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利用通海地磁台(L=1.03)1999年SMALL磁通门磁力仪记录资料,对Pc3脉动出现率的统计结果表明,日出现频次有两个峰值,即清晨06:00-07:00LT(地方时)出现频次最高,午后14:00~15:00LT为次峰值。Pc3脉动月出现频率最高的是4月和12月,其次是8月和9月;最少的是6月和7月。按季节统计结果为春秋季出现频次最高,冬季次之,夏季最低。  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTIONMany hydro-momhological mathematical models neglect the innuence of river bed maerialheterogeneity and its time and space changes during transport and related erosion/dePosition processes. Inthese models a rePresentative diameter of the river bed grain-size distribution (for examPle d5o) isspecified as initial data in each comPutational point of the modeled domain. Different d5o can be assignedto each ghd point but temPoral changes in bed material gradation cannot be simula…  相似文献   
In traditional applications in soil physics it is convention to scale porous media properties, such as hydraulic conductivity, soil water diffusivity, and capillary head, with the gravitational acceleration. In addition, the Richards equation for water flux in partially saturated porous media also contains a gravity term. With the plans to develop plant habitats in space, such as in the International Space Station, it becomes necessary to evaluate these properties and this equation under conditions of microgravitational acceleration. This article develops models for microgravity steady state two-phase flow, as found in irrigation systems, that addresses critical design issues. Conventional dimensionless groups in two-phase mathematical models are scaled with gravity, which must be assigned a value of zero for microgravity modeling. The use of these conventional solutions in microgravity, therefore, is not possible. This article therefore introduces new dimensionless groups for two-phase models. The microgravity models introduced here determined that in addition to porous media properties, important design factors for microgravity systems include applied water potential and the ratio of inner to outer radii for cylindrical and spherical porous media systems.  相似文献   
Guglielmi Y  Mudry J 《Ground water》2001,39(5):696-701
The hydrodynamic behavior of fissured media relies on the relationships between a few very conductive fractures (channels) and the remaining low-conductivity fractures and matrix (blocks). We made a quantitative measurement of those relationships and their effect on water drainage and storage in a 19,000 m3 natural reservoir consisting of karstified limestones. This reservoir was artificially saturated with water by closing a water gate on the main outlet during a varying time (delta t) fixed by the operator. The water gate was completely or partly closed until the water pressure reached a particular specified value. If the water gate was left completely closed long enough, the water pressure was fixed by the elevation of temporary outlets at the site boundaries. The water elevation within the reservoir was monitored by means of pressure cells located on single fractures representative of the bedding plane and the two families of fractures of the massif network. The comparison of pressure variations with the network geometry allows us to identify a typical double permeability characterized by a few very conductive channels along 10 vertical faults. These channels limit blocks consisting of low-conductivity bedding planes and a rather impervious matrix. Depending on the closure interval, delta t, of the water gate, the total volume of water stored in the reservoir can vary from 0.8 m3 (delta t = 5 minutes) to 18.6 m3 (delta t = 2 days). Such a variance of storage versus closure time is explained by the reservoir's double permeability that is characterized by blocks that saturate much more slowly than channels. If plotted versus time, this injected volume