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Wildfire is an important factor on carbon sequestration in the North American boreal biomes. Being globally important stocks of organic carbon, peatlands may be less sensitive to burning in comparison with upland forests, especially wet unforested ombrotrophic ecosystems as found in northeastern Canada. We aimed to determine if peatland fires have driven carbon accumulation patterns during the Holocene. To cover spatial variability, six cores from three peatlands in the Eastmain region of Quebec were analyzed for stratigraphic charcoal accumulation. Results show that regional Holocene peatland fire frequency was ~ 2.4 fires 1000 yr? 1, showing a gradually declining trend since 4000 cal yr BP, although inter- and intra-peatland variability was very high. Charcoal peak magnitudes, however, were significantly higher between 1400 and 400 cal yr BP, possibly reflecting higher charcoal production driven by differential climatic forcing aspects. Carbon accumulation rates generally declined towards the late-Holocene with minimum values of ~ 10 g m? 2 yr? 1 around 1500 cal yr BP. The absence of a clear correlation between peatland fire regimes and carbon accumulation indicates that fire regimes have not been a driving factor on carbon sequestration at the millennial time scale.  相似文献   
Although policymaking in response to the climate change threat is essentially a challenge of risk management, most studies of the relation of emissions targets to desired climate outcomes are either deterministic or subject to a limited representation of the underlying uncertainties. Monte Carlo simulation, applied to the MIT Integrated Global System Model (an integrated economic and earth system model of intermediate complexity), is used to analyze the uncertain outcomes that flow from a set of century-scale emissions paths developed originally for a study by the U.S. Climate Change Science Program. The resulting uncertainty in temperature change and other impacts under these targets is used to illustrate three insights not obtainable from deterministic analyses: that the reduction of extreme temperature changes under emissions constraints is greater than the reduction in the median reduction; that the incremental gain from tighter constraints is not linear and depends on the target to be avoided; and that comparing median results across models can greatly understate the uncertainty in any single model.  相似文献   
Coastal cliff erosion is caused by a combination of marine forcing and sub-aerial processes, but linking cliff erosion to the environmental drivers remains challenging. One key component of these drivers is energy transfer from wave–cliff interaction. The aim of this study is to directly observe cliff ground motion in response to wave impacts at an individual wave scale. Measurements are described from two coastal cliff sites: a 45-minute pilot study in southern California, USA and a 30-day deployment in Taranaki, New Zealand. Seismometers, pressure sensors and video are used to compare cliff-top ground motions with water depth, significant wave height (Hs) and wave impact types to examine cliff ground motion response. Analyses of the dataset demonstrate that individual impact events can be discriminated as discrete events in the seismic signal. Hourly mean ground motion increases with incident Hs, but the largest hourly peak ground motions occurred across a broad range of incident Hs (0.9–3.7 m), including during relatively calm conditions. Mean hourly metrics therefore smooth the short-term dynamics of wave–cliff interaction; hence, to fully assess wave impact energy transfer to cliffs, it is important also to consider peak ground motion. Video analyses showed that the dominant control on peak ground motion magnitude was wave impact type rather than incident Hs. Wave–cliff impacts where breaking occurs directly onto the cliff face consistently produced greater ground motion compared to broken or unbroken wave impacts: breaking, broken and unbroken impacts averaged peak ground motion of 287, 59 and 38 μm s−1, respectively. The results illustrate a novel link between wave impact forcing and cliff ground motion response using individual wave field measurements, and highlight the influence of wave impact type on peak energy transfer to coastal cliffs. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A scenario for the future development of the Dutch Wadden Sea is derived from an evolutionary model for tidal basins during a rise in sea level. The model is based on the evolution of the Atlantic/Subboreal Holland tidal basin, between 7000 BP and 3500 BP. It emphasizes the balance between the storage capacity created by a sea-level rise and the amount of sediment available.

