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A series of small-scale gravity induced synsedimentary faults are described from the Middle Coal Measures (Westphalian B) of the South Wales Coalfield. The synsedimentary nature of the faults is indicated by abrupt changes in sediment thickness across faults, eroded fault scarps and the restriction of faulting to 8·75 m of sediment bounded by laterally persistent black shales above and a seatearth below. Evidence for the non-tectonic origin of the faults is given by the presence of passive footwalls. Channel sandstone bodies occurring within the hanging walls of individual faults were deposited by discrete overbank flood events. Drainage patterns during flood events were controlled by topographic lows adjacent to the faults such that palaeocurrent data within the channel sandstone bodies indicate a S/SW transport direction parallel to fault strike. Synsedimentary fault movements resulted in the diagonal stacking of successively younger sandstone bodies adjacent to the faults, and an increase in tilt of the bodies with depth from 0 → 26°. The architecture of channel sandstone bodies was controlled by (1) the amount of fault movement and (2) fault block dimensions (or fault spacing). The interaction of these controlling factors resulted in deposition of symmetrical channel sandstone bodies over narrow fault blocks (12 m wide) with large fault displacements (7 m), asymmetrical sandstone bodies over wide fault blocks (30 m) with large fault displacement (7.5 m), and limited channel sandstone body development over fault blocks with small fault displacements (1.5 m). Synsedimentary faulting is thought to have been initiated by either seismic shock and/or overpressuring of pore fluids within buried mudstones.  相似文献   
Strain analysis based on initially uniformly oriented elliptical particles in an oolitic limestone (Blegi oolite) was used to study the homogeneity of the state of strain on various scales, kinematics of folding and deformation mechanisms. A computer (reduced means) method for strain analysis is presented which is based on deforming a population of ellipses with shape and orientation properties of measured undeformed ooids. The strain values obtained with this method are within an accuracy of about 10% (in terms of axial ratios) and are in good agreement with the ones obtained with existing graphical methods. The state of strain is homogeneous on the scale of a thin section, handspecimen and outcrop, provided that regions around relatively strong fossils and regions of marked variations in lithology are avoided. Whole rock strains and strains as indicated by ooids alone are similar. Strain patterns in folds in limestones embedded in sandstones, shales and marl are compatible with bending accompanied simultaneously with a shortening perpendicular to the axial surface. The shortening may be attributed to the shear strains related to fold asymmetry and overthrusting. Strains on the outer arcs of a competent dolomite layer compare well with theoretical and experimental fold models; strain patterns include complex contact strains and change along the fold hinge line across a transverse fault which was active during the folding process. Strains parallel to the hinge line are more or less uniform but do not necessarily represent a plane strain state. Volume change took place during deformation. It was accomplished by pressure solution processes, the pressure solved material being partly redeposited. Pressure solution accounts for only a relatively small fraction of the bulk finite strain and was accompanied by plastic flow. Intracrystalline deformation together with grain boundary sliding and/or grain boundary migration went hand in hand with recrystallization (noteably grain growth).  相似文献   
Paleoliquefaction features can be used to estimate lower bounds on the magnitude and ground motion associated with the earthquake that caused the liquefaction feature. The engineering back-analysis of paleoliquefaction features is usually conducted using state of the practice liquefaction-triggering analysis methodologies. Recent studies have shown that these methodologies are associated with variable probabilities of liquefaction depending on the soil parameters. This would imply that estimates of magnitude and ground motion intensity obtained from these methodologies would not be consistent for all soil sites. Moreover, these estimates could be unconservative. In this paper, the use of a probabilistic methodology for the back-analysis of paleoliquefaction features is proposed. The proposed methodology permits the incorporation of model and parameter uncertainty into the analysis and results in more robust estimates of past magnitude and a measure of the uncertainty associated with these predictions. Previously published paleoliquefaction data are used to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed method. Magnitude estimates obtained with the proposed method do not differ significantly from those obtained using deterministic methodologies, but the proposed methodology permits a quantification of the uncertainty associated with magnitude estimates.  相似文献   
This paper provides a record and analysis of a site in east-midland England, at which organic and soil material are found between two Middle Pleistocene tills. This is the first discovery of its kind in the area, and demonstrates unequivocally that the region was glaciated on two separate occasions, something that has long been inferred and articulated, but not actually demonstrated. The landforms, sediments and soils are studied with respect to their geomorphological, lithological, pedological, palaeobotanical and structural properties. The organic and soil material along with soil structures indicate, sequentially, a periglacial climate, a long period of warm temperate weathering and a cool temperate climate. Evaluation of this evidence in terms of existing published work identifies a number of problems with existing models and suggests that the most likely model for the glacial history of this part of midland England is an early Middle Pleistocene glaciation which is represented only by trace erratics, a Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 12 age glaciation which moved across the area from the NW and deposited a chalk-free till, and an MIS 8 age glaciation that transported and deposited an upper chalky till from the NE. © 2021 The Authors. Journal of Quaternary Science Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   