fits a power relationship, according to the saturation state of the blocks. In less than 34 minutes, storage is close to zero in the blocks and to 1.6 to 2 m3 in the channels. For closing times shorter than 1 hour, only 1% of the volume that flows in the channels is stored into the blocks. Depending on the water pressure and for a given delta t = 3000 minutes, the volume of water stored is controlled by the geometry of the joint network and of the aquifer boundaries. Such an experiment shows that the flow is concentrated in about 10% of the fractured network (channels). The water storage that takes place in the 90% remaining fractures (blocks) depends mainly on time during which pressure remains high into the 10% channels. The accurate modeling of such typical double-permeability media needs a careful study of the geometry of the channels whose narrowings modify the flow and induce dam effects that maintain a high pressure gradient with surrounding blocks.  相似文献   
加州1992年兰德斯7.3级地震和1999年赫克托矿7.1级地震的接近和相似允许人们对触发地震的假设进行检验,而这在以前是不可能的。赫克托矿地震证实了对兰德斯地震所提出的推断:瞬时、振荡的“动态”形变以地震波的形式辐射,能触发地震活动速率的增加(Hill,et al,1993;Anderson,et al,1994;Gomberg and Bodin,1994;Spudich,et al,1995;Gomberg,1996;Gomberg and Davis,1996)。在本文中,我们对地震活动速率的空间和时间变化(Matthews and Reasenberg,1988)进行了量化。在兰德斯地震的北部地震活动速率增加,而对赫克托矿地震这种增加主要发生在震中以南。我们认为破裂方向性分别使兰德斯和赫克托矿断层的北方和南方动态形变提高,这可以由地震波速度场的不对称性得到证明。对于触发作用,动态和静态应力变化都很重要,距离较远处动态应力变化起主要作用。峰值波速证明了动态触发闽值的存在,并约束了动态触发闽值的范围。在大多数地区,这个阈值依赖当地的条件,从零点几到几MPa变化,超过静态闽值一个量级以上。在某些地点触发过程直到动态形变平息了之后才开始。这些观测现象的物理机制可能与导致液化和循环疲劳的机理相似。  相似文献   
分析用方程Q(t)=Q(t1) A1-A2(tf-t)^m[1 ccos(2πlog(tf-t)/p-φ)]来模拟强震前地震能量释放过程的一些条件,式中的Q(t)是在时间t以前所累积的“贝尼奥夫”总应变,tf是主震的时间,A1,A2,c,m,p,ψ都是模型的参数,Q(t1)是已知量(t1≤tf时)。表明在一定假定条件下幂指数m=α(2-d) 1。这里d是主震周围地震潜在震源群震中的尺寸,参数α决定着幂律。根据这个规律,地震时释放的地震能量和总能量的比值随地震的震级而变化。模型可用于分析实验研究岩石破裂释放声能的动力学,也适用于对堪察加一些强震前地震活动性的回溯性分析。  相似文献   
I INTRODUCTIONTurbulence models for single-phase fluid flows have been developed and widely applied in mechanical,aeronautical, environmental and hydraulic engineering, and other fields. The closure techniques for theReynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations for various levels of models including the simple turbulencemodel, one-equation turbulence model, k-s turbulence model and turbulence stress/flux model have beenverified to be physically reasonable and have acceptable accuracy in app…  相似文献   
我们比较了三分量台站测定NORESS台阵记录的短周期P型震相的方位角和慢度的能力。对于垂直台阵数据,可由宽频带频度-波数(f-k)分析得到方位角和慢度,而对于三分量数据,用偏振分析就可以了。使用从NORESS简报上获取的到时和优势频率,数据处理过程是自动化的。将取自NEIS或区域台网简报上的方位角和慢度的独立测值作为参考植。我们分析了多次地震,包括远震和近震。它们有着不同的距离和方位角,且信噪比(SNR)的取值范围很大。三分量台站测定方位角和慢度的能力关键是依赖于SNR。当SNR小于阈值(约2)时,方位角与慢度的测值离散性很大,而且对于远震事件的慢度估计过高。NORESS台阵结果也具有场地依从性。在考虑到的SNR值水平上,用宽频带f-k法获得的台阵测值受噪声的影响不大,而当SNR充分大时,两种方法相当,f-k法  相似文献   
llNTRODUCTIONIrrigationisimp0rtanttof00dpr0ducti0nthr0ughoutthew0rld.Irrigati0nisused0naboutl5theworld'scropland(KendalIandPimentel,l994)and5%ofthew0rld'sfoodproductionland,whichincludesrangelandandpermanentcr0pland(FAO,l998).However,irrigatedlandproducesmorethan30%ofthew0rld'sf0od(Tribe,1994),whichis2l/2timesasmuchperunitareacomparedt0n0n-irrigatedproducti0n(KendallandPimentel,1994).IntheUnitedStates,approximatelyl5theharvestedcr0plandisirrigated,butalmost40thet0talcr0pvalue…  相似文献   
地球内核相对于地幔差动旋转的第一个证据,来自地核震相差异走时异常30年变化的观测(Song and Richards,1996.地球内核差异旋转的地震学证据。Nature,382:221~224)。成双的远震的对照比较,对于测量这种差异走时以及检验它们的时间变化,提供了一种强有力的手段。与直接测量差异走时的方法不同,这一技术不需要有准确的地震定位。这一方法首先在认为无差异走时的成双的远震的例子中受到检验。这些检验使我们得以指出双远震方法在应用中可能遇到的困难,如极性反转。之后又在法国记录的汤加深震和阿拉斯加科利奇站(COL)记录的南桑德威奇群岛地震应用了这一方法。以上地震使Song和Richards提出了内核旋转的观点。对第一条路径我们没有发现时间的变化,这与以前的研究一致。对于南桑德威奇岛至科利奇的路径,成双的地震分析表明:在这一方法的分辨率内(大约0.05s)不能检测到PKP走时的显著时间变化。Song和Richards观测的残差变化是30年约0.3s,这在很大程度上可能归于震源的定位误差。因此,当前的地震学观测没有检测到内核的差异旋转,这是因为如果有差异,也小于目前地震学的检测能力,即小于0.2°/a。  相似文献   
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