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Progradation is an important mechanism through which sedimentary systems fill sedimentary basins. Although a general progradational pattern is recognized in many basins, few studies have quantified system scale spatial changes in vertical trends that record fluvial system progradation. Here, we provide an assessment of the spatial distribution of vertical trends across the Salt Wash distributive fluvial system (DFS), in the Morrison Formation SW, USA. The vertical distribution of proximal, medial and distal facies, and channel belt proportion and thickness, are analysed at 25 sections across approximately 80 000 km2 of a DFS that spanned approximately 100 000 km2. The stratigraphic signature of facies stacking patterns that record progradation varies depending on location within the basin. An abrupt and incomplete progradation succession dominates the proximal region, whereby proximal deposits directly overlie distal deposits. A more complete succession is preserved in the medial region of the DFS. The medial to distal region of the DFS are either simple aggradational successions, or display progradation of medial over distal facies. Spatial variations in facies successions patterns reflects preservation changes down the DFS. A spatial change in vertical trends of channel belt thickness and proportion is not observed. Vertical trends in channel belt proportion and thickness are locally highly variable, such that systematic up‐section increases in these properties are observed only at a few select sites. Progradation can only be inferred once local trends are averaged out across the entire succession. Possible key controls on trends are discussed at both allocyclic and autocyclic scales including climate, tectonics, eustasy and avulsion. Eustatic controls are discounted, and it is suggested that progradation of the Salt Wash DFS is driven by upstream controls within the catchment.  相似文献   
An aggregate flux event was observed by ship and by four underwater gliders during the 2008 sub-polar North Atlantic spring bloom experiment (NAB08). At the height of the diatom bloom, aggregates were observed as spikes in measurements of both particulate backscattering coefficient (bbp) and chlorophyll a fluorescence. Optical sensors on the ship and gliders were cross-calibrated through a series of simultaneous profiles, and bbp was converted to particulate organic carbon. The aggregates sank as a discrete pulse, with an average sinking rate of ∼75 m d−1; 65% of aggregate backscattering and 90% of chlorophyll fluorescence content was lost between 100 m and 900 m. Mean aggregate organic carbon flux at 100 m in mid-May was estimated at 514 mg C m−2 d−1, consistent with independent flux estimates. The use of optical spikes observed from gliders provides unprecedented coupled vertical and temporal resolution measurements of an aggregate flux event.  相似文献   
Docks constructed over salt marsh can reduce vegetation production and associated ecosystem services. In Massachusetts, there is a 1:1 height-to-width ratio (H:W) dock design guideline to reduce such impacts, but this guideline’s efficacy is largely untested. To evaluate dock height effects on underlying marsh vegetation and light availability, we deployed 1.2-m-wide experimental docks set at three different heights (low (0.5:1 H:W), intermediate (1:1 H:W), and high (1.5:1 H:W)) in the high and low marsh zones in an estuary in Massachusetts, USA. We measured temperature, light, vegetation community composition, and stem characteristics under the docks and in unshaded control plots over three consecutive growing seasons. Temperature and light were lower under all docks compared with controls; both increased with dock height. Maximum stem height and nitrogen content decreased with available light. In the Spartina patens-dominated high marsh, stem density and biomass were significantly lower than controls under low and intermediate but not high docks. Spartina alterniflora, the dominant low marsh vegetation, expanded into the high marsh zone under docks. S. alterniflora aboveground biomass significantly differed among all treatments in the low marsh, while stem density was significantly reduced for low and intermediate docks relative to controls. Permit conditions and guidelines based on dock height can reduce dock impacts, but under the current guideline of 1:1 H:W, docks will still cause significant adverse impacts to vegetation. Such impacts may interfere with self-maintenance processes (by decreasing sediment capture) and make these marshes less resilient to other stressors (e.g., climate change).  相似文献   
Ever increasing and diverse use of the marine environment is leading to human-induced changes in marine life, habitats and landscapes, making necessary the development of marine policy that considers all members of the user community and addresses current, multiple, interacting uses. Taking a systems approach incorporating an understanding of The Ecosystem Approach, we integrate the DPSIR framework with ecosystem services and societal benefits, and the focus this gives allows us to create a specific framework for supporting decision making in the marine environment. Based on a linking of these three concepts, we present a set of basic postulates for the management of the marine environment and emphasise that these postulates should hold for marine management to be achieved. We illustrate these concepts using two case studies: the management of marine aggregates extraction in UK waters and the management of marine biodiversity at Flamborough Head, UK.  相似文献   
Ground-based vegetation monitoring methods are expensive, time-consuming and limited in sample size. Aerial imagery is appealing to managers because of the reduced time and expense and the increase in sample size. One challenge of aerial imagery is detecting differences among observers of the same imagery. Six observers analysed a set of 1-mm ground sample distance aerial imagery for graminoid species composition and important ground-cover characteristics. Kendall's coefficient of concordance (W) was used to measure agreement among observers. The group of six observers was concordant when assessed as a group. When each of the observers was assessed independently against the other five, lack of agreement was found for those graminoid species that were difficult to identify in the aerial images.  相似文献   