We investigate the internal deformation of orogenic wedges growing by frontal accretion with a two-dimensional numerical model. Our models are limited to crustal deformation and assume a horizontal detachment as observed for various natural orogens (e.g. Alaska and Costa Rica). The model wedges develop as a result of convergence of a brittle sediment layer in front of a strong backstop. We find that our reference model develops in-sequence forward-thrusts which propagate upward from the basal detachment. For this reference model we investigate the sensitivity of shear zone activity to surface processes and strain softening. Model results show that diffusive or slope dependent erosion enhances material transport across the wedge and slows down forward propagation of the deformation front. Frictional strain softening focuses deformation into narrow shear zones and enhances displacement along them. This has also been postulated for natural thrusts such as the Glarus thrust in the Swiss Alps and the Moine thrust in the Scottish Caledonides. A second series of models investigates the effects of regularly spaced weak inclusions within the sediment layer which simulate remnants of previous deformation phases. These inclusions facilitate and focus internal deformation, influence the thrust dip and thrust vergence and enable thrust reactivation in the internal part of the wedge. Our results show that inactive thrusts in the internal part of the wedges may be reactivated in models with diffusive surface processes, strain softening or weak inclusions. Thrust reactivation occurs as models seek to maintain their critical taper angle. First order characteristics of our numerical models agree well with natural orogenic wedges and results from other numerical and analogue models.  相似文献   
This paper presents a practical computational approach to quantify the effect of individual observations in estimating the state of a system. Such a methodology can be used for pruning redundant measurements and for designing future sensor networks. The mathematical approach is based on computing the sensitivity of the analyzed model states (unconstrained optimization solution) with respect to the data. The computational cost is dominated by the solution of a linear system, whose matrix is the Hessian of the cost function, and is only available in operator form. The right-hand side is the gradient of a scalar cost function that quantifies the forecast error of the numerical model. The use of adjoint models to obtain the necessary first- and second-order derivatives is discussed. We study various strategies to accelerate the computation, including matrix-free iterative solvers, preconditioners, and an in-house multigrid solver. Experiments are conducted on both a small-size shallow-water equations model and on a large-scale numerical weather prediction model, in order to illustrate the capabilities of the new methodology.  相似文献   
Aegirines with almost 7.0 wt.% ZrO2 have been discovered in nepheline syenites from the Motzfeldt Centre, South Greenland. The analyses require the postulate of a new endmember pyroxene composition with the formula NaFM0.5Zr0.5Si2O6.A possible acronym is FM-NAZ. Aegirines rich in this component occur in rocks in which there is no other zirconium-bearing phase such as eudialyte.These zirconian pyroxenes have crystallised from magmas which were peralkaline, low in lime and silica and relatively low in oxygen fugacity compared with other nepheline syenites. These factors have combined to prevent the usual crystallisation of such Zr-phases as eudialyte, zircon or baddeleyite.  相似文献   
A partial skeleton of straight-tusked elephant (Palaeoloxodon antiquus) excavated at Selsey beach (Sussex, UK) in 1961 is one of very few from Marine Isotope Stage 7 (MIS 7), ca. 240–200 ka, in Europe. Dental morphometrics, including X-ray micro-computed tomography, confirms the species identification. Age determination through dental wear and skeletal morphology, sex determination through pelvic anatomy, and body-size measurements, together identify the individual as a female of approximately 30 years old with a live shoulder height of ca. 3 m and a body mass of ca. 5 t. Dental mesowear indicates mixed feeding with a significant proportion of grass, indicating selective feeding in a predominately forested environment. Although taphonomic conclusions are limited by the nature of the excavation, identification of 107 recovered skeletal elements indicates predominant preservation of the right side of the animal, suggesting death or burial on the right side in a shallow, slow-moving freshwater environment, with possible removal of other elements by scavenging or decay. Combining the Selsey data with 29 comparative skeletons from across Europe, we demonstrate the validity of pelvic proportions for determining sex and provide a graphical representation of variation and growth rate in males and females of this species.  相似文献   
Reporting uncertainty in environmental measurements and estimates is important for cross‐comparison and inter‐comparison of sites and other spatial units. One such measure is the load of large in‐stream wood in river systems. In this paper we propose the use of the Weibull distribution to describe the central tendency and variability of wood loads along a river reach. We illustrate the link between the average wood load and the central tendency or scale parameter of the Weibull distribution. The shape of the Weibull distribution is strongly related to the ability of rivers to transport and rearrange the wood in a reach. We use six Victorian rivers to test the fit of the Weibull distribution, showing that the Weibull is a useful and flexible distribution that provides common reporting metrics useful for future studies. Using common reporting metrics provides a stronger tool for comparisons of wood loads between rivers and with reaches. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Subduction of both the Iapetus and Rheic oceans began relatively soon after their opening. Vestiges of both the Iapetan and Rheic oceanic lithospheres are preserved as supra-subduction ophiolites and related mafic complexes in the Appalachian–Caledonian and Variscan orogens. However, available Sm–Nd isotopic data indicate that the mantle source of these complexes was highly depleted as a result of an earlier history of magmatism that occurred prior to initiation of the Iapetus and Rheic oceans. We propose two alternative models for this feature: either the highly depleted mantle was preserved in a long-lived oceanic plateau within the Paleopacific realm or the source for the basalt crust was been recycled from a previously depleted mantle and was brought to an ocean spreading centre during return flow, without significant re-enrichment en-route. Data from present-day oceans suggest that such return flow was more likely to have occurred in the Paleopacific than in new mid-ocean ridges produced in the opening of the Iapetus and Rheic oceans. Variation in crustal density produced by Fe partitioning rendered the lithosphere derived from previously depleted mantle more buoyant than the surrounding asthenosphere, facilitating its preservation. The buoyant oceanic lithosphere was captured from the adjacent Paleopacific, in a manner analogous to the Mesozoic–Cenozoic “capture” in the Atlantic realm of the Caribbean plate. This mechanism of “plate capture” may explain the premature closing of the oceans, and the distribution of collisional events and peri-Gondwanan terranes in the Appalachian–Caledonian and Variscan orogens.  相似文献   
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