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Gilgit-Baltistan region is covering the northern most part of Pakistan where the rocks of the Kohistan-Ladakh island arc and Karakoram plate are exposed. The area has greater potential for precious and base metals deposits which are needed to be explored through spectroscopy and remote sensing techniques. Minerals and rocks can nowadays be identified through the measurement of their absorption and reflectance features by spectroscopic analysis. Spectral reflectance analysis is also very important in selecting the appropriate spectral bands for remote-sensing data analysis of unknown or inaccessible areas. In this study, reflectance spectra in the spectral range of 0.35–2.5 μm of different types of unaltered and altered rocks found in the Machulu and Astor areas of northern Pakistan were obtained using an ASD spectroradiometer. The fresh rock samples showed low spectral reflectance as compared to the altered rock samples. The minerals jarosite, goethite, and hematite showed depth of absorption minima in the range of 0.4–1.15 μm due to the presence of iron (Fe), while jarosite and limonite showed absorption depth at 2.2 μm due to the presence of hydroxyl ions (OH¯). The clay minerals montmorillonite and illite showed absorption depth at 1.93 and 2.1 μm, respectively. Muscovite showed depth of absorption minima at 1.4 and 1.9 μm in some samples. Calcite showed deep absorption minima at 2.32 μm, while anorthite showed absorption features at 1.4, 1.9, 2.24, and 2.33 μm. Olivine showed a slight depressed absorption feature at 1.07 μm. The copper-bearing phases malachite, chrysocolla, and azurite showed, respectively, a broad absorption feature in the range of 0.6–0.9 μm, a small absorption at 1.4 μm, and a deep absorption at 1.93 μm. The unmineralized samples exhibited high reflectance in the wavelength ranges of 0.6–0.8, 1.6–1.9, 2.0–2.3, 2.1–2.25, and 2.4–2.5 μm, respectively, while the mineralized samples showed reflectance bands in the wavelength ranges of 0.4–0.6, 1.3–1.8, and 2.1–2.2 μm. On this basis, the band ratio combinations 7/5–4/3–6/3 and 7/5–6/3–4/3 of Landsat 8 and 4/7–4/3–2/1 for ASTER data were found to be very effective in the lithological differentiation of major rock units.  相似文献   
Recent decline in Lake Urmia water level makes it crucial to consider this issue more seriously. For this purpose, comparison of water level in Lake Urmia with Lake Van in Turkey, which is in relatively similar geographic and climate conditions, can be an effective approach. To follow this objective, trend analysis, regime shift, and coherency analyses are implemented. The results showed negative trend in Lake Urmia water level for the past 20 years, while in Lake Van, the trend is positive. Moreover, correlation of the lake level variations versus the basin rainfall during three common periods, identified by the regime shifts analysis, illustrated a decreasing trend in the correlation. These changes can be attributed to non-climatic factors such as different allocation disciplines in two lake’s catchments. Finally, the coherency analysis showed significant annual and inter-annual frequencies common between the two lake levels. Herein, the short-term period relations are associated with lags, while in long term, they act simultaneously.  相似文献   
A novel study on using geoelectrical resistivity, soil property, and hydrogeochemical analysis methods for delineating and mapping of heavy metal in aquifer system is presented in this paper. A total of 47 surveys of geoelectrical resistivity with Wenner configuration were conducted to determine the subsurface and the groundwater characteristics. The groundwater sample from 53 existing wells and 2 new wells has been analyzed to derive their water chemical content. The chemical analysis was done on the soil sample obtained from new two wells and from selected locations. The water and soil chemical analysis results from the new two wells were used as calibration in resistivity interpretation. The occurrence of heavy metal in aquifer system was expected to detect using the geoelectrical resistivity survey for the whole study area. The result of groundwater analysis shows that the groundwater sample contains a relatively low concentration of Fe (<?0.3 mg/L) elongating from the south up to the middle region. While in the middle and the northwestern, Fe concentration is relatively high (around 12 mg/L). Chemical analysis