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Alteration in climatic pattern has resulted to a steady decline in quality of life and the environment, especially in and around urbanized areas. These areas are faced with increasing surface temperature arising mostly from human activities and other natural sources; hence land surface temperature has become an important variable in global climate change studies. In this paper, Landsat TM/ETM imagery acquired between 1997 and 2013 were used to extract ground brightness temperature and land use/land cover change in Kuala Lumpur metropolis. The main objective of this paper is to examine the effectiveness of quantifying UHI effects, in space and time, using remote sensing data and, also, to find the relationship between UHI and land use change. Four land use types (forest, farmland, built-up area and water) were classified from the Landsat images using maximum likelihood classification technique. The result reveals that Greater KL experienced an increase in average temperature from 312.641°K to 321.112°K which was quite eminent with an average gain in surface temperature of 8.4717°K. During the period of investigation (1997–2013), generally high temperature is been experienced mostly in concentrated built-up areas, the less concentrated have a moderate to intermediate temperature. Again, the study also shows that low and intermediate temperature classes loss more spatial extent from 2,246.89 Km2 to 1,164.53 Km2 and 6,102.42 Km2 to 3,013.63 Km2 and a gain of 4,165.963 Km2 and 307.098 Km2 in moderate and high temperature respectively from 1997 to 2013. The results of this study may assist planners, scientists, engineers, demographers and other social scientists concerned about urban heat island to make decisions that will enhance sustainable environmental practices.  相似文献   
Ozone vertical profiles have been obtained above the “Observatoire de Haute-Provence” from 9 to 19 June 1981, with both conventional and short Umkehr methods: the mesospheric and stratospheric ozone variability has been found to be very small while the ozone variability was large in the troposphere and maximum at the tropopause level.  相似文献   
Organic geochemical and petrological assessment of coals/coaly shales and fine grained sediments, coupled with organic geochemical analyses of oil samples, all from Permo–Triassic sections of the Southern Sydney Basin (Australia), have enabled identification of the source for the widely distributed oil shows and oil seeps in this region. The Permian coals have higher hydrogen indices, higher liptinite contents, and much higher total organic matter extract yields than the fine grained sediments. A variety of source specific parameters obtained from n-alkanes, regular isoprenoids, terpanes, steranes and diasteranes indicate that the oil shows and seeps were generated and expelled predominantly from higher plant derived organic matter deposited in oxic environments. The source and maturity related biomarkers and aromatic hydrocarbon distributions of the oils are similar to those of the coals. The oil-coal relationship also is demonstrated by similarities in the carbon isotopic composition of the total oils, coal extracts, and their individual n-alkanes. Extracts from the Permo–Triassic fine grained sediments, on the other hand, have organic geochemical signatures indicative of mixed terrestrial and prokaryotic organic matter deposited in suboxic environments, which are significantly different from both the oils and coal extracts. The molecular signatures indicating the presence of prokaryotic organic matter in some of the coal extracts and oils may be due to thin sections of possibly calcareous lithologies interbedded within the coal measures. The genetic relationship between the oils and coals provides new evidence for the generation and expulsion of oils from the Permian coals and raises the possibility for commercial oil accumulations in the Permian and Early Triassic sandstones, potentially in the deeper offshore part of the Sydney Basin.  相似文献   
The stable isotopic characteristics were used together with the total chloride to assess changes in groundwater from recharge zones into the carbonate aquifer in an arid environment. The aquifer under study represents a major source of groundwater and thermal springs in Al-Ain city, which are located at the northern part of Jabal Hafit in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The relationship between oxygen and hydrogen isotopic composition of groundwater is established and is described by δD?=?2.2δ18O???9.96. The lower slope and y-intercept of groundwater samples relative to the local meteoric waterline suggests that the isotopic enrichment is due to the evaporation of shallow groundwater after recharge occurs. The majority of the shallow groundwater samples have a negative deuterium excess (d-excess) which might be ascribed to high a degree of evaporation, while most of the groundwater samples from deep wells, have a positive value of d-excess which may be related to a low degree of evaporation. The δ18O values of the thermal waters suggest enrichment towards δ18O of the carbonate rocks because of the exchange with oxygen at higher temperatures. A possible mixing between thermal or hot water and shallow groundwater is evident in some samples as reflected by δD vs. Cl and d-excess vs. δ18O plots.  相似文献   
