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While studies on gravel mantled and mixed alluvial bedrock rivers have increased in recent decades, few field studies have focused on spatial distributions of bedrock and alluvial reaches and differences between reach types. The objective of this work is to identify the spatial distribution of alluvial and bedrock reaches in the Upper Guadalupe River. We compare reach length, channel and floodplain width, sinuosity, bar length and spacing, bar surface grain size, and slope in alluvial and bedrock reaches to identify whether major differences exist between channel reach types. We find that local disturbances, interaction of the channel and valley sides, variation in lithology, and regional structural control contribute to the distribution of bedrock reaches in the largely alluvial channel. Alluvial and bedrock channel reaches in the Upper Guadalupe River are similar, particularly with respect to the distribution of gravel bars, surface grain size distributions of bars, and channel slope and width. Our observations suggest that the fluvial system has adjusted to changes in base level associated with the Balcones Escarpment Fault Zone by phased incision into alluvial sediment and the underlying bedrock, essentially shifting from a fully alluvial river to a mixed alluvial bedrock river.  相似文献   
Small, irregular terraces on hillslopes, or terracettes, are common landscape features throughout west central China. Despite their prevalence, there is limited understanding of the nature of these topographic features, the processes that form them, and the role humans played in their formation. We used an interdisciplinary approach to investigate the geology, ecology, and cultural history of terracette development within Jiuzhaigou National Park, Sichuan Province, China. Terracettes occur on south facing, 20° slopes at 2500 m elevation, which appears to coincide with places people historically preferred to build villages. Ethnographic interviews suggest that traditional swidden agricultural cycles removed tree roots, causing the loess sediments to lose cohesion, slump, and the terrace risers to retreat uphill over time. This evidence is supported by landslide debris at terracette faces. Archaeological analysis of terracette sites reveal remains of rammed spread soil structures, bones, stone tools, and ceramics dating from at least 2200 years before present within a distinct paleosol layer. Radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence dating of terracette sediments ranged in age from between 1500 and 2000 14C yr BP and between 16 and 0.30 ka, respectively. These multiple lines of evidence indicate a long history of human habitation within Jiuzhaigou National Park and, taken together, suggest strong links between terracette formation and human-landuse interactions.  相似文献   
New geochronologic data from midcontinental Laurentia demonstrate that emplacement of the 1476-1470 Ma Wolf River granitic batholith was not an isolated igneous event,but was accompanied by regional metamorphism,deformation,and sedimentation.Evidence for such metamorphism and deformation is best seen in siliciclastic sedimentary rocks of the Baraboo Interval,which were deposited closely following the1.65-1.63 Ga Mazatzal orogeny.In Baraboo Interval strata,muscovite parallel to slatey cleavage,in hydrothermal veins,in quartzite breccia,and in metamorphosed paleosol yielded ~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar plateau age s of 1493-1465 Ma.In addition,U-Th-total Pb dating of neoblastic overgrowths on detrital monazite gave an age of 1488±20 Ma,and recrystallized hematite in folded metapelite gave a mean U/Th-He age of 1411± 39 Ma.Post-Baraboo,arkosic polymictic conglomerate,which contains detrital zircon with a minimum peak age of 1493 Ma,was intruded by a 1470 Ma granite porphyry at the northeastern margin of the Wolf River batholith.This episode of magmatism,regional deformation and metamorphism,and sedimentation,which is designated herein as the Baraboo orogeny,provides a midcontinental link between the Picuris orogeny to the southwe st and the Pinware orogeny to the northeast,completing the extent of early Mesoproterozoic(Calymmian) orogenesis for 5000 km along the southern margin of Laurentia.This transcontinental orogen is unique among Precambrian orogenies for its great width(~1600 km),the predominance of ferroan granites derived from partial melting of lower continental crust,and the prevalence of re gional high T-P metamorphism related to advective heating by granitic magmas emplaced in the middle to upper crust.