of soil sample shows that in the lower resistivity zone (<?18 Ωm), Al and Fe concentrations are comparatively high with an average of 68,000 and 40,000 mg/kg, respectively. Starting from the middle to the northwestern zone, the resistivity value appears to be low. It is definitely caused by higher Al and Fe concentration within the soil, and it is supported also by lower total anion content in the groundwater. While the resistivity value of more than 40 Ωm in aquifers is obtained in the zone which Fe concentration is relatively lower in the soil but not present in the groundwater. Correlation Fe concentration in the soil and Fe concentration in the groundwater sample shows the trend of positively linear; however, the Al concentration in soil has no correlation with Al content in groundwater. Finally, the probability of high heavy metal zone in the aquifer system is easily delineated by the distribution of geoelectrical resistivity presented in depth slice shapes which extend from the Boundary Range Composite Batholith in the north to the northwest.  相似文献   
Durability of building stones is an important issue in sustainable development. Crystallization of soluble salts is recognized as one of the most destructive weathering agents of building stones. For this reason, durability of Ghaleh-khargushi rhyodacite and Gorid andesite from Iran was investigated against sodium sulfate crystallization aging test. Petrographic and physico-mechanical properties and pore size distribution of these stones were examined before and after the aging test. The characteristics of the microcracks were quantified with fluorescence-impregnated thin sections. Durability and physico-mechanical characteristics of Ghaleh-khargushi rhyodacite are mainly influenced by preferentially oriented preexisting microcracks. Stress induced by salt crystallization led to the widening of preexisting microcracks in Ghaleh-khargushi rhyodacite, as confirmed by the pore size distributions before and after the aging test. The preexisting microcracks of Gorid andesite were attributed to the mechanical stress induced by contraction of lava during cooling. The number of transcrystalline microcracks was significantly increased after the aging test. The degree of plagioclase microcracking was proportional to its size. Durability of the studied stones depends on initial physico-mechanical properties, pore size distribution, and orientation of microcracks. Initial effective porosity is found to be a good indicator of the stones’ durability. Salt crystallization resulted in an increase in the effective porosity with a parallel decrease in the wave velocities. Surface microroughness parameters increased with the development of salt crystallization-induced microcracking. Gorid andesite showed higher quality and durability than Ghaleh-khargushi rhyodacite.  相似文献   
The detrital mineralogy as well as diagenetic characters of the Dhosa Sandstone Member of Chari Formation exposed at the Lerdome, south of Bhuj was studied. In order to assess the potential of the Dhosa Sandstone as a reservoir, it is substantial to understand the diagenetic processes that are controlled largely by post-depositional cementation and compaction in addition to framework composition and original depositional textures. The petrologic analysis of 33 thin sections was carried out to discern primary composition and diagenetic features including primary and secondary porosity patterns. Monocrystalline quartz dominates the detrital mineralogy followed by polycrystalline quartz. Among the polycrystalline variety recrystallized metamorphic quartz surpasses stretched metamorphic quartz in terms of abundance. Feldspars comprise microcline and plagioclase where the former is dominant over the latter. Orthoclase too comprises a very small percentage. Mica, chert, rock fragments, and heavies form the remaining detrital constituent in descending order of their constituent percentage. The diagenetic precipitates are mainly carbonate (8.30%) and iron (7.80%) followed by clay (0.66%) and silica (0.88%) that are minor constituent of the total cementing material. The main paragenetic events identified are early cementation, mechanical compaction, late cementation, dissolution, and authigenesis of clays. The overall reservoir quality seems to be controlled by compaction and authigenic carbonate cementation. The minus cement porosity average 29.4%. The porosity loss due to compaction is 21.92% and by cementation is 29.71%. The loss of original porosity was due to early cementation followed by moderate mechanical compaction during shallow burial. Preservation of available miniscule primary porosity was ascribed to dissolution of carbonates and quartz overgrowth which resisted chemical compaction during deep burial. The studied sandstones may have low reservoir quality owing to existing porosity of less than 9%. More carbonate dissolution and its transformation in dolomite in sub-surface condition and macro-fracture porosity may result in enhanced secondary porosity and good diagenetic traps.  相似文献   