Chromitite occurrences in the Pindos ophiolite complex are located in elongated dunite bodies hosted in harzburgite of the mantle sequence, and show a compositional variation from high-Al to high-Cr type. Although the majority of the chromite ores is characterized by paucity in fluid inclusions, abundant fluid inclusions were found in chromite hosted by a coarse-grained pyroxenite dike at the Spanos Valley, Pindos complex. Chromite occurs in highly variable proportion in an orthopyroxene matrix or as inclusions in orthopyroxenes. Its composition is homogeneous and has an average Cr/(Cr+Al) ratio 0.73.The investigation of chromitites revealed the presence of primary and secondary fluid inclusions. The primary inclusions are of following types: Three-phase solid-liquid-gas, three-phase liquid-liquid-gas, two-phase liquid-gas and one-phase octahedron crystal-shaped. The secondary fluid inclusions are two-phase liquid-gas and mono-phase fluid inclusions.The presence of fluid inclusions in chromite aggregates hosted in orthopyroxenite dikes, in combination with the trace element contents in chromite concentrates and the mineralogical composition of the dikes may indicate that an aqueous phase separated from the magma.  相似文献   
Morphologies, petrographic settings and carbon and nitrogen isotopic compositions of graphites in the Acapulco meteorite, the latter determined by secondary ionization mass spectrometry, are reported. Seven different graphite morphologies were recognized, the majority of which occur enclosed exclusively in kamacite. Individual graphite grains also rarely occur in the silicate matrix. Kamacite rims surrounding taenite cores of metal grains are separated from the Ni-rich metal cores by graphite veneers. These graphite veneers impeded or prevented Ni-Fe interdiffusion during cooling. In addition, matrix FeNi metal contains considerable amounts of phosphorous (≈ 700 ppm) and silicon (≈ 300 ppm) (Pack et al., 2005 in preparation) thus indicating that results of laboratory cooling experiments in the Fe-Ni binary system are inapplicable to Acapulco metals. Graphites of different morphologies display a range of carbon and nitrogen isotopic compositions, indicating a diversity of source regions before accretion in the Acapulco parent body. The isotopic compositions point to at least three isotopic reservoirs from which the graphites originated: (1) A reservoir with heavy carbon, represented by graphite in silicates (δ13C = 14.3 ± 2.4 ‰ and δ15N = −103.4 ± 10.9 ‰), (2) A reservoir with isotopically light carbon and nitrogen, characteristic for the metals. Its C- and N-isotopic compositions are probably preserved in the graphite exsolutions that are isotopically light in carbon and lightest in nitrogen (δ13C = −17 to −23 ‰ δ15N = −141 to −159 ‰). (3) A reservoir with an assumed isotopic composition (δ13C ∼ −5 ‰; δ15N ∼ −50 ‰). A detailed three-dimensional tomography in reflected light microscopy of the decorations of metal-troilite spherules in the cores of orthopyroxenes and olivines and metal-troilite veins was conducted to clarify their origin. Metal and troilite veins are present only near the fusion crust. Hence, these veins are not pristine to Acapulco parent body but resulted during passage of Acapulco in Earth’s atmosphere. A thorough search for symplectite-type silicate-troilite liquid quench textures was conducted to determine the extent of closed-system partial silicate melting in Acapulco.Metal-troilite spherules in orthopyroxenes and olivines are not randomly distributed but decorate ferromagnesian silicate restite cores, indicating that the metal-spherule decoration around restite silicates took place in a silicate partial melt. Graphite inclusions in these spherules have C- and N- isotopic compositions (δ13C = −2.9 ± 2.5 ‰ and δ15N = −101.2 ± 32 ‰) close to the average values of graphite in metals and in the silicate matrix, thus strongly suggesting that they originated from a mixture of graphite inclusions in metals and silicate matrix graphite during a closed system crystallization process subsequent to silicate-metal-sulfide partial melting. Troilite-orthopyroxene quench symplectite textures in orthopyroxene rims are clear evidence that silicate-sulfide partial melting took place in Acapulco. Due to petrographic heterogeneity on a centimeter scale, bulk REE abundances of individual samples or of individual minerals provide only limited information and the REE abundances alone are not entirely adequate to unravel the formational processes that prevailed in the acapulcoite-lodranite parent body. The present investigations demonstrate the complexity of the evolutionary stages of acapulcoites from accretion to parent body processes.  相似文献   