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to determine if any temporal variability in the broadband UV spectral properties of the icy Galilean satellites exists, and if so, to characterize its spatial distribution as a function of longitude in order to attempt to correlate any temporal changes with satellite surface interactions with the space environment. The temporal time period examined is between 1978-1984 (referred to as the 1980s data) and those from 1995-1996 (referred to as the 1990s data). The plausible temporal characteristics detected appear to vary from one satellite to the next. For Europa possible temporal variations are concentrated on the leading, anti-jovian quadrant. Example broadband UV spectra show Europa's spectral slope decreases (and darkens) with time on the leading and anti-jovian hemispheres, but remains essentially constant with time on the trailing hemisphere. The data quality does not support any definitive temporal changes for Ganymede. Possible temporal changes seen in the Callisto data set are concentrated on the jovian hemisphere. Example broadband UV spectra for Callisto show no definitive change in slope with time. The hypothesis is that these temporal differences in UV spectral properties are caused by variations in the surface ice chemistry due to temporal variability in the space environment. It is postulated that the UV spectral changes suggested for Europa may be linked to changes in H2O2 concentrations, whereas the changes on Callisto may be linked to variability in SO2 concentration.  相似文献   
Nitrate concentrations in multi-aquifer systems are heavily affected by the presence of wellbores (active or abandoned) that are screened in several aquifers. The spatial variability of hydraulic conductivity in the confining layers has also an important impact on the concentrations. A synthetic three-dimensional flow and transport exercise was carried in a multi-aquifer system consisting of two aquifers separated by an aquitard in which 100 vertical wellbores had been drilled. To model the wellbores and the flow and transport connection between aquifers that they may induce, we assign a high vertical hydraulic conductivity and a low effective porosity to the cell blocks including the wells. With these parameters, a solute will travel quickly from one aquifer to the other without being stored in the well itself. The wellbores will act as preferential pathways, and the solute will move quickly between aquifers according to the hydrodynamic conditions. Not considering these preferential pathways could induce erroneous interpretations of the solute distribution in an aquifer. We also noted that when there are vertical wellbores that connect aquifers in a multi-aquifer system, low conductivity in the aquitard enhances the flow of solute through the wellbores. Time-varying pumping rates induce important fluctuations in nitrate concentrations; therefore, any estimate of the water quality of the aquifer will depend on the moment when the data has been recorded. Consequently, concentration maps obtained by interpolation of point samples are seldom a good indicator of the chemical status of groundwater bodies; alternatively, we recommend complementing the usual interpolated maps with numerical models to gain a true understanding of the spatial distribution of the solute concentration.  相似文献   
Salt marshes are widely studied due to the broad range of ecosystem services they provide including serving as crucial wildlife habitat and as hotspots for biogeochemical cycling. Nutrients such as nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and carbon (C) are well studied in these systems. However, salt marshes may also be important environments for the cycling of another key nutrient, silica (Si). Found at the land–sea interface, these systems are silica replete with large stocks in plant biomass, sediments, and porewater, and therefore, have the potential to play a substantial role in the transformation and export of silica to coastal waters. In an effort to better understand this role, we measured the fluxes of dissolved (DSi) and biogenic (BSi) silica into and out of two tidal creeks in a temperate, North American (Rowley, Massachusetts, USA) salt marsh. One of the creeks has been fertilized from May to September for six years allowing us to examine the impacts of nutrient addition on silica dynamics within the marsh. High-resolution sampling in July 2010 showed no significant differences in Si concentrations between the fertilized and reference creeks with dissolved silica ranging from 0.5 to 108 μM and biogenic from 2.0 to 56 μM. Net fluxes indicated that the marsh is a point source of dissolved silica to the estuary in the summer with a net flux of approximately 169 mol h−1, demonstrating that this system exports DSi on the same magnitude as some nearby, mid-sized rivers. If these findings hold true for all salt marshes, then these already valuable regions are contributing yet another ecosystem service that has been previously overlooked; by exporting DSi to coastal receiving waters, salt marshes are actively providing this important nutrient for coastal primary productivity.  相似文献   