If the rate of relative sea-level rise exceeds the rate of sediment supply, the innermost (central) portions of the basin will not receive sufficient sediment for an intertidal morphology to be preserved. Eventually, sand will be deposited only in tidal channels and in the flood-tidal delta through which the sediment is supplied, mud deposition will occur in the interchannel areas and salt marshes will disappear.  相似文献   

Yuan Lian  Adam P. Showman 《Icarus》2008,194(2):597-615
Three-dimensional numerical simulations of the atmospheric flow on giant planets using the primitive equations show that shallow thermal forcing confined to pressures near the cloud tops can produce deep zonal winds from the tropopause all the way down to the bottom of the atmosphere. These deep winds can attain speeds comparable to the zonal jet speeds within the shallow, forced layer; they are pumped by Coriolis acceleration acting on a deep meridional circulation driven by the shallow-layer eddies. In the forced layer, the flow reaches an approximate steady state where east-west eddy accelerations balance Coriolis accelerations acting on the meridional flow. Under Jupiter-like conditions, our simulations produce 25 to 30 zonal jets, similar to the number of jets observed on Jupiter and Saturn. The simulated jet widths correspond to the Rhines scale; this suggests that, despite the three-dimensional nature of the dynamics, the baroclinic eddies energize a quasi-two-dimensional inverse cascade modified by the β effect (where β is the gradient of the Coriolis parameter). In agreement with Jupiter, the jets can violate the barotropic and Charney-Stern stability criteria, achieving curvatures 2u/∂y2 of the zonal wind u with northward distance y up to 2β. The simulations exhibit a tendency toward neutral stability with respect to Arnol'd's second stability theorem in the upper troposphere, as has been suggested for Jupiter, although deviations from neutrality exist. When the temperature varies strongly with latitude near the equator, our simulations can also reproduce the stable equatorial superrotation with wind speeds greater than . Diagnostics show that barotropic eddies at low latitudes drive the equatorial superrotation. The simulations also broadly explain the distribution of jet-pumping eddies observed on Jupiter and Saturn. While idealized, these simulations therefore capture many aspects of the cloud-level flows on Jupiter and Saturn.  相似文献   
This article addresses the issue of linking temporal and spatial information into a GIS database structure to investigate the land-use changes in a rural-urban region over a thirty-five-year period. More specifically, it describes the application of a programming package developed to build temporal topology in an historical land-use GIS database to efficiently perform spatiotemporal queries. The program was created within the MapInfo environment using MapBasic language. Different types of information, such as the rate of change, the relationship between the change of land use and zoning regulations, and land-use succession were extracted from the database. A user-friendly interface was also developed to easily address spatiotemporal queries to the database. This approach represents a flexible and performing tool for scientists and planners who need to efficiently capture essential spatiotemporal information required for geographical inquiry and decision-making.  相似文献   
When studying the evolution of landscape, it is difficult to discriminate the influence of anthropogenic from natural causes, or recognise changes caused by different sources of human action. This is especially challenging when the influence of certain sources is overprinted. For instance, although dam closure is the most common method of altering river courses, dam construction is often preceded by hydro‐technical works such as channel straightening, embankment construction or sediment mining. Both dam construction and the hydro‐technical works that precede dam closure can result in changes in the balance between sediment supply and transport capacity, and often, changes in river planform. The main objective of this study was to verify whether the works preceding dam closure are an important driver of river planform changes on the lower Drava River (Hungary). The case study is based on geological and geophysical surveys, as well as the analysis of historical maps covering an anabranching, 23 km long valley section. We show that channel straightening conducted prior to dam closure resulted in a transition from a meandering to sinuous planform with channel bars. Dam construction itself then caused enhanced incision, exposure of bar surfaces, vegetation encroachment and the formation of an anabranching planform. Based on this study, we developed models of alluvial island and channel planform evolution downstream of dams. Dam construction enhances channel incision, narrowing, and the reduction of flow caused by earlier hydro‐technical works. Many rivers downstream of dams experience episodes of anabranching or wandering, with a multi‐thread pattern replacing sinuous, braided and meandering courses. When incision continues, river patterns evolve from anabranching to sinuous via the attachment of alluvial islands to floodplains. However, the timing and sequence of these changes depend on hydrological and sediment supply regimes, geomorphic settings and anthropogenic actions accompanying dam construction. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) 250m EVI dataset provides a valuable ongoing means of characterising and monitoring changes in land use and resource condition. However the multiple factors that influence a time series of greenness data make the data difficult to analyse and interpret. Without prior knowledge, underlying models for time series in a given remote sensing image are often heterogeneous. So while conventional time series analysis methods such as wavelet transform and Fourier analysis may work well for part of the image, these models are either invalid or must be substantially re-parameterised for other parts of the image. To overcome these challenges we propose a new approach to distil information from earth observation time series data. The characteristics of a remote sensing time series are represented by a set of statistics (which we call coefficients) selected to correspond to the dynamics of a natural system. To ensure the coefficients are robust and generic, statistics are calculated independently by applying statistical models with less complexity on shorter segments within the time series. An International Standards Organization (ISO) Land Cover classification (Jansen 2000) was generated for cropping regions in the Gwydir and Namoi catchments, in Australia. Areas identified in the classification as irrigated and rain fed cropping were analysed using a tailored time series analysis tool. The crop analysis tool identifies time series features such as the number and duration of fallow periods, crop timing, presence/absence of a crop during a year for a specific growing season. This information is combined with paddock boundaries derived from Landsat imagery to provide detailed year-by-year insight into cropping practices in the Gwydir and Namoi catchments.  相似文献   
We report results of the first five observing campaigns for the open stellar cluster NGC 7243 in the frame of project Young Exoplanet Transit Initiative (YETI). The project focuses on the monitoring of young and nearby stellar clusters, with the aim to detect young transiting exoplanets and to study other variability phenomena on time‐scales from minutes to years. After five observing campaigns and additional observations during 2013 and 2014, a clear and repeating transit‐like signal was detected in the light curve of J221550.6+495611. Furthermore, we detected and analysed 37 new eclipsing binary stars in the studied region. The best fit parameters and light curves of all systems are given. Finally, we detected and analysed 26 new, presumably pulsating variable stars in the studied region. The follow‐up investigation of these objects, including spectroscopic measurements of the exoplanet candidate, is currently planned. (© 2016 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
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