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Stone masonry is one of the oldest building techniques used worldwide and it is known to exhibit poor behaviour under seismic excitations. In this context, this work aims at assessing the in-plane behaviour of an existing double-leaf stone masonry pier by experimental testing. Additionally, a detailed 3D finite element numerical analysis based on micro-modelling of the original pier is presented (fully describing the geometry and division of each individual elements, namely infill, blocks and joints) aiming at simulating the experimental test results. This numerical strategy can be seen as an alternative way of analysing this type of constructions, particularly useful for laboratory studies, and suitable for the calibration of simplified numerical models. As part of a wider research activity, this work is further complemented with the presentation of an effective retrofit/strengthening technique (reinforced connected plaster) to achieve a significant improvement of its in-plane cyclic response which is experimentally verified in the results presented herein.  相似文献   
The carrying capacity for bivalve shellfish culture in Saldanha Bay, South Africa, was analysed through the application of the well-tested EcoWin ecological model, in order to simulate key ecosystem variables. The model was set up using: (i) oceanographic and water-quality data collected from Saldanha Bay, and (ii) culture-practice information provided by local shellfish farmers. EcoWin successfully reproduced key ecological processes, simulating an annual mean phytoplankton biomass of 7.5 µg Chl a l–1 and an annual harvested shellfish biomass of about 3 000 tonnes (t) y–1, in good agreement with reported yield. The maximum annual carrying capacity of Small Bay was estimated as 20 000 t live weight (LW) of oysters Crassostrea gigas, or alternatively 5 100 t LW of mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis, and for Big Bay as 100 000 t LW of oysters. Two production scenarios were investigated for Small Bay: a production of 4 000 t LW y–1 of mussels, and the most profitable scenario for oysters of 19 700 t LW y–1. The main conclusions of this work are: (i) in 2015–2016, both Small Bay and Big Bay were below their maximum production capacity; (ii) the current production of shellfish potentially removes 85% of the human nitrogen inputs; (iii) a maximum-production scenario in both Big Bay and Small Bay would result in phytoplankton depletion in the farmed area; (iv) increasing the production intensity in Big Bay would probably impact the existing cultures in Small Bay; and (v) the production in Small Bay could be increased, resulting in higher income for farmers.  相似文献   
The Eagle Ford Shale of Central and South Texas is currently of great interest for oil and gas exploration and production. Laboratory studies show that the Eagle Ford Shale is anisotropic, with a correlation between anisotropy and total organic carbon. Organic materials are usually more compliant than other minerals present in organic‐rich shales, and their shapes and distribution are usually anisotropic. This makes organic materials an important source of anisotropy in organic‐rich shales. Neglecting shale anisotropy may lead to incorrect estimates of rock and fluid properties derived from inversion of amplitude versus offset seismic data. Organic materials have a significant effect on the PP and PS reflection amplitudes from the Austin Chalk/Upper Eagle Ford interface, the Upper Eagle Ford/Lower Eagle Ford interface, and the Lower Eagle Ford/Buda Limestone interface. The higher kerogen content of the Lower Eagle Ford compared with that of the Upper Eagle Ford leads to a negative PP reflection amplitude that dims with offset, whereas the PS reflection coefficient increases in magnitude with increasing offset. The PP and PS reflection coefficients at the Austin Chalk/Upper Eagle Ford interface, the Upper Eagle Ford/Lower Eagle Ford interface, and the Lower Eagle Ford/Buda Limestone interface all increase in magnitude with increasing volume fraction of kerogen.  相似文献   
The search for the still unrevealed spectral shape of the mysterious THz solar flare emissions is one of the current most challenging research issues. The concept, fabrication and performance of a double THz photometer system, named SOLAR-T, is presented. Its innovative optical setup allows observations of the full solar disk and the detection of small burst transients at the same time. The detecting system was constructed to observe solar flare THz emissions on board of stratospheric balloons. The system has been integrated to data acquisition and telemetry modules for this application. SOLAR-T uses two Golay cell detectors preceded by low-pass filters made of rough surface primary mirrors and membranes, 3 and 7 THz band-pass filters, and choppers. Its photometers can detect small solar bursts (tens of solar flux units) with sub second time resolution. Tests have been conducted to confirm the entire system performance, on ambient and low pressure and temperature conditions. An artificial Sun setup was developed to simulate performance on actual observations. The experiment is planned to be on board of two long-duration stratospheric balloon flights over Antarctica and Russia in 2014–2016.  相似文献   
The dynamics of two counter-streaming electron–positron–ion unmagnetized plasma shells with zero net charge is analysed in the context of magnetic field generation in gamma-ray burst internal shocks due to the Weibel instability. The effects of large thermal motion of plasma particles, arbitrary mixture of plasma species and space charge effects are taken into account. We show that, although thermal effects slow down the instability, baryon loading leads to a non-negligible growth rate even for large temperatures and different shell velocities, thus guaranteeing the robustness and the occurrence of the Weibel instability for a wide range of scenarios.  相似文献   