Multivariate statistical methods for online process monitoring have been widely applied to chemical, biological, and engineered systems. While methods based on principal component analysis (PCA) are popular, more recently kernel PCA (KPCA) and locally linear embedding (LLE) have been utilized to better model nonlinear process data. Additionally, various forms of dynamic and adaptive monitoring schemes have been proposed to address time-varying features in these processes. In this analysis, we extend a common simulation study in order to account for autocorrelation and nonstationarity in process data and comprehensively compare the monitoring performances of static, dynamic, adaptive, and adaptive–dynamic versions of PCA, KPCA, and LLE. Furthermore, we evaluate a nonparametric method to set thresholds for monitoring statistics and compare results with the standard parametric approaches. We then apply these methods to real-world data collected from a decentralized wastewater treatment system during normal and abnormal operations. From the simulation study, adaptive–dynamic versions of all three methods generally improve results when the process is autocorrelated and nonstationary. In the case study, adaptive–dynamic versions of PCA, KPCA, and LLE all flag a strong system fault, but nonparametric thresholds considerably reduce the number of false alarms for all three methods under normal operating conditions.  相似文献   


Reductive precipitation of hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) with magnetite is a well-known Cr(VI) remediation method to improve water quality. The rapid (<a few hr) reduction of soluble Cr(VI) to insoluble Cr(III) species by Fe(II) in magnetite has been the primary focus of the Cr(VI) removal process in the past. However, the contribution of simultaneous Cr(VI) adsorption processes in aged magnetite has been largely ignored, leaving uncertainties in evaluating the application of in situ Cr remediation technologies for aqueous systems. In this study, effects of common groundwater ions (i.e., nitrate and sulfate) on Cr(VI) sorption to magnetite were investigated using batch geochemical experiments in conjunction with X-ray absorption spectroscopy.


In both nitrate and sulfate electrolytes, batch sorption experiments showed that Cr(VI) sorption decreases with increasing pH from 4 to 8. In this pH range, Cr(VI) sorption decreased with increasing ionic strength of sulfate from 0.01 to 0.1 M whereas nitrate concentrations did not alter the Cr(VI) sorption behavior. This indicates the background electrolyte specific Cr(VI) sorption process in magnetite. Under the same ionic strength, Cr(VI) removal in sulfate containing solutions was greater than that in nitrate solutions. This is because the oxidation of Fe(II) by nitrate is more thermodynamically favorable than by sulfate, leaving less reduction capacity of magnetite to reduce Cr(VI) in the nitrate media. X-ray absorption spectroscopy analysis supports the macroscopic evidence that more than 75 % of total Cr on the magnetite surfaces was adsorbed Cr(VI) species after 48 h.


This experimental geochemical study showed that the adsorption process of Cr(VI) anions was as important as the reductive precipitation of Cr(III) in describing the removal of Cr(VI) by magnetite, and these interfacial adsorption processes could be impacted by common groundwater ions like sulfate and nitrate. The results of this study highlight new information about the large quantity of adsorbed Cr(VI) surface complexes at the magnetite-water interface. It has implications for predicting the long-term stability of Cr at the magnetite-water interface.
Graphical abstract Effects of background anions (sulfate and nitrate) on the Cr(VI) surface coverage at the magnetite-waterinterface at pH 4 and 9
Three particle interceptor traps were moored from June to September 1996 along the SE coast of Milos Island (Aegean Sea), in an area known for its extensive seabed geothermal activity. The settling particles collected differed between sites not only in quantity but also in their geochemical composition. In the area directly influenced by warm water vents, the vertical flux of particulate material was almost one order of magnitude higher than that observed at the reference sites 6.5 km away from the vents, with a higher contribution of biogenic material in the former. The neutral lipid fractions exhibited a significant zooplankton biomarker signature (e.g. cholesterol and wax esters), followed by those of microalgal and terrigenous remains. The biogeochemical cycle of sterols included the formation of steroidal ketones, thiols and stanols, the latter two particularly associated with the venting activity. Moreover, the aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons in the particles from the venting area reflected a locally enhanced maturity of the organic matter. Although part of the material collected in the traps may have been exported in the vent waters, the higher fluxes observed in the vicinity of the hydrothermal plumes are mainly the result of an assemblage of zooplankton which, in turn, may contribute significantly to the sedimentation, through fast sinking faecal pellets, of the petrogenic hydrocarbons possibly generated in the vents.  相似文献   
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