites resulted from an ongoing collisional cascade of fragments that originated from the formation of the ~500 Ma old asteroid family Gefion, located near the 5:2 mean‐motion resonance with Jupiter in the middle Main Belt. If so, L chondrite pre‐atmospheric orbits should be distributed as expected for that source region. Here, we present contradictory results from the orbit and collisional history of the October 24, 2015, L6 ordinary chondrite fall at Creston, CA (here reclassified to L5/6). Creston's short 1.30 ± 0.02 AU semimajor axis orbit would imply a long dynamical evolution if it originated from the middle Main Belt. Indeed, Creston has a high cosmic ray exposure age of 40–50 Ma. However, Creston's small meteoroid size and low 4.23 ± 0.07° inclination indicate a short dynamical lifetime against collisions. This suggests, instead, that Creston originated most likely in the inner asteroid belt and was delivered via the ν6 resonance. The U‐Pb systematics of Creston apatite reveals a Pb‐Pb age of 4,497.1 ± 3.7 Ma, and an upper intercept U‐Pb age of 4,496.7 ± 5.8 Ma (2σ), circa 70 Ma after formation of CAI, as found for other L chondrites. The K‐Ar (age ~4.3 Ga) and U,Th‐He (age ~1 Ga) chronometers were not reset at ~500 Ma, while the lower intercept U‐Pb age is poorly defined as 770 ± 320 Ma. So far, the three known L chondrites that impacted on orbits with semimajor axes a <2.0 AU all have high (>3 Ga) K‐Ar ages. This argues for a source of some of our L chondrites in the inner Main Belt. Not all L chondrites originate in a continuous population of Gefion family debris stretching across the 3:1 mean‐motion resonance.  相似文献   
Sediment and water column data from four sites in North, Central and South San Francisco Bays were collected monthly from November 1999 through November 2001 to investigate the seasonal variation of benthic organic matter and chlorophyll in channel sediments, the composition and quality of sediment organic matter (SOM), and the relationship between seasonal patterns in benthic organic matter and patterns in water column chlorophyll. Water column chlorophyll peaked in the spring of 2000 and 2001, characteristic of other studies of San Francisco Bay phytoplankton dynamics, however an unusual chlorophyll peak occurred in fall 2000. Cross-correlation analysis revealed that water column chlorophyll at these four channel sites lead sediment parameters by an average of 2 to 3 months. Sediment organic matter levels in the San Francisco Bay channel showed seasonal cycles that followed patterns of water column production: peaks in water column chlorophyll were followed by later peaks in sediment chlorophyll and organic matter. Cyclical, seasonal variations also occurred in sediment organic matter parameters with sediment total organic carbon (TOC) and total nitrogen (TN) being highest in spring and lowest in winter, and sediment amino acids being highest in spring and summer and lowest in winter. Sediment chlorophyll, total organic carbon, and nitrogen were generally positively correlated with each other. Sediment organic matter levels were lowest in North Bay, intermediate in Central Bay, and highest in South Bay. C:N ratio and the ratio of enzyme hydrolyzable amino acids to TOC (EHAA:TOC) data suggest that SOM quality is more labile in Central and northern South Bay, and more refractory in North Bay and southern South Bay.  相似文献   
An integrated program of ecosystem modeling and field studies in the mountains of the Pacific Northwest (U.S.A.) has quantified many of the ecological processes affected by climatic variability. Paleoecological and contemporary ecological data in forest ecosystems provided model parameterization and validation at broad spatial and temporal scales for tree growth, tree regeneration and treeline movement. For subalpine tree species, winter precipitation has a strong negative correlation with growth; this relationship is stronger at higher elevations and west-side sites (which have more precipitation). Temperature affects tree growth at some locations with respect to length of growing season (spring) and severity of drought at drier sites (summer). Furthermore, variable but predictable climate-growth relationships across elevation gradients suggest that tree species respond differently to climate at different locations, making a uniform response of these species to future climatic change unlikely. Multi-decadal variability in climate also affects ecosystem processes. Mountain hemlock growth at high-elevation sites is negatively correlated with winter snow depth and positively correlated with the winter Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) index. At low elevations, the reverse is true. Glacier mass balance and fire severity are also linked to PDO. Rapid establishment of trees in subalpine ecosystems during this century is increasing forest cover and reducing meadow cover at many subalpine locations in the western U.S.A. and precipitation (snow depth) is a critical variable regulating conifer expansion. Lastly, modeling potential future ecosystem conditions suggests that increased climatic variability will result in increasing forest fire size and frequency, and reduced net primary productivity in drier, east-side forest ecosystems. As additional empirical data and modeling output become available, we will improve our ability to predict the effects of climatic change across a broad range of climates and mountain ecosystems in the northwestern U.S.A.  相似文献   