Opencast mining alters surface and subsurface hydrology of a landscape both during and post‐mining. At mine closure, following opencast mining in mines with low overburden to coal ratios, a void is left in the final landform. This final void is the location of the active mine pit at closure. Voids are generally not infilled within the mines' lifetime, because of the prohibitive cost of earthwork operations, and they become post‐mining water bodies or pit lakes. Water quality is a significant issue for pit lakes. Groundwater within coal seams and associated rocks can be saline, depending on the nature of the strata and groundwater circulation patterns. This groundwater may be preferentially drawn to and collected in the final void. Surface runoff to the void will not only collect salts from rainfall and atmospheric fallout, but also from the ground surface and the weathering of fresh rock. As the void water level rises, its evaporative surface area increases, concentrating salts that are held in solution. This paper presents a study of the long term, water quality trends in a post‐mining final void in the Hunter Valley, New South Wales, Australia. This process is complex and occurs long term, and modelling offers the only method of evaluating water quality. Using available geochemical, climate and hydrogeological data as inputs into a mass‐balance model, water quality in the final void was found to increase rapidly in salinity through time (2452 to 8909 mg l−1 over 500 years) as evaporation concentrates the salt in the void and regional groundwater containing high loads of salt continues to flow into the void. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
— We discuss and illustrate graphically with simple 2-D problems, four common pitfalls in geophysical nonlinear inversion. The first one establishes that the Lagrange multiplier, used to incorporate a priori information in the geophysical inverse problem, should be the largest value still compatible with a reasonable data fitting. This procedure should be used only when the interpreter is sure about the importance of the a priori information used to stabilize the inverse problem relative to the geophysical observations. Because this is rarely the case, the user should use the smallest Lagrange multiplier still producing stable solutions. The second pitfall is an attempt to automatically estimate the Lagrange multiplier by decreasing it along the iterative process used to solve the nonlinear optimization problem. Consequently, at the last iteration, the Lagrange multiplier may be so small that the problem may become ill-posed and any computed solution in this case is meaningless. The third pitfall is related to the incorporation of a priori information by a technique known as “Jumping.” This formulation, from the viewpoint of the class of Acceptable Gradient Methods, is incomplete and may lead to a premature halt in the iteration, and, consequently, to solutions far from the true one. Finally, the fourth pitfall is an inadequate convergence criterion which stops the iteration when the data misfit drops just below the noise level, irrespective of the fact that the functional to be minimized may not have attained its minimum. This means that the a priori information has not been completely incorporated, so that this stopping criterion partially neutralizes the effect of the stabilizing functional, and opens the possibility of obtaining unstable, meaningless estimates.  相似文献   
Late- to post-orogenic basins formed on both sides of the Pan-African – Brasiliano orogen when the Congo and Kalahari Cratons collided with the Rio de la Plata Craton during the formation of western Gondwana. Trace fossil evidence and radiometric age dating indicate that deposits on both sides are coeval and span the Cambrian–Precambrian boundary. A peripheral foreland basin, the Nama Basin, developed on the subducting southern African plate. Lower, craton-derived fluviomarine clastics are overlain by marine platform carbonates and deltaic flysch derived in part from the rising subduction complex along the northern (Damara Belt) and western (Gariep Belt) orogenic margins. Rare, thin volcanic ash layers (tuffs and cherts) are present. Upper sediments consist of unconformable red molasse related to collisional orogenesis. Orogenic loading from the north and west led to crustal flexure and the formation of a remnant ocean that drained to the south and closed progressively from north to south. During final collision SE-, E- and NE-verging nappes overrode the active basin margins. Although younger than most of the post-orogenic magmatism, its setting on the cratonic edge of the subducting plate precluded marked volcanism or granitic intrusion, the only exception being the youngest intrusions of the Kuboos-Bremen Suite dated at 521±6 Ma to 491±8 Ma. Two foreland-type basins, perhaps faulted remnants of a much larger NE–SW elongated retroarc foreland basin, are found west of the Dom Feliciano Belt on the edge of the Rio de la Plata Craton in southern Brazil. In the southern Camaqua Basin, basal fluvial deposits are followed by cyclical marine and coarsening-up deltaic deposits with a notable volcanic and volcaniclastic component. This lower deformed succession, comprising mainly red beds, contain stratabound Cu and Pb–Zn deposits and is overlain unconformably by a fluviodeltaic to aeolian succession of sandstones and conglomerates (with minor andesitic volcanics), derived primarily from an eastern orogenic source and showing southerly longitudinal transport. In the northern Itajaí Basin, sediments range from basal fluvial and platform sediments to fining-up submarine fan and turbidite deposits with intercalated acid tuffs. The Brazilian basins had faulted margins off which alluvial fans were shed. They also overlie parts of the Ribeira Belt. Thrust deformation along the orogenic margin bordering the Dom Feliciano Belt was directed westward in the Camaqua and Itajaí basins, but reactivated strike-slip and normal faults are also present. Late- to post-orogenic granitoids and volcanics of the Dom Feliciano Belt, ranging in age from 568±6 Ma to 529±4 Ma, occur in the foreland basins and are geochemically related to some of the synsedimentary volcanics.  相似文献   
The Pleistocene (Eemian) outcrops of Lagoinhas and Prainha, located at Santa Maria Island (Azores), were investigated and their fossil mollusc content reported. These studies revealed that the last glaciation affected two groups of molluscs: the ‘warm‐guest’ gastropods with West African or Caribbean affinities (e.g. Conus spp., Cantharus variegatus, Bulla amygdala, Trachypollia nodulosa) and shallow bivalve species mainly associated with sandy habitats (Ensis minor, Lucinella divaricata, and probably Laevicardium crassum). In this paper we focus on this group of bivalves, which has since locally disappeared from the Azores. We relate the local disappearance of these bivalves in the Azores with the lack of sand in the shelf. The specific characteristics of the Santa Maria shelf combined with the sea‐level drop during the Weichselian prevented deposition of the lowstand deposits and permitted erosion of the previous ones, leaving the shelf without a sediment cover. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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