A newly identified skarn occurrence is described from the Neoproterozoic rocks of the SW Arabian shield. It is exposed to the SE, E and NE of the Al-Madhiq town. The skarn attributes correspond to those typical of the calcic skarns that host W-deposits. It is characterized as an exoskarn of the proximal type, related to a granitoid contact close to an impure quartzite bed within the regional metamorphic rocks of mixed sedimentary and volcanic derivation. The skarn is localized along a shear zone parallel to the regional faults and other major shear zones. Samples from the studied area contain characteristic skarn minerals that include both the prograde (brownish red grossular, ferrosalite, aluminian titanite-grothite, albite-oligoclase, scapolite), and retrograde (epidote, quartz, hornblende, calcite) assemblages. The pyroxenes are ferrosalites, Mn-bearing, and more like those from “oxidized” skarns; although garnets indicate it to be a “reduced” type skarn. Epidote mimicks that from typical skarns, as it bears a pistacite content of 15.9–20.7%. Grossular composition reflects a largely reduced genetic environment; as it is in solid solution with 6.5–21.6% andradite, 0–0.15% uvarovite, 0–0.47% pyrope, 4.33–18.75% almandine, and 0.4–8.58% spessartine molecules. Titanite composition varies from aluminian titanite to grothite, that may be analogous to the newly described Al-rich titanite from the low-pressure calc-silicate rocks.  相似文献   
Rainfall characteristics during the annual rainy season are explored for the Mzingwane catchment of south-western Zimbabwe, for both historic period (1886–1906) and more recent times (1950–2015), based on available daily and monthly precipitation series. Annual and seasonal rainfall trends are determined using the modified Mann-Kendall test, magnitude of trends test and Sen’s slope estimator. Rainfall variability is quantified using the coefficient of variation (CV), precipitation concentration index (PCI) and standard precipitation index (SPI). Results suggest that contemporary mean annual rainfall may not have changed from that measured during the historic period of 1886–1906. However, the number of rainy days (≥ 1 mm) has decreased by 34%, thus suggesting much more concentrated and increased rainfall intensity. A notable shift in both the onset and cessation dates of the rainy season is recorded, particularly during the twenty-first century, which has resulted in a significantly reduced (p < 0.05) length of the rainy season. The combination of a reduced number of rainy days (≥ 1 mm) and a shortened rainy season suggests that long intra-season dry spells have become more common through time and have considerable negative consequences for agriculture and wetland ecosystem in the region. In addition, high spatio-temporal rainfall variability and seasonal PCI values indicate strong seasonality in the rainy season. Based on the SPI results, the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) strongly influences rainfall variability. The results further suggest high uncertainty in rain season characteristics, which requires effective planning for water needs.  相似文献   
The Neogene carbonate rocks have relatively small exposure relative to the siliciclastic and evaporite rocks in Rabigh and Ubhur areas, north Jeddah, Red Sea coastal plain of Saudi Arabia. The Miocene carbonates form small hills in both areas, which conformably overlie the siliciclastics, whereas the Pleistocene coral reefs form terraces facing the Red Sea in Rabigh area. The Neogene carbonates are represented by the following microfacies types: (1) dolomitic, oolitic, foraminiferal packstone; (2) sandy, dolomitic, intraclastic, foraminiferal packstone; (3) dolomitic and oolitic wackestone; (4) dolomitic, foraminiferal, intraclastic wackestone; (5) dolomitic mudstone; (6) coral boundstone; and (7) grainstone. The diagenetic processes affecting these carbonates are compaction, dissolution, aggrading neomorphism, and replacement that took place during deposition, shallow burial, and uplift. Pervasive dolomitization by the seepage reflux mechanism is responsible for the mimic replacement of the calcite of the original component of the limestone with dolomite. Sediments, biota, and lithofacies characteristics of the studied carbonate rocks of Rabigh and Ubhur areas indicate the presence of three facies zones; these are (1) FZ 5 platform margin reefs, (2) FZ 6 (platform margin sand shoals), and (3) FZ 7 platform interior-normal marine. The standard microfacies types are represented by (1) SMF 12, limestone with shell concentration; (2) SMF 15, oolitic wackestone and packstone; and (3) SMF 18, bioclastic grainstone and packstone with abundant benthic foraminifera.  相似文献   
The analysis of Stoneley wave propagation in a fracture is essential for the identification and evaluation of fracture parameters from the borehole Stoneley wave. Also, it is important for many geophysics considerations, e.g. for tremor and long-period events observed in volcanoes and geothermal areas. In this paper, we investigate the guided waves propagation in a fluid layer lying between two viscoelastic vertically transversely isotropic media. The viscoelastic mechanism models the attenuation due to the presence of fluid saturation in the rock. A model based on the superposition of three inhomogeneous partial plane waves: one in the fluid and two heterogeneous waves in the solid is developed. The dispersion equation is obtained for this case. A numerical solution is carried out to obtain the guided wave velocity and attenuation coefficient. The results of this investigation show that there is a strong correlation between the velocity dispersion and attenuation of Stoneley wave and the anisotropic parameters of the medium especially in a sandstone (fast) medium.  相似文献   
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