Infestations of corn rootworms (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) create economic and environmental concerns in the Corn Belt region of the United States. To supplement the population control tactics of areawide pest management programs, we believe that a better understanding of the spatial relationships between biotic and abiotic or physical factors at the landscape scale is needed. Our research used several geographical information systems (GIS) and spatial analytical techniques to examine relationships between corn rootworm metapopulation dynamics, soil texture, and elevation. Within GIS, several spatially explicit procedures were used that include an interpolation technique, spatial autocorrelation analysis, and contingency analysis. Corn rootworm metapopulation distributions were found to be aggregated and related to soil texture and elevation. We review techniques and discuss our preferences for using particular spatially explicit procedures. The information derived from the spatial analyses demonstrates how GIS can be used in areawide pest management to provide inputs for spatially explicit models to predict future pest populations and formulate more well‐informed pest management decisions. The techniques described in this paper could easily be extended to study the spatial dynamics between other pest populations in agricultural landscapes. 相似文献
The water–sediment interface is a dynamic zone where the benthic and pelagic environments are linked through exchange and recycling of organic matter and nutrients. However, it is often difficult to measure rate processes in this zone. To that end, we designed an experimental apparatus for continuous and homogeneous perfusion of sediment porewater with dissolved conservative (SF6, Rhodamine WT dye) and isotopic (H13CO3− and 15NH4+) tracers to study nitrogen and carbon cycling by the sediment microbial community of shallow illuminated sediments. The perfusionator consists of a 60-cm ID × 60-cm high cylinder that includes a reservoir for porewater at the base of the sediment column. Porewater amended with conservative and stable isotopic tracers was pumped through a mixing reservoir and upward through the overlying sediments. We tested the perfusionator in a laboratory setting, as part of an outdoor mesocosm array, and buried in coastal sediments. Conservative and isotopic tracers demonstrated that the porewater tracers were distributed homogeneously through the sediment column in all settings. The perfusionator was designed to introduce dissolved stable isotope tracers but is capable of delivering any dissolved ionic, organic, or gaseous constituent. We see a potentially wide application of this technique in the aquatic and marine sciences in laboratory and field settings. 相似文献
Numerous fluorescent emissions from the Herzberg bands of molecular oxygen lie in the spectral region 242–300 nm. This coincides with the wavelength range used by orbiting spectrometers which observe the Rayleigh backscattered spectrum of the earth for the purpose of monitoring the vertical distribution of stratospheric ozone. Model calculations indicate that Herzberg band emissions in the dayglow could provide significant contamination of the ozone measurements if the quenching rate of O2(A3Σ) is sufficiently small. This is especially true near 255 nm, where the most intense fluorescent emissions relative to the Rayleigh scattered signal are located and where past satellite measurements show a persistent excess radiance above that expected for a pure ozone absorbing and molecular scattering atmosphere. However, very small quenching rates are adequate to reduce the dayglow emission to negligible levels. Available laboratory data have not definitely established the quenching on the rate of O2(A3Σ) as a function of vibrational level, and such information is required before the Herzberg band contributions can be evaluated with confidence. 相似文献
AbstractNational Forests in the United States have undergone a spatially and temporally uneven governance transition in response to social and economic pressures and contemporary policy changes, with many national forest units moving from a wholly government-led “dominant federal” model to a more collaborative “social forestry” model in which nonfederal actors have greater influence and authority. Here we report on an effort to develop a suite of indicators designed to capture some of the most tangible elements of a transition from dominant federal to social forestry modes of governance. We pilot test these data on the Willamette National Forest using data from a variety of sources internal and external to the USDA Forest Service. We assess the suitability of these indicators for tracking governance transitions and discuss their applicability to other national forest units nationwide. 相似文献
At the center of community geography is a commitment to mutually beneficial and co-produced knowledge. While the intricacies of managing these two commitments are often well-articulated for community partners, university faculty and their undergraduate students, the experiences of precariously positioned researchers (such as graduate students or those who work outside the university) remain under-examined. Therefore, through a reflection on the authors’ personal experiences facilitating community geography projects, this paper takes seriously the experiences of precariously positioned researchers. We highlight how the privileging of co-production creates moments of dissonance for precariously placed researcher’s experiences of mutually beneficial research. We argue that precarity, particularly when paired with privilege, results in heightened feelings of risk that may lead researchers to compromise their own ethics or values to ensure both the ongoing continuation of the partnership and the desired goals of the community partners. As we work to further establish community geography, we call for more nuanced considerations of how the entanglements fostered through co-production impact experiences of mutually beneficial research for differently positioned researchers, particularly for those situated within in the neoliberal university.