The Kaleybar, Razgah and Bozqush (KRB) intrusions were studied to better understand subduction-related Eocene-Oligocene alkaline magmatism in NW Iran. The bulk of intrusions mainly consist of Si-undersaturated rocks including foid-bearing monzonite and syenite (nepheline syenite, pseudoleucite syenite) with some foid-bearing diorite and gabbro. In addition, they are spatially associated with Si-saturated rocks ranging in composition from monzo-diorite to syeno-granite. The main mafic rock-forming minerals of the studied rocks are olivine (Fo44Fa56), clinopyroxene (diopside to augite), biotite (Mg-biotite through Fe-biotite), amphibole (ferro-pargasite and magnesio-hastingsite with Mg#<0.55), and garnet (Ti-andradites). Based on whole rock geochemistry, the foid-syenites and associated rocks show mildly alkaline (shoshonitic) affinity. The content of SiO2, K2O?+?Na2O, and K2O/Na2O ratio ranges from 47.8 to 60.7?wt.%, 5.31 to 16.33?wt.%, and 0.6 to 3.2, respectively. The intrusions are commonly metaluminous, with an aluminum-saturation index (ASI) ranging from 0.66 to 1.01. Almost all the rocks display similar arc-related geochemical features characterized by the enrichment in large ion lithophile elements (LILE) and light rare earth elements (LREE) together with the depletion in high field strength elements (HFSE). The chondrite-normalized REE patterns show no to marked negative Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu*?=?0.55 to 1.12), (La/Yb)N?=?8.16 to 31, (La/Sm)N?=?2.80 to 10.59, and (Tb/Yb)N?=?0.84 to 2.40. The evaluation of the REE patterns for the KRB magmas and the comparison of the trace element ratios with experimental studies indicate a chemically enriched lithospheric mantle source composed of garnet-spinel-lherzolite that have underwent a low degree of partial melting <5% to generate the KRB intrusions. Based on the present data, we infer that the mantle source was contaminated by a subduction component and the melting of the mantle lithosphere occurred by local extension in an overall convergent regime in NW Iran. The extension regime during the Eocene is proposed to be the result of the Neo-Tethys slab roll-back and the Sevan-Akera-Qaradagh (SAQ) slab break-off.  相似文献   
The economy of the Jammu and Kashmir state depends mostly on traditional forms of occupation. Unaffected and unaltered by modern day industrial developments and changing times, the indigenous traditional occupations of farming, animal husbandry and horticulture forms the backbone of the state economy. But in the last few decades, Agriculture in the state as well as the study area is receiving a set back and Horticulture is flourishing leaps and bounds. The present study aims to analyze various determinants responsible for this change. Climatic as well as field data was thoroughly analyzed to comprehend the situation. A Mann–Kendall test was done on the climatic data to support the hypotheses. It was observed that initially changing climatic trends proved to be the triggering factor supporting this change, but in due course of time, the determinants took an economic and psychological turn. The perusal of Indian Meteorological Data reveals an increasing trend of annual mean maximum temperature from 16.78 °C in 1985 to 17.58 °C in 1995 and an increase from 5.30 °C to 7.00 °C in the annual mean minimum temperature, and as such acting as a triggering factor for the land use conversion. Further, the mean annual rainfall shows a decrease from 100.75 mm in 1981 to 79.43 mm in 1991. The greater economic returns from horticulture as well as the changing behavioral patterns of people over the time further cemented its growth. The farmers have since persisted with the horticulture activity as it has proven to be an economically a much better lucrative enterprise.  相似文献   
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