Studies extending over three decades have concluded that the current orientation of the martian rotation pole is unstable. Specifically, the gravitational figure of the planet, after correction for a hydrostatic form, has been interpreted to indicate that the rotation pole should move easily between the present position and a site on the current equator, 90° from the location of the massive Tharsis volcanic province. We demonstrate, using general physical arguments supported by a fluid Love number analysis, that the so-called non-hydrostatic theory is an inaccurate framework for analyzing the rotational stability of planets, such as Mars, that are characterized by long-term elastic strength within the lithosphere. In this case, the appropriate correction to the gravitational figure is the equilibrium rotating form achieved when the elastic lithospheric shell (of some thickness LT) is accounted for. Moreover, the current rotation vector of Mars is shown to be stable when the correct non-equilibrium theory is adopted using values consistent with recent, independent estimates of LT. Finally, we compare observational constraints on the figure of Mars with non-equilibrium predictions based on a large suite of possible Tharsis-driven true polar wander (TPW) scenarios. We conclude, in contrast to recent comparisons of this type based on a non-hydrostatic theory, that the reorientation of the pole associated with the development of Tharsis was likely less than 15° and that the thickness of the elastic lithosphere at the time of Tharsis formation was at least ∼50 km. Larger Tharsis-driven TPW is possible if the present-day gravitational form of the planet at degree 2 has significant contributions from non-Tharsis loads; in this case, the most plausible source would be internal heterogeneities linked to convection.  相似文献   
We determined that growth differences among coral fragments transplanted for restoration were influenced by both source population and environmental factors. In two common garden experiments, storm‐generated fragments of Acropora palmata were transplanted from two source populations in the British Virgin Islands to a restoration site (a ‘common garden’) that lacked A. palmata. In the first experiment, colonies from different sources grew at different rates in the first year after transplanting, suggesting either genetic differences among source populations or enduring acclimation to conditions at the source site. No differences in growth among source populations were detected in the second common garden experiment. To isolate environmental effects on growth, we subdivided fragments from three source populations to create genetically identical pieces that were attached separately at both source and restoration sites. Genetically identical pieces from all source populations grew slightly faster at their source than at the restoration site, implying a subtle home‐site advantage. Overall, our results suggest that matching environmental conditions at source and restoration sites may increase the success of restoration projects.  相似文献   
Few studies have examined the dynamics of sediments and suspended organic matter and their export from headwater basins in the Andes Mountains to the Amazon River, despite the fact that the Andes are the primary source of sediments to the lower Amazon basin. We measured river discharge as well as the concentration, δ15N, δ13C, %N, and %OC of coarse and fine suspended sediments (CSS and FSS) in the Chorobamba River, located in the central Andean Amazon of Peru. Samples were taken at least weekly over an entire year (July 2004-July 2005), with additional sampling during storms. Concentrations of particulate organic matter (POM) were generally low in the study river, with concentrations increasing by up to several orders of magnitude during episodic rain events. Because both overall flow volumes and POM concentrations increased under stormflow conditions, the export of POM was enhanced multiplicatively during these events. We estimated that a minimum of 80% of annual suspended sediment transfer occurred during only about 10 days of the year, also accounting for 74% of particulate organic carbon and 64% of particulate organic nitrogen transport. Significant differences occurred between seasons (wet and dry) for δ13C of coarse and fine POM in the Chorobamba River, reflecting seasonal changes in organic matter sources. The time series data indicate that this Andean river exports approximately equal amounts of fine and coarse POM to the lower Amazon. The observation that the vast majority of sediments and associated OM exported from Andean rivers is mobilized during short, infrequent storm events and landslides has important implications for our understanding of Amazon geochemistry, especially in the face of incipient global change.  相似文献   
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