The US Army Corps of Engineers recently dredged and permanently reopened Packery Channel, historically a natural tidal inlet, to allow water exchange between the Gulf of Mexico and the Laguna Madre, TX, USA. The main objective of this study was to characterize estuarine-dependent recruitment and community structure in seagrass habitats adjacent to Packery Channel pre- and post-channel opening. We sampled fish and crustacean abundance using an epibenthic sled in Halodule wrightii seagrass meadows in both control and impact locations over 2 years, 1 year before the opening of Packery Channel (October 2004–May 2005) and 1 year after (July 2005–April 2006). Using the before–after control–impact design, we found significantly fewer nekton post-channel opening. However, we found significantly higher mean densities of newly settled estuarine-dependent species (Sciaenops ocellatus, Micropogonias undulatus, Lagodon rhomboides, Callinectes sapidus, and penaeid shrimp) post-opening. Multivariate analyses showed significant community assemblage changes post-opening with increased contribution of estuarine-dependent species post-opening. Our results show that estuarine-dependent nekton are using Packery Channel as a means of ingress into areas of the upper Laguna Madre’s seagrass meadows that were previously inaccessible, which may lead to higher fisheries productivity for some of these economically and ecologically important fishery species.  相似文献   
We investigate the electrostatic transport of charged dust in the photoelectron layer over the dayside surface of an asteroid. Micron-sized dust particles may be levitated above the surface in the photoelectron layer. Horizontal transport within the layer can then lead to net deposition of dust into shadowed regions where the electric field due to the photoelectron layer disappears. We apply a 2D numerical model simulating charged dust dynamics in the near-surface daytime plasma environment of Asteroid 433 Eros to the formation of dust deposits in craters. We find that dust tends to collect in craters and regions of shadow. This electrostatic dust transport mechanism may contribute to the formation of smooth dust ponds observed by the NEAR-Shoemaker spacecraft at Eros. The size distribution of transported dust depends on the particle density and work function, and the work function of the surface and solar wind electron temperature and density. With reasonable values for these parameters, μm-sized and smaller particles are levitated at Eros. Micrometeoroid bombardment is not a sufficient source mechanism for electrostatic transport to create the Eros dust ponds. Laboratory measurements of dust in a plasma sheath show that dust launched off the surface by direct electrostatic levitation can provide a sufficient source for transport to produce the observed Eros ponds.  相似文献   
In this study, the CDOM absorption coefficient at 350 nm [aCDOM(350)] and CDOM excitation emission matrix (EEM) fluorescence were used to estimate annual fluxes of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from the Cape Fear River to Long Bay in the South Atlantic Bight. Water samples were collected during a 3.5 year period, from October 2001 through March 2005, in the vicinity of the Cape Fear River (CFR) outlet and adjacent Onslow Bay (OB). Parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) of CDOM EEM spectra identified six components: three terrestrial humic-like, one marine humic-like and two protein-like. Empirical relationships were derived from the PARAFAC model between DOC concentration and aCDOM(350), total fluorescence intensity and the intensities of respective EEM components. DOC concentration and CDOM optical parameters were very well correlated and R2 values ranged from 0.77 to 0.90. Regression analyses revealed that the non-absorbing DOC fraction, in DOC concentration estimated from CDOM optical parameters, varied with the qualitative composition of the CDOM. DOC concentration and intensity of the humic-like CDOM components characterized by excitation maxima at longer wavelengths have significantly higher estimated non-absorbing DOC compared to the analogous relationships between DOC and intensity of the humic-like CDOM components characterized by excitation maxima at shorter wavelengths. The relationships between DOC concentration and intensity of one of the protein-like components resulted in significantly reduced non-absorbing DOC fraction in DOC concentration estimation. Results of regression analyses between fluorescence intensities of specific EEM components and CDOM-specific absorption coefficients suggest that the relative proportion of humic-like CDOM components (characterized by excitation maximum at longer wavelengths) and the main protein-like component have the most impact on the values of a?CDOM(350). Based on the relationships between aCDOM(350), Cape Fear River flow, and DOC concentrations, DOC fluxes were estimated for 2002, 2003 and 2004. DOC fluxes varied from 1.5 to 6.2 × 1010 g C yr? 1, depending on river flow.  相似文献   
This paper examines storm-induced morphological and hydrodynamic changes after a submerged and a detached breakwater were constructed at La Barceloneta beach (Barcelona, NW Mediterranean) in 2006–2007. The shoreline configurations before and after beach nourishment and the construction of the protective structures were compared using a video dataset comprising 29 storm events spanning the pre- (2001 to 2005, n?=?17) and the post-breakwater situation (2006 to 2011, n?=?12), and hydrodynamic modelling based on the SMC coastal modelling system. As a result of the protection works, La Barceloneta was subdivided into two beaches separated by an artificial salient. The analysis of shoreline response to storms has been improved by using the shoreline hyperbolic tangent fit to represent the beach planform. Comparing the pre- and post-breakwater situations on the basis of these shoreline fits facilitated the identification of beach rotation processes because interference by smaller-scale morphological features was eliminated (e.g. the formation, changes in shape or migration of mega-cusps). In the current post-breakwater situation, there is evidence for a change in the behaviour of the north-eastern beach triggered by the submerged breakwater built in 2007. Furthermore, a counter-clockwise beach rotation has occurred at the north-eastern beach, whereas the south-western beach has experienced a clockwise beach rotation. This morphodynamic behaviour is caused by a new, complex wave-induced circulation system comprising two dominant alongshore currents flowing in opposite directions. In contrast to the pre-breakwater situation, the alongshore component of the radiation stress does not accomplish beach rotation in the post-breakwater situation.  相似文献   
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