A laboratory study has been conducted to determine the best methods for the detection of C10–C40 hydrocarbons at naturally occurring oil seeps in marine sediments. The results indicate that a commercially available method using n-C6 to extract sediments and gas chromatography–flame ionization detection (GC–FID) to screen the resulting extract is effective at recognizing the presence of migrated hydrocarbons at concentrations from 50 to 5000 ppm. When non-biodegraded, the amount of oil charge is effectively tracked by the sum of n-alkanes in the gas chromatogram. However, once the charge oil becomes biodegraded, with the loss of n-alkanes and isoprenoids, the amount of oil is tracked by the quantification of the unresolved complex mixture (UCM). Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) was also found to be very effective for the recognition of petroleum related hydrocarbons and results indicate that GC–MS would be a very effective tool for screening samples at concentrations below 50 ppm oil charge. 相似文献
Geographers have long been associated with mapping and cartography, because the visual representation of space fits neatly into the wide-ranging discipline that engages both the physical and the social worlds. Mapmaking remained in the domain of experts for centuries until the advent of new mapping technologies, which have widened the possibilities for mapmaking from experts and nonexperts alike. Simply widening participation in mapmaking does not necessarily democratize the knowledge-production process, however, as scholars have recently argued. What is required, we suggest, are critically trained geographers who take seriously both the conventions of professional cartography and the power relations embedded in and reflected in the map-making process and in maps themselves. We name participatory action mapping (PAM) as a methodology that seeks to be as effective in advancing the mapping needs of the public as it is critical in evaluating the processes through which maps are produced. PAM is a practice of civic engagement that borrows from community mapping and public participatory geographic information systems and that is deeply informed by participatory action research. We highlight the contours of PAM through a case study of our work with the Westside Atlanta Land Trust in Atlanta, Georgia. 相似文献
The Cenozoic strata of the Xining Basin, NE Tibet, have provided crucial records for understanding the tectonic and palaeo-environmental evolution of the region. Yet, the age of the lower part of the sedimentary stratigraphy and, consequently, the early tectonic evolution of the basin remain debated. Here, we present the litho- and magnetostratigraphy of various early Eocene sections throughout the Xining Basin independently constrained by the U–Pb radiometric age of a carbonate bed. Our study extends the dated stratigraphy down to 53.0 Ma (C24n.1r) and reveals highly variable accumulation rates during the early Eocene ranging from 0.5 to 8 cm/ka. This is in stark contrast to the low but stable accumulation rates (2–3 cm/ka) observed throughout the overlying Palaeogene and Neogene strata. Such a pattern of basin infill is not characteristic of flexural subsidence as previously proposed, but rather supports an extensional origin of the Xining Basin with multiple depocentres, which subsequently coalesced into a more stable and slowly subsiding basin. Whether this extension was related to the far-field effects of the subducting Pacific Plate or the India–Asia collision remains to be confirmed by future studies. 相似文献
Near-surface sediment gases are commonly examined in surface geochemistry surveys to evaluate subsurface hydrocarbon generation and entrapment. Sediment gases reside in interstitial spaces, bound to mineral or organic surfaces, and/or entrapped in carbonate inclusions. Characterizing migrated sediment gases with minimal compositional and isotopic fractionation is challenging, and different methods are currently in use to extract and analyze surface sediment gases. These methods have not been compared in controlled laboratory experiments. The key to calibration experiments is to know the charge gas composition and thus have a basis to evaluate the sediment gas extraction procedure. 相似文献
For epibiotic or symbiotic marine invertebrates, alternative host species may differ substantially in quality, and under some circumstances such differences in host quality may lead to the evolution of increased host specificity. However, the fitness consequences of alternative hosts for epibiotic or symbiotic marine invertebrates have rarely been quantified. In Southern California, the gastropod Crepidula onyx is often found as an epibiont on either bay mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) or cone snails (Conus californicus). These hosts differ greatly in maximum size, with possible effects on size at sex change and final size in Cr. onyx, and thus on fecundity. Further, Cr. onyx on the two hosts differ in shell shape, possibly affecting the size of the ctenidium, which Cr. onyx uses for suspension feeding. We examined these potential effects of host use on fitness components in Cr. onyx. Epibionts on mussels reached much larger average sizes than did those on cone snails; further, epibionts on mussels often completed sex change at much larger sizes than did those on cone snails. On average, mussel epibionts had threefold higher average fecundities than did cone snail epibionts. Although there was a slight difference in shell shape between epibionts on the two host species, there was no difference in the scaling of ctenidium area with body size for Cr. onyx from the two hosts. The large average differences in fecundity in epibionts associated with the two alternative hosts suggests that there may be strong selection on host choice at larval settlement. 相似文献